My Goddess

Chapter 68 A Parting

Before the school holiday, people's disretion is comparable to those private companies. Whether in the morning or between classes, you can hear countless topics about how to spend your vacation.

Cheng Shuixin will not ask him this question again because she knows Su Yifan's plan. President Cheng quickly organized a literary club activity and took the members of the literary club to sort out the office of the student union. The desk representing Zhai Yufei's authoritative position was moved to the school warehouse, and Cheng Shuixin paid for a round table and put it in the center of the office of the student union.

This behavior can be regarded as a provocation to Zhai Yufei, but no one will say anything more. Everyone knows that Su Yifan asked Zhai Fei to fulfill his promise. Although some people saw the video released that day and thought that Zhai Yufei's submission was another reason, it did not prevent everyone from looking at the problem in the way of success or failure.

Zhai Yufei showed concessions to the literary society, and of course the literary society can continue to enjoy the cool.

However, no one made fun of Su Yifan at this meeting. The performance of this ordinary classmate was more than many people imagined, and they were no longer qualified to laugh at this seemingly good guy.

After the office of the student union was arranged by Cheng Shuixin, it looked more like a student activity room than a bureaucratic office. Cheng Shuixin was very satisfied with her arrangement and arranged two recent activities of the literary society to let everyone write. The activities of the literary society before the long vacation came to an end.

Compared with the plainness of the school, Su Yifan went home and found that her mother Gu Ying was busy packing her luggage.

"Mom, there are still a few days before we start. Don't worry so much."

Su Yifan's face turned green. He found Gu Ying stuffing a kind of pickles of local specialties in his suitcase. Is he afraid that he has nothing to eat in the United States?

"How can you not prepare for such a long door?" Gu Ying didn't care about his son's protest at all. "I heard that the food in the United States is expensive. Don't always let others spend a little money."

Su Yifan can't explain to his mother. Su Xiaoqing can't wait to change a sky-high car a day. A meal is nothing to her.

"I, I can go there to eat McDonald's." After holding back for a long time, Su Yifan really couldn't find an excuse and simply played tricks on his mother, "American consumption is not as high as you think. Don't stuff pickles for me, okay?"

Gu Yingcai doesn't care: "You bring two bags, and your father also asked you to bring some specialties to your uncle."

Su Yifan was about to kneel down for his mother: "There is a weight limit for the plane to check the luggage."

"I know, the two pieces add up to 64 kilograms!" Gu Ying said with a smile, "It's impossible to stuff so much for you, but you can't carry 20 or 30 catties, can you?"

"...Mom, don't stop me. I'll go back to the house and cry for a while."

In addition to jumping at home, Su Xiaoqing has been busy sorting out his schedule these days. Sometimes he is so busy that he can only meet Su Yifan at noon, and then he doesn't know where he has gone.

Su Shen didn't give much advice to Su Yifan to go out. The only thing he said was to let Su Yifan walk around with his uncles in the United States and bring some photos back for himself.

Su Yifan promised himself, and he knew that his father Su Shen was an affectionate person. Since there are relatives overseas, I definitely want to contact them more.



With the last three days left in April, Su Yifan, who had finished lunch, was boringly turning over a mystery novel. Yang Bingbing actually walked directly into the classroom of Class 3 of the second year of high school and found a seat beside Su Yifan.

There are still many students in the classroom. Seeing Yang Bingbing sitting so naturally beside Su Yifan, they all turned their eyes to the two.

Su Yifan doesn't care about these onlookers. He has no strange thoughts in his heart, and others don't care about themselves.

Yang Bingbing's performance is more indifferent. She hasn't seen her in recent days, and her calm temperament has become more obvious.

"I heard that you are going far away?" Yang Bingbing came straight to the point.

Su Yifan nodded: "Actually, I didn't tell you after going there for a few days."

"Where are you going to the United States, New York?"

"It's New York." Su Yifan has confirmed his itinerary with Su Xiaoqing, "Go to a relative's company."

"If it's New York, can you bring something for me?"

Su Yifan was surprised. He originally guessed that Yang Bingbing should have a good family environment, but she seemed to have grown up in this city. How could she have anything to do with the United States?

"As long as I can do it, no problem."

Su Yifan's request to Yang Bingbing will not be refused. He has a good impression on this girl who took the initiative to withdraw from the student union because she adhered to her beliefs.

Yang Bingbing bent down to Su Yifan and pressed her back neck with her back hand. A necklace slipped from her chest.

"Please help me send this necklace to a place." Yang Bingbing stuffed the necklace in Su Yifan's hand, and there was her faint body temperature on the necklace. "I'll write the address to you, and you can give it to Mrs. Yang."

"Mrs. Yang?" Many strange thoughts came to Su Yifan's mind in an instant, "Your relatives?"

The necklace is not unusual from the chain, it's just platinum. When Su Yifan took the necklace, he felt that the pendant of the necklace seemed to be a big gem.

He looked down and took a closer look. The red light shot out of the center of the accumulated platinum chain and reflected on Su Yifan's face.

"This is..."

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "This is a ruby necklace. As you think, this necklace is very valuable. I just want it to be returned to its owner. No international express will take this business. Sorry to trouble you.

Even if Su Yifan would no longer be surprised by the material cost, he still couldn't help trembling with such a big ruby.

Yang Bingbing turned sideways, picked up the pen and paper on Su Yifan's desk, bowed her head and carefully wrote down the English address and zip code.

"That's it."

Su Yifan picked it up and read it, silently wrote it down, and then folded the note and put it in his wallet.

"I will deliver it for you."

Yang Bingbing's smile was very gratified: "Thank you, I know you are the most trustworthy."

"Don't be so polite, just raise your hand."

Yang Bingbing shook her head: "No, someone can trust is the happiest thing. Thank you for not asking me why.

"You won't say it when I ask, will you?"

"Maybe I can tell you later." Yang Bingbing stood up and said, "Then I'll go back first. When is your flight?"

"4:30 p.m. the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, have a safe journey."

Yang Bingbing left like this, leaving Su Yifan alone holding the ruby necklace in a daze.

In the evening, Su Yifan called Su Xiaoqing to talk about this matter. Su Xiaoqing was not surprised at all after hearing it, but just laughed and joked, "Isn't there any reward for helping beautiful women?"

Su Yifan said distressed, "Sister Qing, don't make fun of me. I just think her expression seemed to be very sad at that time. If she agreed, she would probably be happier."

"You are really a good person."

"Don't send me cards..." Su Yifan resisted weakly, "Do I want to bring gifts to uncles?"

"It doesn't matter." Su Xiaoqing comforted him, "Why are you so polite in the future?"

Su Yifan thought so and hung up the phone after saying a few words.

As soon as I put down my mobile phone, the bell rang again. Cheng Shuixin called.

"The plane at 4:30 p.m. the day after tomorrow?"

"How do you know?"

"The international flight in Binhai is only a few moments. If you go to the United States, you should take this one." Cheng Shuixin replied, "I'll see you off then."

Su Yifan didn't need it when he thought about it, and felt that he seemed to be looking forward to it in his heart, and his words turned to: "Okay..."

"Then have a good rest. You still have jet lag in the past."




Two days passed in a blink of an eye. At the moment of departure, Su Yifan, who had never felt anything before, became a little uneasy.

Su Xiaoqing packed up early to pick up Su Yifan, and Su Shen and Gu Ying also went to the airport to see him off. A group of people drove out of the city. When they arrived at the coastal airport in the suburbs, they saw the big clock in the center of the airport pointing to two o'clock in the afternoon.

There are still two and a half hours to take off. Su Xiaoqing bought first class again, so he doesn't have to squeeze with people. Su Shen and his wife took their son and began to keep telling him in the hall of international departure.

"You have to be obedient when you go there. Don't make trouble for your little sister."

"When you arrive in the United States, remember to call back to report that you are safe."

Su Shenzhi also secretly gave his son a MasterCard* and whispered, "Don't tell your mother, don't save money when you want to."

The couple said one by one, and then several people ran over and surrounded Su Yifan.

Gu Ying took a step back in surprise and looked at these girls who ran over. Where did Su Yifan know so many beautiful girls? Why is there still a foreign girl?

Cheng Shuixin rushed to the front and saw Su Yifan standing beside her parents. First, she nodded with a smile to Su Shen and Gu Ying.

"Good job, uncle and aunt, I'm Su Yifan's classmate."

Yang Bingbing followed Cheng Shuixin, walking slowly, and also nod to Su Yifan's parents.

"Hello, uncle, aunt. My name is Yang Bingbing, and I'm Su Yifan's classmate."

Nil followed: "Good uncle, auntie, I'm Su Yifan's classmate Nell."

Finally, it was Zhang Yao who trotled behind and saw Su Shen and Gu Ying, and opened her mouth very hard.

"How are uncles and aunts..."

This is the limit for Zhang Yao. Su Yifan was a little moved when he heard the mosquito humming much.

"Where's Zhang Chao?" Su Yifan saw a group of beautiful women, but he didn't see the best classmates in his school.

Cheng Shuixin whispered, "It seems that he has gone to compete with people."

"I said why this boy has ignored me recently..." Su Yifan stamped his feet and hated him, "When I come back, I will torture him to death."

Gu Ying no longer cares about his son and is almost dazzled in the face of a group of beautiful girls: "Are you here to send Xiaofan?"

Cheng Shuixin reacted the most decently on this occasion and replied with a smile, "Yes, auntie, you and uncle must have a lot to say to Su Yifan, right? We just came to say goodbye and go back later.

Gu Ying quickly said, "Don't worry, we have finished what we have to say. Your classmates should say a few more words."

After saying that, he also pulled Su Shen around him and asked Su Shen to step back a few steps away from her.

Su Xiaoqing held his coat in one hand and the suitcase in the other hand, smiling and watching this scene.


It's annoying to go to the airport, especially to see people off... It's too far from the city!