My Goddess

Chapter 134 I'll treat you to tea

When the school bell rings, it is the beginning of the evening rush hour. The flow of people at the school gate completely blocked the traffic, and the impatient horns of vehicles coming and going were connected, completely ignoring the rule that the school gate was not allowed to whistle.

There are talking and laughing students coming out of the school gate, and the people waiting at the door are parents, girls' boyfriends and little boys' girlfriends. More than an hour before the evening came, everyone was looking for the person they wanted to find. Their eyes wandered in the crowd, waiting or being waited.

Su Yifan lowered his head through the crowd with his schoolbag, and he saw many familiar faces in these people. In fact, Su Yifan didn't recognize these people. He just knew that he would see these people at the school gate every day.

Today, it is rare for Su Yifan to leave school alone. No one invites him or does not have to do anything. Su Yifan walked alone with his schoolbag through the square and parking lot at the school gate, through the familiar alleys, and walked towards the old street with his childhood memories.

The bus all the way roared by. Su Yifan had no idea of taking a car or shouting a car. He hoped that he could calm himself down by walking, but he couldn't do anything.

There are many small shops on the old street. Even in the 21st century, the renovation of Binhai City has not completely eliminated these old-fashioned streets. Su Yifan walked through the old street along the alley he used to be most familiar with and walked all the way to the place he agreed with Chu Ruo.

In order to calm down, Su Yifan has been listening to the songs given to him by Zhang Yao.

Before that, Su Yifan felt that he had begun to grow up and began to learn to mature. It was not until Su Xiaoqing suddenly woke him up that Su Yifan realized that he was not as powerful as he thought.

In his heart, he is still a young teenager, but the long silence and forbearance make him more resilient and patient than others.

In the face of the beautiful things he wants to pursue, Su Yifan feels that he is full of impulse and selfish thoughts like everyone in the school.

Now Su Yifan has to ask himself, is he really ready to face Chu Ruo alone?

I didn't go far through the old street, and the emerging business circle suddenly appeared in sight. Those neon lights and promotional advertisements on the square instantly pulled people back to modern society from the old style more than a decade ago. Girls in short skirts showing their flesh-colored stockings and beautiful legs are selling beer and drinks. The deafening sound came from the shouts of the hosts of business activities, as well as the so-called singing and dancing melodies.

There are various foreign brand shops around this newly built commercial square, and many young people sit indoors or outdoors, chatting and laughing with each other. Su Yifan passed through the crowd around the square to watch commercial activities, went to the door of a teahouse with a small plaque at the head of the store, looked up to confirm the name of the teahouse, and pushed the door and walked in.

There is a very big road in the teahouse called Qing Teahouse, which sounds like some kind of inspection agency. Su Yifan didn't know what Chu Ruo's taste had become now. Since Chu Ruo had decided to meet in such a place, he would just let the guests follow the host.

There are not many locations in the teahouse. There are several small private rooms on the first floor, from which you can make a faint "three points" sound. It is estimated that it has become a good place for white-collar workers to gather and play poker. Su Yifan told the room number to the little girl in cheongsam at the door and went straight to the second floor and pushed open the box door that said "Qingxin".

Although I met Chu Ruo once a few days ago, Su Yifan was still a little shocked when he saw Chu Ruo again today.

It is still a simple black long straight dress. Chu Ruo never avoids a few small pimples on his forehead, with a faint expression on his slightly pink face, a half-sleeved goose-yellow chiffon shirt on his upper body, and a pair of beige shorts with a black base. Pants, the whole person looks quiet with a slight sense of sex.

Su Yifan carefully observed that Chu Ruo's eyes were slightly red. Obviously, he hasn't had a good rest recently. There are faint dark circles around a pair of big eyes, as if they are a little haggard.

Seeing Su Yifan, Chu Ruo was still the strong and direct girl in those years, pointing to the chair opposite him: "Sit."

Su Yifan took his schoolbag and sat down opposite Chu Ruo and put his schoolbag on the ground beside him.

"I thought you had always been a person who liked to go to the appointment in advance, but it seems that it has changed now." Chu Ruo pressed the service bell, "Shall we have a cup of tea before eating?"

With Chu Ruo's personality, questions are usually asked to get a positive answer. When Su Yifan first saw Chu Ruo, he also felt a little confused. After listening to Chu Ruo's words, his mood slowly calmed down.

"It's all up to you."

Chu Ruo looked at Su Yifan unexpectedly: "If it were you before, you would definitely explain why you didn't arrive on time."

Su Yifan thought for a moment and took out his mobile phone to show Chu Ruo the huge time number above.

"We made an appointment at 5: 30 minutes, and now there are still seven minutes to 5: 30. I'm not late, so I don't need to explain."

I didn't expect Su Yifan to become this style now. Chu Ruo was surprised, but it was just a moment, and then laughed and said, "You have really changed a lot."

What else did Su Yifan want to say? A waiter came in to set up a tea set for the two. Chu Ruo did not ask Su Yifan's opinion, but drove the waiter out after visiting more than 1,000 Tieguanyin.

"Let me make tea for you."

Su Yifan knew that Chu Ruo had studied tea ceremony before, but he had never seen it. I didn't expect to see Chu Ruo making tea for himself in such a state today.

Chu Ruo never said why he wanted to see Su Yifan, nor did he say what he wanted to talk about after meeting. Su Yifan was more patient than Chu Ruo. Since Chu Ruo refused to say it, he quietly appreciated Chu Ruo's movements without saying a word.

Now Chu Ruo has a more convincing mature taste than the one Su Yifan once liked, which is completely inconsistent with her girlish appearance.

Chu Ruo's movements are beautiful, and there is a little charm in his maturity. These customs were once invisible in middle school, and Su Yifan had to admire that the power of time was indeed better than everything else.

The first cup of tea is slightly astringent in the mouth, and there is a light bitter taste in the fragrance, just like a greener memories.

"Isn't that girl your girlfriend that day?" Chu Ruo lowered his hands and suddenly asked.

"No." Su Yifan was not surprised by Chu Ruo's feeling at all and answered honestly.

"What a good girl. You should seize the opportunity."

If Chu Ruo doesn't know why he said this, in fact, the relationship between the two is far less than that of lovers. To be precise, Su Yifan prefers Chu Ruo, and Chu Ruo doesn't have such a strong feeling for Su Yifan.

Su Yifan thought for a moment and said, "Thank you for your concern."

In addition, Su Yifan really didn't know what to say. He wanted to directly ask Chu Ruo what he was looking for, but he couldn't say the problem as happily as Chu Ruo.

In the mouth of the second cup of tea, the fragrance is better than the astringency. Su Yifan put the teacup in his hand to play, and he remembered a lot of laughter about Chu Ruo. At that time, there was a sweet smell in the air, and Su Yifan felt really helpless when he grew up.

The stronger this feeling, the more Su Yifan is grateful to Su Xiaoqing.

People should always grow up and learn to be strong, which is inevitable.

"When school started this year, Wang Jianhou contacted me." Chu Ruo said, "At the beginning, it was the reunion, and Stone and the others were all mixed with him. I refused several times and went with him."

Su Yifan looked at Chu Ruo, and he didn't understand why Chu Ruo said this to himself.

Chu Ruo saw Su Yifan's puzzlement and laughed at himself, "I don't know why I want to explain it to you. Anyway, I just want to say it. Can you listen to me?"

Chu Ruo didn't need a real answer every time he asked a question, and Su Yifan nodded happily.

"Actually, there is nothing to say about this." Chu Ruo continued to pour tea for Su Yifan and said lightly, "Do you know what my family used to do?"

"I really don't know." Su Yifan said.

Chu Ruo was surprised: "Don't you know?"

"It's true." Su Yifan said, "I haven't lied to you except for Zhang Yao."

"That little girl made her own decision that day, didn't she?" Chu Ruo felt that Su Yifan's sincere attitude seemed to be a blow to him, and he seemed to have never been so sincere before.

Su Yifan smiled and didn't say anything. He would not blame Zhang Yao. Compared with the strong Chu Ruo in front of her, Zhang Yao is such a lovely girl.

Chu Ruo paused and continued, "Actually, I have mentioned to people what my family does before. Do you know my father's name is Chu Yin?"

The name Chuyin is not unfamiliar to young people in Binhai City. When Chu Ruo mentioned the name, Su Yifan immediately understood why Chu Ruo first asked others if they knew his father.

Chu Yin, known as the third brother in Binhai City, used to be an honest stall businessman. Later, he followed the wind of the first video hall billiards room for a period of time and made many friends. When the computer room emerged, an Internet cafe was opened again. From childhood to large, the Internet cafe became better and better, and eventually became a chain.

Chu Yin was not satisfied with the Internet cafe chain, and in those years, he continuously invested in several electronics*, including gambling rooms. Because of his abundant funds, Chu Yin began to get involved in the real estate business after 2000 and is now one of the most famous investors in Binhai.

Chu Yin has a good relationship with black and white, and now he is a famous underworld representative in Binhai City. Su Yifan calculated that it was Chu Yin's most powerful time when he went to middle school. It seems that only a stupid good child like him doesn't know what Chu Ruo's family does.

In short, Chu Ruo is the daughter of a gangster!

If it had been two or three years ago, Su Yifan would probably have felt shocked. Now when Chu Ruo hears this, he feels nothing. On the contrary, he is more interested in the following things.

"And then?"

Chu Ruo was also surprised that Su Yifan's reaction was so calm. High school is an era when everyone separates ways, and everyone will start to go in the direction they choose. Chu Ruo didn't know what had happened to Su Yifan. She just felt that Su Yifan seemed to have far surpassed the boy she knew in those years.

Then Su Yifan remembered a recent Jianghu rumor and said to Chu Ruo, "So you are following Wang Jianhou now because of your father?"