My Goddess

Chapter 190 Claim

Feng Feng took a few steps forward, and Lao Li, who fell to the ground, had already got up.

Of course, Lao Li will not be able to get up after suffering such a rough skin, especially today. With so many onlookers, Lao Li knows that he can't pretend to be dead even if he spits blood.

It's really embarrassing, and it will be difficult to find face later.

Feng Feng didn't even look at Lao Li who got up and walked to the curly young man.

The curly young man looked at Feng Feng with a frightened face and opened his mouth to speak.

Lao Li shouted in the back, "He was alone and surrounded him!"

This roar made several people find some courage and rushed to Erfeng one after another.

As soon as these people moved, Hong Nan shouted beside him, "Damn, are they all dead? Do it!"

The uninjured waiter woke up from a dream and rushed up with a chair or something.

"Today, I invite the whole audience to kill these bastards!" Fatty Hong covered his waist and continued to shout, "Fuck your mother. It's just a few dogs of Lao Wang, how dare you come to me to scream?

The little brothers who had just been knocked down heard the boss shouting, and several of them stood up and went forward ferociously.

Su Yifan saw this situation and knew that he didn't need his own help, so he simply watched the fun.

Don't be afraid of trouble, but you don't have to take the initiative to cause trouble. Su Yifan thought very simply, and his mood was not so heavy. The focus of his observation was still on Feng Feng.

Just now, Feng Feng's unscientific blow let Su Yifan know that whether a person can fight or not has absolutely nothing to do with his appearance. This man, who looks as thin as a monkey, has a blade-like momentum. As long as he is willing, he can stab someone at any time and let that person bleed.

Su Yifan even maliciously speculated whether Lao Wang didn't like Feng Feng because he always had such a dangerous breath?

In a blink of an eye, Feng Feng has been together with the curly young man.

The curly young man's shoulder has not been completely opened, and one leg is about to be lifted. Feng Feng has punched him without any tricks.

A punch hit the curly young man in the face.

Feng Feng obviously does not have such a high awareness of hitting people in the face.

With one punch, the position of the bridge of the nose made a crisp sound.

Then Feng Feng made up his abdomen before leaning back on the curly young man's body.

is also a punch and a foot, and the action is almost no different from Lao Li just now.

The curly young man flew out almost horizontally and fell next to the stage.

At the same time, a person around the curly young man punched Feng Feng's left face.

Feng Feng still did not dodge. After being hit, he just tilted his head and grabbed the arm and pulled it.

The man was thrown away two or three meters away and fell heavily on the ground.

Then Feng Feng turned his face, and there was already a scar on his face. His face looked at the remaining two people who were still standing as usual.

"You don't have to do it." Feng Feng said this to Hong Nan, "From today on, Boss Wang has nothing to do with our brother."

Hong Nan shouted, "Okay! Brother Feng, as long as you want, I will give you this restaurant!"

This is the courage. Hong Nan's family has gone through many twists and turns from black to white to black, and the state of thinking is naturally different from Lao Wang, who can only be regarded as an upstart. After saying that, Feng Feng, who had been lowering his head, lit up his eyes.

Hearing Hong Nan's order, many eager waiters retreated and stood beside Hong Nan to form a wall of people.

Lao Li's confidence just now is gone, and now he understands that it must not be so simple under his reputation. Originally, there was the idea of humiliating Erfeng and Hongnan in public, but I didn't expect to be humiliated by myself.

In a moment of Li's hesitation, Feng Feng suddenly rushed to the remaining two, and he fell down one person with lightning speed and punched the man in the chest several times.

The man didn't come up in one breath and fainted before he could hum.

In the end, the remaining person was completely afraid to step forward. He was swept away by Feng Feng's eyes and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, causing a burst of laughter.

Feng Feng turned his head and looked at Lao Li.

"Come on."

two simple words contain the power that people can't look directly at. Lao Li felt that Erfeng, who had never been as thin as a monkey, had never been as terrible as today, and he began to regret what he had done.

Su Yifan looked at Lao Li with pity. He knew that this man was just a fan of the authorities. Lao Wang must be aware of the internal struggle between his men. He left his power alone, but he just wanted to see his men fight with each other and maintain a state of checks and balances. If it hadn't been for the suppression of Feng Feng, Lao Li would not have had the opportunity to rise to power.

To put it bluntly, it is actually those things that are usually said in workplace novels, which really proves that Su Yifan feels a little bored when it comes to living people. He guessed that Lao Li must not have greeted his boss today, and it was purely self-made in Hong Nan's territory.

If it hadn't been for this, Lao Li would not have wanted to take action with just a few people. Lao Wang must know Erfeng's strength better than everyone else and won't let Lao Li take action rashly.

These messy thoughts flashed through Su Yifan's mind. He comforted himself that he was just a theaterman, and it was really pleasant to see Lao Wang's men shriveled.

In full view of the public, Lao Li knew that he had no choice and he had to continue to fight with Erfeng. If you run away today, it is not just as simple as abandoning your previous achievements. In the future, the gangsters in the streets and alleys may have jokes about themselves.

If you think about it, that's really terrible.

So Lao Li just hesitated for a moment and bent down and bumped into Feng Feng.

Feng Feng still did not dodge, allowing Lao Li to hit him and hugged him tightly.

Lao Li felt that Feng Feng's punch just now was very skillful, so he gave up all skills and hugged Feng Feng's waist in the stupidest and vulgar way. The two rolled into a ball like two old glasses.

Su Yifan stared at Feng Feng's shoulders and legs for fear of missing any moment.

Lao Li's arms tightened Feng Feng, and Feng Feng's face remained unchanged.

A strong man with a height of 1.9 meters holds a thin man of about 1.7 meters in his arms. The strength of his arms alone is enough to make people worry about how much Erfeng will suffer.

In a few whispered exclamation, Lao Li had raised Feng Feng from his waist, trying to give him a shoulder throw.

At this time, Feng Feng moved.

The moment his body was lifted, Feng Feng's elbow fell quickly and hit Lao Li's shoulder continuously.

The elbows fall together, as fast as lightning.

Lao Li just lifted Feng Feng like a weightlifter. Before he could make the second move, his face suddenly became very bad.

Surprise, pain, unwillingness, anger, even a little unbelievable.

Feng Feng's hands tightly loosened, and Lao Li's heavy arms drooped unnaturally. He didn't even have a chance to say anything and fell to the ground with a sudden explosion.

Feng Feng fell to the ground lightly and stepped back two steps unsteadily as before.

Then Feng Feng turned to the only young man around Curly Hair who had not been knocked down and asked, "Do you want to leave?"

The young man's face was pale. He glanced at Lao Li, who was lying on the ground panting and couldn't speak, and hesitated for a moment.

"Let's go..." Lao Li lay on the ground in a hoarse voice and said, "Today we came here privately and have nothing to do with Boss Wang. Erfeng, come to me if you have any resentment..."

Feng Feng shook his head and turned around and walked behind Hong Nan, meaning that it was still up to Hong Nan.

Hong Nan also saw Feng Feng do something for the first time. The fat man was simply in a good mood and shouted, "Today is really... to show you a joke. I'll invite you in the evening, free of charge!"

The second young master of the Hong family did have a good way of doing things, and this roar attracted countless good responses. Everyone watched a play and ate and drank for nothing. Naturally, they were happy.

If you are in a good mood, you will inevitably say a few words to help the Hong family. In the future, how bad these words will be heard in Lao Wang's ears, then no one can control them.

After saying this beautiful sentence, Hong Nan looked at the provocators who had been beaten lightly and asked, "Do you think I should invite everyone for this meal today, or should I invite you to disturb everyone?"

At this point, Lao Li certainly hopes to calm down. Hong Nan now has all the advantages. Although he can't do anything to his people in full view, it's hard to find all kinds of means to humiliate him. After struggling in his mind, Lao Li quickly made a judgment: "Hong Shao, stop it. This is our fault. We have invited you to this meal."

Hong Nan, who covered his waist, heard this and immediately sat on the ground.

"Oh, my waist seems to be a little uncomfortable. I have to go to the hospital."

Hong Nan's words caused a burst of laughter. Whether it was a fight or touching porcelain, everyone was too familiar with the face that could not get up.

As soon as he tried to get up from the ground, Lao Li's face turned blue. He felt that his two shoulders were about to break, and Erfeng made it difficult for him to stand firm. Lao Li knew in his heart that he had swept Hongnan's foot just now. He left at least four points of strength, just wanted Hong Nan to retreat.

I didn't expect Hong Nan to be so ungrational. He has been acting as a wounded person since just now. First, I want Feng Feng to take action, and second, I'm afraid I plan to get more interest.

"Well, I won't embarrass you." Hong Nan pulled his fingers and counted, "Tables, chairs, benches, wine glasses and tableware are compensated according to the price, the waiters' medical expenses, injury and nursing expenses, as well as their own soup and medicine expenses... In addition to the evening consumption of all the good friends in the whole hotel, I just want you to pay 500,000 yuan."


Su Yifan felt in an instant that Hong Nan seemed to have become an African.

500,000 is just a "meaning". How black does he dare to be?

I said the amount of compensation in front of so many people, and no one showed much surprise. Hong Nan's daily net profit has exceeded 20,000 yuan, and 500,000 yuan is more meaningful to Hong Pangzi than substance.

Lao Li was stunned. He looked at Hong Nan's serious expression and wanted to find traces of jokes from it, but found that the boy seemed to be real.

After taking a deep breath, Lao Li endured the discomfort, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll think about it."

Hong Nan stretched out his hand, and someone handed him a panda to give him a point.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to think about the time of a cigarette."


Ask for red tickets!