My Goddess

Chapter 157 There is no rescue in most of life

Now Su Yifan is not disgusted with the fight at all. For him, the significance of this matter itself has exceeded the simple purpose of attacking his opponent's body.

No matter what the situation is, you should have courage, be brave, and do not retreat or avoid it. Su Yifan constantly warned himself, just like many people he knew, facing what he didn't want to face and couldn't escape was a sign of people's becoming powerful.

Do not escape within the scope of his ability, which is the goal set by Su Yifan since he was surrounded by Chen Xin at the school gate.

The taxi honked a few times, probably thinking that there was a possibility of two young people on the roadside to take a taxi. After finding that there was no response, they drove quickly.

The roadside light returned to the darkness just now, and Su Yifan slowly walked to the braided young man step by step.

The braided young man sniffed. Just now, Su Yifan's punch was too fierce, and he still didn't recover.

Su Yifan's footsteps accelerated, and he quickly approached the braided young man.

"Come on!" The braided young man was also angered and roared.

"Come on!" Su Yifan suddenly rushed to the young man and punched the young man.

With a snap, Su Yifan was held by the young man with a confident punch.

Su Yifan did not pull back his hand, and the other fist has been swung out.

The braided young man blocked his backhand and held his fists with both hands.

Su Yifan shrank his hand and found that he couldn't take it back. His wrist was caught by his backhand again.

The young man with braids has rich practical experience and can easily find problems.

In the case of keeping a distance, locking Su Yifan's action is more beneficial to you.

Desp, the young man with braids still felt surprised.

Wang Jianhou didn't tell him the process of Su Yifan's action with others. The two fights at the school gate were watched and told. He had already made enough estimates of Su Yifan in his heart.

Not only Su Yifan's fierceness, but also his physical fitness and experience, all exceeded expectations.

The thin and weak high school student can beat so well, and the fierceness of the braided young man was also stimulated. The strength of the fingers holding Su Yifan's wrist gradually increased, and he was about to pinch Su Yifan's wrist artery.

The wrist is caught is different from the arm. Ordinary people think it is more difficult to break free, but Su Yifan doesn't think so.

From the beginning of training, Euler desperately trained Su Yifan how to control his body's center of gravity, and also taught him a lot of counterattack skills.

At this moment, Su Yifan was almost as reflexed as soul possession. His wrist turned over and twisted the wrist of the braided young man.

The young man with braids did not panic. When his hands were caught, he jumped up and kicked his legs to Su Yifan's chest.

Su Yifan didn't expect that the other party's body was so flexible. Seeing the air flying over, his body's instinctive response exceeded the other party's movements, and he let go of his hand and retreated without hesitation.

Then he kicked in the middle of the newly landed braided young man's crotch.

This foot is not very hard and not very gentle.

One foot determines the winner.

Except for some people who have practiced the magic skills in the old martial arts film Eagle Claw Iron Cloth Shirt, normal men have a common feature after being kicked in this place.

Bend down, curl up like a cooked prawn, and roll all over the ground.

No matter how fierce the eyes are, no matter how tough their skills are, no matter how much the little braids are**...

This time, Su Yifan did not hesitate to rush over and kick the braided young man several times, and then bent down and locked the other party's neck with his backhand.

"I don't care who sent you. Go back and take good care of your injury."

Su Yifan believes that his kick will not let the other party cut off his children and grandchildren, but it is also necessary to rest for a month or two.

The eyes of the braided young man stared at Su Yifan as if he were about to burst into flames. Unfortunately, because his eyes were too small and his expression was too distorted, there was really no deterrent.

"Next time we meet, I will definitely defeat you head-on."

After saying that he was actually a little guilty, Su Yifan loosened the neck of the braided young man and left without looking back. He believed that the young man with small braids could not chase him, and the injury was absolutely not suitable for strenuous running.

Su Yifan himself was not injured. After walking far away, he quickly took a taxi and went to the secret base to change clothes and take a shower first.

"Sister Qing, I sent Chu Ruo home today and had a fight with someone." Su Yifan decided to report this matter to Su Xiaoqing first, "I think it may have been arranged by Wang Jianhou."

Su Xiaoqing should be listening to music. Su Yifan listened carefully and found that the music was actually a traditional erhu song "Erquan Yingyue", and it was also the original version. This taste is really good.

"Oh?" Hearing that Su Yifan was attacked, the music around Su Xiaoqing immediately disappeared, "Are you hurt?"

"No." Su Yifan hesitated for a moment and decided to talk about the battle situation. "I kicked the other party's balls... I guess I haven't recovered yet."

Su Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "...Well done! Do you remember what the person who attacked you was like?"

Su Yifan was very impressed by the young man with small eyes and nodded and said, "Remember."

"Then draw it and send it to me." Su Xiaoqing said, "Actually, I'm not going to let go of anyone who has hurt you. What do you think is better to deal with him?"

Su Yifan sweated: "Don't do this, right? He seems to be a migrant worker.

"You are quite willing to think of others." Su Xiao said slightly sarcastically, "Then why don't you stop me if I find someone to clean up Lu Ma?"

Su Yifan said, "That's different. I don't think Lu Ma is just fighting with others. He is too powerful to bully others, and he should be bullied."

"What about the people who surrounded you at the school gate?" Su Xiaoqing asked, "Do you want to avenge them?"

Su Yifan was certainly impressed by that incident. It was the first time in his life that he waved his fist at others, which had a different historical significance.

"If possible, I want to avenge myself now."

"Aren't you afraid of danger?" Su Xiao said slightly annoyanly, "You can't always put yourself in danger like this."

"Life is an adventure." Su Yifan smiled and said, "Anyway, I think people are very cautious now. They will consider the consequences before taking action."

"There are still many people who are not afraid of death." Su Xiaoqing said meaningfully, "You only see one corner now. The world is very big."

Su Yifan thought for a moment and said, "Sister Qing... I know you care about me. But I don't think there will be rescuers all the time in life, and they can rely on the strength of others. As I told you before, I hope to solve the problem on my own. If I can't even solve my own problems, how can I let you rely on it in the future?

Su Xiaoqing sighed, "Okay... It's promising. I'm so happy to hear it. Then do as you want, but if there is any danger, be sure to tell me as soon as possible.

"I will." Su Yifan said, "Wang Jianhou is not so bold. If he was really a dareful person, he would not only bother me at the class reunion."

"That's what I said." Su Xiaoqing said, "Don't look up to him, a stupid pig raised by a stupid father."

Su Yifan laughed and said, "Then will I be spoiled by you?"

"Poor mouth. And if there is such a thing in the future, you'd better drive. Su Xiaoqing said, "Unless Wang Jianhou gets a gun, there will be few opportunities to attack you."

Speaking of robbing, Su Yifan remembered his experience in the United States. He hasn't asked Su Xiaoqing how Harvey is doing recently. I think it must be very miserable.

"The gun...isn't it difficult to get, is it?"

"That's what the theory says." Su Xiao said lightly, "However, if most of the firearms are used for anything, the source will be traced, which is too extensive and too offends people. So generally speaking, no one will choose to use a gun if there is no special need. On the contrary, it may be more convenient for two people to kill people.

Gu Ying shaved his ribs at home with a double-up human knife. The rapid action and brilliant effect made Su Yifan still remember vividly. Thinking of the feeling of a knife stabbing into his skin, the teenager couldn't help but have a cold war.

"Sister Qing, don't scare me..."

"I'm going to scare you." Su Xiao smiled and said, "Let you be so bold that you don't scare me. Maybe you will dare to fight against mercenaries in the future."

Without waiting for Su Yifan to say anything, Su Xiaoqing said, "Do you want to check this person or should I check it?" If I go to check, I will tell you the result tomorrow morning.

Su Yifan thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask myself first. If I can't find the result, I'll come to you... Sister Qing, I've agreed to come by myself."

"I don't want you to get hurt." Su Xiao smiled and said, "I don't care if Chu is dead or alive. You can't always toss yourself like this. I'm worried."

Although Su Xiaoqing understated, Su Yifan still heard the deep concern.

No matter how many times, Su Yifan can't be calm about this concern.

"Okay, go home early." Su Xiaoqing comforted the teenager and said, "Anyway, have a good sleep. I still have a video conference in the evening."

Su Yifan knew that Su Xiaoqing was really busy at work sometimes, so he hung up the phone and went home.

That is, on the way from the secret base to home, Su Yifan's mobile phone vibrated several times in a row. When he got home, he took it out and looked at it. It was all Chu Ruo's text messages.

"Has Wang Jianhou found someone to fight with you?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Where are you now?"

Su Yifan joked half-truthly: "Isn't the media too developed now? I'm not sure who the mastermind is..."

Just after returning this one, Chu Ruo's phone has been called.

"What does the person you do?"

Su Yifan sighed a little.

"Why does everyone care about this problem?"

"Is it a man with small braids, in his twenties, with small eyes and a long face?"

Su Yifan had to admire Chu Ruo's high generalization ability, and the face that had been deeply imprinted in his mind became ready to come out because of these simple descriptions.

"Listen to what you said, I think you should study liberal arts."

Chu Ruo said, "I chose liberal arts."

"Okay..." Su Yifan admitted, "It's such a person, do you know?"

Chu Ruo said, "It only took me less than two weeks to remember the names and faces of all the people under Wang Jianhou, don't you think?"

Su Yifan smiled bitterly and said, "Then I really asked a stupid question. Who is this person? It's quite awesome..."

"This man is not good." There was a trace of fear in Chu Ruo's voice that Su Yifan had never heard of, "But his brothers are quite terrible..."

Chu Ruo has never been alarmist. Her words basically represent the most objective and calm statements of her peers.

Su Yifan heard the worries in Chu Ruo's mouth and immediately asked, "What's the mystery?"

"There is no mystery." Chu Ruo said helplessly, "It's just some very powerful people, several of whom have a good relationship. The one who did it with you is called Liu Chong, who is the weaker one among them.


I thought about a lot of strange plots and felt a little itchy... But I still have to write slowly. The growth and change of the character are more important than anything else.

Ask for red tickets!