My Goddess

Chapter 227 Common Secret

The sea breeze continues to blow, as if it never intends to stop, blowing those windbreakers.

After leaning on Su Yifan for a long time, Su Xiaoqing finally sat up straight, with a faint blush on her face, but her expression was so happy and happy.

Su Yifan also wanted to ask Su Xiaoqing about the details of the instrument that could make people have specific dreams. Seeing her happy eyes, the question in his heart was swallowed back.

Su Xiaoqing, who did not continue to stick to Su Yifan, quickly recovered her, who was usually full of strong insight. She just glanced at Su Yifan's eyes and knew what he was thinking. She smiled and put the meat skewers on the carbon oven and turned the iron and wooden handle to face Su Yifan.

"Come to barbecue. If you have any questions, just ask me, and I will answer you."

Su Yifan opened his mouth. In fact, his thinking was still in the blank happiness when he was kissed by Su Xiao. The first topic had nothing to do with the dreaming instrument.

"Sister Qing...ah, I'm sorry... Xiaoqing, this is my first kiss..."

Su Xiao smiled softly, and the silky red tide on her face matched her smile, which actually made Su Yifan feel that the whole world was gloomy again.

"It's also mine, otherwise it's not precious enough. How can it be a gift to apologize to you?"

Su Xiaoqing's words were not loud, especially the first few words were as thin as mosquitoes. Su Yifan still heard them clearly and did not miss a word.

What kind of tone is that? What kind of intention is that?

Every word hits Su Yifan's heart, leaving traces that can't be erased.

"Forgive me. It will never be like this in the future. I will discuss everything with you."

Listening to Su Xiaoqing's soft voice constantly apologizing to him, Su Yifan's heart moved and put his forehead against Su Xiaoqing's forehead.

"Don't say such a thing to me in the future. I have never blamed you."

Finally, when he saw Su Yifan take the initiative to make an intimate action with him, Su Xiao sighed with relief and satisfaction, pushed Su Yifan's forehead hard, and felt the teenager's intimacy with him from the inside out.

"Sister Qing, sit down, and I'll have a barbecue for you."

Simple words contain particularly simple truths.

I will do whatever I can for you. Do my best and give everything I have.

Su Xiao blinked his eyes and loosened Su Yifan's forehead.

"Wrong, call me Xiaoqing."

Su Yifan hummed vaguely, and he was still not used to this kind of role change.

After sitting down again, Su Yifan began to concentrate on the barbecue for Su Xiaoqing.

Turning the iron braces very carefully, and the fragrance of the barbecue began to flutter with the continuous sprinkling of seasonings. Su Xiao sucked her nose exaggeratedly and said to Su Yifan with a smile, "You are much better than those chefs I'm looking for."

Su Xiaoqing also seems to like barbecue very much. She also ate with Su Yifan several times in the United States. Of course, at that time, the chefs she found were three Michelin stars. Even if Su Yifan was confident in his cooking skills, he did not dare to compare with those chefs who had to cook dishes in a magazine.

Of course, Su Xiaoqing's compliment sounded so pleasant that Su Yifan was very happy.

Su Yifan knows very well that Su Xiaoqing wants everything to come immediately. Maybe only when Su Yifan does everything for Su Xiaoqing herself will she feel special significance?

It is an unreasonable and blind follow-up state. Although it is not particularly understandable, Su Yifan still thinks it is really good.

Su Yifan, who finished roasting the meat skewers, would also pick up pieces of meat with chopsticks, for fear that Su Xiaoqing would be scalded to his mouth by a hot iron braze. Such a delicate action made Su Xiaoqing keep smiling.

"Light... Xiaoqing, can you talk about that dream machine now?"

Su Xiaoqing was eating with a shiny mouth. After hearing that Su Yifan was still uncomfortable with her name, she smiled. Now she has faded her red face and looks like the strong and pure Su Xiaoqing, but her oily lips seem a little out of tune.

"Ha, I thought you wouldn't ask." Su Xiao gently slowed down the speed of eating and fed Su Yifan, who had been baking from time to time. "In fact, the principle is very simple. It is nothing more than using electromagnetic radiation to change the brain's activity during sleep and lock the possibility of dreaming in a certain field. Simply put, it's like the mosquito repellent we use in the resort.

Su Yifan put two more saury on it, carefully adjusted the position of the saury, and asked, "I've heard that someone has studied similar things before, but they have failed. Later, some people thought that if a person could clearly know that he was dreaming in his dream, he could control his dream smoothly. If you use infrared rays to stimulate the eyes of sleeping people, you can clearly realize that you are dreaming. Is there really such a thing?"

Su Xiaoqing was nibbling a bar of corn that had just been roasted. He smiled and replied, "I know what you said is an infrared eye mask. It is still in the testing stage, and the effect of the final product will not be very good... The thing I use is different from that one. Its main working principle is direct. Stimulating the cerebral cortex is much better. Of course, it can't control the dream. It can only make your dream as many happy elements as possible.

Speaking of this, Su Yifan felt a little red. Are those things in his dreams really happy? After happiness, are you ready to bear the consequences of those things?

"Don't be embarrassed, okay?" Su Xiao looked at Su Yifan blushing and handed him half of the corn she had eaten with a smile. "If you are still angry, I will apologize again?"

Su Yifan stood up from the chair reflexively and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no..."

The corn that Su Xiaoqing ate seemed to have a unique taste, and Su Yifan felt particularly sweet when he nibbled it.

"So there's nothing to be embarrassed..." Su Xiaoqing took Su Yifan's empty arm. "Actually, I didn't know what you dreamed of at the beginning, but I guessed it later."

"That..." Su Yifan really didn't know what to say. Su Xiaoqing's beautiful figure pressed his arm without discount at all, which was definitely one of the most beautiful ** in the world.

"So don't care..." Su Xiaoqing's real coquettishness is too terrible. Once the intellectual aura on his body disperses, the rest is the charm that normal people absolutely can't resist. Whether it is his expression, tone or voice, Su Yifan can't help feeling... He still wants to see it for a while!

"Actually, you didn't find it, did you?" Su Xiaoqing just acted coquettishly and returned to normal. "The thing that made you have a good dream is on your desk. I took it when I went to your house last time."

Su Yifan really didn't find it. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't think of what it was.

"It's a bookmark with my name written on it specially for you." Su Xiaoqing said, "It's in the middle of the first volume of your song of ice and fire."

Su Yifan suddenly realized that the bookmark was not much different from his previous one, but it had Su Xiaoqing's name on it. He thought it was Su Xiaoqing who signed it when he turned over his book at that time, but he didn't expect it to be transferred.

"I'm not going to mass produce this thing. I only made two, one for myself and one for you." Su Xiao smiled sweetly, as if sharing everything with Su Yifan was happy. "If you don't want to use it, I'll turn it off."

Su Yifan is still surprised what kind of electronic product can be made into a bookmark so light, and Su Xiaoqing's words have shocked him.

"Remote control?" Su Yifan is obviously not easy to digest this technology product that is more than common sense. The last time the pistol was shocking enough.

"Of course, it has been on for a long time." Su Xiaoqing didn't feel how black technology it was at all. As a matter of course, he said, "That thing can only last for a week or two. I just occasionally see you when you are tired and open it. Although modern medicine is saying that dreaming affects sleep, in fact, happy dreams are helpful for rest.

Su Yifan belongs to the kind of dream less, or dreams that he can't remember. It's the first time for him to have such an exciting dream.

Hearing Su Xiaoqing's explanation, Su Yifan could understand almost without asking anything. Su Xiaoqing knew her one-day itinerary most of the time, so she would turn on the dreaming instrument when she felt hard.

This is no longer a subtle level of concern. Su Yifan can almost imagine that Su Xiaoqing, who looks busy and seems to be nothing, occasionally running downstairs after sleeping and pressing the remote control.

Thinking of these things that the lonely Su Xiaoqing did, Su Yifan's nose was sore, put down the grilled saury, and opened his arms to Su Xiaoqing.

"Sister Qing, can you let me hug you?"

Su Xiao greeted him with a smile and hugged Su Yifan firmly.

"Fool, remember to call me Xiaoqing when there is no one in the future. And always remember that you can't ask for opinions when you want to hug a girl.

Su Yifan held Su Xiaoqing and did not dare to exert himself too hard. Instead, Su Xiaoqing's arms hugged him tightly, as if he were afraid that he would disappear.

Su Yifan was afraid that he would cry too hard and wet Su Xiaoqing's clothes.

The two hugged as if no one was around, in the noisy square, in a lot of shouts.

In the air with the smell of barbecue.

The whole world is not as good as this hug.

At this moment, Su Yifan remembered what Su Xiaoqing said again.

"It doesn't matter what you eat, but who you eat with."

Yes, it doesn't matter what you do. What matters is who is with you.

You can do whatever you want for those who accompany you.

"Okay, I'll call you Xiaoqing when there is no one." Su Yifan almost muttered, "This is my secret with you, and no one will tell me."

Su Xiao hugged Su Yifan lightly. She could understand the teenager's intention - in contrast, she was a girl and his sister, but the problem of family relations was doomed that Su Yifan could not call himself in this way. He was afraid that he would be hurt and more worried that others would look at him strangely.

And this state is exactly what Su Xiaoqing has shown before and what she wants.

"Well, no one tells us. It's our common secret."


Well, this chapter is written standing, using someone else's broken Apple keyboard in your mailbox.

Writer is really pitiful... It's more pitiful to enter the state at any time.

Ask for red tickets.