My Goddess

Chapter 42 Friends

On Monday morning, Su Yifan ran to school as usual. After a weekend of torture, he no longer feels that running to school is painful, but very relaxed.

I have to admit that Euler's training is really effective, but in just two weeks, Su Yifan has felt like he has been reborn.

If you face a few more gangster young people or something, Su Yifan even has the confidence to put those people down.

Chen Xin also came to school, very low-key. I didn't follow the class or talk to anyone. I hid in the classroom alone and didn't go out.

In fact, few people knew about Chen Xin being beaten by Su Yifan. Chen Xin was surprised to find that Su Yifan did not preach everywhere or show off in front of her. As usual, Su Yifan normally ends class, greets people and walks around with an extracurricular book.

Su Yifan's eyes did not have Chen Xin and Chen Da Shao, which made Chen Xin even more angry.

When school was over at noon, Su Yifan was very busy. He didn't even respond to Li Peira's strange eyes and left the classroom directly.

Since he hit Chen Xin, Su Yifan feels that a guy like Li Peiran is simply not as good as a jumping clown.

Out of the classroom, Su Yifan took out his phone and was about to mute mode. He looked up and saw a familiar figure slowly walking out of the school.

Su Yifan wanted to go and say hello to Zhang Yao, but he felt that Zhang Yao would definitely blush and be embarrassed if there were too many people, and could only follow Zhang Yao like a metamorphosis.

At noon, the students at the school gate dispersed. Su Yifan was surprised to find that Zhang Yao had gone to the small supermarket next to the school to buy a loaf of bread.

Bread is the kind of stuffed bread whose packaging is very rough and the raw material is. Today, when prices are soaring, it is still only sold for 1.5 yuan.

After Zhang Yao bought such a bread, she tore open the greasy packaging paper and had to bite it.

Seeing this scene, Su Yifan was stunned and felt a little sad.

Zhang Yao, who wants to eat hard bread in the cold wind, looks so pitiful. What kind of life does she live?

Countless thoughts flashed in his heart, and Su Yifan quickly walked over and grabbed Zhang Yao's arm.

This is the first time in Su Yifan's life that he took the initiative to grab the girl's arm. In fact, he was very timid, but he still tried to catch it.

Zhang Yao instinctively struggled desperately and opened her mouth without shouting. Then she turned her head and saw Su Yifan.

Seeing that it was Su Yifan, Zhang Yao did not struggle. She looked at Su Yifan with a puzzled expression.

Su Yifan let go of Zhang Yao's hand and grabbed the bread in her hand. The oily skin outside the bread is black, and it doesn't look good.

"How can I eat this at noon?" Su Yifan unconsciously learned Su Xiao's tone of speaking and looked for Beach's car with his eyes, "Come with me at noon."

Zhang Yao stood still, staring at the bread in Su Yifan's hand and shaking her head blushed.

Su Yifan felt that Zhang Yao's current expression seemed to be a little aggrieved, but he still insisted, "Come with me."

Bitch's car was parked beside the two, and Su Yifan acted like a gangster flirting with good women at this time. This scene shocked Beach.

"Su, it turns out that you are such a person?"

Zhang Yao resisted and didn't work very hard. She was still pulled into Beach's car by Su Yifan.

Seeing the eyes staring at him in twos and threes around him, Su Yifan shook his head and laughed at himself: "Oh... I'm going to be regarded as a robbery woman."

Zhang Yao, who had been holding her little face, laughed when she heard Su Yifan's words and stopped struggling, allowing Su Yifan to push herself to the seat to do it.

"Go to dinner." Su Yifan said, "Is it okay to add one more person at noon?"

Bitch started the car without looking back.

"Of course no problem."

For Zhang Yao, all this is fresh, just like Su Yifan came to his temporary kitchen with Beach for the first time. Countless well-dressed handsome men and beautiful women in the office building filed out, and three people walked into the elevator against the crowd. Zhang Yao has been blushing and dare not look at Su Yifan or Biqi.

Since Zhang Yao got into the car, Beach has been laughing obscenely, and the characteristics of the middle-aged uncle finally showed.

Seeing such a well-looking uncle cooking for herself, Zhang Yao felt even more uneasy. Sitting in a chair and twisting around, he still didn't say a word.

Su Yifan explained to Beach, who was busy on the operating platform: "This is my classmate Zhang Yao, who is more introverted and doesn't like to talk."

Bitch turned around and said with a smile, "Actually, you don't have to tell me."

"satisfy your curiosity." Su Yifan is not timid at all in the face of others' ridicule now. "We are a little surprised to know each other, but Zhang Yao is my good friend."

Hearing Su Yifan say the word "good friend", Zhang Yao raised her head and quickly looked at Su Yifan.

Her eyes were full of surprise.

Su Yifan repeated Zhang Yao's surprised eyes.

"It's my good friend."

Bitch was stunned, put away his obscene smile and nodded, turned around and continued to work on the operating table.

"Is there anything to avoid?"

Su Yifan learned to be obedient this time and handed his mobile phone to Zhang Yao to type. Zhang Yao took her mobile phone and thought about it, shaking her head.

Bitch understood and laughed again, and it was still obscene.

The meal was very silent, because Zhang Yao did not say a word and sat down at the table next to Su Yifan. Only Su Yifan would raise her head when she greeted her.

Speaking of eating speed, Zhang Yao is not slower than Su Yifan, and she is not shy at all.

Su Yifan saw Zhang Yao pick up the dishes in front of him one by one, and couldn't help picking each plate into Zhang Yao's bowl.

Zhang Yao's face turned redder. She opened her mouth and maybe she wanted to say thank you, but finally she didn't say it.

"Eat more." Su Yifan tried his best to be natural. He knew that Zhang Yao had more psychological obstacles. "Anyway, if you don't eat Beach, you won't save things until tomorrow."

Zhang Yao bowed slightly to Beach, which should be regarded as an expression of gratitude for her.

"Talk less when eating." Beach has a good style as a nutritionist or chef. "I suggest you take a walk after dinner. If you think it's too cold, you should at least stand for a while."

Then Beach picked up a huge glass pot from behind like a magic: "You must drink juice every day."

After dinner, Su Yifan did not have to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. He sat on the chair and drank juice like an uncle. Instead, Zhang Yao cleverly ran over to help Beach wash the dishes and was driven away by Beach with a smile.

"The children are so good. But this is not your job, let me do it."

Zhang Yao could only return to Su Yifan and sit on the sofa to continue all kinds of uneasiness.

After dinner, Biqi sent Su Yifan back to school. At the school gate, Su Yifan whispered to Zhang Yao, who was still uneasy, "Look, now you also have my secret. Can you keep it secret for me?"

The uneasiness on Zhang Yao's face finally decreased, and she nodded to Su Yifan.

There is no doubt that Zhang Yao is a touching girl.

The weak girl has a protective impulse. Su Yifan never felt that he was a strong man, but he still said calmly to Zhang Yao, "Let's have dinner together tomorrow."

Hearing Su Yifan's words, Zhang Yao's expression was a little flustered for a moment.

Su Yifan looked at Zhang Yao quietly, and his eyes were extremely clear without any aggressive expression.

Zhang Yao secretly glanced at Su Yifan's clear eyes, timid and panicked, but finally nodded.

Su Yifan smiled at the girl and turned back to the classroom.



At the door of the classroom, Yang Bingbing was standing in the corridor window and looking downstairs. After Su Yifan's footsteps approached, she turned around.

"It's not easy to find you."

Su Yifan undoubtedly has more goodwill for Yang Bingbing. No matter what the purpose is, Yang Bingbing's maintenance of herself is always unforgettable. Su Yifan is occasionally surprised why such an outstanding boy can make Yang Bingbing look at him differently.

"What are you looking for?" After saying that, Su Yifan felt that his answer was too unfriendly and added an explanation, "I just went out for dinner."

"Can I come to you if you have nothing to do?" Yang Bingbing asked with a smile, "Aren't we friends?"

Friend again?

Su Yifan nodded with a wry smile: "You're right, we are friends."

"I also want to be fine when I come to you next time." Yang Bingbing smiled shyly, "But there is still something I need your help."

"You said." Su Yifan remembered that he once used Yang Bingbing's handbag to hide the evidence of beating. Of course, he would not refuse the other party's request.

"Although I know that this request is too much..." Yang Bingbing hesitated for a moment and saw someone in the classroom looking out the door. "Shall we say it another place?"

Now Su Yifan is much calmer than before. He made a gesture of invitation and walked out of the teaching building under the leadership of Yang Bingbing and walked to the other end of the playground.

At noon, there were also many people on the school playground, and many eyes were explored and full of curiosity.

- When did Yang Bingbing, a beautiful woman who has always been full of hostility to boys, actually walked side by side with boys on the playground?

The sunshine at noon is so bright that it still can't offset the harshness brought by the cold wind. Although the temperature is on the way up, the air is still cold from the inside out.

After a few steps, Yang Bingbing stopped and looked at the activity building in the distance and suddenly said to Su Yifan, "You are really a surprising person."

Su Yifan knew that he was talking about beating Chen Xin that night and didn't know how to answer.

Humility? That's too hypocritical.

Acknowledge? That's disgusting.

Su Yifan can only be silent.

Yang Bingbing didn't seem to want to get an answer from Su Yifan, and said quickly, "I heard that Mr. Wang can't win the award of excellent teachers this time. Do you know?"

Su Yifan stopped in surprise. He never thought that Yang Bingbing would discuss this topic with him.

Yang Bingbing didn't look at Su Yifan, but still said to herself, "She was too impulsive that Mr. Wang criticized you that day. It was because of that I stood up to speak for you. Unfortunately, I didn't expect that you were much better than I thought.


Yang Bingbing shook her head: "Don't explain, I know it's not necessarily what you mean. But I just hope to come and ask you not to embarrass Mr. Wang too much.

Su Yifan was surprised. He didn't expect Su Xiaoqing to do it to this extent. Even if he felt that he had the influence to change Su Xiaoqing's thoughts, he still instinctively felt that he should not agree to Yang Bingbing.

"I don't understand why you plead for Mr. Wang." Su Yifan could only bravely ask, "And I really don't know about this matter. It's absolutely beyond my ability."

Yang Bingbing looked straight at Su Yifan and whispered, "My reason is very simple... Since you have been treated unfairly, you should not put this power on others."

This is the first time that Yang Bingbing has spoken to herself in a serious tone. Su Yifan felt that she knew the girl in front of her.

Su Yifan realized that Yang Bingbing's pursuit of a certain attitude close to justice exceeded all his peers.


I heard that there seems to be three more today. Have a good weekend~