My Goddess

Chapter 193 Can I swim in the mountains and rivers

On the way home, Su Yifan received a phone call from Su Xiaoqing, asking him to go to the coffee bar to wait for her. It's really not too late. Su Yifan carefully drove to the destination in the afternoon.

Thinking of the recent busyness, from full of expectations to loss to cheer up. Only then did Su Yifan realize that Su Xiaoqing had never left her side. She cared about herself in a simple but non- oppressive way and always gave her the strongest support.

Thinking that he still couldn't do anything for Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan would always feel unhappy for a while.

When he arrived at the coffee bar, Su Yifan found that there were more people here at night than during the day. In the dim light, the style of lamps on each table is different.

Slowly walked to the position where Su Xiaoqing often sat. Su Yifan saw Su Xiaoqing looking sideways at the traffic on the street, and the heat of coffee lingered a winding line in front of her.

Today, Su Xiaoqing wears a very ordinary dress. The white T-shirt is printed with a rock pattern of love and peace, which is a little different from her usual style. Her straight jeans hide under the table with a pair of long legs, revealing a pair of sneakers.

Su Xiaoqing always looks so relaxed and rarely solemnly. When she saw Su Yifan approaching, her eyes smiled into a pair of crescent moons.

"It's so majestic these days."

Su Yifan knew what Su Xiaoqing said, but now he won't feel embarrassed: "What am I without you? It's just that the fox pretends to be a tiger."

"At least I'm surprised that you dare to do these things with your own hands." Su Xiaoqing can always talk to Su Yifan in a comforting tone and whisper, "Sometimes I want to talk to you, but I don't think it's necessary to say it. Most of the time, I want to help you solve the troubles you encounter immediately... Alas, but you are stubborn, and I don't know how to make you changeable."

Su Yifan has been recalling all kinds of things since he met Su Xiaoqing these days. He bowed his head with some shame and said, "I'm sorry, Sister Qing, I let you down."

"How come?"

Su Xiaoqing stretched out his hand to pat the teenager on the shoulder. After thinking about it, he simply pulled him and let Su Yifan sit beside him.

Sitting beside Su Xiaoqing a little uneasily. Before Su Yifan could speak, Su Xiaoqing had already touched his lips with his fingers.

"Listen to me... I'm very happy with your change. No matter what the change is, it's a different world for you before. Although you have experienced a lot of unpleasant things, think that you may just retreat, avoid, or be bullied when you encountered this kind of thing in the past. Now you should understand that what I have done is not to give you anything, but to hope that you can understand what you want.

Su Yifan quietly listened to Su Xiaoqing talking to her. Her breath was beside her, her arms were holding her, and her smile was full of warm and firm power.

"I have seen all the things in the past few months. Those things may be very important to you. Since you have decided to stand up, I really just want to enjoy them quietly."

"There are setbacks, mistakes, and recklessness, but there can be no regrets." Su Xiaoqing said slowly, "I just hope to ensure that nothing will happen that will make you regret, and you can play the rest as you want."

"You are a child and want to become a warrior can only be understood by walking down step by step. No matter how much I give you, if you don't go through these processes in the end, you are likely to become that kind of arrogant young man in the end, which is not what I hope.


"Listen to me first." Su Xiaoqing made another silent gesture and his fingertips passed Su Yifan's lips. "Today, I wanted to tell you something else, but when I saw you like this, I still think it's more important to confirm your heart. Didn't you find it? You have actually learned a lot in the past few months.

Su Yifan remembered the scene where he poured liquor on the young master at Huang Di's house, nodded and admitted, "I found it myself."

"So I decided to take you out for a few days." Su Xiaoqing said, "By the way, ask Zhai Yufei to settle the account."

To Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan did not hide anything: "In fact, I have also thought of many ways to trouble Zhai Yufei, but I found that there seems to be no better way to beat him like beating Huang Di."

"Find a few beautiful girls to grab his thigh and ask him to pay for an abortion?" Su Xiao smiled and said, "You are still too kind and always think about problems in the simplest way. In fact, if you just think about it a little, there are many ways to make him suffer.

Su Yifan's current mentality is really not as kind as before. He humbly asked for advice, "What about such as?"

Su Xiao shook her finger and said, "I'll tell you the answer then. I'll take care of this."

"Then Chen Xin's father?"

Su Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "I just pushed a domino, and I can't help him up with a series of reactions after falling down. You can eat as much as you want. It's his business to be unlucky. It has nothing to do with you.

Su Yifan did not have any psychological obstacles this time. Previously, there was a trace of the idea of forgiving Chen Xin and his son, but now the idea in his mind became clear by Su Xiaoqing's words.

"Well, then Sister Qing, please help me find a few friends to go to the banquet together. I'll scare him to death."

Su Xiaoqing nodded with his eyes shining: "Okay, I'll find some that can really scare him to death."

Su Yifan thought about the scene and finally laughed: "Actually, I know my problem, but I can't change it for a while."

"Your kindness is also one of your strengths." Su Xiaoqing said, "But kindness depends on who is right. It's not too good to be to others. Forget about outsiders. Look at this world full of malice, doesn't everyone want to show their fangs to make others retreat?

"I know." Su Yifan said, "I used to think things too simply."

Su Xiao sighed slightly, "Actually, you are not simple. Few people in your peers can understand it as quickly as you do. I refreshed and read the recruitment page on KS many times when I had nothing to do, and it was really provocative.

"Cheng Shuixin is the president of the Literature Society." Su Yifan refused to take credit himself, "She translated the Chinese manuscript I wrote."

"Your combination is really good." Su Xiaoqing said this and sighed, "At the beginning, I thought Cheng Shuixin was not suitable for you, but later I gradually found that she was really suitable for you."

Su Yifan, who was not embarrassed all night, blushed again.

"Light sister..."

"Don't run away." Su Xiao smiled and said, "What a good girl, willing to sleep in the same room with you. That night was also you. If I had turned into a tiger and a wolf, I would have rushed over it.

Su Yifan remembered what Cheng Shuixin said to him that night and said that it was false that he was not proud, but he didn't feel how proud he was.

Cheng Shuixin is still close or far away from himself.

Thinking of this, Su Yifan decided to tell Su Xiaoqing what Cheng Shuixin said to him that night.

"Cheng Shuixin told me that day..."

Su Yifan repeated what Cheng Shuixin said to himself in the Linhai Hotel. He had a good memory, especially about Cheng Shuixin, who remembered every word clearly.

Su Xiao listened carefully and was surprised. She didn't expect Cheng Shuixin to open her heart to Su Yifan.

For Su Xiaoqing, this matter is more incredible than Su Yifan's personality and way of doing things have changed.

"Stupid boy, why don't you go?" Su Xiaoqing said anly, "What a good opportunity."

Su Yifan shook his head seriously: "I can't take advantage of her trust in me."

Su Xiaoqing sighed helplessly: "You, you, you still haven't changed in your bones."

The woman was indeed gossipy. Su Xiaoqing asked Su Yifan a lot of details of that night. After asking, he said, "Well, if I remember correctly, you will take three days off, right?"

"Yes, the college entrance examination." Su Yifan said, "We herd sheep for three days in a row."

"Then let's go out and play. Don't think about these messy things every day." Su Xiaoqing said, "It's not a good thing to be too angry."

Su Yifan didn't say whether to go or not, but asked directly, "Where are you going?"

Su Xiao smiled and said, "Well, how about we take a map of China, add a longitude and latitude to the points thrown by the dice, and then go there?"

Su Yifan sweated a little, which is really full of heroic travel.

"Go to Phoenix or Jiuzhai?" Su Xiaoqing suggested himself and rejected it, "It's not good, there are too many people."

Su Yifan carefully suggested, "Just go anywhere?"

Su Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Well, as long as you come with me, I will tell you how I plan to deal with Zhai Yufei."

Su Yifan was really curious: "Okay, it won't kill people, will it?"

"It's hard to say..."


Su Xiao gently pulled Su Yifan and sat until nearly 11 o'clock before checking out. Su Yifan saw Su Xiaoqing's car disappear into sight before driving home. After washing, he read messages and mailboxes on the Internet.

Su Yifan's current work mailbox is already in a very busy state. The moment he opens it, the new mail will fill a screen. In addition to spam, there are also many self-bragging resumes and some requests for cooperation. Su Yifan browsed roughly, then carefully read Wang Jiantao's Chinese email and replied in detail.

After doing all this, Su Yifan found a new email in an old mailbox that he was not commonly used.

That old mailbox was registered by Su Yifan when he first surfed the Internet, and now it is almost unused, and even spam advertisements are no longer patronising. Su Yifan thought it was a sudden spam and was about to clean it up, but he found that the sender on the prompt was Nell in English.

The moment he saw this letter, Su Yifan felt that his fingers began to tremble.

With a complicated mood, Su Yifan opened the letter.

Then the computer has a black screen and automatically restarts.

Su Yifan stared at the computer he was familiar with.