My Goddess

Chapter 195 Travel Plan

Under the seemingly democratic majority vote, the truancy plan went smoothly - mainly the only person with a little weak objection did not speak, and the matter was settled.

Today's driver is still Su Yifan. Cheng Shuixin sits on the co-pilot and continues to review the driving details.

"What's better to buy a car of about 100,000 yuan?"

This is a very serious proposition.

Yang Bingbing doesn't know the car. She only takes the car.

Cheng Shuixin knows a little, but girls at this age like to observe either particularly cheap and cute cars or sky-high cars that are impossible to afford. The understanding of ordinary-priced scooters is also very limited.

A car passed through the downtown square and drove towards the outer ring road where 4S stores gathered.

"Ask Zhang Yao?" Cheng Shuixin suggested, "I changed the automatic transmission with Zhang Yao, right?"

"That Japanese car may have more choice." Su Yifan thought for a moment and shook his head again, "Forget the Japanese car, look at the German car?"

The golf driven by Su Yifan himself is a Volkswagen product, even if it is a joint venture, after all, his bloodline is there. Everyone has no objection to this proposal.

So the group went to Volkswagen's 4S store. Because they drove over, they didn't seem to be despised at a young age. The girl in charge of the reception expressed a certain degree of admiration for Su Yifan, who led three beautiful girls to buy a car. That kind of flattery posture is absolutely impossible to be precise without two or three years of industry experience.

As usual, listen to all kinds of bragging, look at the waxed and shiny sample car, and drink what is said to be the best Longjing tea. Sitting on the spacious and comfortable sofa and listening to soft music makes people feel sorry for the hospitality level without buying a car here.

Su Yifan is not the shy little boy he used to be. He asked Cheng Shuixin firmly: "This matter is mainly for you to make a decision. Don't hesitate and don't worry."

The girl who received the group is not old. She looked like she was in her early 20s and said with a smile, "Since this beautiful woman is at best, you should at least choose one that matches your beauty."

Cheng Shuixin didn't eat this set and shook her head and said, "It's simple and practical, good control, and cheaper."

Hearing Cheng Shuixin's request, the car seller did not show too difficult appearance: "We also have a lot of economical choices. Which appearance do you like?"

This is out of general experience. Don't ask girls about specific requirements, just ask about the appearance.

Yang Bingbing said beside him, "Don't worry about the budget. It doesn't matter if it's a little expensive."

Cheng Shuixin shook her head: "I really think it's simple and easy to use... What do you think of POLO?"

Yang Bingbing objected: "POLO is not good. They all say it's a mistress."

The car sales girl looks a little embarrassed, but in general, she still supports Yang Bingbing: "POLO has good control performance and cute appearance... But you can also take a look at other models first."

How can Cheng Shuixin be so easily persuaded? She shook her head and said, "I am myself. Others can judge who I am by looking at what kind of car I drive?" That's ridiculous... Just POLO, manually and automatically, right? What's the price?"

took a look at the quotation, and it was really about 100,000 yuan.

"Let's buy POLO." Cheng Shuixin made up her mind, "Does Zhang Yao care about being said to be a mistress?"

Zhang Yao, who had been bowing her head and saying a voice, quickly raised her head and shook her head quickly.

Since the two parties have reached an agreement, others will certainly not have any opinions.

In fact, it didn't take many people from the time they entered the door to the time they decided to buy a car. Although I bought a mistress car, the speed of the car sales girl was also amazing.

Use Cheng Shuixin's ID card to go through the formalities, listen to the 4S store's stereo and sell the car's "Today is a good day", pay, wait to pick up the car... After a while, because it is a good-selling POLO1.4 version, it won't take long to drive away directly.

"Is it okay?" Cheng Shuixin asked Su Yifan, "I don't have enough confidence."

Yang Bingbing smiled beside him: "When you are not confident enough?"

Cheng Shuixin flirted with her hair: "There are once or twice a year."

POLO followed the golf and slowly drove out of the parking lot of the 4S store. Although it was not a good car, Cheng Shuixin held the steering wheel and felt like driving a Ferrari.

In order to take care of the novice, Yang Bingbing sat in Cheng Shuixin's co-pilot position. Zhang Yao sat next to Su Yifan as she wished, and her little hand was so panicked that she didn't know where to put it.

The distance between the two cars is actually less than ten meters away. Yang Bingbing actually called: "Where are you going next? Celebrate?"

Su Yifan did not object: "Let's continue to work after dinner. I will follow you from today. In addition, do you have any plans for the weekend vacation?

Yang Bingbing asked Cheng Shuixin to slowly park her car on the roadside, hung up the phone and rolled down the window and asked, "What are your arrangements?"

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin with a serious face and wanted to laugh. She was at least 100 times cuter than usual when driving.

"Maybe I have to go out."

"Go out to play?"

"Go out with Sister Qing." Su Yifan explained, "I don't know where to go yet."

Zhang Yao next to

is also listening with her ears up. Hearing that Su Yifan was going out with Su Xiaoqing, the three girls showed a more reassuring attitude.

"Then we can only continue to be squeezed by evil capitalists." Cheng Shuixin was not so nervous after parking and breathed a sigh of relief, "Zhang Yao and I work overtime. How about you?"

"I also work overtime." Yang Bingbing said, "Can I bring the computer to you? You participated in part of the planning of the game, and you can help me check it when he is away.

"Welcome at any time." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "It will be much better to watch beautiful women work."

Yang Bingbing was embarrassed but resolutely fought back: "You are beautiful, and your whole family is beautiful..."

Everyone laughed. At this time, Su Yifan's phone rang again. It was Su Xiaoqing who called: "Aren't you at school?"

"I skipped class." Su Yifan said honestly, "I just bought a car for Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao."

"You didn't come to me for such a funny thing." Su Xiaoqing showed a little dissatisfaction, "Have you decided where to go?"

"Not yet..." Su Yifan glanced at Zhang Yao beside him, "Sister Qing, you decide. They are going to celebrate buying a car today. Will you come?"

"If you dare not wait for me, you will die." Su Xiaoqing seemed to say fiercely, "Let's meet at Zhongjing International. Is it okay for Cheng Shuixin to drive now?"

Su Yifan took a look at the POLO driver who was still a little nervous.

"It seems... okay...?"

Su Xiaoqing laughed on the other side of the phone: "Okay, slow down, I'll wait for you."

After dinner, everyone acted separately. Cheng Shuixin drove Zhang Yao to the studio, and Su Yifan wanted to go home with Yang Bingbing.

In order to ensure safety, Su Xiaoqing threw the car in the parking lot of Zhongjing International and followed Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao.

This is Su Yifan's second visit to Yang Bingbing's home. The room still seems to be empty, and the light is not bright. The villa gives people a slightly depressing feeling.

This time, Su Yifan was not too awkward, but quickly entered the working state with Yang Bingbing.

Su Yifan briefly explained the needs of 3D art, and Yang Bingbing was a little embarrassed: "I'm really inexperienced in this, but I can try it."

At this time, Su Yifan's thinking was not as chaotic as before. He shook his head and said, "No, I have decided not to waste too much time on this repetitive work. After the setting details are finalized, I plan to outsource the rest of the work. Cartoon rendering requires more details of art, and there are many things we need to do.

Yang Bingbing is not such a person who is not easy to be persuaded. At least in the face of Su Yifan, she just sighed and said, "This is your first work. I think we can do more..."

Su Yifan smiled and comforted him, "Don't care. In fact, I've been thinking about this problem recently. If you think too much, you can think freely... Of course, it is very important to do what you do and what you get. More importantly, you need to understand your state by doing things. It's always a little troublesome at the beginning, and I'm already very happy to have someone to accompany me.

"You have really changed a lot recently." Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan and said, "It seems that it's not just because of Neil?"

Su Yifan nodded: "Time is too short, and there are too many things to grab. There is no form in the future. I think I have to work hard.

Su Yifan's words are not so profound, but Yang Bingbing listened very attentively.

Turning on the computer, Su Yifan looked at Yang Bingbing skillfully opening the layer, pointed to one of the pictures and said, "Let's start from here. I have studied the current platform audit standards, and it should not matter if the clothes are exposed a little more..."

Modifying the details is definitely one of the reasons why art can stab the main strategy to death. Fortunately, the operator's patience is not bad, and the planning is gentle enough, and the running-in between the two is not so unpleasant.

Even so, it takes too much time to modify some details on the layer. It has been more than four hours since the two finished the three roles they had set at the beginning.

It's really wrong to stay in the girl's bedroom at almost ten o'clock. Su Yifan looked at the time and immediately got up to leave. Yang Bingbing sent Su Yifan to the door downstairs and handed him the USB flash drive with the modified documents.

"Go back and rest early." The art worker told the master to do this.

The main strategy nodded: "You too, don't stay up late."

After thinking about it, I felt uneasy: "Should I say hello to my grandmother?"

"Forget it, she actually doesn't like to contact outsiders." Yang Bingbing said, "She has rested at this time... How many days are you going out this time?"

"I don't know." Su Yifan said, "It shouldn't be more than three days."

"Have fun." Yang Bingbing looked into Su Yifan's eyes and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "I have also persuaded myself like this, but you seem to be more effective."

"I hate it." Yang Bingbing said angrly, "You have become much more slippery than before."

"Then I'll change it." Su Yifan returned to his original shape in less than a second.

"That's not necessary." Yang Bingbing said, "It's better to be cheerful."

"I will."

"I believe you."

This time, Yang Bingbing saw Su Yifan's car disappear into her sight, and then turned around and closed the door of the villa.

The night was still long, and Yang Bingbing returned to the computer.


There will be more tomorrow, as for how many... I don't know

Ask for red tickets