My Goddess

Chapter 169 Bid 1

The weather suddenly became hot.

Even in the morning when the sun has not yet fully risen, there is a dry heat in the air. When Su Yifan jumped up from **, the alarm clock pointer pointed to 6: 30.

After putting on clothes and having breakfast, Su Yifan did not walk or run for the first time in the past three months and took a taxi straight to school.

All the charity goods are concentrated in the school and need to be transferred to the venue. The team members of each class are responsible for counting the number and nursing, and they are responsible for any problems.

When the school arrived, the other members of the group have arrived. Li Peiran immediately smiled hypocritically after seeing Su Yifan: " Team leader, can you finally reveal your donation today?"

Su Yifan carried a travel bag on one shoulder and pointed to the travel bag: "No problem, I'll let you know."

Cheng Shuixin, who knew the answer, smiled at Su Yifan, and her smile was mostly encouraging.

Because it has been constantly paved and publicized before, the whole park center square is very lively. Many students who failed to participate in group activities also came to watch the fun. For a time, only one high school student is enough to turn this place into a huge market. Some owners of valuable donations came to watch to see if their things could be sold.

For many students, this charity sale is also a good opportunity to hunt for treasure. Although there are many donations, there are so many good things that they are dazzling.

Anyone has the mentality of taking advantage of small advantages. When encountering this kind of thing, everyone hopes to find something worthwhile.

After arriving at the park, Su Yifan continued to move things with two boys, and the girls began to decorate the booth.

At this time, the sun has completely risen, and the sun shines on these teenagers and girls, and a layer of golden light is coated in the flying of youth. Time is like a pause, making many people remember such a busy morning.

Cheng Shuixin stood in the middle of the booth and held a small speaker. The speaker was very beautiful and did not look like selling with a loudspeaker at all.

Lin Lu, who promised to be a Kanban girl, wore a beautiful black and white skirt, a white cardigan, supplemented by a light blue shirt, and her hair was refined and combed into a pair of ponytails, which actually felt like an anime character.

Zhang Chao touched Su Yifan with his elbow while moving things.

"Hey, why didn't I find that the deputy monitor is so beautiful?"

Su Yifan replied angrily, "Do you think all the beautiful girls are in the game?"

Zhang Chao was not embarrassed. He laughed and said, "Yes, I always play games, and my aesthetic standards have been raised."


Su Yifan really doesn't want to complain about this boy.

The ten huge plush toy dogs donated by Lin Lu were so eye-catching that they attracted amazement from many little girls as soon as they put them down. Before the Kanban girl could make a more natural smile, someone rushed over and asked, "How much is that toy dog?"

Lin Lu, who was a little flustered, was about to answer. Cheng Shuixin's voice had come out of the speaker: "We are only limited to five plush toys in the morning. Please bid by yourself. Each reserve price is not less than 600 yuan."

Cheng Shuixin has countless hosting experience. Of course, there is no problem with this kind of small thing. Her explanation has attracted a lot of attention, and of course she is dissatisfied.

"600, isn't it too expensive?"

"Why do you only sell five in the morning? There are ten of them!"

"Can it be cheaper?"


Cheng Shuixin has obviously done her homework and replied with a smile in the face of various dissatisfied questions: "This is an authentic Hong Kong Evergreen brand plush toy, with an average retail price of more than 1,400 yuan. Our price is less than 50% off. And these toys are sold in limited quantities. Of course, we will also sell them in limited quantities.

Even if the beautiful woman's explanation is really far-fetched, some people will agree, not to mention what Cheng Shuixin said makes sense. The boos of those comments gradually weakened, and their eyes stopped on the plush toys.

"It's very popular." Tang Ying didn't say much to Lin Lu, "Will your father be unhappy?"

"There is no place to put it." Lin Lu secretly replied, "He will never object to my donation."

Tang Ying smiled at Lin Lu, but her eyes stopped on Su Yifan.

After a brief silence, some of the onlookers began to jump out and shout, "I'm six hundred and one!"

Unexpectedly, he was willing to add ten yuan... Su Yifan took a cold breath, this great courage.

Of course, adding ten yuan is already quite a heroic behavior for students. Cheng Shuixin immediately welcomed: "Thank you, thank you for supporting charity!"

The hat of charity is very useful. After Cheng Shuixin focused on the four words of charity, many people suddenly realized that we are not here to fight for the rich, but everyone is doing charity.

I'm afraid that after the publicity of the whole charity sale has fermented to a certain extent, most people have forgotten that this activity is for poor children. In their eyes, there are only various precious donations and whose things are more valuable.

This is a characteristic of the flower world. The more exaggerated and flashy it is, the easier it is to be noticed and remembered.

At this moment, looking at the huge banner and listening to Cheng Shuixin's reminder, many people realized that this was a public welfare activity.

"I'll pay six hundred and two!"

After a short silence, someone raised their hands.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and waved to the people over there: "Thank you. Is there anyone willing to pay a higher price?"

Compared with Cheng Shuixin, which is like a real auctioneer's typhoon, the hosts of other classes are not so flexible. Of course, it's easy for every class to find a stingy one, and everyone's booth is very lively.

At the scene, there were many patrol teachers sent by schools to help assist in the work. These teachers were very dedicated to looking for TV stations and newspaper reporters. They went wherever there was an interview, and everyone's face was full of brilliance.

Nelle is wearing a very serious today, long-sleeved T-shirt with slim jeans, long white and gold hair tied into a beautiful ponytail and tied with a white scarf. The sign of Class 3 of the second year was pasted with adhesive on one sleeve, and he followed Su Yifan like a little follower.

It was almost eight o'clock. Su Yifan put his laptop on the table on the side of the stall and opened a website at the same time.

The number of people coming and going is increasing, and many old people who come back from morning exercise also pass by the central square of the park, inevitably stopping and marveling. An old man with a Taiji sword muttered with his friend who was doing morning exercises: "What does the school teach children now? What can I do in the future if I don't learn to sell things at such a young age?

The old man next to him echoed, "Now this society recognizes money. What can we do?"

This kind of words is heard a lot for high school students, and most of them are indifferent.

The bidding scene of the first toy dog was very chaotic. Although everyone added 10 yuan, the final price still exceeded 750 yuan, reaching the 800 mark.

It's hard to accept to buy a toy dog for 800 yuan, even if it's a famous brand. The price of the huge plush teddy bear cottage on Taobao is less than 100 yuan, and the carefully calculated students gradually stopped bidding.

The final price hovered at 700 yuan and was bought by a morning exercise youth in outdoor sportswear.

Lin, the Kanban girl, handed the toy dog to the young man with a smile, and rudely took the money, completely ignoring the young man's eyes to discharge electricity to herself.

"This person is interested in you." Tang Ying is actually quite lively in private, especially when she is with Lin Lu.

Lin Lu continued to smile and replied quietly, "He just looked at Cheng Shuixin, a big radish."

After all, the popularity of activities with beautiful girls taking the initiative to participate in is higher. After the toy dog was sold, the atmosphere became more enthusiastic. Cheng Shuixin took the opportunity to recommend other donations today, such as Li Peiran's model aircraft toys.

After all, the audience of this thing is smaller. Now the onlookers gathered in the morning are mostly students, and people are not very interested in this thing.

Cheng Shuixin said a few more words, hid back to the shade to rest, and said to Su Yifan, who was patrolling around, "There is a unified publicity broadcast at ten o'clock, so we don't have to worry so much, but you..."

Su Yifan looked up at the sun: "It's too hot today. The drinks won't be cold for a while. I'll figure it out."

"Go ahead." Cheng Shuixin knew that Su Yifan was in his heart and waved his hand, "Here is me and the monitor watching. Everything will be fine."

Li Peiran is guarding his model aircraft toy, with a second-hand laptop next to it, which looks like a second-hand goods seller in an electronic city. Hearing Cheng Shuixin mention herself, she looked up and smiled at Su Yifan and said, "Group leader, go ahead. I'm still waiting for your things to surprise us."

Su Yifan nodded: "Don't worry, it will be."

Cheng Shuixin took a deep look at Su Yifan: "Are you all right?"

"I think so." Su Yifan, who has been full of confidence recently, occasionally shows lack of confidence. "At most, it's just a shame. What are you afraid of?"

"Good job." Cheng Shuixin smiled and praised, "It's worthy of being our team leader."

Su Yifan turned to the grocery store in the park to contact frozen drinks. Cheng Shuixin rested for two minutes and stood up again and said to Tang Ying, "Lin Lu can't stand for a long time. You can take her for her later."

Tang Ying has always been neither invincible nor fond of Cheng Shuixin. At this time, there was no distinction and controversy, and she nodded silently.

Cheng Shuixin picked up the speaker and returned to the front row of the booth. She was seeing Su Yifan's back disappearing at the corner on the west side of the square.

For some reason, looking at that back, Cheng Shuixin always has a wonderful feeling of being encouraged.

Cheng Shuixin is planning to continue to sell, and a group of middle-aged people in their forties crowded around the stall.

There are six or seven people in this group, and they are all dressed awkwardly. Adidas Nike's sportswear is worn randomly, and their skin color is very dark, as if they have been exposed to the sun for a long time. The hair walking in front is a little messy, and the naturally curly hair is still a little dirty.

"Yo, is this group of students who can't open today?"

"What is this? Sell rags to collect money?"

"Tut, now students are really rich, and laptops are sold."

"Let's also take a look and see if there are any good goods."


Cheng Shuixin bit her lips and looked at these people and immediately understood their identities.

This is the second-hand market in the park that should have been suspended for a week, and the people in the second-hand market came to join in the fun.

As for whether to join in the fun or make trouble, Cheng Shuixin doesn't know.


The third update is at 11 o'clock... Ask for red tickets.