My Goddess

Chapter 106 So-called Support Rate

Cheng Shuixin is not surprised at all. Nowadays, few high school boys don't like to play video games. Since Su Yifan can think of paying hundreds of dollars for a song he wrote, it is not surprising that he wants to play a game.

It's strange why Su Yifan told himself about this first.

"Have you discussed it with Sister Qing?"

"Not yet." Su Yifan said, "Actually, this has always been a dream, and I'm not embarrassed to tell others. I want to be the first to say to you.

Cheng Shuixin could hear the weight of this sentence, but she did not blush or shrink. Instead, she asked in front of Su Yifan's eyes, "Once you start to do something, you must do your best. Have you thought about it?"

"I've already figured it out." Su Yifan said, "I have an idea. It may be technically complicated, but I want to try it."

Cheng Shuixin raised his coffee cup: "Since you have made up your mind, try to do it well. If there is anything you need me, just tell me, and I will do my best to help you, not polite.

Su Yifan also raised the coffee cup, and the two swayed in the air and took a sip.

"Can you tell me more about your thoughts?"

"Well, keep it a secret for me." Su Yifan said, "I've been playing games on my iPhone recently, and I think most games have a good idea of using touch screens, but this is not new. Nintendo's game console NDS also has a touch screen and has a higher utilization rate. These games on Apple Phone can only be said to be entry-level mini-games, and there is not much exciting novelty.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "So you have a better idea?"

Su Yifan nodded: "Well... I want to use another function of the mobile phone to combine with touch to make a game."

After a pause, Su Yifan explained, "Actually, I didn't come up with this idea myself. I watched the video of E3 a few days ago, and Microsoft and Sony are studying this technology. However, their games can't be as light as mobile games, which is more troublesome to play.

As a fashionable girl on the Internet, Cheng Shuixin knows much more about video games than Su Yifan's imagination. She even broke Su Yifan's inspiration: "You mean EyeToy and Kinect?"

Su Yifan was really surprised this time: "Do you know?"

"Of course." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Do I also watch the news?"

"But how can you watch the promotional video of E3?"

"Because the head of Microsoft's entertainment department is more handsome."


"You want to use the camera and touch screen, right?" Cheng Shuixin was really unmatched in talking about work. She immediately guessed Su Yifan's idea, "The words of the camera...AR reality?"

Su Yifan is about to worship Cheng Shuixin. He really doesn't understand why such a beautiful girl cares about so many things that may have nothing to do with her life. Maybe the pursuit of freshness is really an irresistible pleasure? Cheng Shuixin's knowledge has far exceeded the scope of girls that normal boys can understand.

"It's not AR reality, but it's similar to that." Su Yifan explained, "I took a look at the game on Apple's phone now and think we can make a simple entertainment game that needs to use the camera."

Cheng Shuixin's eyes lit up: "Do you already have a complete idea in your heart?"

"Yes." Su Yifan did not deny, "I want to make a game with a little edge ball. Will you despise me?"

Cheng Shuixin doesn't need to explain what the edge ball means. Cheng Shuixin's long experience of wandering on the Internet made Cheng Shuixin suddenly understand Su Yifan's thoughts.

"Come and listen."

Su Yifan nodded, took out a notebook from the coffee table and drew it for Cheng Shuixin.

"You see, this is a hand, this is the screen, this is the touch screen, and the back is the camera."

Cheng Shuixin looked at it very seriously, but still complained, "You just need to take your phone as a demonstration."

Su Yifan smiled and continued to draw a hand holding the mobile phone around the mobile phone, with his thumb on the touch screen.

"This is a touch game, which can affect the surface of the game screen."

Then Su Yifan drew another hand and aimed at the camera directly below the mobile phone.

"This is the part that uses the camera to go deep into the inside of the game."

Cheng Shuixin's eyes lit up in an instant.

"Deep into the game?"

"Yes, a deeper interaction." Su Yifan said, "Since you can achieve AR reality, it should not be difficult to use the camera to locate your fingers and let your fingers enter the game."

Cheng Shuixin's thinking speed was so fast that she immediately thought of Su Yifan's idea and asked excitedly, "Can a camera positioning be so accurate?"

"You don't need to be too precise." Su Yifan said, "You can increase accuracy by adjusting your fingers and mobile phones, and this is entertainment, not work."

Cheng Shuixin couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone from Su Yifan's pocket, held it in his left hand, and pointed the camera at his snow-white and slender right finger.

Su Yifan didn't expect that Cheng Shuixin and herself would not avoid suspicion so much. She let her touch her pocket with her little hand and finally took out her mobile phone. Su Yifan is a little itchy in this process...

"How about this idea?"

"Not bad!" Cheng Shuixin's praise was sincere, "But what kind of edge ball game are you going to do?"

"Paper doll game." Su Yifan said with a little embarrassment, "You can use the touch screen to change clothes for some characters, and you can also pull off coats and lift skirts with your fingers..."


Cheng Shuixin was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud: "Are all you boys so indewd?"

Su Yifan was no longer embarrassed to face Cheng Shuixin and scratched his head and said, "I think this is the most intuitive and can make people want to buy..."

Cheng Shuixin has to admit that Su Yifan is right. This technology can't do more complex games, and games that can lift girls' skirts and pull off little boys' coats are undoubtedly very attractive to both sex users.

As a game enthusiast who actually knows some technology, Cheng Shuixin asked Su Yifan some detailed questions, which were answered by Su Yifan one by one.

In fact, Su Yifan was embarrassed to say that this idea came up after seeing the beautiful stewardess's uniform on the plane... On the plane, Su Yifan played mobile games in flight mode for a long time, and saw the beautiful stewardess. This idea came up when he planned to secretly take two pictures with his mobile phone.

"Only you know now. I hope you can help me keep it a secret for a day." Su Yifan said his thoughts in one breath and told Cheng Shuixin again.

Cheng Shuixin nodded: "Don't worry, I won't talk to anyone - thank you for believing in me."

Su Yifan smiled and didn't say anything.

Cheng Shuixin's expression turned serious again: "But as a friend, I still want to remind you that there are too many people with ideas and creativity now. Your idea is definitely the latest and best now, but if you don't act quickly, it may be settled in a few months. So I hope you can implement your ideas and make the game as soon as possible.

"I know." Su Yifan said, "After telling you today, I want to find time to implement this matter."

Cheng Shuixin put away the coffee cup with a smile and went into the kitchen to wash the coffee pot: "Then I'm looking forward to seeing your work on the appstore?"

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin's seductive back and replied seriously, "I will definitely work hard."


No matter how unhappy Li Peiran is, Cheng Shuixin still joined the charity sale and became the first member of Su Yifan's group.

The effect of Cheng Shuixin's addition naturally proves that Su Yifan can invite this beauty, and there are also negative effects, that is, many girls who are hesitant to participate have retreated.

So Su Yifan's group now has only three people, namely Su Yifan himself, Cheng Shuixin and foreign friend Nell.

Su Yifan did not take the initiative to find someone to join. After all, everything is voluntary.

At noon, Lin Lu, the deputy monitor, asked to join, so the group had become four people.

After a day of inner pain and struggle, Li Peiran took the initiative to find Su Yifan in the afternoon and recommended himself to be the deputy team leader. Su Yifan did not refuse, but politely thanked the monitor for his support.

There are five people in Su Yifan's group, which was not favored, but no one signed up for the last candidate. Su Yifan is still not in a hurry.

"Anyway, there is still a long time left. Let's do what we can do first." Su Yifan's attitude was very helpless, "Cheng Shuixin, work harder, ask for auction items next Monday, and register them if they are reliable. We try our best to estimate a specific number before the charity sale, and if it is not enough, the people in our group will think of a way.

Lin Lu appreciated Su Yifan's cheerful style of doing things: "This is good. Cheng Shuixin and I are half responsible for it. It's too hard for her to do it alone."

Cheng Shuixin nodded with a smile. Most of the time, she is still the proud and smart talented woman.

Li Peiran has nothing to add, so he can only hypocritically say, "I'll find out what other classes have done. I know my enemy."

Su Yifan didn't say anything about love and not looking at the numbers this time. He agreed with it with a smile, "Then it's hard for you, monitor."

Nil, who has nothing to do, asked, "Su, what can I do?"

Su Yifan looked at this coolly dressed blonde girl and said with a smile, "You will be useful on the day of the auction, Kanban girl."

Although Nell's Chinese is good, she is not yet able to understand the three words "Kanban Niang". The appearance full of question marks made everyone laugh out loud, and she spit out her tongue and smiled.

Li Peiran looks very uncomfortable next to him. How can Su Yifan get along so well with these girls? Why?

The charity sale is quite a big thing on high school campus. Although Su Yifan doesn't pay much attention to it, the intensiveness of other classes is not ambiguous at all. It is said that some classes have begun to fight for wealth because of donating goods, which is really fun to fight with others.

A temporary charity group formed before school held a short meeting to study what everyone should take the lead in donating. Li Peiran said that he planned to donate an aircraft model toy, according to the current market price of more than 3,000 yuan.

For high school students, this kind of handwriting is not small. However, the audience of aircraft models is very small, and it is still a question whether it can be sold.

Su Yifan didn't say anything about Li Peiran's somewhat chicken face.

It's deputy monitor Lin Lu's turn. The always low-key female monitor shook her hair: "I donate ten toy dogs."

Cheng Shuixin couldn't help wondering: "How old is the toy dog?"

Lin Lu did not have much hostility to the talented female and school beauty, and replied cheerfully, "It's so big." The size with both hands is almost one person's height.

Li Peiran was a little shocked. The deputy monitor didn't hear how good the family conditions were. How could he be so fierce?

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Then I'll book one first."

Lin Lu said, "I'll give you a discount."

"Love can't be discounted." Cheng Shuixin said, "I donated a set of books. What books are kept secret first."

Li Peiran turned his eyes and turned his eyes to Su Yifan: "What is the team leader going to donate?"

Su Yifan scratched his head innocently: "I haven't figured it out yet."

It looks as if Li Peiran is not provoking himself.


The college entrance examination is really terrible. I didn't sleep well yesterday...