My Goddess

Chapter 150 Sleep Together

When Su Yifan came out of the bathroom, Cheng Shuixin was still drying her hair.

The TV channel was cut to HBO Chinese, and Su Yifan saw Cheng Shuixin sitting at the head of the bed watching the original American drama.

"Why don't you use a hairdryer?" Su Yifan was curious. It took too much time to dry his hair like this.

"The radiation is too high." Cheng Shuixin replied without looking back, "It's more comfortable to dry naturally. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to sleep."

Su Yifan pulled a chair and sat down: "Do you like watching American dramas?"

"It's quite complicated." Cheng Shuixin grabbed her hair and said, "I like to see a lot, but there is almost nothing to chase."

"I used to like to watch that superpower group drama." Su Yifan remembered that Cheng Shuixin almost never discussed TV series in the literary club before. He thought she didn't like it, but now he found out that he had misunderstood.

Cheng Shuixin knew what Su Yifan was talking about and asked with a smile, "If you have superpowers, which one do you want?"

Su Yifan thought for a moment and talked about a short story by Neil Gaiman: "Probably... the dream will come true."

"This ability is too BUG." Cheng Shuixin smiled and criticized, "Choose a more popular and simple one."

"Heart reading."

Cheng Shuixin paused for a moment and said a little melancholy, "That ability is too terrible to be happy."

"It's difficult to be happy unlike others, isn't it?" Su Yifan has recently had some experience with this concept, "It's not easy to be strong or weak, excellent or useless."

Cheng Shuixin bowed her head for a moment and admitted, "You're right. The easiest way to be happy is to drift with the tide."

Su Yifan didn't say anything. He understood Cheng Shuixin's mood at this moment. As a dazzling figure, Cheng Shuixin has her pride and many unhappiness that others don't understand. However, for Cheng Shuixin, whose vision has broadened beyond the category of high school students, mediocrity means greater pain.

Choose the same of the two pains, and Cheng Shuixin chose the one that is different from others.

American dramas on TV are still in full swing, while silence lasts for a long time. Just as Su Yifan was trying to say something to save this silence, Cheng Shuixin suddenly shook her hair and turned to get her laptop.


"I want to write something." Cheng Shuixin replied, "I have rarely written for personal matters recently. Work is really terrible."

Su Yifan hurriedly said, "I'll give you a holiday."

"How dare you!" Cheng Shuixin threatened, "I'm only allowed to strike. You can't give me a holiday."

In the face of such a powerful Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan had no choice but to retreat, run to open his computer, and set up a wireless router in the room to share with Cheng Shuixin.

The air flow at this moment seems to be a little slower than usual. Both Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin are concentrating on the computer, and both of them keep tapping on the keyboard. Cheng Shuixin also used this time to send and receive a lot of emails to summarize Su Yifan's recent work progress.

"Wang Jiantao is responsible for the front-end program of iOS, so what we need now is various docking and back-end programs." Cheng Shuixin has been a professional in the industry for only a few days, "How can we solve the back-end program?"

Su Yifan has actually been thinking about this matter these days: "Since Wang Jiantao can solve the front-end program problem, should the back-end program also ask him to help find someone or give it to him?"

Cheng Shuixin shook her head and said, "I suggest finding a foreign programmer, which can be used as a comparison, but also makes it easier for us to plan our future work better and more reasonably. The only problem is that since our work is carried out in Asia, the standard of treatment can be lowered a little..."

Su Yifan praised: "I'm embarrassed to continue to be the boss like this. You are more suitable than me."

"Come on." Cheng Shuixin said angrly, "Let me reply to the email for you first. Now most people are struggling with technology patents and engine authorization."

Su Yifanqi said, "We only need to peel off the program part. Do we need to struggle so much?"

"These foreign bounty hunters value the reward amount and the final results of the work." Cheng Shuixin explained, "For these people, what can be done in the end is more important. Many of them are more eager for works than money."

Su Yifan muttered unexpectedly, "What an ideal person... You have the final say on this matter. The main thing is that everyone's work progress should be followed. I heard that programmers on the Internet are very inefficient and often can't get what they need within the specified time.

"That's not a problem." Cheng Shuixin said, "The reward and punishment mechanism is stricter, and the contract can require the investigation of economic responsibility."

Su Yifan rarely sang the opposite tone with Cheng Shuixin this time: "That's useless. The process of accountability itself is long, which delays our efficiency. And if we come up with scary terms, it is estimated that fewer people will be willing to cooperate.

Cheng Shuixin said indifferently, "Now is the buyer's market. As long as you have the opportunity to make money and sign your name, there will always be someone willing to participate."

This is the end of the discussion between the two, and everything depends on the specific implementation. In particular, if Wang Jiantao's efficiency can meet expectations, this matter will be easier.

At the end, Cheng Shuixin suddenly added, "How is Yang Bingbing's computer level? She has to do a lot of work in the art part, which is super tired.

"Let me figure it out." Su Yifan can only answer like this.

Cheng Shuixin didn't say anything more and bowed her head and typed seriously. A line of black characters flowed out under her fingertips, and she wrote an essay-style diary, recording some mood changes over a period of time.

"Do you want to send it online?" Su Yifan waited until Cheng Shuixin finished writing before asking.

Cheng Shuixin shook her head: "No, keep it for yourself and remind yourself."

The time has pointed to past 10:30, and the two finally finished their work and turned off the computer separately. Next, the two will face the biggest embarrassing problem today - in a physical sense, Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin are now sleeping together.

After turning off the computer, Su Yifan felt that his movements were a little stiff, his expression was also very unnatural, and he did not dare to look directly at Cheng Shuixin. After sitting so stiffly for a few minutes, Cheng Shuixin, who was holding a laptop on her lap, said first, "Go to sleep."

Su Yifan hurriedly got an amnesty, jumped up to turn off the lights, and climbed back to **.

The distance between the two beds is not far away, and the lights in the room are also turned off except for the night lights. Su Yifan got into the quilt in the dark and heard Cheng Shuixin's symmetrical but absolutely restless breathing next to him, and his heart began to beat violently.

"Generally, according to the habits of boarders, now should be the time for a sleepy talk, right?"

Cheng Shuixin broke the silence first and joked with a smile.

Su Yifan's brain was not enough at this time, and he foolishly replied, "I have never lived in school."

Cheng Shuixin smiled silently. Although she did not make a sound, Su Yifan could still feel her laughing.

"What do you boys discuss when they are together?"

Su Yifan really wanted to answer and discuss you, but hesitated and decided to say it gently: "Beautiful girls, famous consumer goods, video games, sports... Some can also talk about cars, but I don't understand."

Cheng Shuixin naturally knew that some of the so-called beautiful girls were talking about themselves, and asked with a smile, "So in fact, to put it bluntly, it's about money and girls, right?"

"You can also say that... What do girls discuss when they are together?"

Cheng Shuixin said, "That's just those things, star gossip, fashion, cosmetics and so on, sometimes they will say other people's love gossip - you know, no one is good."

The two were silent for a while. Su Yifan could see Cheng Shuixin leaning sideways and facing him in the dim light, and his eyes almost sparkled.

In the quiet room, both of them could feel each other's breathing. Su Yifan's eyes slowly swept over Cheng Shuixin's face, and soon he closed his eyes shyly.

Cheng Shuixin has been watching Su Yifan with her eyes open all the time. After a long time, she suddenly said, "I think of a very old cartoon, "Hearing the Waves." Thank you. Life is so beautiful.

Of course, Su Yifan has seen the work of Ghibli Studio. He remembers that there are also scenes of boys and girls spending the night in the same room.

Su Yifan also heard that Cheng Shuixin was denying what she said during the day. At that time, Cheng Shuixin suddenly said that death was real freedom.

After saying this, Cheng Shuixin stopped talking. Both of them seemed to be silently counting each other's breaths and fell asleep in this messy mood.


The next morning, when Su Yifan woke up, he found that Cheng Shuixin had finished washing and tidyed up his travel bag and surfed the Internet by the desk.

Boys have physiological phenomena that make people blush in the morning. Su Yifan embarrassedly bent his legs to cover it up and found that Cheng Shuixin's eyes had been staying on the screen before it was a little more natural.

"What time is it?"

Cheng Shuixin glanced at the lower right corner of the computer screen: "It's quite early. It's only 8:30. Let's have breakfast. The hotel is free of charge.

Su Yifan hummed and rubbed for a while before he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He still bent down and ran in.

Cheng Shuixin turned her head and looked at Su Yifan when she turned her back to him, with a smile on the corners of her mouth.

For Cheng Shuixin, these things are certainly embarrassing, but she rarely has that kind of uneasiness towards Su Yifan.

wrote the last word in her private diary, and Cheng Shuixin encrypted the document and closed the computer.

"You are busy enough. There are seven or eight phone calls for you in the morning." Cheng Shuixin said to Su Yifan in the bathroom, "I didn't see who hit it. You can have a look later."

Su Yifan brushed his teeth and washed his face as soon as possible and rolled out of the bathroom. He picked up the phone and found that Su Xiaoqing, Yang Bingbing and Hong Nan were on the list of un Answered calls.

There is also a text message that I haven't seen the sending number, writing: "This is my number, and sometimes you may need it."

Su Yifan knew that this was Yu Zheng's number without guessing.

First, they called Su Xiaoqing and Yang Bingbing back. Both of them expressed concern about Su Yifan's trip to the sea to varying degrees, and also directly asked Su Yifan whether he had not returned to Linhai.

Su Yifan never lied at this time: "Yes, I'm still in Linhai City. I'll be back later."

Su Xiaoqing's reaction was to laugh: "Are you with Cheng Shuixin? Do you have two rooms or one room?

Su Yifan sweated and said that Sister Qing was good at everything, but the governor urged himself to attack the girls.

Yang Bingbing asked implicitly, "Is Linhai fun?" I've only been there a few times, and I've only been to see fashion shows or something. I heard that the bar culture there is good?

"I went to the bar yesterday." Su Yifan replied honestly, "There was a little conflict with people in the bar, but when I saw Tan Lu, I didn't sing very well."

Yang Bingbing paused for a while before saying, "Well, take me to have a look next time."

Su Yifan glanced at Cheng Shuixin, who had been staring at him and smiled, and replied, "No problem."


We all slept together, what else do you want?

Red ticket, red ticket!