My Goddess

Chapter 145 This is not a friend card

Once Cheng Shuixin really makes a decision, Su Yifan feels that he can't stop her.

In the sunset, Cheng Shuixin stood on the street at the beginning of the lantern and called her home. After telling a lie that Su Yifan didn't believe a word and confused the house, Su Yifan suddenly felt very confused.

How are you going to spend tonight?

In fact, Su Yifan doesn't have to worry about this matter at all. As a strong man who can find gourmet restaurants in a city he has never been to, Cheng Shuixin certainly doesn't have to worry about hotel reviews.

"What standard do we live in?" Cheng Shuixin was not embarrassed at all when she asked this, "Would you like a better breakfast?"

Su Yifan can't be active at this time, so he can only answer a little depressedly, "Whatever, I can do anything."

Cheng Shuixin looked down for a long time and muttered to herself, "There is a good one at the intersection in front of you and go straight 400 meters, but the house price is so expensive."

"How much?"

"The standard room costs 1,100 yuan." Cheng Shuixin complained rarely, "Isn't this price too gorgeous? Yalong Bay is only 1,500.

Su Yifan didn't want to speed up the car: "Then go to that one. I'll treat this."

"It's too expensive." Cheng Shuixin disagreed, "I will feel uneasy about living in such an expensive hotel."

Su Yifan didn't mean to slow down at all: "Don't think too much, it's welfare for employees."

In a blink of an eye, the two have arrived at this hotel, and a huge neon sign flashed in the night called Halden Hotel. The name of the hotel is fashionable, but it doesn't look like a joint venture, and the interior decoration taste is not bad. Entering the hall, Su Yifan felt that the decoration here could be at least six or seven minutes. Cheng Shuixin also said that the location and style of the sculpture in the lobby were very good, at least with care.

The port in Linhai City is very open, and the route of the airport is significantly higher than that of other cities in the province, so there are a lot of tourists from Japan and South Korea. In addition to Chinese and English, the signs in the hotel are also in Korean and Japanese. When Su Yifan walked in with Cheng Shuixin, the lady at the door greeted them in Korean first.

"It's a mistake. We are Chinese." Su Yifan frowned and explained.

The receptionist immediately apologized: "Excuse me, sir, are you dining or accommodation?"

Su Yifan pointed to the check-in office, and the receptionist immediately walked over to guide the two.

"Does the current service industry serve people as mentally retarded?" Su Yifan whispered, "Open the door with your hand pad for fear that you will hit your head, and you have to lead the way..."

"Forget it, they rely on this to make a living. Understand." Cheng Shuixin smiled indifferently.

Su Yifan took a look at the beautiful woman around him and boldly joked, "Just now, she thought we were Koreans. You must think you are so beautiful that it can't be done, right?"

"This is the best compliment I have heard this year." Cheng Shuixin laughed in a low voice.

When checking in, the girl in the hotel spit out a series of room prices, which made Cheng Shuixin dizzy for a moment: "Isn't it too expensive?"

Su Yifan didn't feel distressed at this time: "No problem, two..."

"No, one!" Cheng Shuixin rushed to say, "A standard room with two beds is fine."

Su Yifan's hand shook, and his wallet almost fell on the counter.

turned around and stared at Cheng Shuixin with incredible eyes. The girl's face seemed to be a little red, but her attitude was still very resolute: "Just one room. There is no need to waste so much."

"............" Su Yifan really couldn't think of anything except silence at this time, and he felt that his heart was trembling.

Cheng Shuixin grabbed Su Yifan's wallet and handed over her card: "One room, thank you, use my ID card."

Su Yifan also wanted to grab his wallet, but he didn't dare to do anything after being stared at by Cheng Shuixin.

The registration was very fast. After scanning Shuixin's ID card, the two got the room card of 809.

Su Yifan lowered his head and followed Cheng Shuixin into the elevator.

The eighth floor arrived in a blink of an eye. Cheng Shuixin walked in front, holding a room card in her hand and humming a seemingly relaxed song.

There was no one in the whole eight-story corridor. Cheng Shuixin turned around at the door of 809 and smiled at Su Yifan, "Don't look so wronged, okay? There is no need to waste so much money on things that can be saved.

Su Yifan wanted to argue, but he didn't know what to say. He felt that it was better to shut up at this time.

Cheng Shuixin opened the door of the room with a room card, and a smell of air freshener came to her face. I have to say that the rooms of Halden Hotel are quite good, and the space is clean and tidy enough. There is also a balcony where you can bask in the sun outside the floor. There are two loungers and a parasol on the balcony.

Cheng Shuixin threw her handbag on ** and looked around: "It's not bad."

Su Yifan still didn't dare to say anything. He seemed to have disappeared with the two of them in the same room. Now he can only turn over the service guide and TV remote control on the table.

Regardless of Su Yifan's shyness, Cheng Shuixin lowered her head and took off her shoes and put on slippers. Then she asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything." Su Yifan tried his best not to let his eyes aim at Cheng Shuixin. He always felt that this environment was too closed for him to start distracted.

How smart Cheng Shuixin is. She almost guessed what Su Yifan was worried about. She walked to Su Yifan and pulled a chair to sit down.

"Listen to me..."


Cheng Shuixin looked into Su Yifan's eyes and whispered with her most sincere attitude: "Do you know? When we followed you that day, I was still against it, but after thinking about it, I agreed. Now that I think about it, I feel very sorry for you for this.

Su Yifan didn't expect Cheng Shuixin to suddenly say this to herself and explained for her in a low voice: "That's Yang Bingbing's idea..."

"This has nothing to do with Yang Bingbing." Cheng Shuixin's eyes did not leave Su Yifan. She squatted on the ground, and her mature figure could highlight her youthful vitality even through her sportswear. "I just want to tell you that all the decisions I made are my own decisions. Even if this decision brings any terrible consequences, it is what I should bear. At that time, I agreed to follow you with Yang Bingbing, and I was ready to be blamed by you.


"Yes, you won't blame us." Cheng Shuixin said, "I know you are such a person, but it doesn't mean that I feel so at ease. I am a person who is not hesitate to express. On the contrary, you don't like to express. So now I want to tell you that if I really bear any consequences for my decision, I have thought about it for a long time.


Su Yifan is also a smart person. He feels that he should have understood the meaning of Cheng Shuixin's words. This subtext made the impulse in his heart infinitely amplified. Looking at the girl squatting in front of him, he felt that there was a fire burning in his heart.

Cheng Shuixin could see the change in Su Yifan's eyes. She smiled helplessly and continued, "For me, I really have nothing to do for you... Now I can just do something for you. I don't think I can't do these things without you, and I may not be better than others. But I really cherish you as a friend, so no matter what happens, I will continue to trust you. Do you understand?

Listening to Cheng Shuixin say such words to himself, Su Yifan felt that his heart suddenly calmed down.

There is no doubt that Cheng Shuixin squatting on the ground and looking up at himself is very touching.

At this moment, Su Yifan felt that he saw something different in this touching person.

That's what made Su Yifan deeply fascinated after Cheng Shuixin first attracted her through her appearance.

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and Su Yifan suddenly laughed at himself.

"Is this a friend card?"

"No, it's a promise." Cheng Shuixin looked at Su Yifan seriously. Her eyes never left Su Yifan. "My promise to you."

"I..." Su Yifan felt at a loss at this moment.

Cheng Shuixin smiled at Su Yifan, which was completely different from her usual formulaic smile at school.

"Don't say anything. You have done better than you promised."

Su Yifan then decided not to say anything. He looked at Cheng Shuixin squatting on the ground, and the impulse in his heart had gradually calmed down and felt a little distressed.

"I, can I give you a hug?"

Cheng Shuixin's smile was always on her face, which was warmer than the indoor air conditioner. She stood up and gently hugged Su Yifan.

"Actually, you have already hugged it today."

The warm body may not bring desire, and sometimes it can also bring calmness. After holding each other for a few seconds, they almost let go of their hands.

"We have lived and died together today, haven't we?" Su Yifan recovered a little and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Cheng Shuixin blushed after hugging Su Yifan, "You are really reliable."

Su Yifan scratched his head: "Don't play such an exciting game next time... In fact, I'm also very scared."

Cheng Shuixin nodded: "Okay, how about we find an opportunity to go diving next time?"

"Is that more dangerous?" Su Yifan asked, and then couldn't help fantasizing about Cheng Shuixin's swimsuit appearance, and her mood began to ripple again.

"It's okay. I'll pull you anyway." Cheng Shuixin took it for granted.

Because it was still early in the evening, the two put down their things in the hotel and went to a bar that Cheng Shuixin had been longing for.

"I haven't been to a real bar yet." Cheng Shuixin told another amazing secret, "But I'm good at drinking."

A bar street in Linhai City is in an alley not far from the Halden Hotel. All kinds of strange signs and strong old-fashioned styles make this street a photo spot for many tourists. From morning to night, you can see all kinds of young people dressed in fresh clothes standing in front of various brands with mobile phones and cameras. When Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin came to this bar street, they saw a girl who was a little baby fat pouted and scissor hands in front of the huge bottle-shaped signboard at the entrance.

Cheng Shuixin immediately self-criticed after seeing the girl's appearance: "Am I usually the same?"

"No, no." Su Yifan comforted Cheng Shuixin, "You are much more beautiful than her."

Cheng Shuixin also felt that the relationship between the two seemed to have undergone some subtle changes after a gentle hug in the hotel just now. Su Yifan now began to praise himself for his beauty. How big is this change?

"You mean I'm usually like this?"

"That must be different." Su Yifan further comforted Cheng Shuixin and said, "Your composition and method are not comparable to hers. Look at the same photos. Some people go to National Geographic, and some people don't look at it in QQ space."

Cheng Shuixin looked at Su Yifan and said worriedly, "If you become slippery one day, how many girls will be poisoned?"

Su Yifan originally wanted to try to continue to be poor, but finally decided to shut up. He felt that no matter how many more mouths he had, he would not be able to talk about it.


It is forbidden to issue cards, just red tickets!