My Goddess

Chapter 224 The most painful difference in the world

Su Yifan almost fell asleep after going home with a pillow. For nothing else, he saw too many seductive scenes today. He felt that if he lay down and thought nonsense, he would have to recite the geometric formula to calm himself down.

It's really a song about wine, life... Su Yifan, who didn't drink, turned his head silently with tears on his face, without looking at the familiar and hateful ceiling and the poster of the game heroine on the wall.

With the well-timed light music, Su Yifan gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, Su Yifan saw Yang Bingbing, who was still like a huge cat. She wore a thin vest and let herself eat.

Yang Bingbing ate a few things and rushed over when Su Yifan didn't have time to reach out to take down one thing. His tall and straight body crushed Su Yifan on the carpet.

Su Yifan was shocked and subconsciously wanted to help Yang Bingbing, but his hands touched a pair of soft spheres.

What he touched can be understood immediately without teaching Su Yifan. He wanted to let go, but Yang Bingbing, like a big cat, hugged his neck and refused to let go.

The girl's sweet breath was warm in front of her, and Su Yifan felt that his heart was about to burst out of water. Yang Bingbing's face has infinitely soft amorous feelings at close range, which she has never revealed. Only the little daughters exposed to Su Yifan in private were faintly overflowing on her face, more cheerful and comfortable.

Yang Bingbing was not angry because Su Yifan grabbed the ** on her chest, but continued to squeeze Su Yifan with her overly beautiful figure and challenged his bottom line of patience.

The girl has a good smell, and Yang Bingbing's smell is refreshing and simple, just like her life creed. Smelling the fragrance lingering in his nose, Su Yifan wanted to control his hands to leave the pair, but he was reluctant to let go.

Being held by Su Yifan in the most ** position of her body, Yang Bingbing was also a little shy in her comfortable smile. Finally, this shyness turned into an incompetent murmur, trembling and slightly, and her thin lips flashed against Su Yifan's face.

Su Yifan gave up resistance and lowered his head to look for Yang Bingbing's cherry lips.

For him, this moment is the best dessert in the world.

Just as Su Yifan was about to meet Yang Bingbing's lips, he could even see his reflection in the girl's eyes. Yang Bingbing's eyes sparkled, just like most of the time. Her eyes are firm and full of strength, and her eyelashes are long and curved, slowly closing with Su Yifan's approach...

Su Yifan also closed his eyes, and he felt that he could no longer resist this kind of **.



The next moment, Su Yifan felt that the softness in his hand had disappeared. He opened his eyes and saw Cheng Shuixin standing at his door in a black dress.

Cheng Shuixin is still as beautiful as usual, and the two of them are close at hand.

Su Yifan hasn't figured out why Yang Bingbing disappeared. Cheng Shuixin has waved to Su Yifan and turned into the door.

Su Yifan saw Cheng Shuixin's back at a glance, and the snow-white curd skin was infinitely enlarged in his eyes, like the light that enveloped the whole world.

The fragrance of Cheng Shuixin is different from that of Yang Bingbing, and there is a faint strong smell in her. Su Yifan smelled this smell and felt that he was almost drunk at this moment. He naturally opened his arms and hugged Cheng Shuixin.

Just like he once did.

Cheng Shuixin held Su Yifan and did not let go. Her snow-white slender legs bent slightly and rubbed against Su Yifan's waist. Through the light fabric of the dress, Su Yifan can feel the heat from the skin.

It's just that this gentle rubbing has made Su Yifan feel that he almost immediately stopped thinking.

The blood all over his body seemed to be frozen. Su Yifan hugged the delicate body tightly with both hands and felt her warmth and fragrance.

Smelling the smell of Cheng Shuixin's hair, Su Yifan naturally saw the girl's beautiful neck like a white swan. He lowered his head to absorb the smell of Cheng Shuixin and wanted to touch Shengxue's skin.

Cheng Shuixin cooperated with Su Yifan's efforts very much. She tilted her head to make it easier for Su Yifan to bury her face on her shoulder and let Su Yifan rub his soft and ** place.

Su Yifan's face is attached to Cheng Shuixin's skin, feeling that Cheng Shuixin's skin has a melting heat.

Because it was too**, Cheng Shuixin's skin had a small pimple, and she unconsciously sighed.

Su Yifan's hands were still around Cheng Shuixin's waist. He struggled to move his hands, slowly up, and touched Cheng Shuixin's slippery back.

His hands penetrated along the opening of his back, and Su Yifan did not know why he had such a strong courage and impulse. His hands slowly slid to Cheng Shuixin's ribs.

** The girl felt Su Yifan's intention and struggled symbolically, but still did not clamp his arms, so that Su Yifan's hands successfully passed through her armpits and touched one of the girl's most precious treasures.

Su Yifan felt as if there was a sun burning in his heart. His hands touched the soft position. He wanted more. He felt that he should not do this, and he could not control himself.

After Cheng Shuixin made a shallow moan, Su Yifan still did not completely give up resistance. Although the action was still continuing, he still felt that this scene should not appear. This was not Cheng Shuixin he knew.

Trying to make a low roar in his throat, everything in front of Su Yifan suddenly broke like a glass plate.

Then wake up from a dream.

The early morning light had just emitted a light white through the curtains. Su Yifan almost struggled to get up from **, looked down at his shorts, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Do you really have more courage in your dream? Unexpectedly, he offroed Yang Bingbing first and then attacked Cheng Shuixin.

Is the hormones of puberty really invincible? Su Yifan thought that his mentality had been adjusted very well, but he didn't expect that in the end, as Su Xiaoqing said, he couldn't resist the accumulated **.

Sitting in the room for a few seconds, Su Yifan felt that it was better to clean up his awkwardness now. Jumping off the bed to change his underwear and diligently washing off the one just now, Su Yifan took a look at the time on the LCD clock at the head of the bed.

At five o'clock in the morning, the day hasn't started yet.

Forced himself not to continue to think nonsense, Su Yifan turned his head to change his clothes and walked out of the house alone with his schoolbag.

Running all the way to the secret base, Su Yifan hesitated at the gate of the community and went upstairs.

There was no sound in the corridor, and the night lights were on both sides of the corridor. After entering the secret base, Su Yifan left his schoolbag and sat alone on the carpet in a daze.

No one can share this secret mind, and they can only slowly digest it by themselves.

Sitting until after six o'clock, Su Yifan saw that the morning exercise aunts downstairs slowly increased, and the street gradually became lively, and he walked downstairs with his schoolbag.

Today's school is the same as usual. Su Yifan just feels embarrassed to face Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing.

Desire is indeed a terrible curse.

Su Yifan even knew that seeing everything into pieces in his dream was the scene he was most worried about.

Maybe one day, you will finally do something to make someone sad.

Maybe one day, everyone will have another choice.

Maybe one day, everyone can't be as simple as they are now.

Maybe one day... there will be a difference in the world.

In front of this, everyone will be heartbroken.

It was because of this that Su Yifan ran to the secret base alone and sat down all morning.

In the face of life, Su Yifan is confident that he can be fearless, but he still has the most feared things. It was just a dream caused by Han Yun, which made Su Yifan feel that deep worry.

In such a vibrant morning, Su Yifan thought about it alone for a long time and couldn't figure it out.

Even Li Peiran sensed the silent breath on Su Yifan's body. He looked deeply at Su Yifan without opening his mouth. Thinking of the gap between himself and Su Yifan, Li Peiran felt that even if Su Yifan was worried about something, he was still countless times stronger than him, and he was not qualified to provoke him now.

Cheng Shuixin still came to school first according to the rhythm of her recent early arrival. She saw Su Yifan bowing his head to read a book in her seat alone and greeted him with a smile and sat in Neil's empty seat.

This scene is no different from any day, just like two people have rehearsed thousands of times.

"Hi, how was the talk yesterday?"

Compared with Cheng Shuixin's relaxation, Su Yifan dared not look directly into her eyes.

Cheng Shuixin in the dream is so real, and even the details of her figure and skin touch are so real. Su Yifan felt that after a spring dream, he met Cheng Shuixin face to face, and the psychological quality that had just been established in the past few months had disappeared.

Fortunately, Cheng Shuixin is talking about work with herself. This is Cheng Shuixin's rhythm and Su Yifan can best adapt to.

"Basically no problem." Su Yifan turned his head and took a look at Li Peiran. Usually, he didn't care whether Li Peiran eavesdropped on other topics, but this topic should be as vague as possible, "Go downstairs and walk?"

Cheng Shuixin didn't expect Su Yifan to invite herself and flirted with the green silk on her ear with a smile.


Two people went downstairs and walked to the playground that began to be lively. Su Yifan finally regained his almost normal mentality.

Walking along the runway of the playground, Su Yifan talked about the details of his meeting with Han Yun. Except for the hateful underwear belt, Cheng Shuixin nodded repeatedly.

Cheng Shuixin is also familiar with this part of the radio recommendation. At first, she planned to contact the people on the radio station first, or use some relationships she knew at home to find someone to talk about this matter. However, as a student of Cheng Shuixin, either way of intervention is inevitably slightly weak. Su Yifan asked Han Yun to work for him, which perfectly solved Cheng Shuixin's worries. Han Yun has a very rich network in the radio and television center, which is really a matter for her.

Cheng Shuixin was even more surprised that Su Yifan planned to ask Zhuang Shihan to help Zhang Yao promote: "This is a great favor. Will Zhuang Shihan agree?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "I don't know, but I want to try it. Let's see what we can give."

Cheng Shuixin said, "You'd better figure it out. Zhuang Shihan has also released his own records now. If she does this, the company will probably be very unhappy."

"I've thought about this." Su Yifan said, "But Zhang Yao's identity is relatively special. If she only exists as an independent singer, she will not reveal her identity, which should not pose any threat. You see, many famous singers will also recommend some newcomers, whether there is an exchange of interests or not, at least on the surface, this situation is normal, right?

Cheng Shuixin has to admit that what Su Yifan said is reasonable. The world needs many lovely inspirational stories, such as the girl who played the best actress for the first time in the movie, or an unknown singer was excavated on the talent show. People never get tired of reading similar stories and believe that they can happen at any time.

Thinking of this, Cheng Shuixin can't help sighing: "You think more thoroughly than me."

Su Yifan shook his head. He never felt how smart he was in front of Cheng Shuixin: "It's not that I think thoroughly, but that the current patterns are too mature."

Cheng Shuixin said seriously, "No, no... I mean, in fact, you shouldn't worry about this matter. Since it's up to me, I should tell you the result beautifully."

"Do I look like that kind of brainless retarded boss?" Su Yifan was finally able to joke freely.

"We will try our best to serve you in that direction." Cheng Shuixin flattered the boss with a smile, and the young ponytail flew on the campus, becoming a scenery that attracted the attention of many people.

Su Yifan, who was walking with the scenery, suddenly felt that if such scenery was given to others in the future, he would definitely have angina pectoris in an instant.