My Goddess

Chapter 256 No Regret

Han Yun's anger did not attract too strong a counterattack, and the four strange DJs seemed to have expected this situation for a long time, and their attitude was very casual. The eyebrows scolded by Han Yun just looked up and still replied without smoke, "Han Yun, you are from the TV station, and you are not the same system as our radio station. What's the right to dictate to us?"

"Yo, can you pretend to be a goddess now?" Han Yun is a newsr. She is mean and doesn't give people any face. "That's coquettish. What about strength? Yeah, it's not a system... Then why do you get tired of seeing our director like your husband? People say that we are a family of radio and television, and I really didn't wrong you.

Any woman who has been scolding these questions will not continue to calm down. She raised her eyebrows, and the quiet literary style on her face finally disappeared, showing a sneer and retorted, "They are all foxes, let alone anyone else is more demonic. Isn't Han Yun a group of big brothers who want a mask? What's the matter?

The rookie coughed next to him: "Two, there are outsiders. Put it away."

As soon as the rookie's voice fell, his eyebrows had stood up and shouted at Su Yifan, "Please go out. Our radio and television center will have a dinner. You are not welcome here now."

Honger wanted to stop her eyebrows, but she didn't expect that the woman directly spread her anger to Su Yifan after being stimulated by Han Yun.

Originally, Han Yun and several radio people had nothing to do with each other, but Su Yifan was worried that there was no reason to vent his anger on Cheng Shuixin. Hearing Mei say this to him, he sneered and asked, "When did Zhongjing International become your family? I want to stay here. What right do you have to let me go?

Originally, it should have been the most indisputable eyebrows among all the people, but it smelled like a village sham, and shouted to the door, "Waiter, call security, someone here is harassing us!"

The waiter at the door came in and saw that many of the people inside had seen it on the local TV station. Knowing that the scene was not easy to clean up, he turned around and ran to find the manager.

"Don't say we didn't treat you politely." Mei seemed to be scolded by Han Yun, which made her whole body worse than before. She pointed to Su Yifan and said, "I'm sorry to let you go and not leave!"

He said he was embarrassed, but in fact, there was no embarrassed eyebrows in Su Yifan's eyes how ugly it was.

At present, these DJs are really used to their usual state of being held by others. Wherever he goes, he is recognized or his identity is bright, and he feels that he is a character in Xiaobinhai. Especially for this kind of dispute, it is almost self-evident which side the hotel chooses between a student and a radio DJ.

Just now, Cheng Shuixin has been carefully laughing with several brothers and sisters. She felt that it was nothing to be wronged. In today's society, there is no situation where you can do everything well without being wronged. Cheng Shuixin advised herself in her heart to practice in advance as a student.

Seeing that Su Yifan wanted to be angry several times, Cheng Shuixin tried to appease him, and of course she was happy. She knows everything Su Yifan has done for herself. Those efforts that never talked about rewards finally trickle into her heart, making Cheng Shuixin feel that she was really lucky to know such a friend.

Until Han Yun fell out with several DJs, Cheng Shuixin felt that today's events were over. If this road doesn't work, she still doesn't want to argue with these people.

When Mei began to speak to Su Yifan with contemptuous tone, Cheng Shuixin finally couldn't help it.

In particular, Mei said that she planned to let Su Yifan leave the private room and let the waiter call the security guard. Cheng Shuixin simply wanted to be the world's coldest and noblest sneer to the ignorant woman.

"Sister Mei, how much do you think of yourself?" Cheng Shuixin took Su Yifan's hand in front of many people and did not feel shy at all. The heat brought by the red wine made her blush, but because she was emotionally excited. "Who do you think can scare to death with the reputation of your hosts? Occupy a local bag as a mountain, do you really think you are the king?

Speaking of meanness, Cheng Shuixin is no less than Han Yun. Usually, she has been making a light appearance in school. These things that belong to the nature of girls have been suppressed, and today this occasion finally disperses.

Now the four DJs sitting opposite are really eyebrow-centered. Her light temperament of playing with the phone just now is gone, leaving only a sense of confidence: "Is the little girl also quite crazy? If you are really as divine as you said, do you still have to toast me? Don't just have a strong mouth. Go home and play with your little boyfriend. It's not your turn to participate in the adult world. Oh, you look good. It's good to pick up a rich second generation and give someone a mistress or something. However, she must not be a virgin. She can't sell much money. She should go back to practice how to serve men with your little boyfriend.

Mei's words simply subverted her usual image in the radio program, and the viciousness of that bitch is like a bitch. Su Yifan heard that it really exploded this time. He picked up the cup in front of him and threw it over his face.

"B bitch, shut up!"

Now Su Yifan's action is too fast. He raised his hand and hit the face of his eyebrows, making the woman who was full of momentum scream.

Cheng Shuixin doesn't remember how many times Su Yifan has hit someone for herself. Although the other party is a woman, she still feels that Su Yifan did the right thing.

I'm even a little happy.

The glass doesn't have much weight and is hitting under the forehead of the eyebrows. He covered his face and bent his eyebrows with a few hysterical screams. When he raised his head again, there was already a blood mark on his face.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. Just now, Han Yun just dropped the cup. I didn't expect that this teenager, who didn't say much as soon as he came in, did it directly, and it was still the same way to hit people in the face.

Runming, a big man more than 1.8 meters tall, stood up and said, "Kid, how dare you do it?"

"Nonsense, aren't you tired of scolding for so long?" Su Yifan hasn't learned well these days, but this kind of hooligan learns quickly. "You have to do it. Don't look like a man there."

Runming picked up a chair and rushed to Su Yifan.

Su Yifan pulled Cheng Shuixin and pushed her to Han Yun's side.

"Take care of yourself."

Before the words fell, Su Yifan had rushed over to meet the strong Runming.

Han Yun, who stood still holding a cup and wanted to fall for the second time, looked at Su Yifan who rushed over. She didn't know why the situation suddenly became like this. At the beginning, those DJs wanted to humiliate themselves, and then point out who they had offended, right? Su Yifan was so angry for the beautiful girl around him and directly raised his eyebrows.

Runming's action is very fast, and Su Yifan is faster than him. He rushed over with empty hands, twisted his body to avoid the chair smashed from top to bottom, and hit his knee on Runming's lower abdomen.

Runming, who was hit by Su Yifan, made a muffled sound, and it was too late to lift the chair in his hand again. Su Yifan picked up a plate of braised abalone and patted it on Runming's head with abalone shell with abalone juice and plate.

The porcelain plate is fragmented, and the crumbs are stained with abalone juice on Runming's ** hair, and the white flowers are like a large scalp that has not been washed clean.

Runming, who was hit, screamed, and Su Yifan tripped and kicked the ribs continuously and quickly.

It was also a wrong time, and Su Yifan put down Runming, who seemed to be the strongest among the four people.

"Do you still want to do it?"

There was still a fragment of a porcelain plate in his hand, and Su Yifan's eyes were still staring at the eyebrows that had been covering his face. It was completely unimaginable for Su Yifan to hit a woman, but now he doesn't feel regret or guilty at all.

What Mei said to Cheng Shuixin just now and did enough for Su Yifan to rush over and beat her again.

Just as Su Yifan planned to continue to step on Runming's face, the door of the private room was pushed open, and a man in his 40s with a security suit and a rosy face rushed in.

"You all stop and don't make trouble in the hotel!"

Su Yifan looked up and saw that he was the security captain of the hotel. He has seen this person once or twice in Zhongjing International before, and he is basically patrolling around with his back. Unexpectedly, the waiter called this man. It can be seen that he was really afraid that something would happen here.

The security captain is followed by a woman with an excellent figure, wearing a silver-gray professional suit, who can hit 70 or 80 points with her long legs alone. A woman has half long hair, a standard melon seed face, and a professional and standard smile on her face.

This is Ding Xiaomei, one of the lobby managers of Zhongjing International Restaurant.

Ding Xiaomei's real name is Ding Xiaomei, which is neither a stage name nor a later name. It is said that this woman has worked here since the opening of Zhongjing International. But she usually only appears in high-level banquet rooms and is responsible for welcoming some powerful people. Now even this person has appeared in this remote private room, which suddenly makes several DJs feel that they have been greatly valued.

Manager Ding! Let the security guard take this boy away. He will hit him!" The rookie didn't say a word just now, and now he has begun to grab the camera desperately. "It's too barbaric! We need to call the police!"

"Report to your mother!" Su Yifan only glanced at Ding Xiaomei and threw a plate of pepper and salt tiger shrimp in front of him. This time, he was almost dodged by the rookie.

Ding Xiaomei, who entered the door behind the security captain, was very calm and had the professional quality of a lobby manager. She first glanced at Runming lying on the ground, motioned a waiter to help up the unlucky child, and nodded to the rookie who was hissing.

"I know."

Ding Xiaomei, who has always shown a cold image in Zhongjing International, has given face to a rookie, which is not surprising to people who often come here. The rookie immediately looked more excited when he saw that Ding Xiaomei was willing to take care of himself.

"Manager Ding, this matter is too bad. I hope you can help deal with it seriously.

The rookie is no longer interested in embarrassing Han Yun. He found that Su Yifan's psychological quality when he started was really good. He was as calm as he had been specializing in this all year round. He felt that it was necessary to clean up this good boy first.

As for Han Yun? The days will be long. Don't worry.

Su Yifan turned around and nodded to Ding Xiaomei, saying that he saw her, and then said to Han Yun, "They don't know how much money I donated?"

Han Yun shook her head: "I didn't say that people on the radio don't watch much TV programs. They are all busy socializing."

Su Yifan nodded: "Oh, that's right. This dog looks down on people. If he really knew it, this would not have happened.

This was also very mean, and several DJs who heard Su Yifan's words changed their faces. The eyes of the two injured people with a little blood on their forehead and Runming, who covered their heads, were particularly resentful. At first glance, they had a mentality of not giving up their revenge.

At this time, Mei was not at all reserved and sneered at Su Yifan, "I don't care who you are, I have to pay for my behavior."

Su Yifan looked at his eyebrows and replied coldly, "Really? Do you believe that I will smoke you again now?

He glanced at the thick security captain and hummed, "Now, it's up to you?"

"Mr. Su, don't..." Ding Xiaomei wanted to stop Su Yifan, but she seemed to feel that she was not confident enough, and her voice was not as cold and quiet as usual.

Su Yifan has pointed to his eyebrows and said, "Wang Xiaofang, how dare you insult Cheng Shuixin? It's true that I'm endless with you!"

At this time, everyone has seen something wrong.

Ding Xiaomei's attitude towards Su Yifan seems to be very strange?

Runming, who covered his head and wiped his face with a paper towel, was about to speak when the door of the private room was pushed open again.

Chu Yin with a cold face and Chu Ruo in a lady's suit appeared at the door.


Still asking for red tickets!