My Goddess

Chapter 283 A Little Suggestion

The place where Shaoyang lives is very dilapidated. The monthly rent of the tube building next to the old Binhai University is only 400 to 500 yuan, which is said to be "complete with facilities". It is estimated that even the washing machine can't be opened. Su Yifan was surprised after sending Shaoyang to the place: "Do you live in such a place with your current income?"

Shao Yang looked indifferent: "I feel that I have suffered more and it is easier to understand Lin Xi."

Su Yifan can only admire the attention to pick up girls to this extent.

Driving away, just after two intersections, Su Yifan received a phone call from Yang Bingbing.

"Report the gossip hero, and the investigation has made progress."

"So fast?" Su Yifan was surprised, and then strongly praised Yang Bingbing, "Thank you for your hard work. Where are you? I'll pick you up."

"No, I'll take a taxi home." Yang Bingbing said, "Wait for me near my house."


About 20 minutes later, the sneaky Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing connected.

Drilling into Su Yifan's car, Yang Bingbing blew cold air and looked comfortable: "The taxi just now was really stingy and refused to turn on the air conditioner. It's so hot."

Su Yifan added a little more cold air: "Blow first, what's the progress?"

Yang Bingbing didn't know why she was the first to call Su Yifan. Originally, the progress of this matter should have been reported to Cheng Shuixin first. Anyway, since the two met, let's just go on: "Let's go to the book today. Dong Yan took the initiative to talk to me."

"And then?" Su Yifan said, "You are so beautiful that only girls talk to you?"

"Damn, talk well." Yang Bingbing was coquettish. In fact, she was a little happy. "The boys who talked to me have met more than a dozen in the past few days... There are also more in the school. Alas, they are all caused by rumors."

Su Yifan joked with Yang Bingbing and became more open-open: "Do you want the gossip hero to come forward and let them all retreat?"

"Go..." Yang Bingbing pushed Su Yifan, "Anyway, Dong Yan talked to me for a few words and turned the topic to Cheng Shuixin, and then shared the same hatred with me."

Su Yifan said, "She must not understand why the most beautiful girls can become friends."

Yang Bingbing did not blame Su Yifan for talking nonsense this time, but sighed with some emotion: "Yes... How can they understand?"

"Then did Dong Yan admit that she was in Heicheng Shuixin?" Su Yifan felt that it was more important to ask about the progress. "I don't think she will admit it so easily."

"Of course not." Yang Bingbing said, "However, Dong Yan talked to me a lot about the details that they hated Cheng Shuixin, and I found that women's minds were really terrible."

Su Yifan praised, "So you are different from them."

"Maybe it's the same." Yang Bingbing laughed at herself and said, "I'm also the kind of person who looks down on who will always be biased."

"Typical Leo characteristics." Su Yifan's level of support has really improved.

"Talk well." Yang Bingbing was coquettish again. She liked this feeling very much. "Dong Yan seems to want to find an alliance, but she feels that I really don't have a good relationship with Cheng Shuixin, and her attitude is obvious."

"Didn't I ask you to spray Cheng Shuixin with you?" Su Yifan asked.

Yang Bingbing shook her head: "No, Dong Yan has stopped talking to me many times. I don't know what she wants to say."

Su Yifan comforted: "The progress has exceeded expectations. Haven't you told Cheng Shuixin yet?"

"Not yet." Yang Bingbing felt that there was something wrong with the order of finding Su Yifan first. "I made an appointment with Dong Yan to have dinner together tomorrow. Recommend a good place?"

Su Yifan covered his face: "Don't you think Cheng Shuixin is more suitable for finding a food map?"

"Okay." Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "I asked Cheng Shuixin."

"Is it exciting to be a spy?" Su Yifan also interviewed the heroine's mental journey.

Yang Bingbing nodded: "It's so fun and exciting. It's just... a little lonely."

Su Yifan said, "If you don't want to play at any time, tell us that I will find a way to solve the remaining problems."

"No." Yang Bingbing insisted, "I won't give up halfway."

Well, this is the Yang Bingbing that everyone knows and is familiar with, which has not changed at all.

Compared with Yang Bingbing's persistence, Cheng Shuixin's attitude is equally resolute. After she met Yang Bingbing, Yang Bingbing began to tell Cheng Shuixin about her gains. Su Yifan listened to it for the second time.

Cheng Shuixin listened to Yang Bingbing's story and smiled brightly: "I didn't know I was so powerful in other people's eyes."

Yang Bingbing said helplessly, "There are too many people who blackmail you behind you. They all start from the faction. I think these people can almost form a paranoid alliance of victims.

"So am I the ultimate boss?" Cheng Shuixin was still laughing, "It is described as various evil images in different forms."

Although Cheng Shuixin has been smiling, Yang Bingbing still feels a little heavy: "Do you think it's really worth doing this? If there are so many people* me, I must be very angry."

"I don't think so." Cheng Shuixin's mentality is more peaceful than everyone thinks. "I think slander is also an angle. Just calm down and face it."

Yang Bingbing sighed. She really felt that she still had to learn a lot from Cheng Shuixin. Perhaps if she is in her own position, Cheng Shuixin will do many times better than herself.

Cheng Shuixin could feel Yang Bingbing's depression, smiled and took Yang Bingbing's hand and said, "Actually, thank you for your hard work. Is it very troublesome to deal with those people?"

"For good, I just entered a new social circle." Yang Bingbing didn't care. "I still think it's quite fresh."

Cheng Shuixin shook her head: "This is the reason why I don't like to socialize with many girls... Everyone secretly rubs a person behind his back, and then replaces a black person behind his back. It's boring."

"That's because it's boring." Su Yifan interrupted, "The embodiment of the emptiness of collective life."

Yang Bingbing said, "Let's recommend a place to eat first. Where is better?"

Cheng Shuixin glanced at Su Yifan: "You have basically been to all the delicious places in Binhai."

Yang Bingbing was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that every restaurant Su Yifan took her to eat was different, and the dinners led by Su Xiaoqing vaguely included most of the food experience in Binhai City.

"Go to Zhongjing International to add bricks and tiles to Qingjie's income?" Cheng Shuixin suggested, "Or eat an iron plate, which is lively and convenient to talk."

Yang Bingbing looked down at her beautiful skirt: "Do I need to show the upstart temperament?"

"You can't learn this all your life." Cheng Shuixin said with a smile, "It's okay to go to a western restaurant with a better environment. That kind of place is especially suitable for speaking ill of people behind their backs."

Yang Bingbing imagined and had a cold war.

"Don't... go to eat western food with a woman and sit in a private room... It's terrible."

Cheng Shuixin laughed and said, "Then I'll treat you to western food another day?"

"Your words, no problem." Yang Bingbing didn't care about Cheng Shuixin's laughter, "Shall I prepare a miniature Bluetooth headset tomorrow so that you can listen to the live broadcast all the way?"

Cheng Shuixin was surprised: "Is there such a thing? I thought it was only in spy movies..."

Su Yifan felt that the thoughts of the two girls had run all the way to the sky and said helplessly, "Of course there is that kind of thing. Are you sure you want to use it?"

Both girls are too lazy to say the answer to this question.



After school the next day, everyone was busy. Cheng Shuixin wanted to continue working with Zhang Yao. Su Yifan was waiting for the phone call from Linhai, and Yang Bingbing went to have dinner with Dong Yan. You with different purposes have little chance to say goodbye and run in your own direction at the school gate.

Compared with the busy Cheng Shuixin and the excited Yang Bingbing, Su Yifan found that he had finally had nothing to do and simply stopped Zhang Chao, who was planning to go home.

Just this afternoon, the system value written by Zhang Chao has been sent to Wang Jiantao by email. Before receiving further work requirements, Zhang Chao took a temporary break, and Su Yifan simply pulled Zhang Chao to pay him.

It's ridiculous to say that financial work is taken care of by investors themselves, but there are many practical examples. Zhang Chao originally wanted to refuse the money, but later found that he was not as strong or physically as Su Yifan, so he could only be dragged to the bank and get his first part-time salary in his life.

"Damn, buddy actually made money by playing games." Zhang Chao was very excited, "I'll treat you to dinner."

"What's wrong with making two pieces of money?" Su Yifan stimulated Zhang Chao, "I'm the boss. I'll treat you."

As a result, the two went to a buffet of nearly 200 yuan. After playing a boring game of "fishing to pay each other's bills", Zhang Chaoxi lost to Su Yifan, so they could only take fish sashimi and sea crabs to vent their anger.

There are a lot of people in the cafeteria, and the food is decent. After all, it is a little expensive for the working class. Su Yifan and Zhang Chao, two students, don't care so much. They look around looking for delicious food like hungry wolves and pick delicious food.

After destroying the sixth sea crab, Zhang Chao was completely killed. Su Yifan also felt that his death was not long, so he had to stop and rest for a moment.

"Next month, there will be an interactive entertainment achievement exhibition. Do you want to see it?" During the break, he asked Su Yifan about Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao was stunned: "What do you think of Asia's first girl exhibition?"

"That's right, that's it."

"I don't want to go." Zhang Chao curled his lips and said, "He's fucking going to see beautiful women. How can there be no real game games? There is a sea of people, and the tickets are expensive and hot. I'm studying more about playing games at home.

"Don't be shameless." Su Yifan mercilessly despised Zhang Chao, "Do you think I'll ask you to play? Let you take the game to the exhibition.

"Let me bring the game?" Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment and realized, "Damn it, are you going to put this game on the game exhibition?"

"If you have done everything, just publicize it."

Zhang Chao did not answer immediately this time, but frowned and thought about it.

"Is it the end of July?"

"Yes, summer vacation." Su Yifan said, "Didn't you sign up for some strange physics class or something?"

Zhang Chao was sad and indignant: "I won't report it even if I die. It's hard for my mother to say."

"That's troublesome." Su Yifan regretted, "I originally wanted you to take the game and promote the game when you see the world."

Zhang Chao gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll try to have a look."

Su Yifan nodded. It is not an excessive for today's high school students to say that life is basically controlled by their parents. Zhang Chao wants to go to Modu for a few days, and it is estimated that he will have to go through three or five family political trials first.


Today, I suddenly remembered the first time I wrote an online article

I didn't save the manuscript. I wrote 4,000 to 5,000 a day, and I persisted for less than four months

Sure enough, there is still progress...

Continue to ask for tickets~