My Goddess

Chapter 173 Bid 5

The female reporter finally left bitterly, leaving only her business card, which said Han Yun, a reporter from Binhai TV Economic Life Channel.

Su Yifan originally wanted to throw away the business card, but after thinking about it, he felt that this kind of thing was too rude, and considering that there might really be a chance to meet in the future, he stuffed the business card into his wallet.

Back to the class booth, Su Yifan found that the whole group was staring at him.

This is expected, and he still doesn't feel used to it.

"Why are you looking at me? Continue to sell things."

Just after pretending in front of so many people, Su Yifan didn't feel embarrassed. Now he is a little blushed by the eyes of his classmates.

Lin Lu ignored her identity and asked Su Yifan, "Did you really donate 200,000 dollars?"

"It's not my donation." Su Yifan explained, "I raised the funds through game projects, but I can't use this money for my own games. I donate it to do something else."

Cheng Shuixin's reaction is the most bland. After all, she is one of the core figures involved in the whole thing.

"Hero, how do you feel?"

Su Yifan could only continue to giggle shyly: "I don't feel anything... I feel particularly sorry for my parents."

Su Shen and Gu Ying are both of those who have to run for money. Although life is good, they are definitely not rich. After donating more than 1 million, Su Yifan felt most guilty about being sorry to his parents. After all, this money is not as difficult to explain as the hundreds of thousands of dollars offered by Gao Li, and the purpose is clear.

Zhang Chao was about to go crazy. He ran over and grabbed Su Yifan like a mad dog and asked, "What are you thinking?! More than a million, you donated it! Do you think you are a saint?

At this time, Su Yifan was no longer excited. He reached out and held Zhang Chao and said, "There will be more in a million years. For us, this is a sum of money, and for many children, this is their only hope."

Cheng Shuixin suddenly said, "Can you trust the donation mechanism in China?"

The donation after the catastrophe last year has exposed various problems, and Su Yifan certainly knows it. Thinking of this, Su Yifan said helplessly, "I know this is not the most correct way, but this is the best way I can do."

Cheng Shuixin sighed: "Yes, let's not talk about this, it's frustrating... Let's be happy - hero, you did a good job, and now everyone knows what you donated. But if you don't want to be reported, you'd better ask the school to communicate with these media, which is more convenient.

Li Peiran, who had been asking Su Yifan what he wanted to donate, sat in a chair decadently, with his laptop and aircraft model in front of him. Just now, several students expressed a certain degree of concern about laptops, and after hearing the price, they felt that it was not a good deal.

Su Yifan's behavior was like a heavy punch that exploded Li Peiran's confidence. Ask yourself, Li Peiran can't donate 200,000 dollars. If he had this money, he would have bought a bunch of things for himself first, and then... then Li Peiran hasn't figured it out yet.

Li Peiran thinks Zhang Chao is right. Su Yifan is a madman. How dare he donate so much money?

Tang Ying, the group secretary standing beside Lin Lu, whispered to Su Yifan with a complicated face, "I believe that Zhai Yufei is not as good as you... Let's talk when we have time."

Su Yifan nodded: "Okay."

The only thing she doesn't feel is Nicole. The girl who used to donate Cartier jewelry doesn't think 200,000 dollars is amazing at all. She still waves one of her sleeves to show people the logo of Class 3 of the second year.

Through these people, Su Yifan returned to the booth and saw Yang Bingbing's shining eyes.

"Well done." Yang Bingbing said.

Su Yifan thought for a moment, picked up a bottle of drink and took a sip and said, "It's everyone's education."



Because Su Yifan was forced to interrupt the stage activities for a while, Zhai Yufei spoke on behalf of the students. Although Zhai Yufei's speech talent has been recognized as the best in the whole school, this speech, which has long been familiar with every action expression, still makes him feel a little bitter.

Zhai Yufei once looked down on Li Peiran extremely and felt that his mind pattern was particularly narrow and only suitable for working as a cadre. After Su Yifan's move just now, Zhai Yufei felt that his mind did not seem to be much broader.

The shock brought by 200,000 dollars made Zhai Yufei suddenly feel that he did not seem to understand this seemingly harmless junior.

subconsciously looked up at the pavilion and corridor next to the park square, and Zhai Yufei began to look forward to Chen Xin and Huang Di's next action.

All the relevant personnel of the TV station evacuated near noon. These people came to work. Of course, the school leaders should entertain them to eat something good at noon. As for whether to continue to start work in the afternoon, it all depends on the right time, place and people. There is no need to toss around if the weather is too hot or the flow of people is too rough. Anyway, the materials needed for the news are enough, right?

As for Su Yifan's loud report, Han Yun intends to persuade the school leaders to see if she can convince Su Yifan.

Of course, Han Yun is very clear in his heart that a teenager who does not treat more than a million yuan as money, even if he exerts a little pressure, may not achieve any satisfactory results.

In addition to Han Yun, many print media also interviewed Su Yifan, which was rejected without exception. Su Yifan's tough attitude makes many reporters feel all kinds of upset, but there is really nothing they can do.

A student who doesn't seem to be short of money, and the small media in prefecture-level cities really don't have the courage to really bully others.

As people gather in the park, more and more things are being sold. Su Yifan saw that Wang Ziwei of Class 2 seemed to sell a carbon fiber mountain bike, which sold more than 6,000, which was also a relatively large volume in today's transaction volume.

Unfortunately, Wang Ziwei, who sold things, looked so listless. He knew that no matter how many things he sold, he was completely inferior to Su Yifan's amazing number today.

Since coming down from the stage, there have been more people in Su Yifan's booth. The whole third group was so busy that even Yang Bingbing joined the ranks of help.

"Afraid your classmates have opinions?" Su Yifan found that he now likes to joke with Yang Bingbing more and more.

"There will be a shift in a month, don't be afraid." Yang Bingbing shook her hair, which was really chic.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Then we can divide into one class and see each other more in the future."

Su Yifan really thinks this is a good idea. For these girls, Su Yifan felt very happy to be with anyone.

Now Su Yifan doesn't dare to expect too much. He just hopes that such a happy day will last for a longer time.

At noon, everyone ate the boxed lunch ordered by Su Yifan, and Yang Bingbing also rubbed a portion here, making Wang Ziwei, who was watching in the four stalls next to her, very angry.

Thinking that Yang Bingbing is so close to Class 3 in front of her classmates, she will definitely be isolated in the class in the future. At that time, there may be a chance, and Wang Ziwei is in a better mood.

When he ate more than half of the boxed lunch, Su Yifan put down his chopsticks: "Someone came to buy something. I'll say hello. You can continue to eat."

The person who came to buy things was a handsome young man. He wore a very small plaid shirt, sunglasses, and pointed to the toy dog on Su Yifan's stall and said, "How much money do these? I want."

There are only five plush toy dogs left. Su Yifan looked back at Cheng Shuixin, who waved his little finger slightly to Su Yifan. Su Yifan, who understood, shook his head at the young man and said, "I'm sorry, it won't be sold until the afternoon. Please come and queue up in the afternoon."

The young man's face instantly became like a thunderstorm and said angrily, "Why, don't you think you give less money? Why don't you sell it?"

Su Yifan had a natural antipathy to this kind of evil behavior and replied in a bad tone, "It's our business to sell or not. It has nothing to do with you."

"Yo, the boy is quite hard!" The young man took off his sunglasses, pointed to Su Yifan's nose and scolded, "Do you know who I am? Fuck, I found someone to smash your stall."

This level of threat has no meaning to Su Yifan. He looked into the young man's eyes and asked, "Really?"


When he met such a sticky candy-like answer, the young man's temper became bigger and grabbed Su Yifan's chest.

This side began to scold people, and the other students in the class felt something wrong. Zhang Chao was the first to stand up and rushed this way.

Su Yifan didn't give Zhang Chao a chance to rush over. He grabbed the hand that just wanted to grab himself with one hand, pressed his thumb on the upward position of the tiger's mouth, and instantly controlled the young man's hand.

Bo both of them moved so fast that no one could see clearly.

Su Yifan pinched the place hard and let go of his hand.

The handsome young man took a step back and felt that his whole hand seemed to be numb. He looked up at Su Yifan with hatred, but he didn't dare to do anything or say anything crazy.

"You go, you are not welcome here." Su Yifan said seriously to the young man, "If you want to buy a toy dog, you can find someone to order it online."

The young man stepped back two steps and stared fiercely at Su Yifan and Zhang Chao standing beside Su Yifan.

"Kid, you are cruel. Don't leave if you have the guts!"

Su Yifan frowned. He felt that things didn't seem to be so simple.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chao asked.

"A scoundrel." Su Yifan said uncertainly, "But I don't think it's good. You pack up your things and don't put the fragile things too forward."

Cheng Shuixin also left his boxed lunch and came over.

"Someone made trouble?"

"I suspect that there are more than one making trouble." Su Yifan stared at the direction of the young man's disappearance and said, "Maybe someone wants to take the opportunity to find fault."

"Who will come to trouble us?" Cheng Shuixin asked herself and quickly got the answer, "You mean, Chen Xin?"

"Maybe Zhai Yufei." Su Yifan has also learned to use malice to figure out other people's mentality, "We are too passive to find trouble on such an occasion."

Cheng Shuixin looked back at Tang Ying and Lin Lu and said anxiously, "What should I do? There are patrolmen here. They won't come to trouble so easily, will they?

"The patrolman..." Su Yifan said with a wry smile, "What is the law for power?"

Before the words fell, a group of people poured in the distance.


The third update is over, ask for a red ticket.