My Goddess

Chapter 334 Stray Chick

In the ancient times of the Internet, there was a very boring joke about why chickens crossed the road. Those who can remember this joke are at least qualified people who have been traveling in the information world for nearly ten years. People occasionally laugh when they talk about these classical jokes, proving that their youth is indeed swallowed up by something.

Anthony is such a person. He was only 16 years old when he knew the joke, and today he is 25 years old. It has an enviable identity and work, which is not shameful among white-collar elites around the world.

After the night of the failure to pursue Nell, Anthony participated in the maintenance of equipment as the core technician of the whole team for almost a week.

For a week, Anthony had nightmares almost every night, in which he always saw the oriental girl's smiling face like a god.

The smiling face rippled like water ripples in Anthony's dream and eventually turned into countless fragments.

Then Anthony woke up from his dream and imagined that there was a person in the world who completely ignored his technical barriers and easily denied the meaning of his existence with more terrible technology.

Those destroyed hard disk arrays, irretrieveable data, irreparable errors... Each proves the weakness of Anthony's genius.

Anthony can't imagine how that person did it.

Because of large-scale equipment damage and data loss, BOSS Albert was arrested and questioned at the headquarters, and the pursuit of Nell also had to be adjusted. Judging from the meaning shown above, it seems that the pursuit still needs to continue. The behavior of the oriental girl did not scare AUU, but made them more interested.

This also proves one thing from another side - Albert's crazy idea is correct, and AUU's international status and technology reserves have indeed been shaken, and we must do something for this.

All kinds of work for more than a week made Anthony tired. Every time he returned to the single apartment, he couldn't help calling a few call girls to accompany him. Perhaps only in the company of a tender body will I not have so many nightmares and face mental breakdown so easily.

Anthony, who returned home today, turned on the computer and saw such a line of English information in a pure white dialog box in the center of the display.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Anthony's face changed and he was about to touch the keyboard when the line had become the answer.

"Because it feels betrayal."

No need to ask or guess, Anthony knows who such information comes from. After losing contact with Nell that night, he knew that he had been suspected.

Anthony just didn't expect that Nell, who was tired of running, was still in the mood to make fun of herself.

Track IP? No, Nell is in that eastern country, where the Internet is the most chaotic in the world, and she is not afraid of being located and tracked.

Report? Now the conclusion to Nell has come out, and it doesn't make any sense to report it.

Looking at the two lines of words that are constantly changing automatically on the screen, Anthony smiled bitterly. Nicole probably took the initiative to send this message to herself because she knew that she couldn't do anything, right?

Anthony, who is familiar with Nell, knows that this is the way Neil expresses his anger.

If you have experienced such a thing, you should also feel angry, right?

Thinking so, Anthony put his hands on the keyboard and planned to find out the source and operation of the program, which is his professional habit.

Anthony was lucky. First, he locked the program in the system process, and then disconnected the network to check the source code of the program.

While inspecting the program, Anthony unplugged the network cable and even switched the computer to UPS power mode.

After completing this series of actions, Anthony found that he could not lock the running program.

Like most of the self-respecting high-end technicians, the operating system used by Anthony is not ordinary commercial, and the simple and even simple operating system like piled up blocks is the favorite of people like him. The dark screen looks like the computer is broken, and all kinds of software run by manual input.

After opening the commonly used tool software, Anthony found that he still could not solve this applet. It looks like a small piece of moss, shaking in front of Anthony.

In fact, it is just two lines of letters, but it keeps shining on Anthony's computer screen, as if it were sarcastic, more like a once innocent girl.

Anthony knew that he must have been hated by Neil, and his scalp tightened at the thought of this.

It took about half an hour for Anthony to finally clean up the applet and track it down.

Nelle didn't even need to disguise her IP. Her last login location should be an Internet cafe near the university town. This blatant behavior confused Anthony. He thought about whether Nell's injury was healed and the little girl who had laughed innocently, and was in a trance for a moment.

After the malicious program was cleaned up, only the familiar cursor flashed on the dark screen. Anthony breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start a private chat program when the phone rang.

Anthony frowned, and he almost instantly realized who made the call. He looked at the mobile phone, looked at the unknown number above, and hesitated for a moment.

The phone kept ringing, and Anthony looked at the beating mobile phone and finally picked it up.

The moment the mobile phone was connected, Nell's voice came out extremely clearly.

"Anthony, do you like my little prank?"

Anthony subconsciously looked at the doors and windows of his room and whispered, "I don't know you're still in the mood to play pranks now."

Nil's voice sounded more cheerful than usual, and it didn't look like being hunted down at all.

"In order to give you a new mark."


Anthony was speechless about Nell's occasional childish performance. He knew that he was no longer qualified to say anything to Nell, so he could only whisper, "Albert is at the headquarters and will probably be back in a few days."

"I know." Nell said calmly, "The information is two-way, and I know your steps."

Anthony felt that the corners of his mouth were a little bitter. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then you still..."

"Why did I contact you?" Nell's voice instantly revealed a sense of indifference, "Of course I want to tell Albert through you that I really don't have anything he wants... Unfortunately, he doesn't believe it."

Anthony smiled bitterly, "So you already knew that I didn't want to help you?"

"No, maybe you think so, but I'm too familiar with Albert." Nell said, "I even thought that he would do something to me. I don't care."

Anthony was silent and asked, "Even if you die, don't you care?"

"I used to care." Nell said, "It doesn't matter now."

Anthony whispered, "I tried to communicate with Albert, but the effect was very poor... Nell, in fact, you can be reviewed again..."

"Now it's an endless situation." Nell said, "Albert targeted me not only because of this matter, but also for other reasons. I want to find the reason."

"What's the reason?" Anthony quietly started the tracking device next to the computer.

"I don't know." Neil said, "So you and Albert should live well. If I can survive, we will meet again."

Nelle's words made Anthony feel bitter. What he wanted to say seemed to be meaningless. After the betrayal, Nell's heart must have become colder than before and full of distrust of the world.

"Are you tracking my address?" Nell suddenly asked, "Do you think it still makes sense?"

Anthony was about to press the button with one hand when he felt Neil's change.

After that short night of confrontation, the little girl seemed to have grown a lot.

After a brief silence, Nell said, "The more Albert's movements, the more obvious his intentions will be exposed."

Anthony's heart trembled, and he suddenly understood why Nell said this to him and why Nell contacted him by direct phone.

Almost in an instant, Anthony wanted to put down the phone, but he knew it was too late.

"I hope your future work goes well and I wish you happiness."

After saying what she wanted to say, she hung up the phone directly, leaving Anthony standing alone in the living room with his mobile phone. He could even imagine Albert's face after knowing that Nell had revealed some information to him.

There are many small shops next to the university town bus station in Huadu, where there are various student food and public phones. Many students will come here to call home on weekends. In the chaotic shop, a beautiful white-gold long-haired girl got up in front of one of the phone calls, gave her her place to a girl waiting behind, and turned to the counter to pay the bill.

There are many international students in Huadu, and it is not surprising that there are several foreign girls with blonde and blue eyes. Nell's appearance did not cause much surprise in the crowd. Many boys just stared at the beautiful face and fantasize, and they don't even have the courage to go forward to talk to them.

The wound on her shoulder has basically healed, and Nell's movements could not see a trace of stagnation. She lightly picked up her backpack and walked out of the shop like a real college student and got on the bus out of the university town.

In a private house not far from the bus station, two sharp-eyed middle-aged people watched Nell walk on the bus and quickly connected the satellite phone.

"Boss, she left the university town."

The person on the other side of the phone said "um" and didn't give more instructions.


The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment and said, "Keep tracking. You are professional. Don't lose face."

The middle-aged man put down the phone and took his companions out of the rental house. The air in Huadu is always unpleasantly wet. He can't imagine how the little girl keeps a good mood.

Nelle on the bus sat in the corner, listening to music, and occasionally looked back at the station that had just left, with a smile on the corners of her mouth.


Adjust your schedule, and you won't update it today

But I still want to ask for tickets...