My Goddess

Chapter 179 Leave No Regret

Of course, not everything is over.

Tuesday afternoon is the maintenance period for many online games as usual, and it is also a rest day for many TV and radio stations. Before the self-study class began, Su Yifan went to the fourth classroom alone.

Chen Xin has been around for a long time. After several humiliation, the two school teams found that the Chen Shao seemed to have no future and went to play with other people one after another.

The so-called wine and meat friends come quickly, and of course go quickly.

So when Su Yifan saw Chen Xin, he was sitting alone in the classroom and playing with his mobile phone, which seemed to be incompatible with the lively atmosphere in the whole classroom.

Seeing Chen Xin, Su Yifan did not talk nonsense. He went straight into the classroom, reached out and grabbed Chen Xin's neck and dragged him down from his seat.

Chen Xin was several centimeters taller than Su Yifan. She was surprised and reached out to struggle. Su Yifan's hands were hard. Chen Xin's legs pedalled in pain, and the chair fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

Su Yifan's hand was very strong. Chen Xin struggled twice and dared not move. He knew in his heart why Su Yifan came to him, and he was already weaker in momentum.

Many people in the fourth classroom were in an uproar when they saw Su Yifan coming in and choking Chen Xin's neck.

Su Yifan didn't look at anyone and dragged Chen Xin out.

Chen Xin was dragged a few steps and began to struggle desperately again.

Just now, he was scared by Su Yifan's momentum. In an instant, Chen Xin realized that this was a school, and Su Yifan would not do anything to himself.

What's more, if you struggle hard, other students will not sit idly by.

His throat seemed to be covered by iron tongs. Chen Xin tried to shout once or twice, but Su Yifan did not give him this opportunity and raised his legs and kicked Chen Xin's stomach.

There are many fights in the school because of personal grudges, at most in the corridor or on the playground. Su Yifan's behavior of rushing into someone else's classroom and dragging away directly away is like pulling the mouth on the face of Class Four, full of hot irony.

Su Yifan dragged Chen Xin to the door of the classroom and did not forget to say politely to the two girls standing at the door in a daze: "Please give way, personal grudge."

As soon as Su Yifan said this, many people woke up like dreams. Chen Qiaomu, the monitor of Class 4, quickly got up and shouted to Su Yifan, "Shout!"

On such an occasion, Su Yifan certainly would not give face to anyone. He grabbed Chen Xin's hand and kicked Chen Xin, who wanted to struggle.

After this step, Chen Xin finally became honest.

"It's really a personal grudge." Su Yifan said to Chen Qiaomu, "I'll send someone back in 20 minutes."

Chen Qiaomu was so angry that he trembled all over. In his opinion, Su Yifan was really too arrogant. Unexpectedly, Chen Xin went out in front of the students of Class 4, not only can't stand this kind of behavior, but also the students in Class 4 can't stand it!

"I told you to stop!" They are all hot-blooded teenagers, and Chen Qiaomu's anger came quickly, "Where is the sports committee member? Boys can stand up for me. Don't let such people be so rampant!"

Chen Qiaomu's words were quite useful. In an instant, seven or eight boys stood up and walked quickly to the door of the classroom together.

Su Yifan didn't look at these people, but dragged Chen Xin a few steps forward out of the classroom and pressed Chen Xin down at the door of the classroom.

The main door of the classroom was blocked by Chen Xin, and the back door was locked and unopened for a long time for various reasons. Su Yifan looked at the boys who planned to rush out through Chen Xin and gave Chen Xin a kick.

Su Yifan has a lot of experience on how to make people suffer without injury.


Chen Xin's screams echoed throughout the classroom, and Su Yifan owed any sympathy in his heart.

Chen Qiaomu didn't expect Su Yifan to be so cruel that he dared to act continuously in the classroom. He, who had never seen such a situation before, was stunned.

Su Yifan changed to grab Chen Xin's hair and asked the monitor of the fourth squad inside through Chen Xin: "It's really a personal grudge. Can I send him back in a moment?"

Chen Qiaomu was shocked by this momentum and still snorted unconvincedly: "Su Yifan, don't be too arrogant. If you continue to make trouble like this, the school will definitely punish you."

Su Yifan counterattacked mercilessly, "Really? I just donated more than 1 million yuan. Even if the school wants to punish me, will I consider it? Do you want to go to the principal's office to complain now?

Chen Qiaomu was also one of the people who witnessed the fight between Su Yifan and Fatty Hong at the school gate. He thought that he would never lose his temper as long as he was not offending the bottom line. Unexpectedly, Su Yifan showed unprecedented aggression, and Chen Qiaomu was a little afraid to look at him in his eyes.

The eyes were full of calm anger.

The most terrible anger in the world is anger in a calm state.

Chen Qiaomu knew in an instant that Su Yifan must have figured out the consequences of the whole matter before he dared to make trouble in his class.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiaomu had to sigh in his heart, Chen Xin, Chen Xin, what did this classmate of his own family do to provoke Su Yifan, a terrible guy?

Yes, Chen Qiaomu characterized Su Yifan almost in an instant, and he felt that the other party was very terrible.

Stared at by nearly ten boys with malicious eyes, Su Yifan was not timid at all. Instead, he stared at these people and said, "If you want to do it, I will deal with you one by one in the future. If you think you have more weight than Chen Xin, come and try it."

Su Yifan's threat is very simple, and this threat will certainly be strongly rebounded by his peers at ordinary times.

This moment is different.

Chen Xin didn't dare to speak for fear that Su Yifan would give him another kick. That cowardly completely proved that what Su Yifan said was true.

Everyone really has to think about whether they are more confident than Chen Xin.

Su Yifan glanced at these people and dragged Chen Xin away from the fourth class classroom.

No one followed. Chen Qiaomu, the monitor, looked at Su Yifan leaving with a complicated look and whispered to the sports committee next to him, "Go... talk to Mr. Li."


Chen Xin never dreamed that Su Yifan would take the initiative to come to the class to find herself, and in this way.

Being dragged by Su Yifan's half-long hair, Chen Xin scolded Su Yifan and said something cruel. The feeling of feeling in his heart and the pain of being kicked a few times by Su Yifan made him unable to open his mouth.

Su Yifan, no matter how many people looked at him with surprise along the way, dragged Chen Xin to the woods on the side of the playground.

Overthrow Chen Xin on the ground, Su Yifan looked condescendingly at this rich second generation who felt good about himself.

"Have you discussed it with Huang Di and Zhai Yufei?"

Chen Xin did not dare to look into Su Yifan's eyes. He felt that as long as he took a glance, he would be completely burned to ashes by Su Yifan's anger.

Seeing that Chen Xin didn't say anything, Su Yifan kicked again impatiently.

This kick was right in Chen Xin's waist, and Chen Xin felt that half of her body was numb by this kick.


The angry Su Yifan made Chen Xin feel something similar to murderous. He wanted to say two words. He opened his mouth but couldn't help saying, "...yes."

Su Yifan was also very angry and pointed to Chen Xin and said, "You're really good... I'm not going to talk to you anymore. Isn't it good for us to finish our last year of high school in peace? Now it seems that you have been beaten too little!"

Chen Xinqi didn't know what to say. Even if he had a nightmare, he never dreamed of such a scene. Su Yifan seemed to be able to jump over and beat himself at any time. This scene made Chen Xin completely forget how he had looked down on the ordinary classmate in front of him.

"From today on, I have decided to beat you every week." Su Yifan kicked Chen Xin, specializing in rough and thick places, and did not forget to threaten Chen Xin. "You have the ability to continue to find someone. I'll see who you can find. I see how many people you can find. You find one more, and I'll beat you up one more. Do you think it's okay?"

Chen Xin, who was kicked by Su Yifan and only knew how to hold her head, had no time to pay attention to this terrible threat. He only felt that he had been beaten and dizzy in front of him.

Although his heart was full of anger, Su Yifan also knew the proportion. After kicking Chen Xin, he estimated that the time was almost time and shouted to Chen Xin, "Get up."

Chen Xin lay on the ground, still holding her head with her hands, motionless.

"Fuck, I'll get you up!" Su Yifan really lacked patience with Chen Xin, especially when he remembered Neil's departure, and he was even more angry. "If he doesn't get up again, I will beat you!"

The threat was so effective that Chen Xin was excited and got up from the ground happily.

Su Yifan looked at Chen Xin and couldn't see any scars except for a little gray on her face. The place where he was kicked across the clothes must be blue and purple, but just looking at the outer packaging makes people feel that he has not been bullied much.

"Go back to the classroom." Su Yifan said rudely, "Go home and cry to your father to see if he can find someone to deal with me."

Chen Xin didn't dare to look at Su Yifan. He had completely collapsed psychologically, and now subconsciously felt that Su Yifan was full of terrible violence.

Su Yifan's anger came out a little. He didn't even look at Chen Xin and returned to the classroom of Class Three.

"Why did you come back so late?" The bell of the self-study class just rang, and Cheng Shuixin turned back and asked without any suspicion.

Su Yifan replied honestly, "I just went to beat Chen Xin."

Cheng Shuixin doesn't know the details of the whole matter, so she can only guess: "What does it have to do with Nell?"

"It's related." Su Yifan said, "I beat him up and felt a little better."

Although Cheng Shuixin does not advocate violence, she will not oppose Su Yifan's decision: "Alas, you just feel comfortable... How did you do it?"

"Go to his class and drag it out and have a fight." Su Yifan said, "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry. The school won't do anything to me."

Cheng Shuixin knew that what Su Yifan said was true. The donation that day was later on the news of Binhai Daily, but the picture was a photo of the vice principal and the principal holding huge donation props. For this reason, the school will also be a little kinder to Su Yifan.

This is a helpless privilege, which is useful when you have it.

At the end of the first self-study class, Wang Qin, the head teacher, appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Su Yifan, come here for a moment." Wang Qin's face is not very good.


Well, the counter-hand action has just begun.

Ask for red tickets.