My Goddess

Chapter 118 No Return at Night

Su Yifan did not stop the young man - he was embarrassed to take the initiative to talk to him and refused to play a rogue or something. He just secretly added a QQ. Su Yifan felt that there was no need to fight with the People's Congress.

Probably many people thought that Su Yifan was focused on the war situation and Dota could not be distracted, so they ran to add Yang Bingbing's QQ one after another. Yang Bingbing's friends were only a dozen, but ten minutes later, they quickly expanded to more than 20 people.

When Su Yifan finished playing this game, Yang Bingbing had watched Halo 3 and returned to his seat. Su Yifan chose to quit the game first.

Yang Bingbing is such a smart girl. She can understand her friends on QQ.

"Ah, is this a peach blossom disaster?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Let's see how you understand."

"Rotten peach blossoms." Yang Bingbing opened her QQ friends and began to delete and remove each other's friends one by one.

Su Yifan asked strangely, "Why don't you drag it out?"

Yang Bingbing paused and replied, "I haven't done that kind of thing."

"What if the other party is particularly shameless?" Su Yifan hypothesis.

Yang Bingbing thought for a moment and said, "Then I will do better, just like to Lu Ma."

Su Yifan patted his head: "I forgot this buddy. I heard that Sister Qing is also going to deal with him. He won't die, will he?"

"Dead is also to reduce negative pressure for society." Yang Bingbing was angry when she said about Lu Ma, "That person is so disgusting. Do you really think you are a great person?"

Su Yifan corrected, "No, he just thinks his father is great."

Yang Bingbing was still angry: "It's not that he is great. His appearance is really disgusting."

Su Yifan can only persuade the girl around him: "It's not worth being angry about that kind of person. Anyway, he has been punished. Let this matter pass."

Zhang Chao, who was preparing for the battle next to him, heard the conversation between the two and leaned over excitedly and asked, "Has Lu Ma been cleaned up? Don't tell me it's the person you're looking for. I don't believe it.

Su Yifan felt that there was no need to hide this matter from Zhang Chao, and simply admitted directly: "I don't know who hit Lu Ma. After he arrived at the hospital, I found someone to beat him."

Yang Bingbing knew that Su Yifan was considering her reputation, and did not correct or refute it.

Zhang Chao was really shocked this time: "Fuck, is it really you?"

"Yes, why do you think he didn't come at night?"

In fact, Su Yifan didn't know why Lu Ma didn't appear at night. When he heard that Lu Ma went to the hospital, he thought it was Su Xiaoqing's hand, but later Su Xiaoqing denied this matter.

Su Xiaoqing has always dared to do things. She said that if she didn't do it herself, then it must not be.

After hearing Su Yifan admit this matter, Zhang Chao immediately came to his senses and began to ask all kinds of details without playing the game. Su Yifan said everything he could say, but what he couldn't say was vague, which finally satisfied Zhang Chao's curiosity.

When Su Yifan finished speaking, Zhang Chao sighed a little: "I thought you were quite stupid when you were against Chen Xin, but now you still have the confidence to see it."

After a pause, Zhang Chao was a little worried: "You said that so many people have seen the conflict between you and Luma. No matter whether Lu Ma went to the hospital has anything to do with you or not, his father will put this account on you, right?"

"I also thought of it." Su Yifan said, "So I decided to contact him in a few days to talk to him."


"We have to think of a solution." Su Yifan said sincerely, "It's not good for everyone to continue to upgrade like this. What do you think?"

Zhang Chao has been unable to complain about his former honest classmates.

The two chatted and played games. Time passed quickly, and it was almost eight o'clock in a blink of an eye. The people in the Internet cafe are leaving one after another, and I'm afraid the rest are going to stay up all night.

"Do you want to stay up all night?" Zhang Chao asked Su Yifan and looked at Yang Bingbing sitting next to Su Yifan. He said that if such a beautiful woman came out with him, he would never bring her to the Internet cafe.

"No, I'll take Yang Bingbing home later."

Yang Bingbing, who had been silent beside her, suddenly said, "It doesn't matter. I can stay with you all night."

Zhang Chao, who heard this sentence, suddenly burst into tears and could make the beautiful woman in school who likes to deal with boys say such words. Has Su Yifan recently taken the fairy medicine?

Su Yifan didn't appreciate it at all: "No, I have to take you home on time."

Yang Bingbing did not ask for Su Yifan's opinion, but directly took out the phone and called home.

"Grandma, I may not go back in the evening."

"Well, I know. Don't worry."

"It will be fine."

Su Yifan was stunned: "Are you really not going back?"

"I really won't go back." Yang Bingbing's attitude was very resolute, "Don't worry, I won't delay you from playing games."

"But I have something to do tomorrow morning..." Su Yifan scratched his hair distressedly. "If I stay up all night today, I guess I will die tomorrow."

Yang Bingbing looked at the clock: "It's only eight o'clock now. Don't worry."

Facing the computer in the Internet cafe, Yang Bingbing had all kinds of difficulties. After chatting with QQ, she began to observe all kinds of people in the Internet cafe. For Yang Bingbing, who has never set foot in an Internet cafe, the life here is more like a small society that has never been contacted.

Most of the people who play online games are concentrated in the smoking area, staring motionless at the screen, trying to find their own luck from numerical changes.

Yang Bingbing turned her head and saw a couple sitting on the adjacent sofa and whispering. The girl pointed to the boy at something on the screen. The boy's pretentious posture was a little funny to Yang Bingbing, and more with a sincere cuteness.

There are also voices to the microphone and people. Although the voice is very small, it can be heard by people around them. Speaking Mandarin with a strong local accent, it sounds quite strange.

Yang Bingbing also saw some people gathering in the high-configuration area to play Call of Duty, and everyone's expressions were very excited. Yang Bingbing once watched Su Yifan play Call of Duty 4, which is a very easy game to invest in.

In the lively Internet cafe, everyone's expression is different. The only thing that can be sure is that everyone's hearts are empty and their desires are placed in the seemingly illusory world.

Looking at it, Yang Bingbing turned her eyes back to her. The cooperation between Su Yifan and Zhang Chao here was very smooth. The fighting style of the two was obscene and vulgar, and their position was wandering and erratic, which caused the people in the Internet cafe to swear from time to time.

played about three games, and the time was already past nine o'clock. Su Yifan got up and prepared to pay the bill.

Seeing that Su Yifan wanted to pay the bill, Zhang Chao obviously didn't react: "Are you leaving so early?"

Su Yifan also picked up Yang Bingbing's plane card and replied, "Send her home."

Yang Bingbing didn't say anything, acquiesced to Su Yifan's behavior and watched Su Yifan pay the bill.

"I'll do it." Zhang Chao tried to grab the two computer cards, but failed. "I'll settle it without a few yuan."

He pulled Su Yifan to the cashier. Zhang Chao lost a 20 yuan * to the little sister of the dance troupe while winked at Su Yifan: "Damn it, do you want people to envy you? To be honest, Yang Bingbing just said that she would not go home at night. Who do you think will believe sending her home?

"I really sent her home." Su Yifan corrected Zhang Chao's distorted thoughts, "If you really want to do something, why should I bring her to the Internet cafe?"

Zhang Chao thought the same and gave Su Yifan a thumbs-up: "Ok, you son. Forced! If you give me such a good opportunity, I will try to see if I can take Yang Bingbing to open a room.

"Go to hell!" Su Yifan laughed and scolded, "Why do you think they are willing to come out and play with me? Because I'm not you."

Zhang Chao, who heard this sentence, was thoughtful.

Out of the Internet cafe, the air outside seemed much fresher. Yang Bingbing took a deep breath and turned to look at Su Yifan and said, "I won't go home."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Good boy should return to his home before 12 o'clock."

"I didn't wear an evening dress today, and the magic won't disappear." Yang Bingbing said, " Take me anywhere. I really don't want to go home."

Su Yifan felt that he could not refuse Yang Bingbing's request, and he obeyed.

The city at night is full of epistful beauty, which is born in the most secret part of everyone's heart. With many expected and pleasant things happening at night, many people also have enough time to squander freely before the next day. Su Yifan also likes night. He feels that night is the time that really belongs to him, because he can be quiet and alone.

Obviously, Yang Bingbing does not agree with Su Yifan's view. She specially chooses to go to lively places, look at cold drink shops, look at small jewelry, or look in the mirror of the cosmetics counter. Yang Bingbing, who has a slightly cold style, seems to show her true face under the cover of the night, with a little innocence in joy.

"Would you like something else to eat?" Su Yifan proposed, "Dessert or snacks?"

Yang Bingbing didn't say anything, looked at the shops on the street, and finally made no choice.

"There's nothing to eat."

Su Yifan scratched his head: "Then I'd better take you home. I really have to get up very early tomorrow... I guess I'll be tired for another day."

Yang Bingbing couldn't help but be a little curious: "What are you going to do tomorrow? Can you tell me something?"

Speaking of this, Su Yifan was a little embarrassed: "Do physical training... Don't talk to others. It's a shame."

"Can you take me to have a look?" Yang Bingbing asked.

Su Yifan thought for a moment and nodded and said, "Yes."

"Let's go. I'll sleep at your house today."


Su Yifan felt scared by the girl in front of him.


Seeing Su Yifan staring at herself with strange eyes, Yang Bingbing punched Su Yifan slightly anly: "What are you thinking about? I just don't want to go home. I think you have a guest room. Can't you stay overnight? Anyway, I have to work with you late at night. Make good use of your time!"

Su Yifan couldn't speak, so she could only let the girl hit herself with her fist to hide her shyness. Even though she knew that Yang Bingbing was a daredevil girl, Su Yifan didn't expect her to dare to come to her home to sleep.

Yang Bingbing, who finished speaking in one breath, lowered her head and was a little embarrassed. She didn't forget to add: "Anyway, I slept very little and can work late."

Su Yifan didn't say anything. He didn't want to stay in the shock brought to him by Yang Bingbing now.

Su Yifan thinks it's really troublesome that if Yang Bingbing goes home for a night, how will her parents take turns to bomb herself at night?


There will probably be another update in the evening