My Goddess

Chapter 303 If there is a free day

The flowers in the middle of the night are still lively, just like the city is so full of vitality that it never rests. Three or three young people waiting for supper can be seen everywhere. The smell of pork red soup and radish and beef giblets spread in the air, and the light shines through the night. The bustle of nodding on the street keeps flowing as if it has never stopped.

Once-remire properties are now hot because of investment, and the city's dead corners are becoming fewer and fewer, just like its subway line is getting wider and wider.

Of course, there are still many places where the light can't shine, just as there are no street lights along some buses, and some places are destined to be silent in the night.

A community in the eastern suburbs of the city is quiet at this time, and those noisy shops during the day have turned into simple early bed and early rise. Occasionally, the rooms on several floors are still lit, showing that they are incompatible with others.

In the dark, a tall and slender figure silently returned to Unit 3 of Building 11 of the community with a small schoolbag and opened the iron fence door with the door key of the building.

The sound-controlled light was awakened, and the light shone on the figure, and her long hair was dyed slightly golden under the light.

Open the door of her room and the girl in sportswear walked into the empty room. Go through the living room with only one old-fashioned water dispenser and stop in the bedroom with only one mattress.

Put down her backpack, and the girl took out a laptop from it.

There is no LOGO on the laptop, and you can't see the brand. The keyboard ranking is slightly different from that of ordinary computers. If you carefully identify them, it is not difficult to find that those keyboard characters are metal hollow. This process is almost invisible on ordinary civilian notebooks.

Turn on the computer, connect to the satellite phone, and connect to the network. The girl put on Bluetooth headphones and smiled at the LCD screen with light blue light.

When it comes to the world's most unsafe communication methods, network calls will definitely be among the best, and when it comes to the safest lines, network calls have become one of the safest ways because of the encryption characteristics of communication protocols and software.

There is obviously no choice in choosing this way to call in such a country.

It didn't take long for the other party to make a corresponding response. What appeared on the laptop screen was a sound waveform, without avatar and ID. Obviously, it was a single-channel point-to-point communication.

"I've arrived."

The voice over there is a hoarse male voice, which sounds very young.

"Do you want to be safe around you?"

"I don't know." The blonde girl replied in the dark, "According to my experience, it's safe for the time being."

"Your experience..." The other side smiled bitterly and whispered, "Your experience didn't tell you, will you be determined that you have obtained intelligence by making such a decision?"

The other party had a sense of blame, but the girl didn't care, but said with a smile, "My experience tells me that only in this way can it not be completely cleaned up as garbage."

"So you want to be the person who always has the bottom card to lift?" The hoarse young man asked, "Now the old guys above are arguing whether to use a more violent way."

"It's useless." The girl curled her lips and found that she had really learned badly some time ago and began to do this little girl's action. "For her, those threats are actually ridiculous. You don't know her card, and no one dares to act rashly.

"It is not human laziness that drives the world forward, but interests." The hoarse voice said, "As long as the interests are enough, it is not so difficult for them to blow up the Antarctic glacier."

The girl did not argue with the hoarse voice. She thought for a moment and asked, "So the old guys still think that I got the information and wanted to wait for the price and hide myself?"

"Why do you think they suddenly changed their caliber and want to investigate you again?"


The girl was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "What is the most important thing for you?"

The voice over there answered without hesitation: "It's you, Nell."

Nelle smiled and said, "But I have rejected you, Anthony."

"That can't change your importance to me." Anthony's voice became slightly excited, "You are my choice, and I am not your choice. There is no direct connection between the two."

"You are such a terrible science student." Nell sighed, "I really can't give you any promise, although I appreciate everything you have done for me."

"It's the best reward for me to get your thanks, even if it's just verbal." Anthony's answer may be very lethal for any girl, but it has no effect on Neil. "So what about you? What is the most important thing?

Nelle was silent for a moment and replied, "Free."

"There is no absolute freedom in this world."

"At least you can satisfy your inner freedom." Nell looked back at the empty room and said, "I hope that one day I can have a quiet and free life."

"Then you have to survive at least this time." Anthony reminded, "You pay too much attention to this matter. You can't solve it by yourself."

Nil smiled. Even if Anthony in front of the computer on the other side could not see her, her smile still existed in a corner of the world, so touching.

"Maybe, but isn't it a kind of freedom to choose to resist?"

Anthony did not agree with Nell's point of view and did not refute: "After the investigation was restarted, they sorted out all the details and found a lot of evidence to prove that you had obtained the required information."

"Then you want me to say something that I don't even know with that evidence?" Nell laughed, "I'm really ashamed to work under these people."

"Those people are no longer thinking with their own brains." Anthony said, "What they use to think about is their office location."

"So even if I was investigated, interrogated, and finally died without a result, it was just a small mistake for them and lost a commercial spy?"

"Although I want to say no, the actual situation is indeed like this."

Nelle laughed at herself and suddenly asked, "Is it okay for us to waste satellite communication fees like this? I'm a poor man now.

"After that, I will delete all relevant records, including access records, so you don't have to worry." Anthony said, "Now I still suggest you stay there. No country in the world has a more rigorous censorship and security system than there. It is difficult for their power to play a role there."

Nelle shrugged her shoulders, and she felt that such a move must have been influenced by the teenager.

"Okay, the food here is also very good."

Anthony almost laughed out loud: "Are you still in the mood to look for delicious food?"

"Don't you just like my optimism?" Nell has always been natural and generous when talking about this. "For you, beautiful women are never scarce."

Anthony has to admit that this character of Nell is an important reason why she is widely loved by many people. As for appearance - basically, people who have been in large international institutions know that beautiful women are simply floating clouds for them.

"What are you going to do next?" Anthony asked, "I can cooperate with you."

"Let's hide for a while." Nell said, "Anyway, they think I have what they want, so I escaped like this. They don't want to kill me immediately, do they?"

"If it's for stop loss, it's hard to say."

"Then come on." Nell stretched out her hand and tied her long white-gold hair into a beautiful and crisp ponytail, biting her hairband and said, "It's not a bad thing to die like this."

Anthony can feel the strong despair hidden behind Neel's optimism. It is this mixture of optimism and despair that makes Neil more attractive. Anthony had to admit that Nell looked strong and confident at some point, and people couldn't help but want to hug and pity her.

At the end of the conversation, Nell cut off the network link and began to clean up her use and login records.

At this moment, on the other end of the earth, in a country with a seven-hour time difference from China, the clouds in the afternoon are tearing each other with the sun. In the ancient and clean library, a young blonde man wearing black-framed glasses has just turned off his computer.

There are at least a dozen LCD screens around this blonde young man, which are horizontal and vertical, as well as square old-fashioned screens.

There are three keyboards of different shapes on the large special computer table, each with heavy wear marks, which can be seen that they are used frequently.

He pushed a computer table with both hands, and the blonde young man's roller seat quickly retreated a distance, keeping him away from the screen and keyboard, as well as the contradictions that had been difficult to extricate himself just now.

There is a dilapidated old sofa not far behind the young man. A bearded middle-aged man sat on the sofa, with his hands folded and watched the young man silent.

Young people can feel the pressure from that person's eyes, and that horrible and violent feeling is a nightmare that he will never forget in his life. In this workshop, the middle-aged man killed two mutiny agents who tried to attack him with his fists.

Such a bloody scene made the blonde young man not want to recall, and every time he saw this middle-aged man, he had to be forced to remember that scene.

A brief silence, no one said anything.

In the end, the middle-aged man said first, "So Nell didn't tell you her follow-up plan?"

"No." The blonde young man is Anthony. "I think she may have noticed something."

"No." The middle-aged man is very confident. "She really notices something and won't take the initiative to contact you."

"Maybe it's just a one-time address." Anthony analyzed, "Before that, I provided a lot of correct information to Nell, but that's not enough. She doesn't trust everyone now."

The bearded middle-aged man has eye-catching white hair, which makes him look more cold.

"You advised her to stay in China, and she agreed?"

"Yes, she also agrees with me." Anthony confessed, "She actually doesn't know that it's easy for us to buy some relationships in China."

The middle-aged man nodded: "You continue to keep in touch with Neil. We have to consider a follow-up plan now."

Anthony was full of excitement. He knew what the follow-up plan was among the middle-aged population and felt that it seemed inappropriate to do so.

But in any case, Anthony dared not oppose this middle-aged man's decision. At the beginning, he put Neil by Su Yifan's side, and now he also thinks that Neil has hidden the information and wants to get a lot of benefits from the company at one time.

"Anyway, let's work hard." The middle-aged man raised his head and shot a fanatical light in his eyes, "In order to restore the glory of the past."

In the face of a boss who is often so hot, Anthony can only weakly agree.


Yo, Nell is back?

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