My Goddess

Chapter 91 It's hard to say a word

The sound of kebabs came from the kitchen, and the fragrance of meat spreads in the air. Yang Bingbing ate the barbecue rudely and reservedly, and two faint blushes appeared on her face with a silky classical atmosphere.

Su Yifan was also eating, occasionally looking up at Yang Bingbing and continuing to eat.

After the two silently eliminated 30 skewers of barbecue tendons and 20 skewers of lean meat skewers, they turned their attention to the grilled eggplant.

The huge purple eggplant is cut open and sprinkled with chili powder and garlic chopped green onion, and roasted into a light yellow over a charcoal fire. Both the taste and appearance are quite attractive.

Su Yifan motioned Yang Bingbing to move her chopsticks. Yang Bingbing hesitated for a moment, took out two tissues from her schoolbag and handed them to Su Yifan, so she carefully picked up a small piece of roasted eggplant and sent it to her mouth.

Su Yifan still thought for a moment to understand why Yang Bingbing had a trace of hesitation - there was garlic on the eggplant, and of course, girls had to consider their tone after eating.

Even so, Yang Bingbing still showed a boldness that did not match her appearance, which surprised Su Yifan.

After eliminating the roasted eggplant, the two of them picked up drinks at halftime. Yang Bingbing lowered her head and drank half a cup of juice and wiped her shiny lips with a tissue. Then she stared at Su Yifan and said, "Tell me about the process."

Since Yang Bingbing was ready to listen, Su Yifan began to talk about his trip to the United States without omission.

Su Yifan tried to simplify his description of Su Xiaoqing's problems. After all, Qing International was really too shocking to talk about in detail, but the first thing he thought of after going there was to see Mrs. Yang to deliver something.

When Yang Bingbing heard Su Yifan talk about his experience at the door of Yang's house, a rare look of disgust suddenly appeared on his face: "Wang Fang is still so annoying."

Su Yifan said that people who can make Yang Bingbing show such a disgusting expression must have better behavior at ordinary times.

Listening to Su Yifan continue to tell the details of his meeting with Mrs. Yang, Yang Bingbing's eyebrows have not been relaxed, and the expression on the girl's face with her eyebrows was solemn. Su Yifan tried to slow down the speed of his story, and still saw Yang Bingbing's eyes slowly droop, gradually giving birth to a little crystal.

So Su Yifan stopped talking and couldn't think of a good way. He could only grab the paper towel and hand it to Yang Bingbing.

After taking the paper towel, Yang Bingbing wiped her eyes, blinked at Su Yifan and asked, "What happened later?"

"Later" is an invincible golden sentence that can defeat all storytellers. In the face of these three invincible words, Su Yifan did not panic, but began to tell the conflict between himself and Gao Li, including the details of going to the Hermes store to buy gifts for everyone.

Speaking of this, Su Yifan took out the Hermes wallet box from his schoolbag and put the light milky white packaging box on the slightly oily dining table. The strong white was very similar to Yang Bingning's unbridable personality.

"I'll give it to you."

It is still Su Yifan's style, without any fancy language, or a surprise expression appeared on Yang Bingbing's face that should have been sad.

"This too expensive."

Yang Bingbing knows the real price of this wallet.

Even if she had been surrounded by countless more precious gifts, Yang Bingbing still felt unprecedentedly moved when she saw Su Yifan's small wallet box in front of her.

This kind of emotion has nothing to do with money.

"I've heard a story." Yang Bingbing put her hands on the box and whispered to Su Yifan, "There used to be a fox. It liked to play with tigers. After hunting, it gave him the leftover leg of sheep and so on. It was very happy. Later, the fox had to recover in the tree hole because of an accidental broken leg. The squirrel living in the tree ran to send food to the fox.

"The squirrel gave the fox some nuts. The fox didn't have enough to eat, so he complained, 'These things are not enough to stuff my teeth!' Do you know how the squirrel answers?

Su Yifan shook his head: "I don't know."

Yang Bingbing picked up the small box and held it between herself and Su Yifan.

"The squirrel said, 'The tiger gives you a leg of sheep, which is the leftover food it eats. I'll give you a handful of nuts, which is all I have. Thank you for your gift. This is the best gift I have ever received.

Su Yifan was stunned for a moment and said to Yang Bingbing with a smile, "This is also the best gift speech I have heard."

"Although it's valuable, I still accept it shamelessly." Yang Bingbing made a joke and carefully stuffed the wallet box into her schoolbag. "Go on, I've heard Gao Li, but I didn't expect you to meet him."

Su Yifan began to talk about the conflict between himself and Gao Li, as well as Mrs. Yang's phone call to meet him.

Hearing this, Yang Bingbing has understood: "If Mrs. Yang appears in front of Gao Li, he will definitely be scared to death, right?"

Su Yifan remembered what happened that day and had a little lingering fear: "At that time, a friend of Gao Li pointed a gun at me, and I was really going to be scared to death."

Yang Bingbing frowned, and her beautiful big eyes showed anger: "Gao Li is too much. Didn't Mrs. Yang punish him for you?"

Su Yifan realized that Yang Bingbing seemed to have a deep estrangement from her mother, and preferred to call her mother in the same way as Mrs. Yang.

"I punished. Later, Gao Li came to apologize to me and gave me a card."

Su Yifan took out the bank card and put it in front of Yang Bingbing: "There are 500,000 US dollars and RMB in it, which is a spiritual compensation for me at that time. I didn't want to accept it, but Sister Qing said that I deserved it, so I accepted it.

Yang Bingbing snorted angrily: "Gao Li dares to do that to you. It's right for him to compensate you."

"Actually, I knew Harvey didn't dare to shoot at that time." Su Yifan scratched his head, "But I'm still afraid. Human life is too fragile."

Yang Bingbing imagined that the situation at that time was also pale: "It's really too dangerous. Those people can do anything when they are excited."

"They should always consider the position of the light sister." Su Yifan is still very confident about Su Xiaoqing. "If you really shoot me, I think Sister Qing will be desperate to retaliate against them."

Yang Bingbing naturally knows that Su Xiaoqing is not as simple as it seems. Although she does not have much contact with the United States, her vision is still higher than that of many young people of the same age, and she also knows some business gossip.

If Su Xiaoqing thinks that this money should be taken by Su Yifan, it is what he should take. Yang Bingbing is very happy that Su Yifan can now face herself so frankly.

The topics in the barbecue restaurant are all chaotic, and the two student-like young people talk about nothing that will attract too much attention. In such a bragging occasion, even if someone says that he wants to acquire Microsoft, no one will care.

"If it hadn't been for Mrs. Yang, Gao Li would not have compensated me like this." Su Yifan said, "So this card should actually belong to you."

Hearing Su Yifan's words, Yang Bingbing finally smiled. This time, her smile was extremely happy, and there was no grudge in her smile.

"Don't give it to me, you deserve it." Yang Bingbing pointed to her head and made a gesture of shooting. "If someone points a gun at my head, I will also want a little compensation."

Seeing that Su Yifan was still looking at herself, Yang Bingbing lowered her eyes and whispered, "Besides, I won't ask for Mrs. Yang's money."


This makes Su Yifan not know what to say.

The two then began the second round of the battle. Yang Bingbing's appetite was better than Su Yifan expected. She not only tried almost all kinds of kebabs, but also grabbed some meat with Su Yifan.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Bingbing wiped her mouth with a napkin, and her spicy lips became more and more beautiful.

"It's so happy to eat like this."

Su Yifan almost blurted out: "If you want to eat, I'll bring you here anytime."

"Really?" Yang Bingbing blinked her eyes and stared at Su Yifan.

"Really." Su Yifan is serious.

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "Thank you, I'm much happier now. Tell me more about Mrs. Yang's second meeting with you.



After listening to Su Yifan tell the details of his second meeting with Mrs. Yang, Yang Bingbing's expression on her face was very calm.

Maybe it's because the past is too long, or maybe it's because she has grown up. Yang Bingbing showed her most mature side at this moment.

"Why did you tell me when you promised to keep it a secret for her?"

"Because you trust my friend the most, she is not."

Yang Bingbing smiled again, and the ice and snow on her face melted.

"Thank you, so that necklace is at your place now?"

Su Yifan nodded: "I asked Sister Qing to rent a bank safe for me and put it in it."

"I knew she wouldn't leave that necklace." Yang Bingbing said, "She is too familiar with me and has mastered your personality characteristics. She also knows that you will tell me all these words."

Su Yifan is not surprised: "I also know that, but I think you should know, no matter what purpose she is."

Because she didn't say that "she is also your mother anyway", Su Yifan was not refuted by Yang Bingbing.

"I'm sorry, I still got you involved." Yang Bingbing lowered her head and was a little sad. "I thought she wouldn't care about your existence, but I didn't expect that she would change me in all possible ways now."

Of course, Su Yifan also thought that Mrs. Yang just did herself a small favor, which had made her daughter feel guilty. For Yang Bingbing, who has a stubborn personality, nothing is more sad than this. Yang Bingbing can ignore any concern of Mrs. Yang, but she will not ignore Su Yifan's feelings.

Thinking that she had only met Mrs. Yang twice and spoke only a few words, the woman had mastered and taken advantage of her weaknesses and Yang Bingbing. Su Yifan couldn't help but feel that the way of thinking of adults is really different from that of his school students, full of indescribable subtlety.

"So whether you meet Gao Li or not, she will help you when you need it." Yang Bingbing sighed, "But this is my fault. I shouldn't let you meet that terrible woman."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Su Yifan asked Yang Bingbing's opinion.

Yang Bingbing was silent for a moment and looked up at Su Yifan.

"Why don't you be my boyfriend?"


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