My Goddess

Chapter 143 True Freedom

"Why did you go first?"

Cheng Shuixin doesn't understand why Su Yifan grabbed this order.

"Let me experience it first and see how it feels." Su Yifan replied, "I have experience to guide you."

Cheng Shuixin did not argue with Su Yifan this time and nodded happily.

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Bunbungee jumping is indeed a very exciting activity. No one falls down and doesn't scream, just like shaking his head. Maru must shake his head crazily.

Most people are a little hesitant and timid when jumping, and the staff are used to this situation and will say some encouragement or gestures.

There is a cable car next to which can be directly up. The person who falls from the bungee jump will eventually be picked up by the staff and returned to this position along the cable car. Of course, if you are too lazy to come back, you can also let your companions welcome you and continue to other projects.

After Su Yifan witnessed several "ah ah ah ah" repeatedly, it was finally his turn.

Not to mention protective gear, safety cables and so on. There are also staff nearby who teach Su Yifan how to control his body posture and what actions will not cause physical injury when falling. Su Yifan listened carefully and finally made an OK gesture to Cheng Shuixin standing next to him and said, "You don't have to go down. I'll wait for you below. I'll pick you up when you jump later, and we'll go on a roller coaster.

The wind on the suspension bridge was not small, and Cheng Shuixin replied vibly, "Okay!"

Su Yifan made another thumb motion, put on goggles, and walked to the center of the suspension bridge.

Cheng Shuixin covered her mouth and watched. The wind blew on both sides of her. Su Yifan stood alone on the suspension bridge, like a lonely soldier.

The staff next to it stroked the numbers with their hands -

Three, two, one... jump!

Su Yifan did not hesitate or hesitate at all, and jumped down with his hands on his shoulders!

There is no shouting or fear. Su Yifan felt that he seemed to have surpassed these simple emotions now, and he felt that everything around him became clearer with his footsteps.

It's a feeling of breaking through the bondage.

The huge falling force made Su Yifan feel that he was squeezed and quickly lost his center of gravity. That feeling is indescribable, and he seems to have gained something. Just like when the whole person was immersed in the water when he moved in the water, Su Yifan felt that all external forces were a kind of washing to his heart.

No wonder so many people like bungee jumping, which is really exciting.

Just a few seconds later, Su Yifan fell to the end. This short few seconds made Su Yifan feel as if he had experienced a life and death. The uncontrollable feeling of falling made people particularly afraid and awe of life.

Then it bounces and then falls.

After repeated this several times, Su Yifan felt that the rope that bound his body had become tight and straight. He opened his eyes and saw his eyes swinging left and right.

A ship came slowly in the distance. Someone grabbed Su Yifan's shoulder to fix him and helped him slowly untie the rope buckles.

Su Yifan exhaled and slowly stood firmly in the center of the boat. He took out the mobile phone brought down by the staff and called Cheng Shuixin next to the suspension bridge.

"Come on!"

Cheng Shuixin packed all her things, and then began to load herself with ropes like torture tools with the help of a young woman.

Su Yifan was too far away from Cheng Shuixin. He couldn't see Cheng Shuixin's specific movements and could only wait with his eyes.

Cheng Shuixin tied up her hair on the suspension bridge, rechecked the zipper of the sportswear, and fixed her waist with a rope to make sure that she would not run out even after jumping down. Then she took a deep breath and put on goggles.

Making a ready gesture to the staff, Cheng Shuixin leaned on tiptoe without any hesitation and jumped down.

Unlike Su Yifan's calmness and silence, Cheng Shuixin made a cheerful shout while jumping down.


Su Yifan felt that his heart began to jump violently at the moment he saw Cheng Shuixin jump down as if he had jumped out of his chest. Although he knew the feeling of jumping down, he still felt a worry he had never had before.

Cheng Shuixin's voice is still echoing among the cliffs. People have fallen straight down like a falling light and bounced up by soft ropes.

The boat parked aside began to slowly sail to Cheng Shuixin's position, and Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin and screamed again and again.

Finally, the rope slowly stopped swinging, and Cheng Shuixin's hands were also suspended in the air with their shoulders. Su Yifan rushed up immediately after the boat approached Cheng Shuixin and grabbed the rope behind Cheng Shuixin.

Cheng Shuixin seemed to be still excited. After seeing that it was Su Yifan, she stretched out her arms and hugged Su Yifan hard.

This action almost solidified Su Yifan's still beating heart.

"That's great!" Cheng Shuixin hugged Su Yifan and muttered, "That's great!"

Although through the protective gear, Su Yifan still felt Cheng Shuixin's body hot in excitement, and there was a kind of heat that almost ignited him.

Cheng Shuixin's ponytail drooped down, with an intoxicating fragrance. Her breath kept falling on the back of Su Yifan's neck, making Su Yifan can't help but feel an impulse.

"Okay..." Su Yifan tried to suppress the germination in his heart and gently patted Cheng Shuixin on the back. "It's okay. I'll unbutton it for you."


Now Cheng Shuixin's voice is soft and powerless. Let Su Yifan untie the layers of locks on his legs first, and finally his whole body no longer hangs head down.

Su Yifan helped Cheng Shuixin unlock the locks around his arms and shoulders in turn, and let Cheng Shuixin try to stand firm on the boat.

The legs of people who have just fallen from a high altitude are soft. Cheng Shuixin is not like Su Yifan after various physical training, but she still can't stand. Su Yifan could only help Cheng Shuixin to let her get used to it slowly.

At this moment, Su Yifan felt very happy. Cheng Shuixin's body was as soft and fragrant as her name. He really wanted to help her stand down like this.

The two persisted for a while, and then Cheng Shuixin lowered her head and blushed, unbuttoned a few buttons on her chest, and sat down on the side of the boat.

Su Yifan saw Cheng Shuixin sit down and immediately let go of her hand.

"Are you all right?"

Cheng Shuixin took a few deep breaths and smiled at Su Yifan.

"It's okay."

Su Yifan sat down opposite Cheng Shuixin. The two had to go to the shore to get the mobile phone wallet and other personal belongings that Cheng Shuixin had just packed.

"Do you feel exciting?"

"It's never been exciting." Cheng Shuixin covered her chest and said, "The moment I jumped down just now, I felt like I was going to die."

"I heard you shouting for freedom?"

"Yes." Cheng Shuixin said indifferently, "Maybe I think death is also a kind of freedom."

Su Yifan looked at the girl opposite in astonishment. This was the first time he felt a strong negative emotion from Cheng Shuixin. Cheng Shuixin seemed to have no secret of this emotion and said it as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Shuixin gave full play to her characteristics for less than a minute and did not let the negative emotions stay. She immediately continued, "What are we going to play next, roller coaster?"

Su Yifan could feel that Cheng Shuixin didn't want to mention what he had just said, and immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, roller coaster."

Compared with bungee jumping, the roller coaster is really not a thrilling project. Although the whole car was shouting, Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin were particularly sophisticated. Of course, in order to cheer up, Cheng Shuixin still shouted a few times and grabbed Su Yifan's hand hard to prove that she was still a little afraid.

Su Yifan was not afraid at all. He was thinking that Cheng Shuixin's fingers were so soft and his little hands were so warm.

Of course, after the roller coaster is the Ferris wheel, which is slow and there are many people queuing up. Su Yifan ran to buy two huge marshmallows and came back. They licked each other and finally came up when Su Yifan ate more than half of them.

The Ferris wheel is a kind of relaxation after the exciting project. After the two entered the small room of the Ferris wheel, most of the noise outside was isolated. Cheng Shuixin took out her mobile phone and pulled Su Yifan to look outside, watching their height slowly rise, a corner of the city slowly, and the sun in the distance slowly falling to the other side of the sea.

"Do you want to take a picture?" Su Yifan asked, "The scenery here is so beautiful."

Cheng Shuixin's eyes reflected the light of the sun and said with some emotion, "Imagine that so many people's lives are accommodated here, and I feel particularly excited."

After taking several high-altitude pictures of the city with her mobile phone, Cheng Shuixin pointed her mobile phone at Su Yifan.

"Don't shoot me, okay?" Su Yifan was shy, "There may be several more Chen Xin posted on the Internet."

Cheng Shuixin put down her mobile phone with a smile and said, "Well, I'll take a selfie."

After saying that, Cheng Shuixin has sat on Su Yifan's side, put out a hand around Su Yifan's neck, and took a group photo with her mobile phone.

With Su Yifan's current skills and reactions, he is certainly fully capable of resisting or dodging. Out of the most real impulse in his heart, Su Yifan did not move, which made Cheng Shuixin's series of actions succeed quickly.

After taking a photo, Cheng Shuixin did not let Su Yifan go, but pulled him to take a series of group photos.

It was not until the Ferris wheel rose to close to the highest height that Cheng Shuixin took a few more pictures outside.

"Actually, the depth of field of the mobile phone lens is not good, and it is not a wide angle, and the effect is very bad." Cheng Shuixin explained with a smile, "It's still the most suitable for selfies and close-up scenes."

Su Yifan became that stupid teenager again at this time. He couldn't think of anything to say except "Oh".

For the rest of the Ferris wheel, both of them kept the same silence. Just like when drinking coffee in Su Yifan's secret base, no one speaks, and time passes quickly and happily.

After coming down from the Ferris wheel, the two went to play several projects, and Su Yifan still stayed before the shooting game. After finding that he could not hit the target with * in any case, Su Yifan decided to give up the challenge.

The sun in the distance has begun to get close to the sea level, and long shadows are dragged out on the ground. Many tourists begin to leave the carnival playground. Su Yifan found that it was too late. If he and Cheng Shuixin wanted to go back to Binhai, they would probably wait for dinner, otherwise they would only be hungry for three hours.

Cheng Shuixin, who had been walking in front of him with great interest, suddenly turned around and looked at Su Yifan with flashing eyes.

"How about we go back to Binhai tomorrow?"


The eyes flashed for red tickets...