My Goddess

Chapter 306 Endless

The two watched the end credits of Mary and Max together and kept seeing the producer and publisher's LOGO appear on the screen before exiting the CD.

This is Cheng Shuixin's habit. She will read all the subtitles and show her respect for the production team. Later, Su Yifan also learned that after watching many movies, he would quietly watch all the cast list alone.

The TV has regained its usual quietness. Su Yifan thought about it, adjusted the XMB interface of PS3 to the music playlist, and pressed the random option.

The TV screen shows a vast cosmic space, a blue planet in the center, and the music sounded. It is Asang's "Loneliness is Singing", which is actually related to the theme of the movie I just saw.

Cheng Shuixin was fine. She bent her legs and sat on the sofa. She had a sense of laziness that she would not normally see to anyone.

"Did the master go to exercise again today?"

Cheng Shuixin almost never asked Su Yifan's whereabouts on the weekend, but even if he was asked, Su Yifan did not feel strange or should have concealed something. He simply admitted, "Yes, do some physical enhancement exercises with Mr. Euler, but unfortunately the effect is not very good."

"Actually, it works very well." Cheng Shuixin looked at Su Yifan's two arms with a smile. These two arms are much stronger than when she first met him.

In the past, Cheng Shuixin thought she knew Su Yifan, but she never thought that Su Yifan could become like today and become almost unlike him.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that heart. Cheng Shuixin can feel that Su Yifan's inner world has not changed much, and those things in his personality that people are willing to approach are still there.

It's just... Thinking of the time when she met those radio DJs before, Cheng Shuixin realized helplessly that the world was too cruel, and eventually everyone would become the kind of adults who were expressionless to solve external pressure. No one will appear too weak in making almost cruel absolutes and attacking their enemies.

The change generated by this reality is really helpless, Cheng Shuixin thought with some regret.

"Exercise is hard, isn't it?" Cheng Shuixin asked.

"Well, it's very hard." Su Yifan is not pretentious, neither exaggerating nor denying, "Now it is the stage of underwater sports, and there is a lot of exercise."

"What's next?" Cheng Shuixin cares about it.

Su Yifan shook his head: "I don't know yet. Does Mr. Euler have her progress and plan? I'll just do it."

Su Yifan, who is so honest and unfaited, is the one Cheng Shuixin likes. The girl smiled and said, "Actually, I know some. Yang Bingbing has told me about it. I'm always too busy on weekends, and I want to go with you if I have time.

"Actually, it's quite boring." Su Yifan said, "It's all repetitive exercise, which strengthens your physique by constantly increasing the amount of exercise."

"It would be nice if I could be with you." Cheng Shuixin said with a smile, "Do you usually have a muscle massage? I heard that massage is necessary if you exercise a lot.

How dare Su Yifan say that Yang Bingbing gave herself a muscle massage? After thinking about it, he said, "Yes, but not much."

"Would you like me to massage my master today?" Cheng Shuixin was rarely playful, blinked and acted cute, and behaved particularly shamelessly, "Do you want a maid massage?"

Do you still need to ask if you want it at this time? Su Yifan quickly accepted the current situation after two seconds of brain death and nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, wait a minute." Cheng Shuixin was familiar with the secret base and turned to the bathroom to get a towel. "Take off my coat."

Su Yifan is still wondering if Cheng Shuixin knows about Yang Bingbing's massage, which is also to compare. Cheng Shuixin over there has come out with two big towels. Looking at Su Yifan, who was still stunned, she asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Do you want me to help you take it off?"

This is already a flirty face. Su Yifan shook his head quickly and hurriedly took off his coat.

Cheng Shuixin spread the towel and let Su Yifan lie down. He bent his knees directly without any grudges. He knelt on Su Yifan's waist and covered his hands.

Su Yifan swore to God that he felt that the psychological effect of massage was stronger than the physiological effect. Almost while Cheng Shuixin's knees were attached to the towel through the maid's socks, he felt that his body was as if it had been stirred by a layer of electric current. The pores all over his body were open, the roots of his hair stood up, and his whole body seemed to be paralyzed by highly poisonous mushrooms.

Cheng Shuixin's massage technique is obviously not as good as Yang Bingbing. Her hands began with Su Yifan's two-sided lumbar muscles, gently rubbing, pressing and pinching them. Every time she exerted her strength, she could see that she was extremely careful. Unfortunately, Cheng Shuixin is not familiar with Su Yifan's body. The power of massage is not well mastered, and many veins may not be correct.

Even so, Su Yifan already feels like he is living in heaven.

Cheng Shuixin probably thought about it before she came. Although the massage action was slightly astringent, she was not embarrassed. Her movements were soft, like the spring breeze brushing the water, leaving ripples on Su Yifan's heart and skin, which not only brought aftertaste, but also brought faint traces.

While pressing, Cheng Shuixin asked softly, "Master, are you satisfied?"

Su Yifan didn't know whether Cheng Shuixin had not played in the maid's game or deliberately flirted with her. At this time, I can only continue to say good and try to provoke other topics: "Have you pressed people before?"

"My mother's shoulder and neck are more stressed, and I sometimes press her." Cheng Shuixin was free to quickly switch between herself and the maid's mood, and her attitude was very calm. "I didn't expect that there was any other use."

Su Yifan laughed twice and didn't say anything.

Today, Cheng Shuixin did not joke about the topic that she was an employee Su Yifan was the boss. Both of them enjoyed this quiet physical contact. Even through a layer of towels, Su Yifan still felt extremely satisfied.

This satisfaction is difficult to describe, and the sense of existence is very strong, which makes Su Yifan feel that he has always lacked some of something and his heart is full of heat for the first time.

In addition to enjoying Cheng Shuixin's service, Su Yifan inevitably felt panic, but this panic was quickly diluted or even disappeared by joy. Cheng Shuixin, who was serving as a maid for him, was not idle. While looking for a topic, she asked, "Do you know how Yang Bingbing made fun of me?"

Huh? I don't know." Su Yifan answered honestly.

Cheng Shuixin lowered her head and pressed her hands on both sides of Su Yifan's spine, almost using her whole body strength. After pressing it a few times, he said slowly, "Yang Bingbing joked with me and called me Commissar Cheng."

Su Yifan naturally understands what Yang Bingbing means. In fact, if you think about it, it's true. Whether you have a problem in your heart, or if Zhang Yao and Yang Bingbing have doubts, you will unconsciously tend to ask for the tutorial Shui Xin. The title of political commissar that Yang Bingbing teased is really well deserved, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Seeing that Su Yifan did not speak, Cheng Shuixin's idea of continuing to talk to herself faded. She lay down with a smile and spit out Ruolan on Su Yifan's back.

"What do you think, master?"

Su Yifan was called so that his bones were crisp. He felt that if Cheng Shuixin's self-reliance could be maintained with gentle emotions, he hoped that this period of time would never end.

Of course, Su Yifan must also answer Cheng Shuixin's question now.

Su Yifan lay on the ground and thought about it carefully. The fragrance on the towel did not cover the smell of Cheng Shuixin, which made his mind unstable. The instinct developed by getting along for a long time made Su Yifan know that he would be serious and sincere in the face of Cheng Shuixin's problems.

"Actually, I sometimes wonder why I look for you when I'm confused." Su Yifan felt that Cheng Shuixin's breath was falling on his back. The heat flow made him itchy, but he still tried to calm down. "Sister Qing once said that a person needs to think by himself and find a way to solve the problem by himself. Friends are willing to help you share but can't fully share your life. It's better to hide those troubles by yourself, leave the good ones to your friends, don't let your friends bear the burden, and swallow those that are not easy to digest.

Cheng Shuixin lay on Su Yifan's back with her hands on her body. She listened quietly. Su Xiaoqing was extremely familiar with Su Yifan's words. Many times in her life, she also asked herself and practiced it, but this did not make her gain many friends. Instead, she was farther and farther away from some girls.

In fact, it didn't take long for Cheng Shuixin to know that no one likes others to be stronger than herself. There is a lot of deeper hostility hidden behind those eyes that think you are good, almost burying her middle school life. However, Cheng Shuixin felt that this was the way she chose. She did not hesitate and deeply felt that her choice was right and went all the way to now.

This is the current figure Cheng Shuixin, the forefront of rumors and various discussions. She is independent and does not need other people's opinions, does not take the initiative to ask others for help, and does not trust anyone.

Su Yifan didn't notice the strangeness of Cheng Shuixin. He continued to say, "... When I was alone in the middle of the night, I often recalled what Sister Qing said to me carefully. I thought she was right. But that state is a goal for most of us, not something that can be achieved at once. We have to achieve it through a lot of efforts. In the process of hard work, we become each other's bridges and let each other reach the other side. This is my understanding of life now.

Su Yifan's words were almost an answer to the question. It was far from Cheng Shuixin's question, but Cheng Shuixin felt a deep shock.

Su Yifan gave an almost perfect answer to Cheng Shuixin's question.

The answer is very simple.

- We can't live without each other.

can also be simplified to... I can't live without you.

After a brief pause, Su Yifan continued: "I think we should listen to each other's opinions, confirm each other, and exchange views... These are what we should do now. In our school, I can no longer find a person who is more attentive than you. Of course, I will ask you questions, and so will others.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Master, don't talk so well. He is just a stupid little maid..."

In just two sentences, I was already a little trembling when I said the last few words.

The words fell silent, and Cheng Shuixin lay on Su Yifan's back, regardless of her fullness and clung to Su Yifan's body. Her hands passed through the teenager's armpits and hugged his ** chest.


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