My Goddess

Chapter 141 Those young people who have gone

When Hong Nan came up again, he really followed Lin Xi.

Yang Bingbing has adjusted from a trace of loss and said to Hong Nan with a smile, "If you pull out to eat with the evil guests during working hours, you have to pay double wages."

Hong Nan was actually afraid that Yang Bingbing was more than Su Yifan. He felt that the nobleness reflected by this little girl was something he had never seen before. Thinking that the investigation of this little girl was fruitless, Hong Nan had to scold Lu Ma for a few words, saying that such a temperamental girl actually thought she was an ordinary girl, and she was simply looking for death.

Lin Xi was called upstairs by Hong Nan. He was a little nervous. He has been working in this restaurant for more than a month. At first, everyone was still safe. Recently, more and more people have asked Lin Xi to "chat a few words" with her, and some people even use money to imply that she can "talk again" with her after work at night.

Fortunately, this restaurant is opened by Hong Nan. Everyone has to give Hong less face, and even more to give the Hong family some face. Nothing is wrong. Hong Nan also takes special care of a girl who comes out of an art college like Lin Xi and usually maintains more.

I didn't expect that Hong Nan would come downstairs directly today and ask Lin Xi to go upstairs to meet the two guests, and she was still on the way to Lin Xi's performance. Hong Nan's approach undoubtedly has a respectful attitude towards the guests upstairs, even regardless of Lin Xi's work.

Although she was worried, she thought that it was still in public. Lin Xi followed Hong Nan upstairs and saw a girl who had impressed her.

"Yang Bingbing?"

It only took a moment for Lin Xi to call out Yang Bingbing's name, which surprised Yang Bingbing.

"Sister Lin Xi, come and sit down."

Yang Bingbing stood up to greet Lin Xi, and Su Yifan certainly had to stand up.

When she was Yang Bingbing's tutor, Lin Xi felt that the girl's temperament was different from that of other little girls, but Yang Bingbing had only one grandmother accompanying her, which made Lin Xi once think that Yang Bingbing was the illegitimate daughter of a rich man.

Now that Hong Nan came to see Yang Bingbing, Lin Xi finally realized that his imagination was still a little poor.

Yang Bingbing left behind the unhappiness caused by Su Yifan's honesty just now, took Lin Xi's hand and began to ask questions. This intimation made Lin Xi feel that the embarrassment of meeting here is not so strong, especially the fat Hong Nan who has been working hard to liven up the atmosphere.

Su Yifan was actually not very interested in Lin Xi. He was only inspired by Lin Xi's low-cut dress at the moment of entering the door. Now Lin Xi is still wearing the white evening dress, and the clothes on his chest have been raised a little, and the scenery is no longer.

"What to eat?" Hong Nan looked at Su Yifan being hung aside by Yang Bingbing and asked attentively.

"You order it." Su Yifan followed his master's instructions, "Don't waste too much."

The fat man was interested, ordered eight dishes and one soup, and then asked, "Brother Su, what do you think you should do about that Yan Yizhen?"

Su Yifan didn't even think about it: "As long as it's not troublesome."

The fat man also had nothing to say. Hearing this, he immediately said, "Oi, I promise your friend will be in trouble in the future."

"I heard that Yan Yizhen also has something to do with it in the province." Su Yifan said, "Can you do it?"

"The upper relationship is the upper relationship." Hong Nan said confidently, "As long as he still wants to open his business and get along well in this industry, he has to listen to the opinions from the grassroots, don't you?"

Su Yifan nodded thoughtfully.

As a result, the meal turned into Yang Bingbing pulling Lin Xi to keep talking, while Hong Nan kept testing Su Yifan. Anne sat in the middle of the four people and bowed her head to eat without squinting. The scene is as serious and lively as the motto in many schools.

After dinner, Yang Bingbing asked Annie to go back first, and she had to go to the Internet cafe with Su Yifan to watch him play games. Annie parked the nanny's car at the door of the Internet cafe, attracting the exclamation of a group of young people squatting on the steps smoking at the door of the Internet cafe.

Yang Bingbing did not stop Anne from following herself. In her opinion, the wayward "don't follow me" request was too unreasonable. She was not so wayward.

Following Su Yifan into the turbid Internet cafe, Yang Bingbing was used to waiting for Su Yifan to get the machine card for herself. Anne frowned close to Yang Bingbing and blocked many shots from all directions for her.

Su Yifan took three on-board cards and handed one to Annie. The little sister of the cashier in the Internet cafe looked at Anne with a little jealous eyes while looking for change. In her opinion, a woman like Anne should not appear in such a house as the Internet cafe. Just looking at this dress should be worth her salary for months, right?

Anne took the plane card handed over by Su Yifan with a blank face and found a seat beside Yang Bingbing.

Today, Zhang Chao came later than Su Yifan. He saw Yang Bingbing and another beautiful woman sitting side by side next to Su Yifan, and almost knelt down with soft knees.

Faced with a huge display and shiny mouse and keyboard, Anne was not idle. She opened the well-known domestic news portal and began to watch financial news.

Because of the beautiful women, Zhang Chao has very little nonsense today. Instead, Yang Bingbing followed Su Yifan for a while and suddenly asked, "Shall we go out for a picnic next weekend?"

"Good." Su Yifan first agreed and shook his head, "No, there will be a charity sale next weekend."

Yang Bingbing asked again, "Can I call Sister Lin Xi?"

Su Yifan choked and didn't know how to answer.

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "I'll take it as you agree."

Anne wanted to sigh when she heard it. Didn't Mrs. Yang say that it was difficult for Miss to serve? Did Mrs. Yang, who has always been sharp-eyed, finally begin to make mistakes?

"Can you go to Linhai City tomorrow and bring me some octopus beard back?"

Su Yifan was besieging and suppressing an enemy hero. Hearing the words, his hand shook his hand and let go, which attracted a burst of greetings such as "SB" from his accomplices.

What kind of person is Yang Bingbing? Does she still need to buy it herself if she wants to eat octopus beard? Is this telling yourself to go early and come back early?

Now Su Yifan finally learned to figure out a little girl's thoughts. He pretended to be calm and continued to accompany his partners to besiege enemy heroes and replied, "No problem. What do you want to eat?"

"Spicy and cumin are good."

Su Yifan said, "I'll buy you a box."

"Waste." Yang Bingbing criticized.

Su Yifan's heart trembled, and Yang Bingbing actually said that she was wasting... The resources she used to monitor herself that day were more terrible than waste, right?

Yang Bingbing played with Su Yifan for a while and then got up to say goodbye. She saw that Anne was uncomfortable on such an occasion. Su Yifan sent Yang Bingbing to the door of the Internet cafe. Yang Bingbing waved her hand to him generously: "I wish you all the best tomorrow."

"It will definitely be." Su Yifan smiled and nodded to Yang Bingbing.

The next morning, Su Yifan, who had already greeted his parents, went downstairs early and drove the golf car to pick her up near Cheng Shuixin's house.

Cheng Shuixin wore a clean light yellow sportswear, which was not meant by professional women at all. She took a travel bag into the car and smiled and said, "Are we very like cheating?"

Su Yifan smiled shyly: "I don't want my parents to worry. Let's talk about these things in detail later."

Golf went to the highway. Cheng Shuixin used mobile phone software for positioning and navigation, and opened the car CD.

The CD is an old song of Chen Qizhen. Su Yifan thought about plugging in his MP3 and replacing it with Zhang Yao's song.

"This is more suitable for travel." Cheng Shuixin commented, "Zhang Yao is one of the best singers I have ever heard."

The two listened to Zhang Yao's version of Courage and listened happily. Cheng Shuixin suddenly asked, "What do you think of Zhang Yao's participation in Fast Girl?"

"That's not suitable for her, right?" Su Yifan rejected Cheng Shuixin's suggestion, "I always feel that the intrigue is terrible."

Cheng Shuixin said "um" and said to herself a little sadly, "Where is it?"

Su Yifan felt a little speechless. He admitted that Cheng Shuixin was right.

As the martial arts film I saw when I was a child said: people are rivers and lakes. Some people have rivers and lakes. You can't retreat anywhere.

Compared with Binhai City, the urban construction of Linhai City is more westernized and the coastal industry is more developed. Before entering the city, you can see various factory signs and local tourism posters.

After passing the toll station, Cheng Shuixin called Wang Jiantao and made an appointment with the other party. It is a famous tourist attraction in Linhai City, with huge seaside squares and amazing statues. There are all kinds of leisure places around the square, which is a good choice to meet people.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning when I arrived at the square, which was the busiest time on the weekend morning. Under the command of the aunt in the parking lot, Su Yifan tremblingly found a vacant seat to park the car, took Cheng Shuixin into a cold drink shop, and saw Wang Jiantao waiting for a person at the door to drink cold drinks.

Compared with the ID photo, Wang Jiantao is obviously thinner, wearing black-framed glasses, which makes people know at a glance that it is an electronic technology house.

Wang Jiantao, with clean short hair, sat alone by the window with a slightly awkward expression. Most of the time, he looked down at his mobile phone and occasionally looked around. This gesture reminded Su Yifan of his former self. Maybe he was like this before he came out of that kind of timid mentality.

In the past, Su Yifan would obviously have hesitated before walking there. Today, accompanied by Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan felt that his self-confidence seemed to be much better than before. He quickly walked into the cold drink shop and sat directly opposite Wang Jiantao.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Su Yifan, the poster of this reward."

Wang Jiantao was first shocked by Su Yifan's age, and then shocked by Cheng Shuixin's beauty. He was stunned for a while before he realized.

"Are you kidding?"

Su Yifan looked at Wang Jiantao with a serious face: "Mr. Wang, I hope you learn to respect investors first."

Wang Jiantao was scared by Su Yifan's momentum, and his expression changed strangely, as if he couldn't find any suitable expression for a while.

Cheng Shuixin stood aside and sighed.

"Young people's enthusiasm and dreams will always be the first thing to die. Mr. Wang, do you think I'm right?"


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