My Goddess

Chapter 237 The battle of life is to death

Cheng Shuixin's mobile phone is also an iPhone, which is the same as Su Yifan's 3G version, which is absolutely fashionable for high school students.

The black mobile phone touch screen is clean and bright, and the fingerprints on the film are very light. Cheng Shuixin usually uses this mobile phone most. She uses her mobile phone to read posts, write microblogs, chat with people on QQ or send and receive emails, so that the charger is also with her.

Cheng Shuixin definitely doesn't want to show off her phone. As a girl, she usually likes to show off in a low profile, but in the face of people like Yang Bingbing, Cheng Shuixin will not show off at all.

She showed Yang Bingbing the content on the phone screen.

The phone screen shows Cheng Shuixin's own personal blog. In this era when the blog has gradually lost its popularity, Cheng Shuixin still insists on updating her personal blog, which is also a kind of unique. More girls of the same age spend time dressing up their personal space, which means that they are in charge of their own territory.

Cheng Shuixin also occasionally dresses up her personal space, but it is her personal blog that she really made great efforts to create. The whole blog has a fresh and lovely atmosphere, and the text on it basically has pictures. It can be said that it is a full record of Cheng Shuixin's high school life.

The page of the mobile phone stays at the end of an article on Cheng Shuixin's blog, the visitor's message section.

Such a paragraph is written on the blog that supports anonymous messages.

"That's enough. What else can you do besides pretending to be cute and noble? It's like not eating the world's fireworks. In the end, it's not like hooking up with boys. If you buy a car with other people's money, do you want to get a car? Oh ha, the talented woman will eventually be defeated by the rich man. If you want to be unconventional, the result is not the same!"

As the owner of the blog, Cheng Shuixin could see the IP of the other party's message. Yang Bingbing glanced at it and found that it was an overseas IP.

"Have you been hated to a foreign country?"

Cheng Shuixin rubbed her eyebrows and sighed, "It must be an agent... In fact, I usually ignore this kind of spitting words below, but this person seems to know something?"

It was the first time that Yang Bingbing saw Cheng Shuixin showing a sad side. On the one hand, she felt that the man was too much, and on the other hand, she had a little fresh in her reaction to Cheng Shuixin.

This freshness made Yang Bingbing feel very sorry for Cheng Shuixin. She comforted her, "Don't care. No matter what you do, someone will always talk about it. If you don't care, she can't help it."

Cheng Shuixin is not the kind of girl who needs to be persuaded. She smiled bitterly and said, "Think about it, did the prince Wei in your class say the same thing about you?"

Thinking of that fleshy face, Yang Bingbing felt a little annoyed: "That guy... He still threatened me, as if I ignored him, and he was going to tell the world about what I spent on men's money."

"Threat?" Cheng Shuixin was obviously stunned for a moment and then nodded, "Well, I think I understand what this person wants to do."

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that message, Yang Bingbing thought about what she should do if she encountered such a situation. She found that she had very little experience in fighting in this field. Obviously, Cheng Shuixin, who is often pushed to the forefront of the storm, is more familiar with this kind of thing.

Cheng Shuixin looked at the message, took a screenshot with her mobile phone, and quickly deleted it.

"I'll feel guilty first and see what the other party plans to do." Cheng Shuixin's troubles come and go quickly. "I guess this is a woman, and she is very enthusiastic about gossip."

Yang Bingbing said, "Then all the girls in our school are suspicious."

"It may not be from our school." Cheng Shuixin said, "The people who really hate me are outside the school."

"Why?" Yang Bingbing didn't understand, "What are you doing?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled helplessly and said, "You don't know... people nowadays are fighting for everything. Even if the blog click rate ranking and popularity list are brushed around every day. To put it modestly, my ranking is really high... There are portals that want to cooperate with me. It's normal for everyone to want to blackmail me. I'm just curious about how much this person knows about us.

"It's not necessarily a lot." After Yang Bingbing calmed down, her mind became particularly useful. "I think you have started driving recently. Many people must have noticed it. In addition, you have a good relationship with Su Yifan, Wang Ziwei may have spread a little rumor about the financial relationship between me and him. It's not impossible for you to be associated with that kind of person.

Cheng Shuixin sighed: "It's true that some people have rivers and lakes. It's so fucking helpless."

This is the first time Yang Bingbing heard Cheng Shuixin swear and covered her mouth to look at the beautiful girl beside her in surprise. Cheng Shuixin didn't seem to be conscious of being a beautiful woman at all. She looked at Yang Bingbing with a smile and asked, "What's wrong? Aren't you used to it?"

"I'm not used to it." Yang Bingbing is simple, and her inner temperament is still relatively close to noble style. She replied seriously, "It seems that you are really angry."

"Of course I'm angry." Cheng Shuixin said, "I don't object to secretly rubbing people, but it's boring to denounce others from a private life issue. What everyone has to do... Whether it is work and life, career achievements and life, or everything and personal life, it is not directly related. It's too boring to associate personal life with all things. According to their standards, artists are hooligans, aren't they?

Yang Bingbing didn't expect Cheng Shuixin to say such a lot of emotions to herself. She shook her head and said, "This has been a habit for many years, and we can't change it. That's why everyone is focusing on the details of their private life.

Cheng Shuixin usually talks a lot about these things and is more open-minded: "I think self-cleaning is a personal choice, and the opposite is the same. If you choose this, you can look down on that one, but you can't use this as a reason to attack others.

"There are too few people who think like you." Yang Bingbing sighed, "If you can think like you, there will be no dispute."

Cheng Shuixin shook her hair self-deprecatingly: "Am I too idealistic?"

"A little bit." Yang Bingbing answered honestly, "I didn't find many things easy to change until I grew up."

"So we still have to fight." Cheng Shuixin's smile returned to the usual she, flying and with her own self-confidence, "Life is always full of battles... It's really time to die."

Yang Bingbing silently repeated Cheng Shuixin's words and looked at the streets with flashing eyes and didn't know how to respond.

"I'm different from you." Cheng Shuixin took Yang Bingbing's hand, and the two of them still looked like a pair of good sisters. "You have your misfortune and your luck. My life is destined to fight for things that may be irrelevant to you, so I need to keep fighting.

"Just like when it comes to college, you and Su Yifan don't have to worry about this kind of thing at all, right? Many people go to college to seek more opportunities, but opportunities are nothing to you. Cheng Shuixin smiled sadly, "I'm just trying to toss around in my own small world. If it weren't for Su Yifan and Sister Qing, the sky I came into contact with would not be so wide, and the road might have been more tortuous. Many topics are too heavy on me, and the same is true for Zhang Yao. That's why we have to fight. If you don't fight or work hard, life will only become a parabola, fall infinitely, and waste the most beautiful time in life.

Yang Bingbing felt that her heart tightened. She did be able to fight with the world in the past, but now she can't do it.

Cheng Shuixin seems to be her opposite, although there is no dispute between the two people, and her attitude on some issues is completely different.

As Cheng Shuixin said, the direction she worked in is different from herself. Yang Bingbing, who had been lost countless times because of loneliness in her life, saw the clearest footprints of someone around her for the first time, and it turned out to be by her side.

Cheng Shuixin patted the back of Yang Bingbing's hand with relief and still said softly like a best friend, "I'm telling you this is not to deliberately narrow the distance between us... In fact, this is my attitude towards life. I will do my best in my own battle. But you reminded me well that I should also give Su Yifan a gift.

If Cheng Shuixin didn't say this sentence, Yang Bingbing would almost think that this beautiful and shining girl was her best close friend in her school days. Now she suddenly realizes that her best partner's mind is still on her.

Maybe as those ridiculous TV series and novels say, best friends should also be the best match?

Yang Bingbing smiled silently in her heart. Has she already thought about this extent?

"What are you going to send?"

Cheng Shuixin once again mentioned her previous suggestion: "What do you think of having a pillow party with him?"

"Ser serious..."

"Okay." Cheng Shuixin still didn't let go of Yang Bingbing's hand and rubbed her crimson lips and meditated, "I don't have any idea for a while. In fact, I want to buy him something with the contribution fees I got now, and I don't think he will be happy to do so... It's a little contradictory."

"Then I'll think about it." Yang Bingbing was still thinking about whether to buy something today. Seeing that Cheng Shuixin was so solemn, she suddenly felt that she should also refuel and couldn't fool it casually.

In fact, Yang Bingbing did not intend to fool her. She was just worried that if the gift she gave was valuable, it would make Su Yifan uneasy.

This is really a contradictory proposition.

Meng Tingwe's "Put in the Heart" came from Xinhua Bookstore. The light and soft singing floated in the air, diluting the heat, diluting the busyness, and diluting the unhappiness. Two young and beautiful girls sat on the bench on the pedestrian street, arm in hand, talking about a hateful boy who had given them the same gift and is still shopping with another girl. It is rare that both of them have a faint warmth in their hearts. Even if time passes and the years change, they hope that such care will always stay in their hearts.


Cheng Shuixin used to be my signature for a period of time.

The battle of life is really the end of death, and continue to ask for red votes.