My Goddess

Chapter 275 Conditions

After eating very delicious casserole ribs, Su Yifan sent the satisfied Yang Bingbing home. The streets that are slowly getting dark are announcing the end of a week's rest. Tomorrow is a vicious Monday. Everyone has to go to work and continue the struggle of not wanting to go to work seven days a week.

I don't know when two people go out and drive less and less. Either walking or public transportation, Yang Bingbing seemed to like this way very much and followed Su Yifan to learn how to walk quickly.

Because there is really no time, now the Internet cafe link has been basically abandoned. Su Yifan knows that his DOTA technology must have declined significantly, and he has no time to continue to practice. On the contrary, after General Changsheng Zhang Chao was dragged to do the numerical value, he no longer shouted to go to the Internet cafe for a night.

It is generally pleasant to become responsible for what you like to do.

A little crowded on the bus, Yang Bingbing pulled Su Yifan's hand and signaled Su Yifan to protect herself in such a crowded environment. So Su Yifan could only open his arms and put Yang Bingbing's body around his arms, so as not to encounter the pervert who attacked girls in midsummer.

The windows on both sides of the bus are open, blowing through the cool wind. Yang Bingbing grabbed Su Yifan's wrist in one hand and hung on Su Yifan's shoulder with the other hand, staring at him all the time.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Yifan asked.

"Thinking about a decision." Yang Bingbing said.

Su Yifan didn't ask any decision, he just smiled.

The meaning is obvious - no matter what the decision is, I support you.

Yes, it's this kind of unreasonable support, just because it's your decision.

Yang Bingbing understood what Su Yifan meant and nodded with a smile.

In fact, the moment she got on the bus just now, Yang Bingbing asked herself whether she wanted to face those cruel family conflicts or stay in such a plain and happy life and never go out.

Even Yang Bingbing wanted to ask Su Yifan which answer was better, but she thought about it but didn't say anything.

Either way, it can't bring more life and death, can it?

Comforting herself like this, Yang Bingbing waved goodbye to Su Yifan at her home.

"Go back early."

"Well, I'll go back to see Sister Qing." Su Yifan wanted to see Yang Bingbing enter the house before leaving. "You should rest early."

Yang Bingbing smiled, patted the back of Su Yifan's hand, and turned into the door.


The city at night was unprecedentedly lively. Su Yifan walked through those noisy squares again, imagined whether it belonged to Cheng Shuixin's mother under a huge billboard, and then hurried to Wanhui Commercial Square.

Su Xiaoqing waited for Su Yifan at the place where the two of them held pizza for the first time.

Next to the pizza shop is a maid cafe. At the door, there is a little girl in white stockings and a black and white maid skirt standing in front of the fluorescent billboard to solicit business. The so-called special coffee and pizza written on the billboard look a little more expensive than ordinary shops. Su Xiaoqing, who changed into a white suit, pulled Su Yifan into the maid's coffee shop and snapped her fingers at the girl with a cat ear headdress.

"I want a private room."

After seeing Su Xiaoqing's face, the girl was distracted for about a second or two. She looked at the computer bag in Su Xiaoqing's hand and nodded: "Okay, do you need us to provide a wireless password?"

Su Xiao tapped his head: "Thank you."

The private room layout of the maid cafe is moderate, without too many dazzling decorations, and the slightly retro style looks more eye-catching.

Su Xiaoqing seemed to have been here more than once. He casually ordered a few things to send away the little maid and took out his laptop and put it on the table.

"Actually, after you said it for the first time, I made a script to regularly inspect Cheng Shuixin's Douban station and blog." Su Xiaoqing said, "That message has appeared 12 times in total. Each time the wording is different, and the IP is also different. From Hong Kong, China to Canada, I traveled around half the world.

Su Yifan nodded. He had confidence in Su Xiaoqing.

Compared with Su Xiaoqing, those who claim to be technical otaku are weak.

Su Xiaoqing did not continue after making a simple explanation, but asked Su Yifan with a smile, "How was your chat with Cheng Shuixin yesterday? Yang Bingbing is here today. It's not convenient for me to ask you.

Su Yifan was helpless: "Xiaoqing, don't gossip like this..."

"Gossip is a girl's instinct." Su Xiaoqing took it for granted, "How about it? Have you talked about it?"

Su Yifan actually didn't want to hide it from Su Xiaoqing. After a little resistance, he said, "Actually, it's nothing. It's a topic of mutual understanding."

"Can she understand this?" Su Xiaoqing smiled a little and said, "You know, letting girls make concessions in this regard is actually more serious than sleeping with her and having children for you."

Su Yifan was shocked: "How can it be so serious?"

"Of course it's serious." Su Xiaoqing said, "You are a Huairou school, and it may not be easy to understand. A girl has a good impression on you, even admits that she likes you, and refuses to say it. There is only one possibility - she feels that there are countless possibilities around you, but she can't tolerate it.


As soon as he talked about this topic, Su Yifan lost power.

"Of course, I don't think it's a problem." Su Xiaoqing said, "Actually, if you are a hardliner, you can first look for Cheng Shuixin's personality and weaknesses in life, and then keep hitting her. Finally, she will definitely fall into your arms and will not oppose you maintaining a good relationship with other girls."

Su Xiaoqing said casually, but Su Yifan could hear that she might really have such a way.

Maybe as long as he gently nod his head, Su Xiaoqing can tell himself what to do, and the result is almost certain to succeed.

"Do you think it's exciting?" Su Xiaoqing smiled a little devil, "If you want to do this, I'll help you."

Sure enough, she said it... Su Yifan looked at Su Xiaoqing speechless and in a complicated mood. Why did she instigate herself to try to catch up all the girls every day?

And Su Xiaoqing acted as if he didn't care.

You should know that Su Xiaoqing's sudden and intimate kiss is still imprinted in Su Yifan's heart, which is the strongest picture in his heart.

Even after that kiss, Su Yifan sometimes looked at Su Xiaoqing with a little appreciation. He felt that his mood had been changed by that kiss.

What did Su Xiaoqing think of his precious first kiss?

Seeing Su Yifan's silence, Su Xiaoqing smiled and said, "You still can't make a decision, right? Do you want me to throw a * for you?

"No..." Su Yifan remembered the business he came today and still refused Su Xiaoqing's super ** proposal. "I just want to know who wants to hurt Cheng Shuixin behind his back."

"Do you really want to know that?"

Before Su Yifan could say anything, Su Xiao's light things were sent one after another.

The coffee is very ordinary, the fruit salad is not bright, and the dessert seems to be a supermarket... The only praiseworthy thing is probably ice cream. Su Xiaoqian took a small bite, and even pushed the rest of the spoon to Su Yifan.

"I can't eat it... Come on."

In terms of Su Yifan's current calorie consumption, these things are certainly not a problem. Looking at the ice cream cup pushed over by Su Xiao, Su Yifan hesitated for a moment and picked up a spoon and dug a bite.

"I think this trouble has something to do with me. I have an obligation to help Cheng Shuixin find out who did it." Su Yifan felt that he couldn't speak seriously after he began to dig ice cream, so he could only try to say, "I'm too slow to check myself, and I still have to beg you."

Su Xiao smiled and said, "Yo, do you know this is begging me?"

Su Yifan had to look shy: "I'm used to it... Xiaoqing, please help me."

"It's definitely no problem to help you. Even if you want to blow up the U.S. Congress, I will do it for you." Su Xiaoqing poked the fork on the fruit salad, and his movements were so cute. "But this is actually not your business. Cheng Shuixin said that he would do it by himself. If you rush up like this, you will be more disappointing."

This is the first time that Su Xiaoqing has refused Su Yifan's request. Su Yifan really didn't think about this happening.

On the contrary, Su Xiao smiled cunningly and relaxedly, which made Su Yifan a little confused about what she wanted to do.

Su Xiao looked up at the chandelier above their heads, reached out and pressed the power switch on the wall, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

In the dark, Su Xiao gently stroked a match and lit a spherical candle in the center of the table.

The candlelight swayed, shining on Su Yifan's face and Su Xiaoqing's face.

The faint red light made Su Xiaoqing's face look slightly mysterious and slightly **, and the candlelight reflection in her eyes also shook slightly, like sparkling water.

"There is no problem for you. You have to promise me a condition."

After lighting the candle, it seems that the whole room has an inexplicable sense of mystery.

Su Yifan smiled at Su Xiao in the shaking of the candlelight.

"Even if there is no such thing, what did you say I don't agree to?"

Su Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "You didn't agree to find a girl to do it."


Su Yifan wanted to slap himself very much, but he obviously couldn't say Su Xiaoqing. Why did he ask him back?

" said."

"Real saying that?" Su Xiaoqing's voice was very soft, as if from the sky, "If you kiss me, I'll tell you."

After saying this sentence, Su Xiaoqing blew out the candle without waiting for Su Yifan to answer.

Even if she guessed all kinds of possibilities before, the answer still does not belong to the one Su Yifan thought, and it is absolutely like what Su Xiao said, which is completely in line with her way.

In the dark, Su Yifan could only hear his breathing. He knew that his breathing became heavier after hearing this request.

Su Xiao's light breathing, which was close at hand, was also more rapid than just now, proving that she was not as insignificant as she had just showed.

"This...why?" Su Yifan felt at a loss and asked such a stupid question.

The best thing is that Su Xiaoqing answered him.

"I felt good last time... I still want to try it."


Ask for red tickets for Su Xiaoqing!