My Goddess

Chapter 327 Birthday Gifts

Finally, Cheng Shuixin directly changed into new shoes and put the previous pair of shoes in the box and took them away.

Cheng Shuixin was not particularly embarrassed to be saluted by many people. Su Yifan's movements are gentle and without any distractions, which is her favorite. Just like holding Su Yifan's hand, he wants to make him happy, and the purpose he thinks is just so simple.

Cheng Shuixin knows that boys of her age have almost uncontrollable desires, and even Su Yifan is no exception. Occasionally seeing the heat flashing in Su Yifan's eyes, Cheng Shuixin knew that he was also trying to control himself.

This respect and restraint makes Cheng Shuixin unable to be cruel to Su Yifan. She can leave everyone's good impression of her and ignore Su Yifan's feelings. This has nothing to do with how many life changes Su Yifan brought to himself, just for that respect.

The more you walk through those complicated people, the more you can know how precious this respect is.

After Su Yifan's unexpected move, the two did not seem to be embarrassed by shopping, but relaxed a lot.

He pulled Su Yifan around the square until it was completely dark outside that Cheng Shuixin asked the teenager to send herself home.

"Please save the swimsuit for me." Cheng Shuixin's mind is still relatively delicate. "It's troublesome for me to take it home to explain. You set the date and I'll arrange the time."

Su Yifan nodded: "Okay, just in the next few days, I want to teach you before the exam."

"Isn't it that easy?" Cheng Shuixin smiled, "I'm stupid enough."

Su Yifan knew that Cheng Shuixin was saying that she had a weak driving talent, and the seemingly omnipotent talented woman was really not as natural and smooth as Yang Bingbing in this regard. Until now, it's just barely on the road, and it means that I'm a little busy at the evening rush hour.

It is estimated that Zhang Yao can come later after learning to drive, which is super-processed in this regard.

"I promise you can learn it in a day." Su Yifan said with a smile.

Cheng Shuixinhehe: "Isn't it a pity to show you the swimsuit only once?"

I'm afraid only Cheng Shuixin can make a joke on herself. Su Yifan couldn't stand it immediately: "Can't I just take you to more places to dive?"

Cheng Shuixin curled her lips: "Don't think I don't know. Natural waters are all diving in wetsuits."

Su Yifan had a kind of embarrassment of being seen through, and he unconsciously made the action of not scratching his head for a long time: "You know..."

"How can you not know?" Cheng Shuixin patted Su Yifan with a smile, "Okay, I promise to wear it to you and I won't regret it. Go home. I have to write an email at night."

Su Yifan, the boss, obediently sent the female project Shuixin home and parked far away from the community and asked Cheng Shuixin to walk back by herself.

I saw Su Yifan's car go away, and Cheng Shuixin returned home alone with her schoolbag and humming a song.

My father hasn't come back from socializing yet, and my mother is working overtime in the company. Workaholic is not born but contagious. Cheng Shuixin is used to going upstairs to the bedroom alone and changing clothes while opening the computer.

Change your clothes and turn on the computer. Cheng Shuixin took out the phone and dialed the computer desktop made of her own photos.

The phone was connected after a few times, and a faint greeting came from there: "Good evening."

Cheng Shuixin is too familiar with this indifferent and not very intimate attitude. She held the phone between her shoulders, began to connect to the Internet and click on the email.

"Good evening, I have something to ask you."

Cheng Shuixin's simple and direct attitude was very popular with the other party, and the voice on the other side of the phone became more lively: "Okay, what's the matter?"

"Nothing else, just ask if you have prepared a birthday gift for him." Cheng Shuixin looked at her inbox, put her finger on the keyboard, and then took it back and picked up the phone on her shoulder. "I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I really don't know what to send."

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "Why don't you tie yourself with a bow and give it to him? He will like it."

"Why don't you give it to yourself?" Cheng Shuixin said andly, "Speaking of serious, the little sister should also be prepared for this matter, right?"

Yang Bingbing continued to laugh: "Is the little sister ready to ask you? She is your person."

"I've been busy preparing tutorial materials for her recently, and I really didn't ask." Cheng Shuixin said, "I'll inquire tomorrow - have you figured out what to send?"

"I just finished the Buffett auction and I'm still negotiating with his team." Yang Bingbing told the truth, "Actually, I didn't think about it."

"What should we do then?" Cheng Shuixin asked, "Are you really going to tie yourself up and send it there?"

"Try it first. I'll think about it if he accepts it." Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin were not allowed to quarrel at all. "I want to send something special, which is not a reference."

Cheng Shuixin's usual intelligence doesn't seem to work very well at this moment. She said distressed, "I don't know either... If I had known that I wouldn't wear a maid costume for him so early, I guess he would be very happy with a group maid costume on his birthday."

Hearing Cheng Shuixin's words, Yang Bingbing suddenly had an idea: "Oh, I thought of it."

"What?" Cheng Shuixin especially hoped that others would have a good idea when she had no idea, "Quickly say it!"

Yang Bingbing took a deep breath and asked, "What else do you think Su Yifan lacks?"

"I don't know..." Cheng Shuixin was distressed when she thought of this. "He has a light sister, and he really lacks nothing."

This is really nothing lacking, whether it is materially or spiritually. Basically, Su Xiaoqing can provide what Su Yifan needs.

"No, as an otaku, he actually lacks something." Yang Bingbing laughed and said, "This is what I thought of, and I decided to give this."


Cheng Shuixin didn't expect that a girl like Yang Bingbing would have a moment to sell professional teammates. Just now, she wanted to give something with her, but now she has defected.

"Think about it again." After Yang Bingbing quickly said her plan, she completely cut off Cheng Shuixin's idea of seeking an alliance. "I think our gifts are better not the same, otherwise it's better for three people to give one."

Cheng Shuixin said helplessly, "Little sister doesn't have to do anything else. Sing a song, and we can both get out of here."

Yang Bingbing imagined the scene where Zhang Yao really devoted herself to singing for Su Yifan, and felt that her hair stood up: "It's really... Alas, I don't want to, I'll send it like this."

Cheng Shuixin, who never asks for help from others, just thinks about giving gifts. It's okay for others to give her some advice. It's impossible to really give the same thing as herself.

"Well, let me think about it again."

Yang Bingbing felt a little embarrassed at this time: "Why don't we send it together? Half of each person, he should also be happy.

Cheng Shuixin doesn't want to be like Yang Bingbing now. She can buy a Buffett lunch with a word. She still wants to be practical.

The next morning, Cheng Shuixin went to school with dark circles and was deliberately waiting for her at the door of the teaching building. Su Yifan was immediately distressed.

"Did you stay up late again yesterday?"

With Su Yifan's attitude, Cheng Shuixin's heart warmed. Yesterday, the two of them ate and went shopping together. It was a rare break during this period. Since eating with the radio station, Cheng Shuixin feels that she has been in an awkward state. Although I worked very hard to help her, I also wanted to understand Su Yifan, and the faint depression in my heart has always been quite obvious.

It was not until last night, the moment when Su Yifan bent down and held his ankle, Cheng Shuixin suddenly felt that her entanglement was really unnecessary.

Just do it yourself. As for the future, it's better to leave it to time to solve it.

Cheng Shuixin, who let herself think like this for the first time, smiled at Su Yifan: "Yes, I can't sleep because I miss you."

Su Yifan didn't dare to believe this and accompanied Cheng Shuixin upstairs with a wry smile: "Don't make yourself too hard. You always tell me to rest. You should be kind to yourself. Otherwise, I will make up lessons with Zhang Yao recently. Don't be busy. Let's talk about it after the exam.

Cheng Shuixin is quite stubborn in this regard: "No, I don't think it's necessary to waste every day."

Su Yifan knew that he could not convince Cheng Shuixin, so he had to retreat and said, "Then you should also pay attention to it."

"Thank you for your concern." Cheng Shuixin said with a smile, "Actually, I've always been curious about one thing."


"Do you still have what you wanted to do when you were a child?" Cheng Shuixin felt that it was more convenient to ask Yang Bingbing directly. As long as it was a little clever, Su Yifan should not notice it.

Hearing such a question from Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan pondered and shook his head and said, "I really can't think of it if you ask me that. When I was a child, I always felt that I could be a hero who punished evil and promoted good, but later I didn't feel like it.

Cheng Shuixin haha: "Now you really like fighting more than before, can you fulfill your childhood wish?"

Su Yifan was embarrassed: "I don't think it's useful to reason sometimes... Alas, there's nothing I can do."

Two people came to the classroom while talking. Because of the end of the term, many students have come early recently, and there are already many people in the classroom.

Since Su Yifan couldn't remember, Cheng Shuixin did not continue to ask. The two sat together tacitly. Cheng Shuixin showed Su Yifan the plan she had sorted out, including Zhang Yao's hellish tutoring after the exam.

"Will the little sister cry?" Su Yifan was worried, "How cruel..."

"Anyway, no one will play with her during the summer vacation. You can rest assured when you follow me." Cheng Shuixin is perfect when talking about business, "Don't you have your own plan during the summer vacation? Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the little sister with me.

With Cheng Shuixin helping him share these things, Su Yifan felt more and more lucky.

"Well, you can discuss it with Zhang Yao today and see her reaction."

"The little sister will definitely work hard to follow your footsteps, right?" Cheng Shuixin laughed and said, "What do you think?"

Su Yifan can't stand flirting: "I, I think she can do whatever she wants..."

"Well, don't worry about it." Cheng Shuixin actually advised Su Yifan in turn, "Come on. After the exam, you are ready to start selling the game. You have too many things to do. Don't be discouraged."

Su Yifan was ashamed: "I don't think it's useful for you to say that..."

"You have played a big role." Cheng Shuixin didn't care how many people were in the class, and also pushed Su Yifan, "Don't complain about women so much. It's not your turn to complain about women."


Su Yifan felt that the invincible Cheng Shuixin seemed to be back, but he didn't know that the seemingly invincible girl was worried about something close to him.