My Goddess

Chapter 111 Hahaha

In the afternoon, Su Yifan looked upstairs and found that Yan Yizhen did not turn back and continue to wait for the rabbit. However, Su Yifan felt that Yan Yizhen might not be the kind of person who was particularly easy to give up. He felt that he still needed to worry about this guy.

The afternoon of the weekend is the beginning of what students hope. By the time of the self-study class, no one was reading, and the discussion was all about TV series and weekend entertainment. Zhang Chao didn't laugh at Su Yifan because he got a gift from Su Yifan in the past few days. At this time, he also looked back and asked, "I heard that a new game city has opened in Wanhui Square. Let's go and have a look at night?"

"I can't do it today." Su Yifan simply refused, "I have something to do at night."

Zhang Chao still didn't hold his debt: "What's going on? Another date?"

Zhang Chao's word "you" is remarkable, and Su Yifan replied angrily, "Yes, I can't talk to the master."

"Damn it, when did you go with the master who can't say it?" Zhang Chao was so shocked that he seemed to see the super enemy in the game, "Are you battering? Is she talking to you?

It's not a particularly secret thing for Su Yifan to get close to Zhang Yao. Zhang Chao mainly focuses on the game and hasn't paid much attention to it. Thinking about Su Yifan's recent whereabouts, I suddenly realized.

Su Yifan replied with a wry smile, "Yes, have you said more than a dozen words together?"

"Cow. Forced. Zhang Chao stretched out his thumb, "I heard that the master doesn't answer questions in the class, and the teacher never calls her."

Su Yifan was a little sweaty. He didn't expect Zhang Yao to be so autistic, which is beyond the scope of normal people.

There were many people in the class. Zhang Chao had the intention to continue to gossip and knew that Su Yifan would not say more, and asked, "Go to the Internet cafe that night?"

"It depends." Su Yifan said, "I may still have some work to do in the evening."

"You? Work?" Zhang Chao didn't believe it at all, "Isn't it a video chat with people?"

Su Yifan disdained: "Get out, is there only these things in your mind?"

Zhang Chao did not deny it at all: "Well, I can't think of anything good when I see you."

"Okay, don't look for me if there is anything good in the next blizzard."

"Brother Su, I was wrong..."

The unnutritious dialogue continued until after school. Su Yifan packed up his things and was ready to go downstairs. Zhang Chao still shouted in the back, "Brother, remember to write a war report!"

"Go to hell!"

Su Yifan responded to Zhang Chao without looking back.

Zhang Yao obediently went to a stationery store at the school gate, pretending to pick things, and wandered in front of a small pendant for a long time.

Zhang Yao, who was lower than Su Yifan's first grade, left school earlier. She looked at the small pendant for a long time before Su Yifan hurried.

The owner of the stationery store has seen a lot about this kind of high school students waiting for each other, and it won't be surprising why Zhang Yao doesn't buy things. On the contrary, Su Yifan saw that Zhang Yao seemed to have been looking at the pendant for a long time, so he picked it up and went to the boss to pay the bill.

It's just a few yuan. Su Yifan handed it to Zhang Yao, and Zhang Yao lowered her head to put it away.

When the two came out of the stationery store, it was the peak of school. The students who poured out from the school gate instantly blocked the whole road through the gate of a high school, and the sound of cars and voices were connected.

Su Yifan took their schoolbags, took Zhang Yao through the sea of people, and walked towards the intersection of few people.

"What do you want to eat?" Su Yifan handed his old mobile phone to Zhang Yao and asked her to type. Anyway, he has now adapted to this way of getting along with each other.

It couldn't be better for Zhang Yao not to speak. She took Su Yifan's phone and pressed it a few times to show Su Yifan.

"It's spicy."

Su Yifan understood: "Well, let's go to eat authentic Sichuan cuisine."

Sichuan restaurants are blooming all over the country, and the only authentic ones are fly restaurants except those that are big enough to make people collapse. Now Su Yifan, who is still rich, listed several places for Zhang Yao to choose. Zhang Yao chose the one with the worst environment without thinking about it.

In fact, Su Yifan also wants to go to this house, which is the most authentic one. Cheng Shuixin also took Su Yifan to go there once. Unfortunately, that environment is really not suitable for girls. The simple private room and simple tableware are simply a tragedy.

The two people who reached an agreement were not in a hurry and walked to the restaurant. Although it is a fly restaurant with a poor environment, it is almost full. Except for the vacant seats for two people, all the private rooms and stalls are already full of people.

Su Yifan and Zhang Yao only had to queue up. Zhang Yao looked at the crooked recipe written on the wall and silently nodded a hairy blood and a sour and spicy powder with her fingers. Instead, Su Yifan ordered several dishes such as boiled fish, dried fat intestines, couple's lung slices and spicy chicken crispy bones.

Zhang Yao wanted to persuade Su Yifan to order a few less, but she was embarrassed to speak in a crowded place, so she could only watch him order a pile of dishes like an upstart.

"Eat more." Su Yifan knew that Zhang Yao wanted to save money for herself and said with a smile, "You are too thin to eat more."

Zhang Yao looked down at her little arm and blushed with embarrassment.

The two people are in a row by the window, and the food is served quickly. Su Yifan and Zhang Yao can only eat without saying a word, and both of them worked hard to eliminate food.

Zhang Yao still ate red, and Su Yifan kept handing her tissues.

After a period of exercise, Su Yifan's own food intake has increased a lot. He ate more dishes that Zhang Yao ate less, and the two of them had eaten in less than 40 minutes. Looking at the guests who were still waiting in line at the door, Su Yifan felt that it was not good to continue to occupy seats here and greeted the waiter to pay the bill and leave.

The waiter went to the desk to reconcile the account. The old phone that Su Yifan put in Zhang Yao's hand just now suddenly rang. Su Yifan took the phone from Zhang Yao's hand and immediately frowned when he saw the number above.

This old phone was lost to his father Su Shen in the third year of junior high school, so that Su Yifan could exchange phone calls with his classmates near graduation. There are many phone calls of junior high school students. These students are scattered in several indoor high schools, and some simply went to technical schools and vocational high schools. Su Yifan didn't have such a sense of existence when he was in high school, and he really saved a lot of classmates' phone calls.

When he graduated, Su Yifan attended several parties with his classmates. Everyone drank and said a lot of touching words, and then there was no contact with each other.

Su Yifan was slightly surprised to receive a phone call from his middle school classmates at this time.

What's more surprising is that the caller is Stone.

The nickname Stone sounds loyal and honest, but it's just because this person's name is Shi Lei, and his name is full of stone characters.

Shi Lei is a typical rich second generation. In middle school, he attracted friends and many students surrounded him. From Su Yifan's point of view today, it is a little bit Chen Xin's style.

Unlike Chen Xin, who regarded himself highly, Shi Lei in junior high school had not yet graded his classmates. This person only occasionally likes to use other people's failures to complement his success, so that he can show his excellent side in front of female classmates.

Su Yifan is one of the kind of people who are regarded as a foil.

After leaving junior high school, Shi Lei has not contacted Su Yifan or even other students. In the first year of high school, Su Yifan lived alone in school. Although I occasionally go to the class to read messages, and there are also QQ groups of junior high school students, Su Yifan's silent attitude has made many people forget that they have such a classmate.

Su Yifan didn't expect that Shi Lei would call himself on a weekend night.

Although he was puzzled, Su Yifan still answered the phone and heard Shi Lei's loud voice sounded on the other side of the phone.

"Su Yifan? I'm Shi Lei, long time no see, hahaha!"

This classic three-stage laughter made Su Yifan burst into his heart.

Shi Lei is a personality that doesn't listen to others very much, and continues to speak to the phone: "Where are you now? Is there anything to do on weekend night? Would you like to come out and sing? Many of our classmates are here, hahaha!"

Su Yifan had to admit that Shi Lei's voice was indeed loud enough. Not only did the sound come to his ears through the receiver, but also Zhang Yao next to him could probably hear it.

Su Yifan, who had just learned to refuse others so positively, was about to refuse. Shi Lei continued to shout, "Where are you?" Zhu Zhishan and I will pick you up, hahaha!"

Zhu Zhishan is another classmate nickname of Su Yifan. Zhu Xiaodong, who is in good condition at home that he can claim to be a rich second generation, is a little cautious and gloomy teenager.

It seems that we haven't seen each other for more than a year, and Shi Lei has remained the same as before.

Su Yifan took a long breath and said, "I just finished eating and I'm outside."

In the next sentence, Su Yifan intends to refuse Shi Lei. In fact, he is not very interested in the class reunion. Although the friendship between classmates is precious and there are different types. Many times, Su Yifan has seen a lot of people who just fell in love with each other because they happened to be classmates, and he didn't think it was interesting.

Surprisingly, Zhang Yao actually grabbed Su Yifan's hand and stared at him innocently with a pair of big eyes, and nodded to Su Yifan like a chicken pecking rice.

Su Yifan was stunned for a moment before he understood what Zhang Yao meant. Unexpectedly, he wanted Su Yifan to attend this class reunion.

Su Yifan covered the phone with one hand and looked at Zhang Yao.

"Do you really want to go?"

Zhang Yao continued to peck rice.

Su Yifan sighed. Although he didn't quite understand what Zhang Yao was thinking, he would never refuse Zhang Yao's request.

"Well, I'm in Chuanxiang Garden. Come here."

Chuanxiangyuan is the name of this Sichuan restaurant. Shi Lei laughed again when he heard the address: "Why did you go to that kind of place to eat? Hahaha!"

Su Yifan did not explain: "When will you arrive?"

"Five minutes." Shi Lei said, "Some of my classmates have been drinking. I'll let Zhu Zhishan drive. Wait!"

Su Yifan knew that it would take about 15 minutes for Shi Lei to say five minutes, so he hung up the phone.

After Zhang Yao asked Su Yifan, she bowed her head and said no. Su Yifan looked at the girl in front of him and knew that what he was asking was difficult for her, so he simply stopped asking.

The two sat in the hotel for a while. Su Yifan got up to pay the bill, and then an old Audi A4 arrived at the gate of Chuanxiang Garden and began to honk his horn at the door of the hotel.

Su Yifan took Zhang Yao out of the hotel, and the co-pilot's window rolled down, revealing Shi Lei's square face.

"Su Yifan, you can eat with beautiful women! Hahaha, is this your girlfriend?"


Save manuscripts desperately, ask for red tickets, and collect them!