My Goddess

Chapter 103 Very cruel

While Nell and Su Yifan were hiding in the attic, Yang Bingbing was walking down the stairs alone.

The long-established old-fashioned villa looks a little shabby from today's perspective, and the interior decoration is still gorgeous. The warm room was brightly lit, and Yang Bingbing's shadow dragged on the stairs and folded into different shapes.

The old Cai Qin's singing sounded in the villa, and the low female voice was diffused out by the heavy sound and slowly echoed in the air.

The stairs were covered with thick velvet blankets. Yang Bingbing did not make a sound when she came down. Her footsteps were very slow and firm.

In the living room downstairs, there is an old woman sitting, wearing a graceful old-style cheongsam, meticulously combed with silver silk and a pair of gold glasses, looking down at a photo album.

Memories are not the privilege of the elderly, but their favorite behavior. Yang Bingbing approached the old man, looked at the old man's fingers rubbing the photos in the album, and stopped.

The old woman slowly looked up, and her weather-beaten eyes looked extremely clear, looking at Yang Bingbing.

Yang Bingbing, who returned home, changed into a plain dress. She wore simple jeans and a white shirt with a clean ponytail, and even the bangs on her forehead were clean and refreshing.

Facing the old woman's eyes, Yang Bingbing lowered her head, stared at her toes wrapped in snow-white cotton socks and was silent for a moment, and slowly raised her head.

The old man's eyes were silent, and Yang Bingbing's answer was silent and firm.

After a moment of silence, the old woman sighed gently.

"I've thought about countless ice-breaking possibilities, but I didn't expect you to give up persistence for this kind of thing."

Yang Bingbing raised her head slightly, her beautiful little chin raised, and her eyes were full of her usual stubbornness.

"Grandma, isn't this the result everyone wants?"

"Stupid girl, of course not everyone hopes so." Seeing Yang Bingbing's stubborn side, grandma's eyes suddenly softened, "I just hope you can go on according to your own ideas."

Yang Bingbing took a deep breath and lowered her head to her grandmother.

"I'm sorry, grandma, I'm too wayward."

"Silly boy, why are you telling me these?" The old man's tone was surprisingly kind, "I'm just worried about how much pressure that child will be in the future if he is valued so much by you."

Yang Bingbing blushed rarely and stamped her feet to protest, "Grandma, we are just friends!"

"Yes, friends who can make you give up your principles." Grandma looked up and down at Yang Bingbing with a smile, "I'm curious about what magic that child can make you value so much."

Yang Bingbing walked to her grandmother, slowly bent down and squatted down, deliberately not to watch the album: "Grandma, I don't know what to say, but I believe he is a trustworthy person."

Grandma smiled silently: "Really? Do you want to believe him all the time?"

"I don't know." Yang Bingbing shook her head, "This trust may last until the day he disappoints me, right? But I don't think he will. He is not the kind of person who will take the initiative to hurt others.

Grandma patted the back of her granddaughter's hand and whispered, "Son, how many people in the world really want to take the initiative to hurt others?"

Yang Bingbing remembered what she was going to do today, bit her lip and said, "I've met a lot recently."

"Is that why you are so angry?" Grandma touched Yang Bingbing's head, "If this can make you happy, you can do it."

Yang Bingbing nodded, gently rubbed the back of her grandmother's hand, stood up and walked out of the villa.

At night, this old-style villa area is almost silent, and few people can see faint starlight in the community. The starry sky covered by the light pollution of the city is not very attractive to young people. Yang Bingbing walked along the road from the door of the villa alone, looked up at the dim sky and pressed the dial button of the phone in her hand.

The phone was quickly dialed, and the person on the other side of the phone and Yang Bingbing did not speak.

The two sides were silent together for a few seconds, so that both sides could hear each other's breathing.

In the end, the people over there broke the silence.


Holding the phone and hearing the sound over there, Yang Bingbing's tears flowed down silently.

There are only two drops.

Soon Yang Bingbing controlled her emotions and responded faintly to the phone.

"Mrs. Yang."

Although it is a very strange name, it is enough to surprise Mrs. Yang on the phone. After all, this is the first time in many years that Yang Bingbing took the initiative to call her.


No matter how graceful she is in the face of outsiders, Mrs. Yang's wisdom and demeanor in front of her daughter seem to be not enough, and her IQ drops by 90% in an instant.

Yang Bingbing calmed down and decided to go straight to the topic: "Someone suggested that I contact you, so I called you."

"Su Yifan?" Mrs. Yang thought of the teenager in an instant.

"It's him." Yang Bingbing said, "Yesterday he talked to me about you, and then on the way back, he caused a little trouble because of me."

Mrs. Yang is not used to talking to her daughter like this, but she understands Yang Bingbing's meaning.

Who did it? What do you want me to do?"

Yang Bingbing said rudely, "That man was attacked this afternoon and is now in the hospital. I want him to suffer a little more."

Although she was still excited, Mrs. Yang smiled and felt that her daughter had her own style in some aspects.

"Is the person already lying in the hospital? Bingbing, won't it be too cruel to do this?

Yang Bingbing bit her lip and replied, "No, this is a righteous punishment."

Mrs Yang's mood was a little more relaxed than before. When she answered the phone just now, she was sure that no matter how unreasonable her daughter's request was, she would agree, but she didn't expect it to be such a small thing.

"Actually, you don't have to discuss this with me at all." Mrs. Yang said, "You know who you can contact around, and they can help you solve this problem."

"I said, it was Su Yifan who suggested that I contact you." Yang Bingbing said, "This is his suggestion, and I will listen to him."

Mrs. Yang didn't expect Su Yifan to have such a great influence on her daughter, and she couldn't help but feel a regret. But this regret quickly flashed, and Yang Bingbing could take the initiative to talk to herself, which was better than anything else.

"Forget it, I'll deal with this matter." Mrs. Yang said, "I'll give you the result tonight. Now let's say something else, Bingbing, how have you been recently..."

After finishing the extremely unaccustomed greetings with her mother, Yang Bingbing stood still and hesitated for a while, trying to call the phone number, but finally she did not press it and turned back to the villa.

This night is no different from any previous night, but it still seems to be a little different.


When Luma woke up in the downtown hospital, she found that she had plaster on her shoulder and left arm, and her face was also in hot pain. She didn't know what the handsome face looked like.

At the moment when her memory was knocked down in the bar, Luma couldn't believe that she was beaten like this.

Even if you don't say anything with others, it's not so ruthless!

The depression and anger in her heart could not be vented. After Lu Ma shouted a few times, someone finally walked into the ward.

The person who came in is a man in his fifties, with a slightly bald head, a serious and depressing face, slightly thin figure, wearing a work jacket, and nothing outstanding anywhere.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Lu Ma's cry immediately stopped.


The person who came is Lu Ma's father Lu Xinhong.

Lu Xinhong saw her son's appearance and shook her head with a straight face.

"Isn't it shameful enough?"

Lu Ma sat depressed** and did not dare to look at her father's eyes.

Lu Xinhong pointed out of the door and said, "Whether it's your friends or younger brothers, I have arranged it and paid for the soup. You have to explain this to me in detail today. Who are you messing with?

In terms of knowledge and social experience, Lu Xinhong is at least 100 times richer than Lu Ma. Lu Xinhong shuddered at the thought of having such a person who could knock down a group of people without even real people.

Even if you provoke such a person, you will be worried, not to mention your own son?

Although Lu Ma caused a lot of trouble, after all, Lu Xinhong can't ignore it because he is his own son.

I have asked those little brothers about the whole incident. Lu Xinhong, who has been in contact with some rich people all year round, is very clear that if she wants to find such a person to deal with her son, the other party is much more energetic than herself.

What that man did to Lu Ma can only be regarded as a small punishment. If it is real, Lu Xinhong doesn't even think she can see her living son.

Under her father's burning eyes, Lu Ma told the story of her attack in detail, and did not dare to exaggerate or hide it. By the way, Lu Ma also talked about the conflict with Su Yifan the day before and the school gate at noon.

Lu Xinhong was almost mad after hearing this. He knew that Lu Ma was messing around outside, but he didn't expect this boy to be such a bastard.

"You are really good at running to the school gate to block the door. Do you really think I can help you deal with everything?" Lu Xinhong couldn't help roaring in the special nursing ward, "Binhai City can't install you, can it? Get out of the United States tomorrow, and you won't come back for five years!"

Hearing this, Lu Ma's face turned green, regardless of the pain in her shoulder. She climbed out of bed and knelt down in front of Lu Xinhong: "Dad, I was wrong! I know it's wrong!"

"You know what's wrong!" Lu Xinhong said angrily, but when he saw his son kneeling on the ground, he still couldn't bear to change another topic, "Do you think the arrogant female student found the man who attacked you today?"

"It shouldn't be." Lu Ma's mind is still clear, "If she has this ability, I don't have a chance to get along with that boy at all."

Lu Xinhong said that "people are not good-looking", and in fact, he also quite agrees with Lu Ma's view.

The father and son were still guessing who could be unfavorable to Lu Ma, and the door of the intensive care unit was pushed open.

Lu Xinhong felt a bad feeling in her heart. She turned around and saw a group of big men rushing in.

"What are you going to do?"

Just like the worst underworld movies, these men in the same clothes quickly divided into several groups. Four men grabbed Lu Xinhong, and the rest dragged Lu Ma out of bed.

"Brother, there is something to say, there is something to say!" Lu Xinhong knew that the situation was not good, so she quickly softened, "What can we discuss? Brothers, tell me the number, and I'll admit it!"

No one listened to Lu Xinhong's words. Four people grabbed Lu Xinhong and faced Lu Ma, while others began to punch and kick the injured Lu Ma.

Lu Ma, who died in pain, suddenly felt that there seemed to be a lot of people in the world who were more ruthless than herself...


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