My Goddess

Chapter 48 The Vice President with Doubt

In addition to dealing with Euler's powerful training, Su Yifan spent most of the weekend watching various downloaded HD videos.

When it comes to the entertainment industry, Asia is just a child who tends to follow Europe and the United States. Although Su Yifan pays a lot of attention to this aspect, he has never really looked at it from the perspective of a participant. Now when he rewatching these live videos and news videos, he feels that the different perspectives are really different.

Many details that I didn't think about before are suddenly enlightened now.

China's star brokers operate mainly on commercial activities, and such a market has no reference value for Zhang Yao. Su Yifan felt that she should open up a new way for Zhang Yao with her current communication method, which would be conducive to her life development.

This is a natural sense of mission. Su Yifan felt that he should do his best for Zhang Yao's affairs, just at the moment when Zhang Yao told her biggest secret.

Su Yifan's absent-mindedness was easily discovered by Su Xiaoqing and asked him during lunch, "What are you worried about? Isn't it a smooth conversation with Zhang Yao?"

"It's smooth, but I'm always afraid that I can't do it well, which will hurt Zhang Yao." Su Yifan told the truth.

"What are you afraid of?" Su Xiao said calmly, "No matter what popular classic it is, it is just to show a person's inner world and then look for identity. I believe you and Zhang Yao can do a good job.

Su Yifan smiled bitterly: "Sister Qing, you really look up to me."

"Don't be afraid, it's not a big deal." Su Xiao said softly, "When it comes to the inner world, no one is worse than anyone else. It depends on how you behave."

Su Yifan nodded thoughtfully and finally stopped his frown and began to concentrate on eating.

After dinner, Su Xiaoqing threw a key to Su Yifan with a card with an address on it.

"Go and have a look when you are free, take Zhang Yao."

Su Yifan took the key and immediately felt that his responsibility was heavier. Of course, he wanted to get what Su Xiaoqing had prepared for himself. This feeling of nothing was frightening him.

Because the car has been returned to Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan has no other plans than to bring Zhang Yao to play Resident Evil 5 this weekend.

Zhang Yao showed amazing talent and courage in the face of horror games, and those pictures that could make Yang Bingbing scream were not lethal to her. Su Yifan watched Zhang Yao smash the zombies into pieces with a shotgun and ran through the bloody scene without changing his face.

Sure enough, everyone's inner world is different.



When Zhai Yufei called Chen Xin on the weekend, Chen Xin was drinking with her friends and holding a girl with heavy makeup.

The girl is the lead dancer pulled from the slow rocking bar of the Golden Tripod Century. Her waist is soft and her breasts are not small. In winter, wearing a turtleneck sweater still looks bulging, with a commercial smile on his face.

said to be a girl, actually a few years older than Chen Xin. The girl occasionally glanced at Chen Xin, who had been pretending to be deep in her smile, and there was still a trace of contempt in her eyes.

Chen Xin called her good buddy Huang Shao to come out for a drink. His depression could be seen by anyone, but Huang Shao would never take the initiative to ask Chen Xin what had happened.

This is the default rule in the circle, and you should never inquire about the other party's troubles before I speak. Huang Shao was vaguely aware of some of Chen Xin's recent troubles. Although few people witnessed the incident at Zhongjing International that night, the news from the police station was still spread later.

"Brother Huang, I heard that you have been busy recently?"

Chen Xin is young and shows great respect for Huang Shao. Brother Huang is very skilled in saying this. Although these rich second generation will not inquire about their privacy, this kind of business topic is not taboo.

Huang Shao is less than 20 years old this year, a little shorter than Chen Xin. He always has a faint smile on his unright face, which seems to be elegant.

Hearing Chen Xin's question, Huang Shao smiled and put down his glass.

"Actually, I won't hide this from you. Recently, a large gold mine was found on a mountain next to our city. Your brother and I don't have any other skills. I can't run through the procedures of the gold mine, and I can always do a little bit of transportation business.

Chen Xin was shocked when she heard the words: "I said why many people have been discussing the price of gold recently... So that's it. Congratulations to Brother Huang. This is a good business.

Huang Shao smiled concably: "It doesn't matter, otherwise this job will not be mine. It was made by a good friend of my father, so I will drink some soup with him.

Chen Xin shook her head with envy: "Brother Huang, you are so comfortable. Your old man is also assured of you. My father is always worried about me and won't do anything for me.

Huang Shao did not complain about Chen Xin. Huang Shao knows too well who Chen Xin is. It is a common problem of this kind of rich second generation. Chen Xin always said that she wanted to be independent. In fact, she is still a child who can't live without her father.

There is also a girl around Huang Shao, who is younger than the DJ held by Chen Xin. He leaned delicately against Huang Shao and fed Huang Shao from time to time.

Chen Xin held the wine glass and was a little dizzy.

The scene on Friday night was too exciting for Chen Xin. So far, Chen Xin still doesn't feel anything extraordinary about Su Yifan. He just can't figure out why the three beautiful women get on Su Yifan's car.

confessed to Cheng Shuixin, but was beaten by Su Yifan. This incident itself has made Chen Xin feel unbalanced, especially her father has to warn himself not to act rashly, and Chen Xin's psychology has become more and more unbalanced.

Now Chen Xin feels that she has no face to see Cheng Shuixin, at least before cleaning up Su Yifan.

It happened that Zhai Yufei's phone number arrived at this time.

"Chen Xin, where are you?"

Zhai Yufei did not use the honorific title this time, and his tone was still as calm as usual.

Chen Xin has drunk a lot of wine. Although she is not so clear-headed, she is still very excited: "Chairman Zhai? Let's have a drink together. I'm at 232 Hewei Road..."

"Wait, I'll come to you." Zhai Yufei hung up the phone after saying that.

232 Hewei Road is a private restaurant. Chen Xin and Huang Shao sit in the innermost private room for dinner. Chen Xin saw that Zhai Yufei hung up the phone and muttered "pretend" and looked up for another drink.

Who's phone number? My brother doesn't seem to be very happy.

Chen Xin put down his glass and burped: "The student president of our school, I think he looks down on me a little."

"Who dares to look down on you?" Huang Shao laughed and said, "Let him come. Our brother will give him a Ma Wei and let him know what a dogish student president is."

Chen Xinqiang smiled and did not answer. He felt that Zhai Yufei was not inferior to Huang Shao in momentum. This can't be said to Huang Shao.

Huang Shao looked at Chen Xin's depressed face and did not answer, and he felt slightly unhappy. Huang Di is a very open-looking person in the circle. Compared with him, Chen Xin can only see his family, and his connections are simply a mess.

Huang Di felt that although Chen Xin was not as good as herself, she was finally the same person as herself. If someone looks down on Chen Xin, it is equivalent to looking down on themselves.

He lowered his head and picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message. Huang Di raised his head with a bright smile on his face: "Well, let's not talk about these frustrating things, let's continue to drink!"

Chen Xinqiang touched the cup with Huang Shao several times, and his tongue finally became a little big.

Huang Di was about to continue shouting wine when someone knocked on the door.

"Is Chen Xin here?"

Huang Di, who was not drunk, narrowed her eyes and could hear that the sound was stable and full of strong taste.

This is Chen Xin's student president.

Chen Xin shook her head in confusion and stood up to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw Liang Fangfang standing behind Zhai Yufei, looking calmly at the people in the private room.

Huang Di sat in his seat and was about to speak. He caught a glimpse of Liang Fangfang standing behind Zhai Yufei and immediately stood up: "Miss Liang!"

Still wearing black-framed glasses, Liang Fangfang, who was expressionless, glanced at Huang Di and raised her chin and said "um", even if she had answered.

Huang Di seemed to have forgotten what he wanted to say just now to show Zhai Yufei, so he quickly walked to the door and greeted him: "Miss Liang, it's really surprising that I didn't expect to meet you here... Who is this?"

Liang Fangfang didn't say anything, but Zhai Yufei beside her smiled and stretched out her hand to Huang Di: "Hello, I'm Chen Xin's classmate. I have something to do with him."

Chen Xin's mind is not very clear. His tongue is a little earthy to greet Zhai Yufei: "Chairman Zhai... What's the matter with me?"

Zhai Yufei smiled and said, "It's not very convenient to talk here. Why don't we change places?"

Zhai Yufei's intention was of course to say that what he said to Chen Xin was not suitable for Huang Di to hear. Unexpectedly, Huang Di, who stood beside Chen Xin, nodded repeatedly and agreed as if he didn't understand.

"Yes, this place is too suitable for talking. Where are you going? I'll drive you there."

Huang Di's attentiveness was so obvious that even Chen Xin, who was a little dizzy, finally felt something was wrong.

Chen Xin tried to wake herself up, and then looked at Liang Fangfang, who was expressionless, as if she understood something.

What makes Huang Di behave so attentively? Chen Xin doesn't need to think that only people with better family background will be respected, which is the iron rule of the so-called high-end social circles.

The contrast between Liang Fangfang's coldness and Huang Di's enthusiasm was so sharp that Chen Xin realized that there were still many people she couldn't see through at all.

What on earth does this cold-faced girl who usually doesn't say anything do?

Zhai Yufei didn't seem to know anything about all this and didn't look at the girl sitting next to Chen Xin. He said to Chen Xin with a smile, "It's time for you to wake up."

Chen Xin, who was drunk, felt creepy.

Liang Fangfang's eyes still followed Zhai Yufei until Huang Di took his coat and patted the little girl's buttocks with his backhand, and suddenly frowned.

Huang Di caught this unhappiness and said to the little girl in a small voice, "I left a little in advance. You go home first."

The little girl pouted and silently put on her mink coat and went out first.

Liang Fangfang's eyebrows did not loosen. She looked at Huang Di and suddenly said, "It's disgusting."

Huang Di smiled awkwardly: "I laughed, but Miss Liang, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who abandons from beginning to end."

Zhai Yufei whispered beside him, "Fangfang, we don't care about other people's private lives."

Liang Fangfang heard Zhai Yufei's words and immediately nodded. She took a step back and no longer looked at Huang Di.

Huang Di couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. The president of the student union was much more powerful than he thought.

Liang Fangfang and Zhai Yufei did not drive when they went out. Huang Di became a driver without complaint and took several people to a secluded teahouse.

The name of the teahouse has only one word "he", which is a very popular name, and there is no strangeness.

When sending someone to the place, Huang Di was about to leave, but Zhai Yufei said with a smile, "If you have time, you might as well sit down together."

Huang Di couldn't help showing a little joy when he heard Zhai Yufei speak like this.

According to the level between the rich second generation, Huang Di knew that he could not enter Liang Fangfang's eyes even if he jumped up and down. Chairman Zhai in front of him obviously ate Liang Fangfang to death. If he could talk to Liang Fangfang through Zhai Yufei, he would definitely help him in the future.

"Chairman Zhai is so polite. Today we don't meet by chance. It's my honor to give my brother a chance to be a host." Huang Di spoke quite decently and no longer looked at Liang Fangfang's face.

Zhai Yufei smiled and stretched out his hand quietly, "Then I won't be polite."

Liang Fangfang followed Zhai Yufei with no expression on her face.

Sitting in the VIP room, Liang Fangfang naturally sat next to Zhai Yufei and took out a small folder from her handbag, regardless of what others looked at.

Zhai Yufei has long been used to Liang Fangfang's style. First, he was familiar with the pot of red robes, and then said to Chen Xin with a smile, "Drinking hurts the body. It's better to drink less."

Zhai Yufei's old-fashioned style made Chen Xin hum. Huang Di smiled and said, "Chairman Zhai is right. It's better for students to focus on their studies."

Zhai Yufei nodded and said, "Actually, I came today to talk to Chen Xin about this. Students, of course, it's better to focus on their studies.

Chen Xin is now relatively sober. She suddenly recognized the meaning of Zhai Yufei's words and stared at Zhai Yufei with wide eyes.

Zhai Yufei said with a smile, "What is the standard for students?"

Chen Xin is about to answer that the tea artist has come in to perform tea art for everyone. A group of people watched the tea artist finish the process and were silent. It was not until everyone took the cup that Huang Di waved to let the tea artist leave.

After drinking the first cup of tea, Zhai Yufei skillfully poured tea for everyone, which made him look particularly friendly, and the superior attitude just now suddenly disappeared.

After drinking the second cup of tea, Zhai Yufei opened his mouth leisurely.

"The standard for students is, of course, academics as the priority."

Chen Xin thought for a moment and immediately understood what Zhai Yufei wanted to say.

"Su Yifan's academic performance is average."

"And he has been very busy recently." Zhai Yufei said with a smile, "I'm too busy to review and deal with several beautiful women."

Zhai Yu smiled very naturally, which made Huang Di, who was watching, amazed. With this smile, it is fruitful to practice hundreds of times in the mirror.

"So today we will talk about whether the school and the student union should take compulsory measures to correct the problem if the community activities affect the study of some students."

Zhai Yufei put down the teacup and concluded lightly.


The red ticket is over 10,000! Thanks to the students who supported me, I have to work hard to turn over the book review area to write down all the names. I will give you a thank you list for the next update.

I also want to say that the story is very long and the typing is very hard. Thank you for your patience... I have been reviewing and trying to make the story better.

Today's two chapters are more than 4,000 words. Thank you for climbing away...