My Goddess

Chapter 105 Mutual Thoughts

Before he walked out of the school gate, Su Yifan received a phone call from Su Xiaoqing to find Su Yifan for dinner and asked Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin to accompany him.

Su Yifan had no choice but to call Yang Bingbing first and wait for her at the school gate.

Many people are used to Su Yifan always having girls waiting after school. Now they are not in the mood to sigh when they see Su Yifan leaving accompanied by Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing.

Yang Bingbing will not refuse Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing's invitation. Even if she sees Cheng Shuixin, her expression is still relaxed.

Cheng Shuixin's expression was unnatural when she saw Yang Bingbing for a moment. She had heard about Lu Ma's tragic experience today. Whether in the bar or in the hospital, at least one of these two times should be Yang Bingbing's hand.

Children who can directly resort to violence are more terrible. No matter how mature and firm Cheng Shuixin is, she is just a female high school student. When she sees Yang Bingbing, she can't help thinking more.

Yang Bingbing smiled at Cheng Shuixin kindly and said nothing more.

Su Xiaoqing drove a very low-key BMW to pick up the three people for dinner. Generally, when she made a decision, everyone didn't have to worry about what to eat. In the western restaurant that Cheng Shuixin once marveled, four people sat on a square table in the center, all of which seemed quite silent.

Before Su Xiaoqing came, Su Yifan texted her very carefully, making her pretend not to know Yang Bingbing's true identity. Su Xiao agreed happily, and then replied to Su Yifan's meaningful words.

"Don't underestimate girls' IQ."

Su Yifan, who saw this sentence, had to admit that Su Xiaoqing was right. Yang Bingbing is also a very careful person. She should be aware of Su Xiaoqing's identity.

Because Yang Bingbing is here, Cheng Shuixin does not joke as unscrupulously as usual. Yang Bingbing also behaved very reservedly, with a lot of smiles on her face and didn't talk much.

Su Xiaoqing didn't care about this kind of scene at all. While waiting for the meal, he asked Su Yifan, "I really want people to do it?"

Su Yifan, who usually hesitated a little, did not hesitate this time and nodded.

Su Xiaoqing picked up the phone and sent a text message.

Yang Bingbing guessed what was and looked at Su Xiaoqing with a little surprise.

Cheng Shuixin also guessed and covered her mouth in shock.

Su Xiaoqing left the phone on the table: "Don't worry. I'll solve anything."

"Let me solve it." Su Yifan said to Su Xiaoqing, "Sister Qing, I can't live under your protection all the time."

"Don't care about this." Su Xiaoqing said, "It's not even a small wave in the long river of life."

Cheng Shuixin suddenly found that she still didn't know much about Su Xiaoqing, just like she didn't know Yang Bingbing. These girls have a more terrible and wider world in their hearts, which she has never thought of before.

Seeing Cheng Shuixin's meditation, Su Xiaoqing seemed to have guessed what she was thinking and said with a smile, "The real world is really helpless, isn't it?"

Cheng Shuixin nodded thoughtfully.

The four people ate this meal quickly. Although the two girls were familiar with Western food etiquette, they still accompanied Su Yifan unruly. Su Yifan eats very fast, and this matter has been said countless times by Beach, but it has not changed.

Su Xiaoqing joked: "Eating so fast, are you in a hurry to go on a date?"

Su Yifan, who was still fighting with the steak, paused for a moment and looked at Cheng Shuixin with a little embarrassment.

Cheng Shuixin smiled generously: "Work date, come together?"

Su Xiao gently wiped his mouth: "I'm not a light bulb. Bingbing, are you going?"

Yang Bingbing raised the knife and fork in her hand: "I'm not interested. Sister Qing will take me home later."

Su Xiao tapped his head and said, "Okay, it's my honor to send beautiful women."

Su Yifan kindly reminded: "Sister Qing, don't take her to public places. The probability of being accosted is 100%."

Cheng Shuixin doesn't want to show surprise. Su Yifan has begun to make such a joke?

Yang Bingbing blushed a little embarrassed. Whether it was Zhai Yufei or Lu Ma, she knew that she had caused no less trouble than Cheng Shuixin.

After dinner, Su Xiaoqing's black BMW went away, and Su Yifan turned around to ask for Cheng Shuixin's opinion.

"Go away?"


The weather in May is already very warm, and there are many pedestrians on the road at night. The vitality of the city was infinitely expanded at this moment, and Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin were integrated into the flow of people side by side.

"What do you want to say to me?" Su Yifan is now used to taking the initiative to ask questions, which is in great contrast to the previous one.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Cheng Shuixin habitually handed the schoolbag to Su Yifan and asked him to help carry it. "I have been running in with Zhang Yao for a few days and thought of a promotion plan about her."

Su Yifan hung both schoolbags on his shoulders: "I hope to hear more about it."

Cheng Shuixin's expression became serious. Once she entered the working state, she became another person and began to analyze for Su Yifan.

"Zhang Yao's voice, skills and feelings are not mentioned, so we don't have to worry about this problem. The biggest question now is to give her a foothold and where to start. I don't know what Zhang Yao will develop in the end, but I think our starting point should start from school.

Su Yifan raised his eyebrows, which almost coincided with what he thought.

"I agree with this view, but if it is promoted in school, it will bring pressure to Zhang Yao, right?"

Cheng Shuixin looked at Su Yifan with a smile: "It's really a good senior with pity for Xiangxiyu... Since it comes to the main fight of the school, I must have carefully considered these issues. Starting from the school radio station, we can go to other schools to do work and publicity, and then Zhang Yao herself does not have to show up, but appears as a somewhat mysterious campus singer to increase exposure.

"Let fans arise naturally?" Su Yifan easily understood Cheng Shuixin's idea, "Then promote the activity of fans looking for idols?"

"That's very late." Cheng Shuixin said, "At least the local radio station should start to pay attention to this sound."

Su Yifan has to admit that Cheng Shuixin does have an incomparable talent in this regard. Su Yifan has recently thought a lot about publicity, read a lot of information, and finally came to a conclusion similar to Cheng Shuixin.

And Cheng Shuixin probably didn't do much homework, but thought of this method based on her familiarity with the campus environment and her understanding of the publicity of some literary and artistic activities.

Su Yifan felt that Cheng Shuixin was more suitable than himself to lead Zhang Yao to success. He simply asked directly, "Can I leave this matter to you?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled: "What? Do you want to be a shopkeeper?"

Su Yifan said honestly, "I think you are more suitable for this than me. And you have much more experience in dealing with troubles than me. If Zhang Yao is with your company, I believe I can go further and better.

"Fearing is ineffective." Cheng Shuixin smiled brightly, "But since the big boss has said something, I will definitely try my best."

Su Yifan hurriedly said, "We will study the reward later."

"No pay." Cheng Shuixin waved her hand, "I also hope to see where Zhang Yao can go. We don't have much experience, but we are afraid of delaying her and not giving her the best.

"The reward must be given, and you can't be busy in vain." Su Yifan insisted that he had seen it, "Have you talked to Zhang Yao about this?"

"She said it once or twice, but she didn't object much." Cheng Shuixin said, "But Zhang Yao still believes in you. There are some things you need to communicate with her."

Su Yifan thought of the chick-like girl and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll talk to her sometime."

Cheng Shuixin smiled again: "Are you busy chatting with beautiful women every day?"

Su Yifan immediately surrendered speechlessly.

The two walked through the night and the flow of people to the secret base. Here are also some things brought back from the United States by Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing, which are quite conspicuous in the corner of the living room. Cheng Shuixin changed her slippers and didn't look at these things. She trotted all the way to the kitchen to get coffee.

Su Yifan sat on the sofa and enjoyed Cheng Shuixin's figure, which was more relaxed than ever.

Not long after, Cheng Shuixin came out with a coffee pot: "Let's take a look at my craftsmanship. I have made progress recently."

Su Yifan thanked and praised Cheng Shuixin and began to tell her about his experience of drinking coffee in the United States. Cheng Shuixin sat on the sofa with a coffee cup and listened quietly, smiling from time to time.

This quiet and warm feeling made Su Yifan feel that it would be good if time could really stop.

After drinking the first cup of coffee, Su Yifan stretched out and said to Cheng Shuixin, "You should pay more attention to Zhang Yao. Take a plan and discuss it. But before that, we will still study your salary.

Cheng Shuixin shook her head: "The income from writing lyrics is far beyond my imagination. If you give me more, it will only make me inflated. I don't accept remuneration not because I'm not short of money, but because I don't need money to prove myself. Besides, what we are going to do next requires a lot of money. You can't waste it like this.

Su Yifan shook his head: "Zhang Yao also has to get paid, so it's not up to let you do white work."

Cheng Shuixin smiled and poured another cup of coffee for Su Yifan: "Then try it for a few months first, and then talk about the wages after the three-month trial period."

Su Yifan stared into Cheng Shuixin's eyes for a few seconds and found that Cheng Shuixin's eyes were also full of firmness, and he no longer insisted.

"Oc, it's up to you."

"You can't be a big boss like this." Cheng Shuixin joked, "You are so easy to talk to."

Su Yifan scratched his head: "Who should I share with..."

Neither of them drank the second cup of coffee. Looking at the curling heat, Cheng Shuixin asked, "Do you think you have something to tell me?"

"You said that too."

"Oh, it's nothing about you." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "I also want to tell you all the things I heard about Lu Ma, which are no longer needed now."

Su Yifan felt a heartfelt move. Cheng Shuixin's ability to care about herself so much has far exceeded his original estimate.

From the current situation, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing to change yourself?

"I have an idea and want to discuss it with you." Su Yifan doesn't hesitate to speak to Cheng Shuixin now, and his attitude is very natural.

Cheng Shuixin showed an expectant expression and waited for Su Yifan to continue talking.

Su Yifan took a deep breath and said to Cheng Shuixin, "This idea came out on the way back to China. I want to make a game."