My Goddess

Chapter 309 Lost People

The number of 1.3 million suddenly jumped out, causing the whole auction page to stop again.

For those investors, the price is not a problem, but more importantly, what this lunch can bring to themselves.

Since the beginning of last year's economic downturn, investors who have experienced what may be the worst economic downturn in history have lost their former glory. The elites on Wall Street are still lively, driving a good car with high salaries and enjoying an enviable life. However, in the whole field of financial investment, the majority of people are still struggling.

This is also one of the reasons why this year's Buffett lunch did not have the atmosphere of people around the world two years ago.

As the most successful investor, Buffett himself suffered some losses, making the glory of the myth slightly dimmed. Many people are thinking about what they can get after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. If it is only the attention of the media, the price of this advertisement is indeed higher.

Compared with last year and the year before last, it can still be sold to more than two million, and this year's auction is actually a little cold.

The offer of $1.3 million is enough to deter many people. Those who plan to use Buffett to raise their own prices have different ideas, but the price has always been their top priority.

Compared with the calmness of the bidders, the media that do online live broadcasts are as excited as chicken blood and excitedly release the amount, so that people all over the world are still willing to spend such a sky-high price to add to Buffett's charity. The name of the god of investment has not fallen due to the cold economy, but has a tendency to rise.

Yang Bingbing's account is an anonymous auction, which has aroused widespread speculation. Many people think that 1.3 million may be just a stone to ask for directions, and the price will be increased in the future. The offer given by Su Xiaoqing really shocked most people and kept the offer at the mark of 1.3 million.

Su Yifan really didn't want to continue playing games this time. He turned off the game and sat next to Yang Bingbing and looked at the web page on his laptop.

Cheng Shuixin used a standard operating posture, with one hand on the keyboard and one hand pressing the mouse, which was called a solemn expression.

Su Xiaoqing also squeezed over, sat down close to Su Yifan, and pressed his computer on his lap.

"I've also logged in. Don't worry about bidding. Don't worry."

Yang Bingbing is not as dignified as Cheng Shuixin. She has a good mentality, but she keeps playing with the pen in her hand and focuses on the screen.

"The battle has just begun." Su Xiaoqing said, "Strive to control it within 1.5 million. This time, the encirclement is not as fierce as in previous years."

Cheng Shuixin's fingers are trembling slightly. Even though she has experienced many things before, the manipulation of hundreds of thousands of dollars by her own hands still makes her feel that this is a test. It is a more severe test than the college entrance examination and final examination.

Zhang Yao was still not interested in these things, but she still jumped off the small sofa and sat down, ran to several people with cartoon socks, and looked at the web page on the screen next to Cheng Shuixin.

The battle is actually not as fierce as expected. After offering $1.3 million, many people have retreated. Yang Bingbing looked at several numbers that barely exceeded 1.3 million and pondered for a while and asked, "Are we bidding in the last ten minutes?"

"Considering the network delay, the last five minutes will be fine." Su Xiaoqing said, "You can set a psychological price, and then talk about it."

Su Yifan agreed: "I think 1.8 million is the most."

Yang Bingbing asked tentatively, "Two million?"

Cheng Shuixin hesitated for a moment and shook her head to deny, "He doesn't have such a big face this year, and he will definitely not reach two million."

Su Xiao smiled and glanced at Cheng Shuixin: "Have you adjusted it?"

"No problem." Cheng Shuixin bit her hairband with her mouth, tied her hair up and tied it into a beautiful high ponytail. Her eyes were firmer than just now. "I think we can win."

Su Xiao smiled and touched his computer screen with one hand.

"Well, I will raise the price to 1.5 million later, causing the illusion that there are two injustices to be done."

This scene of two huge capital bidding for each other is undoubtedly a good way to clear the scene. Yang Bingbing nodded: "Please, Sister Qing."

"It's not like you to be so polite." Su Xiaoqing pressed his finger on the screen, "Wait another ten minutes, I'll bid."

Ten minutes is like ten years. In these ten minutes, Su Yifan knew that waiting is the most boring and longest thing.

Ten minutes later, Su Xiaoqing bid.

1.5 million US dollars, more than the 130,000 US dollars quoted at that time.

The media was in an uproar again, and the page did not move again.

"Are you relaxed?" Su Xiao asked lightly.

"It feels so good." Cheng Shuixin smiled happily, "Sister Qing, lend me your thighs for a hug."

The atmosphere was lighter than before, and Su Yifan was not so tense. Suddenly, he found that Su Xiaoqing was gently scratching his back with his fingers.

After looking at Su Xiaoqing and discovering the playfulness in her eyes, Su Yifan wanted to say something, but felt that what he said now seemed to be more than enough.

Su Xiaoqing flirted with Su Yifan and said to Cheng Shuixin, "This kind of online auction is actually not very exciting. You can go to the real auction to see the excitement when you have time. That's interesting."

Cheng Shuixin has always lowered her eyebrows to Su Xiaoqing and said, "Thank you, Sister Qing. I may still be panicked without you now."

"You can do it well." Su Xiaoqing said casually, "It will be over in a while. Let's continue to watch it."

Because the page was temporarily immobile, everyone began a messy chat. Su Xiaoqing's hand still remained on Su Yifan's back and did not move. His fingers deftly flicked Su Yifan's T-shirt and touched his skin through the cloth. That feeling made Su Yifan feel itchy, and he wanted to turn his head and pinch Su Xiaoqing.

Huh? Su Yifan was shocked by his own thoughts. He had never thought of pinching Su Xiaoqing before. What's going on now?

Because Su Xiaoqing likes pranks too much and likes to fool around?

Su Xiaoqing's quotation shocked most of the bidder, and it took the last half hour for new numbers to be added, that is, thousands of dollars up.

Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin went out with 1.6 million US dollars, and those accounts that wanted to steal chicken disappeared.

Su Xiao slowly added 10,000 US dollars, and Cheng Shuixin added another 10,000 US dollars.

When these two people added 1.65 million US dollars, the auction was close to the end.

"Add another 20,000 dollars, it's over." Su Xiaoqing said to Cheng Shuixin, who has been in charge of the operation, "You are the final winner."

Cheng Shuixin was no longer as excited as when she started the auction just now. She nodded to Su Xiao and entered the number.

The media that have been waiting for a long time have gone crazy. The price of the anonymous auction has finally reached 1.67 million US dollars. The candidate for this Buffett's sky-high lunch has been determined! The financial news and media pages of major portals are announcing the news crazily.

As for who is surrounding the target and who will eventually attend this lunch, we have to wait for the follow-up.

1.67 million US dollars is already a low price in Buffett's recent lunches, which is still shocking enough.

Seeing the results, Cheng Shuixin's expression, which had been particularly energetic, suddenly collapsed and fell on the sofa.

"It's over..."

"It's over." Su Xiaoqing closed the computer and got up. "Mrs. Yang will come forward to solve the rest of the work. All we have to do is celebrate."

Cheng Shuixin asked, "Sister Qing, don't you want to go?"

"It's meaningless for me to go." Su Xiao smiled and explained, "In principle, I am a person in the real industry, and I have nothing to say to this kind of financial investor. I'm still a little interested in a science and technology summit or something, but unfortunately, the current technology is basically focused on civilian use.

Cheng Shuixin was very smart. She could hear that Su Xiaoqing didn't want to continue talking about herself, so she didn't continue to ask questions. Several people cleaned up the computer, stood up and stretched their arms and stretched their waist. For a moment, the girls in the room gathered into a beautiful picture, which made Su Yifan feel rippled beside him.

After the truancy plan was over, Su Yifan called Yu Zheng and asked the chairman of the student union to skip class and go to the bank to get a contract with him. Yu Zheng did not refuse or talk about the official tone, and went out directly to meet Su Yifan.

After five bundles of brand-new RMB and a paper contract were completed, Yu Zheng sat in the small hall prepared by the bank for VIP customers and asked Su Yifan, "What's the matter in the afternoon?"

Su Yifan didn't want to say anything. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was a good opportunity to scare Yu Zheng. He simply said, "I went to watch something on the news."

"Oh?" Yu Zheng was interested, "I don't think anything big happened in the local news, right?"

Su Yifan said, "The international financial version can be seen casually."

Yu Zheng was stunned for a moment, took out his mobile phone and clicked on the financial text message he had just received, and his face changed greatly.


Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "It's just an onlooker. Don't be so surprised, right?"

Yu Zheng didn't believe Su Yifan's nonsense. He finally lost his calmness and looked at Su Yifan with some depression and didn't say anything for a long time.

Su Yifan felt that he was in a lot of fighting now, but since the whole matter was settled, Yu Zheng was not the kind of person who really dared to talk too much, and it was okay to tell him.

"Anyway, it's not me. You should know who it is."

Yu Zheng's eyes were still a little lax. When he looked at Su Yifan, he didn't know which side his pupils should fly to.

"I should have thought that... she has this qualification."

"Just know it." Su Yifan continued to owe, "She doesn't want others to know."

" No wonder it's anonymous shooting..."

Yu Zheng is naturally concerned about this kind of thing. He even imagined that he would bid once in the future based on his own personal strength. Of course, the premise is that Buffett can wait until the day he rises to sell lunch. Now I suddenly heard that several students who skipped class in the afternoon actually went to shoot Buffett's lunch, which can be imagined.

I still regard it as my dream, and they have realized it... This feeling is like the confident intention to brush a boss in the early stage of an online game, and suddenly found that others had completed the first kill of the final task two minutes ago.

Su Yifan felt satisfied with Yu Zheng's reaction. He got up and continued to pat the president of the student union on the shoulder and turned to leave the bank.

"Boss Yu, don't worry, we won't delay your work."

Yu Zheng turned around and watched Su Yifan's back leave. He felt that the boss's shout just now was particularly sarcastic and harsh.


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