My Goddess

Chapter 152 Busy Bee

The campus charity sale initiated by the school and co-organized by the student union has almost been prepared. The donations of each class have basically settled down after a life-to-death wealth struggle. Except for those who really take out good things for charity sale, most of the donations are quite confused. From old skirts worn for several years to cheap mobile phones turned out in the corners of home, to all kinds of handmade products and bracelets bought in unknown cottage scenic spots.

After donating model aircraft and old laptops, Li Peiran often mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally among his classmates. At the same time, he did not forget to squeeze Su Yifan, who is still in the charity group.

"I don't know what the team leader donated. It's so mysterious. I really want to start the activity earlier to solve the mystery..."

Su Yifan was not annoyed. He still carefully prepared the decoration of the booth and applied for benefits from the status group members as much as possible.

You should know that it is very hot now, and it will be very painful to stand outside selling things without a drink supply.

In addition to these things, Su Yifan also needs to follow up on Zhang Yao.

According to Cheng Shuixin's plan, if Zhang Yao's strength can be maximized, she should conquer at least one high school campus as soon as possible before the end of this semester.

Of course, this matter is not a problem for Cheng Shuixin. Although the propaganda minister of the school is Zhai Yufei, the student radio station does not need to follow the buttocks of the student union. At that time, as long as Cheng Shuixin uses the relationship to send one or two singles to play in school, it will naturally work.

Su Yifan's real headache is the local radio station. He doesn't want to deal with those radio DJs.

Binhai local radio stations have several channels, namely economic life, transportation, literature and art broadcasting. It doesn't sound very different. In fact, the interests are deeply entangled and the complexity of the relationship are simply outrageous.

Zhang Yao's songs are of course most suitable for traffic literature and art. Nowadays, many taxis are still listening to radio broadcasts, which is most suitable for large-scale dissemination. What's more, the Traffic Literature and Art Channel itself has a column recommending new songs, which can be soft advertisements without trace.

Su Yifan intends to make a decision after soliciting Zhang Yao's opinion on this matter. If you really want to make a single through the traffic literature and art channel, it is essential to deal with the DJ who hosts this program.

It's better to let Zhang Yao die than to deal with those radio DJs who regard themselves highly. Su Yifan can only temporarily decide to work for himself and Cheng Shuixin.

In this way, he traveled around the school, and a person Su Yifan had been ignoring began to express dissatisfaction with him.

"Su, you didn't talk to me today!"

This week, Nell, who suddenly began to dress normally, pinched her waist and complained, "You are too busy, just like my father!"

Su Yifan can only apologize for complaining about Neil: "I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently... Why don't I treat you to something at night?"

"No." Nell's unhappy come and go quickly, and she took Su Yifan's hand in public and said, "My father wants to invite you to my house as a guest. Do you want to come to my house?"

"I..." Su Yifan was a little confused, "Why did your father invite me to go there?"

Nil said with a smile, "My father often listens to me and wants to see you."

Nil's attitude aroused the envy and hatred of too many classmates. Zhang Chao simply lay on the table and hummed: "Let me die, let me die..."

"If you die, you can't play Dota2." Su Yifan said.

"Yes." Zhang Chao sat up straight again, "You have to live well for Dota2!"

"Look at your promising point."

Back to the topic of Neil just now, Su Yifan felt that there was no problem to visit his classmates, especially Neil, who had no scheming at all.

Of course, Su Yifan still felt a little pressure when he thought of Nell's father, who said that stars were all political and commercial accessories.

"Yes, but when?"

"Let's wait until the school activities are over." Nell said with a smile, "But this matter should be kept secret from others!"

"Why?" Su Yifan felt that he was about to become 100,000 reasons.

"I'm afraid they will laugh at me." Nell said pitifully, "I know I look weird, and they all laugh at me behind my back."

"It's strange that your Chinese is so good." Su Yifan said with a smile, "No one laughs at you behind your back. Everyone likes you very much."

Nelle curled her lips and said, "I don't believe it. You lied to me."

"When did I lie to you?" Su Yifan asked, "I never lie to you."

Of course Nell knows who this "you" includes.

"Okay." Nell reluctantly accepted Su Yifan's words and stressed, "Don't tell them, or I will hate you."

The dialogue between the two as if no one was around has caused too much public anger, especially Zhang Chao, who just said that he was going to hit Dota2, asked quietly, "Su Yifan, do you think people will die if you are flashed to the seven holes to bleed?"

Su Yifan took a book to separate his eyes from Zhang Chao and did not look at him.

Cheng Shuixin, who came back from the break, saw Zhang Chao like this and asked strangely, "Is Nell sticking to you again?"

Su Yifan smiled bitterly: "No, just said a few words casually."

Cheng Shuixin didn't care. Since she returned to the class, she is no different from the talented woman who usually makes people look up to. Instead, it was difficult for Su Yifan to forget the beautiful face that sucked at him in the dim light that night, and the girl who stared at him and hugged him tightly... In fact, all this was more than a day apart, and Su Yifan felt like it had passed a hundred years.

"Wang Jiantao began to call me frequently." Cheng Shuixin said, "I was looking for you, but I stopped him. Now the part he wants to do should actually dock with Yang Bingbing, but before that, you'd better use your own plan to grind the details of the art with Yang Bingbing.

Cheng Shuixin in the working state is not talkative at all, and Yang Bingbing is not awkward at all. Su Yifan took the order and rushed to the door of the classroom of Class 2 to catch a wild Yang Bingbing before the break.

Yang Bingbing is not as easy to adjust her state as Cheng Shuixin. When she saw Su Yifan looking at the door of the classroom, she immediately blushed and covered up and walked out quickly: "What's the matter?"

"Come to discuss the work with you." Su Yifan was actually still in the embarrassing stage and said bravely, "We have to confirm some details of the art, and we also need to do vector graphics and some computer vertical paintings. Are you okay?"

Hearing that it was about work, Yang Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief and was also a little disappointed. However, this loss was quickly covered up by the challenge in front of her. Yang Bingbing asked indifferently, "Is the vector icon?" What buttons and system icons do you need? Tell me the approximate quantity and purpose first, and I'll draw it for you.

This is a very horrible workload. Su Yifan is a little unbearable: "Why don't we outsource it? This is too tiring."

"The boss just remember to pay." Yang Bingbing refused to give this kind of thing to others and said without giving in at all, "If only dozens of system buttons and icons are easy to do, it will take too much time for the art rendering of those picture details. You have to familiarize me with the software."

Su Yifan has never been stubborn about these things, so he can only agree, "Ok... If you really can't stand it, you must tell me. I'll help you figure it out."

Yang Bingbing was not as shy at this time. She smiled and said, "A boss who is so considerate of employees is not afraid that the company will not do well in the future?"

"It doesn't matter, just be happy." Su Yifan said.

Yang Bingbing smiled and didn't say anything. After telling Su Yifan the document description she asked for, she wanted to go back to the classroom, and was stopped by Su Yifan.

"Wait a minute..."

"What else?" Yang Bingbing stopped.

Su Yifan hesitated for a moment and said, "In the evening, Cheng Shuixin took Zhang Yao to record songs. I think you will also accompany her to cheer up. Zhang Yao is probably just a few of our friends at school. Let her learn to face more people as much as possible and don't be so uneasy.

"What about you?" Yang Bingbing felt that Su Yifan's request was not excessive, but she couldn't help but want to ask more questions.

"I'm going to meet someone to talk about Chu Ruo's father." Su Yifan said, "I have promised Sister Qing about this matter without relying on her strength."

Yang Bingbing sighed helplessly: "You... It's not a bad thing to be affectionate and righteous, but don't embarrass yourself, okay?"

"I know." Su Yifan said sincerely, "I will do what I can."

"At noon that day, I saw that you didn't do it with the fat man." Yang Bingbing was still worried about Su Yifan's injury, "I definitely don't want it this time."

Su Yifan can feel that Yang Bingbing's concern for herself is more similar to that of her relatives. Although she doesn't understand whether this concern comes from whether she is too lonely or whether she really makes her feel trustworthy, in short, these words make Su Yifan very happy.

"I promise you, I will definitely do it."

Hearing Su Yifan answer so solemnly, Yang Bingbing nodded and turned back to the classroom. The beautiful ponytail floated behind Yang Bingbing's head, leaving Su Yifan's back so familiar and impressive.

After school at night, Su Yifan watched Su Xiaoqing drive away three girls and was about to hang up Yu Zheng. I don't know when Nicole posted: "Su, how can you go alone?"

Su Yifan sweated for a moment and said that he seemed to be really busy recently. He always walked with different girls at night. It seemed that he had been so frequent that it made people feel strange to go home alone.

"I'm not alone. I'm going to meet someone later." Su Yifan is still very patient with Neil. Although the little girl is noisy, sometimes she occasionally shows a sensible appearance.

"Then I'll go with you, okay?" Nell took out a lollipop from her schoolbag and put it in her mouth and stuffed it into Su Yifan.

Su Yifan took over Neil's lollipop with tears and laughter: "I'm going to meet a boring person. Are you really interested?"

"Su, you're not bored."

This is Neil's compliment. Su Yifan felt very comfortable and couldn't bear to refuse Neil. He nodded and said, "Okay, but you'd better not say anything, because it will be really boring."

"Okay, I won't talk from now on." Nell sucked the lollipop in her mouth, and her rosy lips moved, making Su Yifan dare not look directly at it.

Turning around and not looking at Nell, Su Yifan took out the phone and dialed the number that had sent a text message to him.

"Yu Zheng, I have something to ask you."


I heard that PS will be criticized for writing too much?

Then I'll write a short

-Ask for red tickets!