My Goddess

Chapter 148 COSPLAY Lovers

Yu Zheng's self-adjustment ability is also good, and he focuses on the main topic again in an instant.

"Zhai Yufei talked to Wang Jianhou about your questions several times." Yu Zheng's memory is clear and organized, and he doesn't miss the details at all. "There are few meetings and talk, and there are more phone conversations. Zhai Yufei knows most of your things, but his conclusion is different from mine. He thinks that you haven't had anything to do with him mainly because of Yang Bingbing.

Xiaoqing next to her finally couldn't help interrupting: "Who is Yang Bingbing? Is she awesome?"

Cheng Shuixin looked at Xiaoqing meaningfully and said, "It's a very beautiful woman, much more beautiful than me."

A girl's jealousy is like a phosphorus fire, which can be used even if it is not lit. Xiaoqing became unhappy again after listening to her expression. Obviously, she didn't like her boyfriend to talk about beautiful girls.

Yu Zheng smiled helplessly at Cheng Shuixin: "Why do you need to see like a little girl?"

Cheng Shuixin didn't feel ashamed at all: "Tell the truth, if I don't say so, everyone will think I'm jealous of Yang Bingbing's beauty."

Su Yifan is used to Cheng Shuixin's abnormal rhythm and still continued the topic just now: "So Wang Jianhou and Zhai Yufei want to treat me together?"

"I don't know the specific content." Yu Zheng said, "Zhai Yufei is actually quite deep in the city. Although he doesn't hide his purpose, he rarely talks to people about his plans."

This is very in line with the Zhai Yufei that Su Yifan knows, who is an official fan and enthusiastic about all the power court.

Su Yifan said with a smile, "I think this guy is very much like a fanatical COSPLAY enthusiast. After reading some official TV series and novels, I can't help imitating it."

Yu Zheng really laughed this time: "This is the most mean evaluation of Zhai Yufei I have ever heard, and it is also the most pertinent."

"I'm telling the truth." Su Yifan said, "But I don't hate Zhai Yufei very much. He has the ability to live in his own world and is quite successful."

"It's not a matter of who hates whom." Yu Zheng said, "Show your fangs, or show your strength, or retreat and pretend to be dead. How can we know who can do and who can't do it without testing each other? I don't hate you either, but if your strength is not worthy of respect, I won't take the initiative to come to you.

Su Yifan was unexpectedly frank, but his vigilance was still not relaxed: "Zhai Yufei wants to toss me. He is a little willing to go near and far now."

"Zhai Yufei is in a weak position compared with Wang Jianhou. He also takes your opportunity to contact Wang Jianhou more often." Yu Zheng said, "Since Wang Jianhou was busy with his own business, his resources are richer than these people. Zhai Yufei has arrived at the time to choose his future, and there is no harm in him.

Cheng Shuixin said disdainfully, "I thought he didn't need other power with the Liang family."

"That's a matter of posture." Yu Zheng said, "If Zhai Yufei asks Liang Fangfang for help now, it will only make the Liang family look down upon it."

Su Yifan nodded: "I understand, but I still won't give you any promises, because I don't know what I can do."

It seems to be more embarrassing to say this, and it is difficult for Yu Zheng to hide his disappointment. Xiaoqing, sitting next to her and pouted, still stared at Cheng Shuixin with her eyes, as if she had met the biggest sworn enemy in her life.

Although disappointed, Yu Zheng quickly adjusted his mood and got up to say goodbye: "Although it's a pity, I finally have a chance to show my attitude, which is also a good thing."

Su Yifan got up and shook hands with Yu Zheng. The two of them were like a formal diplomatic meeting: "I'm sorry, but please believe that I am not a person who likes to take the initiative to find trouble."

Yu Zheng pulled Xiaoqing to prepare to leave. Xiaoqing suddenly turned her head and said to Cheng Shuixin, "I have read a lot of posts about you."

Cheng Shuixin got up to see off, and the smile on her face was still very gentle: "Really?"

Xiaoqing looked at Cheng Shuixin and said seriously, "Don't be proud. When your life circle becomes bigger, you will find how ridiculous you are."

"Xiaoqing!" Yu Zheng whispered unhappily, "Don't do this."

Xiaoqing's words didn't seem to have any effect on Cheng Shuixin. She still smiled like that and held the seat with one hand, with a calm expression: "Thank you for your advice. In fact, I have found it."

Yu Zheng pulled Xiaoqing away without even asking Su Yifan to leave a phone number. Cheng Shuixin looked at the distant back of the two people and suddenly said brainlessly, "Yu Zheng said that he didn't like Zhai Yufei. Playing around is still the same thing he learned from Zhai Yufei."

Su Yifan sat down again: "Don't think about those things. I'm unhappy."

"That won't work." Cheng Shuixin also sat down and raised her glass to Su Yifan. "Since you care about Chu Ruo, you want to know why Wang Jianhou can let Chu Ruo be his girlfriend. It is the easiest and most convenient to ask from Yu Zheng."

"I'm not interested in Zheng." Su Yifan said honestly, "This person makes me feel very bad."

"Sometimes it's not a bad thing to think of snakes against potential enemies." Cheng Shuixin advised, "Lenin's concession to Germany is not written in the textbook, which does not mean that it does not exist."

Su Yifan is a little helpless: "How much benefit can we talk about the enemy? Why don't I feel that they can dig away the gold and silver mountains?

"Because of Qingjie." Cheng Shuixin remembered Su Xiaoqing's appearance of being indifferent to everything in the world, and couldn't help yearning for it for a while. "Yu Zheng must have felt the existence of Sister Qing. He thought that if he wanted to get help from Sister Qing, the first thing to please you was in this order."

Su Yifan scratched his head: "I feel more uneasy when you say that."

"Okay, then don't say that." Cheng Shuixin raised her glass and said, "Have a good weekend."

"Have a good weekend."

You should not drink too much beer, and the two of them are also restrained, waiting for the performance while sips.

As Cheng Shuixin said, the performance level of the bar is very high. A short-haired girl who appeared on the stage before the band's debut wore large and exaggerated earrings, heavy eyeliner, a short skirt and black mesh socks, and at least seven or eight kinds of bracelets on her wrist.

Seeing this short-haired girl, Cheng Shuixin shouted a name in surprise.

"Tan Lu?!"

Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin also knew who Tan Lu was, and immediately said in surprise, "Tan Lu, Tan Lu from that talent show?"

"That's her." Cheng Shuixin nodded, "It is said that he used to write poetry. When poetry is dead, he can only sing."

"It sounds terrible." Su Yifan said, "For good, Zhang Yao doesn't like to write poetry."

Cheng Shuixin glanced at Su Yifan, which was so cute that the wine glass exploded: "What's wrong with writing poetry? Do you look down on poetry writers?"

Su Yifan remembered that the beautiful woman beside him was the president of the literary society and wrote many poems and published them in school magazines and media publications. He casually joked and let Cheng Shuixin lie down, which was already a light reaction.

Tan Lu's typhoon is quiet. Even if she is dressed up, she doesn't have any vigorous singing and dancing. She sings lyrical slow songs, which is suitable for the opening.

After listening for a while, Cheng Shuixin poured the last bottle of wine for herself and Su Yifan: "Let's go after drinking."

"What?" Su Yifan asked, "Don't you want to learn?"

"There is nothing to learn." Cheng Shuixin shook her head, "I used to think her posture was very good, but now I want to vomit when I see it. It's fake."

Su Yifan understands why Cheng Shuixin can have such a change, just like he feels that there is some level of the scene after watching more top live videos. Cheng Shuixin's vision and realm have been quickly raised too much in recent times.

"Then let's go." Su Yifan called for the bill.

When Tan Lu sang, there were a lot of applause and whistles, as well as flower baskets. This bar has a lot of face to invite such a singer who has appeared on TV. Many people are staring at Tan Lu with their necks open.

Therefore, Su Yifan's action of greeting the bill is particularly eye-catching at this time.

The waitress in a lace skirt came to collect the money, and a young man in glasses and a fat boy in a Polly T-shirt at the next table turned their heads. The mobile phone lens in the fat boy's hand shook Cheng Shuixin first, and then raised it to the bar girl.

Su Yifan stood up and walked over, stood next to the two, looking down at the fat boy.

"What are you doing?" The fat boy dared not look directly at Su Yifan and subconsciously glanced at the man with glasses opposite him.

Su Yifan did not answer and grabbed the fat boy's mobile phone.

"What are you doing?" The fat boy looked angry and his vocabulary was still poor.

"Do you delete it and I will delete it?" Su Yifan asked with a cold face.

This is probably the coldest expression of Su Yifan. The man with glasses sitting opposite held his breath and said, "Friend, what do you mean?"

Su Yifan raised the phone in Yang's hand, and the picture on it showed that it was Cheng Shuixin who had just been secretly photographed.

"I see. I'll delete it." Su Yifan lowered his head to look for the deletion option on his mobile phone.

Cheng Shuixin originally wanted to stop Su Yifan, but she hesitated and stood still.

When the fat boy saw that Su Yifan deleted Cheng Shuixin's photo, he didn't care that Tan Lu was still performing on the stage and shouted, "Return my phone! You robbed my phone!"

In Tan Lu's singing, this shout was particularly harsh. Almost everyone's eyes are focused. Even Tan Lu, who was performing on the stage, almost stopped the performance and looked at Su Yifan.

This is the rhythm of the riot. The shouting of the fat boy also made several male waiters in the bar run over and surround several people in the center.

"Sir, please respect the singer's performance." A tall waiter who looked like a foreman said to Su Yifan, "If there are legal problems, we can only call the police."

Su Yifan said without looking back, "He secretly took pictures of my friend just now."

The fat boy screamed with an indignant face, "Do you have any evidence? Do you have any evidence?"

The fat man's shout was still not small. This time, even Tan Lu on the stage frowned, and the atmosphere of the whole bar was shattered by this shout. Many people simply stand up and look this way, without hiding their lively nature at all.

Surrounded by so many eyes, Su Yifan looked at the fat man calmly and asked, "Don't you admit it? Shall we find a computer to recover the files on the mobile phone?

Cheng Shuixin stood very carefully against Su Yifan and took his arm with one hand, showing a timid face.


I heard that the COS circle has been really messy recently?

The chapter name is a coincidence, absolutely a coincidence...

Continue to ask for red tickets, the more the better...