My Goddess

Chapter 245 Silent

Yang Bingbing did not elaborate on the contradictions and specific situations in his family, and Su Yifan could also guess the general situation. He didn't ask very carefully, so he had an idea to go back and ask Su Xiaoqing. Su Xiaoqing has the most say and experience in fighting for these commercial interests.

It didn't take long for both of them to kill a bottle of red wine. Both of them blushed and slightly hot, and they didn't feel much. Yang Bingbing asked Su Yifan to open another bottle, and Su Yifan did so without refusing.

Opening the second bottle of red wine, Su Yifan filled himself and Yang Bingbing.

The two have changed from sitting cross-legged on the carpet to leaning side by the bed. Yang Bingbing is holding a glass in one hand and biting the squid shreds handed to Su Yifan in the other. Her legs were straight, her shoes and socks had been taken off, and she was shaking with a pair of snow-white feet.

"What about you? What are you going to do?" After drinking wine, Yang Bingbing was not as quiet as usual and took the initiative to ask, "What else do you plan to do after finishing the game?"

Speaking of this, Su Yifan replied fluently: "I guess the first version of the game can be made in mid-July, that is, before the holiday. After that, I may go to study for a while.


It's strange for Yang Bingbing to hear this word from Su Yifan.

"I plan to learn some subjects systematically." Su Yifan said, "Maybe I will trouble you for a week or two. I want to see more basic things about economics."

When Yang Bingbing heard this, she was swept away because of Su Yifan's other plans for the summer vacation and asked excitedly, "Do you want to study economics?"

"You should always know more." Su Yifan said, "Sister Qing said that practice is more important than theory, especially the current environment is completely different from before, which is simply changing rapidly. But I want to know more, at least I can be more confident when I encounter problems in the future.

Yang Bingbing nodded hard, threw away all the squid in her hand, put her arms around Su Yifan's shoulder and said, "Ok, come to me, and I'll accompany you to learn from scratch."

Su Yifan was not used to being touched by Yang Bingbing like this. He smiled and said, "Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

"What are you talking about?" Yang Bingbing smiled happily, "What else are you going to learn?"

"Strengthen your foreign language and read some technical books." Su Yifan said, "Actually, I already have a direction now, but I can't do this alone. Everything will wait until the game is put on the shelves, and finally let the market speak.

Yang Bingbing knows Su Xiaoqing much more than several other girls. She asked curiously, "Actually, Qingjie's resources are very good and involves many industries. Why don't you start with the field where she already has a foundation?"

"Sister Qing is now a monopoly industry, and the research and development she participates in is highly national. I don't participate in it, and it doesn't have much impact on her." Su Yifan explained, "I also decided after talking with Qingjie about this topic many times... What I do has nothing to do with Qingjie's field. On the one hand, I want to prove myself, and on the other hand, I am also supplementing that Qingjie has no energy to get involved in."

"I probably know what you're going to do." Yang Bingbing ate and laughed as if she had guessed Su Yifan's secret.

"You guessed it?" Su Yifan was actually not surprised. He felt that Cheng Shuixin also guessed it.

"Yes." Yang Bingbing smiled and put her arms around Su Yifan's neck. "It's bold and very suitable for the current environment."

Su Yifan smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that easy. It's possible that the blood is gone."

"It doesn't matter. Then I can be your angel investor to help you inject capital." Yang Bingbing smiled and joked, "I won't be soft on equity distribution."

"That's really cruel." Su Yifan sincerely praised it.

"You can't be defeated like this." Yang Bingbing said anx, "Be confident. I think your game idea alone is beyond the times. If you really plan to develop your own platform, I believe you can have countless attractive ideas.

Su Yifan said, "In fact, everyone has good ideas, but small entrepreneurs may not do well, and those big companies do not want to destroy the original profit structure."

Yang Bingbing sighed, "Yes, just like the alternative energy source of oil has been around for a long time, but it will never be used until the oil is used up."

"Speaking of this, I'm also very worried about Sister Qing." Su Yifan sighed, "What Sister Qing made is also related to new energy. I don't know when the oil group will go crazy and feel that she is threatening her own interests. That's troublesome."

"Sister Qing must have been trying to maintain some kind of balance, right?" Yang Bingbing said, "It's hard to think about it... Thanks to her, she can still be so happy."

Su Yifan turned his head and looked at Yang Bingbing. Suddenly, she felt that she was so cute that she couldn't help reaching out and pinching Yang Bingbing's nose.

"Don't talk about such a heavy topic. Where do you want to play tomorrow?"

Yang Bingbing was pinched by Su Yifan and pinched Su Yifan with her backhand.

"Bad guy..."

Su Yifan wanted to burst into tears again, and this time he was finally not called a good person by others.

"Actually, I don't know where Linhai is fun." Yang Bingbing said, "Let's take a look around. I want to go to the dolphin show."

"Then go to the dolphin show." Su Yifan made a decision, "Go to bed early today."

"Drink a little more." Yang Bingbing was not very obedient after drinking and muttered, "I'm not drunk yet."

Su Yifan said helplessly, "Hey, what's good for you if you get drunk with a boy?"

"Don't worry about you..."

Well, this is definitely another saying that "you are a good person".

The two continued to drink. Yang Bingbing was really relieved to Su Yifan and did not hesitate one after another. Su Yifan accompanied him to raise his glass again and again. Listening to Yang Bingbing talk about all kinds of embemblements about his school when he was a child, as well as the intricate interpersonal relationships at home, he actually felt very distressed.

I am nothing more than a person who is ignored, but Yang Bingbing has thousands of favors but dares not accept it. In contrast, this girl who used to be as lonely as herself is more pitiful.

"... My uncle is a particularly useless person who likes to be a female model. Every time I hear about him, it's on the entertainment version of foreign magazines..." After drinking, Yang Bingbing became open-mouthed and casually said the gossip about her family, "He hasn't been married yet... He has lived in Las Vegas for half a year."

"...Auntie is a miser, and she is usually very mean to her employees. Bonuses are paid according to the minimum standard, and you have to bargain repeatedly when buying things with people. Oh, my aunt is developing in China, and I especially don't like to listen to her..."



When the second bottle of wine was finished, Yang Bingbing was almost completely drunk.

After being drunk, Yang Bingbing didn't say so much, but hugged Su Yifan and cried a few times. A lot of tears flowed out. It was cool on Su Yifan's shoulder.

Looking at Yang Bingbing crying on her shoulder, Su Yifan was distressed for a burst of heart. He also opened his arms, gently hugged the girl's shoulder, and let her act coquettishly in her arms.

A girl who has never acted coquettishly is much more pitiful than a girl who has no money to buy a famous brand.

Being hugged by Su Yifan, Yang Bingbing probably felt very comfortable. She rubbed Su Yifan's shoulder and simply buried her head in Su Yifan's chest and hummed twice.

Too, too bullying...

Yang Bingbing's hum is really full of unmanishable **, and Su Yifan feels that his body has a normal physiological reaction.

In particular, the girl's breath fell on herself. Through the thin T-shirt, Su Yifan could feel the warmth in her chest.

Su Yifan really wanted to stand up and take Yang Bingbing to bed and let her lie down and have a good rest. But after a little movement, Su Yifan found that he overestimated himself. He drank almost as much wine as Yang Bingbing. Although his mind is a little clearer than Yang Bingbing, his body is soft and weak.

Since you can't stand up, just stick to it.

This sweet distress has lasted for a long time. Su Yifan looked at Yang Bingbing who fell on himself and tried to get rid of the distractions in his heart.

Holding such a beauty, all those who can not think blindly are saints. Su Yifan was not. His eyes fell on Yang Bingbing's chest, moved away and back, so repeatedly.

After enjoying it for a long time, the power of alcohol finally couldn't resist. Su Yifan felt that his vision was gradually blurred, and he also fell asleep.

In a daze, Su Yifan felt that his body seemed to be crooked, and something soft fell down with his body.

It is not easy for drunk people to dream. Su Yifan only felt that the soft girl in his arms seemed to have turned over, something cool against his cheek, and then he quickly fell asleep.


When Su Yifan woke up again, the faint light in the morning came through the cracks of the curtains, and the dim light that made people unable to distinguish the time was still on.

Opening his confused eyes, Su Yifan suddenly realized that his hands seemed to be still holding a hot body.

Su Yifan, who was shocked, looked down and found that Yang Bingbing had turned over and jumped on himself, with his hands around his neck. The natural and beautiful face was on his face and felt cold.

One of his hands was wrapped around Yang Bingbing's shoulders, and the other put his arms around the girl's waist, and his palm fell on Yang Bingbing's plump buttocks.

Even through the jeans, Su Yifan felt that his hand was burned.

Without any hesitation, Su Yifan drew back his right hand.

Su Yifan's hand moved and immediately felt Yang Bingbing's body twist.

Knowing his own affairs, Su Yifan dares not move now. The physiological phenomena in the morning proved that he was a healthy and energetic teenager, which of course brought more trouble. If Su Yifan moves his body slightly, or Yang Bingbing leans on his body again, then Xiao Su, who is standing upright, will poke Yang Bingbing.

Even if it's separated by clothes and trousers... This is not appropriate!

So Su Yifan has been pulling himself out and staying in Yang Bingbing. After the hand on the buttocks, he continued to maintain a stiff posture and movements, and did not dare to move even if the pain of urine in the morning after drinking rolled around in his body.

Yang Bingbing twisted her body comfortably, rubbing her face against Su Yifan's face, and still didn't wake up!

Su Yifan endured for about half an hour with his amazing perseverance and patience. In this half an hour, Su Yifan even began to recall his most annoying mathematical formula and tried to calm himself down. Unfortunately, the place basically showed no signs of softening in an urgent urine state, as if it was expecting Yang Bingbing to wake up.

Yang Bingbing's eyelashes, who closed her eyes and slept soundly, were long, and the usual heroic spirit was restrained. The crimson cherry lips slightly opened a line, and her breath still fell on Su Yifan. Su Yifan's eyes swept over the nearby face. He could feel the wonderful touch of Yang Bingbing's delicate and smooth skin on his face, and even had a secret pride in his heart.

You can make Yang Bingbing fall asleep so sweetly. In her heart, she must be as important as she is in her heart, right?

After hard work, Su Yifan's patience finally waited for the result. When he struggled to find his mobile phone and saw that it was 7:44 a.m., Yang Bingbing finally woke up leisurely.

Knowing that she was still beautiful, Yang Bingbing still didn't have much consciousness. Before opening her eyes, she tried to rub Su Yifan with her face. That action was not much different from the cat that had just woken up.

Su Yifan's face was itchy. He put Yang Bingbing's arm and gently stroked the girl's long hair.

This action was very natural. Su Yifan's hand brushed Yang Bingbing's blue silk, as if there was an electric current flowing through his palm.

Yang Bingbing opened her eyes and found herself snuggling in Su Yifan's arms. She subconsciously wanted to reach out and push Su Yifan away. Her hands fell on Su Yifan's chest and stopped.

It's really a shy morning, but it's not like I haven't held his hand like this, and it seems to be too shy and fake?

Hesitantly, Yang Bingbing changed to support Su Yifan's chest with her hands and slowly sat up straight.

As soon as Yang Bingbing sat up, Su Yifan curled up his legs, covered the prominent position between his legs, and asked with a forced smile, "Wake up?"

Still surprised that Yang Bingbing, who had just been in her posture, did not calm down so quickly, but touched her cheek with her hand, thinking that she rubbed Su Yifan's face shamelessly just now. She didn't dare to look directly at Su Yifan and hummed softly.

Su Yifan said with a self-deprecating smile, "We all seem to have drunk... Fortunately, there is no disorder after drinking."

It's okay not to say this, which made Yang Bingbing subconsciously take a look at Su Yifan and find that he was curling his legs, as if he were covering something.

Adolescent girls are all **. Yang Bingbing is not a little girl who knows nothing. She saw the problem at a glance and stood up.

"I, I'm going to wash my face..."

Su Yifan wanted to agree, but looked at Yang Bingbing very struggling, with a hesitant face.

Yang Bingbing rushed into the bathroom without looking back and didn't forget to carry her travel bag in before entering. Su Yifan, who only left a wry smile in place, muttered, "Can you let me use it first..."

Yang Bingbing in the bathroom couldn't hear Su Yifan's self-spoken. She stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself with a red face, repeatedly recalling the details of waking up just now.

- Oh, my God, it's so humiliating to fall asleep on him. No drooling, right? Isn't it too shameful? What's wrong with me? I got drunk in front of the boy, slept with him all night, and rubbed around on other people's faces.

Thinking about it, Yang Bingbing suddenly wanted to kill herself with toothpaste. There are not as many people who have been lost since childhood. Thinking about my previous actions, it's really crazy.

But... only when you are facing him can you dare to be so crazy and be willing to be so crazy?

Looking at herself in the mirror, it took Yang Bingbing a few minutes to slowly calm down, brushed her teeth quietly, and looked at the bright-toothed girl in the mirror.

Looking at it, Yang Bingbing giggled at herself.

The smile was calm and silent, with satisfaction that only she knew.


Tut, I'm also very satisfied with what I wrote

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