My Goddess

Chapter 343 Exam

Several people went home after enjoying a not-rich but wonderful dinner together. Cheng Shuixin sent Zhang Yao and Su Yifan sent Yang Bingbing.

Not long after leaving the restaurant, Yang Bingbing was worried and Su Yifan said, "Today's girl..."

Su Yifan nodded: "I know, it's too clumsy."

Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan in surprise: "Can you see it?"

"The intention is too obvious. I guess there are not many talents in this field." Su Yifan smiled bitterly, "Nelle did it so naturally because she was really a little crazy in her bones. It was a real performance, and I didn't realize that there would be such a thing before. Now I can see it again.

Yang Bingbing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Today, Cheng Shuixin's action of holding Su Yifan's hand was particularly dazzling, but she knew that it was to show the girl and let her know that she had no gap to take advantage of.

Maybe sometimes you should be as generous as Cheng Shuixin and don't keep a distance from Su Yifan in front of others?

In private, Yang Bingbing did not have much resistance to Su Yifan. She was willing to hold his hand to watch a movie, sit side by side with him, and even hugged him to fall asleep when she was drunk. None of those experiences that she had never thought could do before made her regret. On the contrary, she felt a little joy every time she thought about it.

In her heart, Yang Bingbing has been saying to herself that this is a relationship similar to her best friend. There are so many opportunities that Su Yifan has not done anything to herself, which is enough to show that he respects himself.

Or should I stay closer to him when there are many people in the future?

Yang Bingbing thought for a while and suddenly felt that she would definitely lose miserably when playing the brainwave confrontation game with Cheng Shuixin.

Su Yifan didn't know what Yang Bingbing was thinking. He whispered, "That girl didn't cover up very well... In fact, I don't quite understand. Are these people who underestimate me too much?"

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "Do you think your legs are weak when you see a beautiful girl, and it's easy to attack when you see a beautiful girl?"

"How is that possible?" Su Yifan shouted, "I don't even remember what she looks like."

"Really?" Yang Bingbing knew that Su Yifan didn't lie to her, but she still didn't believe it.

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Good brother, your quality is too high. I can't remember others..."

Yang Bingbing beat him gently regardless of whether Su Yifan was still driving.

After laughing, the girl was still a little worried: "The situation is a little complicated... Are you okay?"

Su Yifan nodded: "There should be no problem. In fact, I've been thinking that if you really want to get something away from me, isn't it a better choice to kidnap violently?"

Yang Bingbing's face changed when she thought of this possibility, and then relaxed: "Mrs. Yang once talked to me about family games and confrontations between large companies, and once told me a word."


"Most of the time, balance is more important than interests."

Su Yifan chewed the deep meaning of this sentence carefully and suddenly said, "You mean that they chose this way because they were worried that the light sister would break the balance?"

"Or, they are afraid of Qingjie, afraid that her card is too big for anyone to catch it." Yang Bingbing remembered that in the overseas phone calls she had made several times recently, even Mrs. Yang was very interested in Su Xiaoqing, "We are used to Sister Qing and think she is nothing... For some people, she may be the most terrible."

Su Yifan remembered that Su Xiaoqing once said that if he wanted to blow up the U.S. Congress, he would help him do it, and suddenly felt that she must not be joking.

"So am I the best breakthrough?" Su Yifan is not afraid to discuss these things with Yang Bingbing. After all, her vision is relatively high, and many things are not secret to her.

"Almost." Yang Bingbing said worriedly, "Actually, what I'm most worried about is that some people are crazy, and the situation may not be controlled within the balance."

Su Yifan sighed: "Actually, I've been thinking about the problems you mentioned. I've always wanted to help Qingjie share some difficulties, but unfortunately... I can't do much."

Yang Bingbing smiled and suggested, "How about letting this one who wants to get close to you and leave for you in the end, just like you?"

Speaking of Neil, a little bitterness in Su Yifan's heart was quickly expanded: "Oh, don't mention Neil... I'm still worried about her safety now. Although Sister Qing said that she was fine, I always felt worried."

Yang Bingbing also learned a little about the current situation of Neil from Mrs. Yang. It is not as detailed as Su Yifan, but it does not prevent her from looking at the problem rationally: "Don't worry, since those people want something from Nell, her personal safety should be guaranteed... In fact, as long as Neil stands beside Qingjie, this Some problems don't exist, do they?

Su Yifan said, "Everyone should have the freedom to choose their own life. I think Neil's choice is right."

Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan with a smile. The teenager was still the same and was willing to respect others and bless others.

"It's Nell's happiness to have friends like you."

There is another layer of meaning hidden in such words.

- It is also my happiness to have a friend like you.

As usual, Yang Bingbing was sent to the door. Yang Bingbing suddenly leaned over and hugged Su Yifan, who had just released the steering wheel before getting out of the car.

Su Yifan was slightly stunned by the sudden action, but he was so familiar with Yang Bingbing that it was easy to feel her mood in such a soft hug.

Yang Bingbing's action came suddenly and ended quickly. She let go of her hand and whispered, "You should be careful..."

"I will."

"I'll let Annie follow you for a while, so that I can rest assured."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Your safety is more important. Those who want to deal with you may not be clear-headed. Don't worry, Sister Qing and I can solve it.

Yang Bingbing stared at Su Yifan for a few seconds and hugged him again.

"Well, I believe in Qingjie, so I don't believe you. Hurt yourself every time..."

Such a soft voice almost did not belong to Yang Bingbing. Su Yifan felt soft in his heart and almost didn't want to let go of his hand holding Yang Bingbing.

After hugging like this for at least half a minute, Su Yifan did not feel that his mind would be crooked at all. Even if his hands slipped a little further, he would touch Yang Bingbing's soft waist.

Care is one of the most precious things in the world. If you receive it, you have to learn how to cherish it.

"Don't worry, I will be careful this time."

Yang Bingbing, who let go of her hand, blushed a little, lowered her head and turned around and got out of the car.

"Come on tomorrow."

"You too."

Su Yifan sat in the car and watched Yang Bingbing enter the house before leaving. He felt that he was in a good mood now. Even if there will be so many troubles, he is really not afraid, just like the song sung in that song.



This semester's general boss final exam finally arrived as scheduled. When he arrived at school in the morning, Su Yifan was seen in the class classroom that Cheng Shuixin, who came early, was bowing his head and writing something. He came over and took a closer look. This person was actually still writing lyrics for Zhang Yao on the day of the exam.

"You don't have to do this?" Su Yifan really admires Cheng Shuixin, and other students would rather read a few more books in the morning.

"The enthusiasm for creation will always fade." Cheng Shuixin smiled and hid the lyrics and didn't show them to Su Yifan. "I have to cheer more before I disappear."

Su Yifan pointed to the blackboard: "Today's exam, let's take a day."

Cheng Shuixin shook her head: "You can't relax any day."

"...You seem to have advised me to take a break occasionally?"

"That's because you are in a bad mood." Cheng Shuixin really can't say anything about her, "I've always been in a good mood, so I don't have to rest."

"............" Su Yifan found that he couldn't break the political commissar, so he simply changed the topic, "We seem to be an examination room?"

The allocation of the final examination room has been determined the day before the exam, and Su Yifan is purely speechless.

Cheng Shuixinhehe: "Don't worry, I'll give you a note then."

Su Yifan did not hesitate at all: "Please!"

"Hey, are you a little temperamental?"

"What is that? Can I eat it?" Su Yifan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I want to prove that Mr. Cheng is the most qualified tutor."

Cheng Shuixin was very useful for flattery. She smiled and asked in a low voice, "That girl yesterday... was intentional, right?"

Su Yifan nodded: "Didn't you see it?"

"Um..." Cheng Shuixin admitted, "I also called Sister Qing."

Su Yifan was messy. Cheng Shuixin rarely did not contact Su Xiaoqing through herself, and this time it was a rare exception.

"What did Sister Qing say to you?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "She told me not to care and trust you."

Su Yifan didn't need to ask how Su Xiaoqing knew. He knew that Su Xiaoqing must have a way to know those problems from outside and react as soon as possible.

Of course, he knows better that he will live up to Su Xiaoqing's expectations and should be trustworthy.

The two couldn't say more words. Most of the students came to the school early, exchanged eyes, and looked for temporary comrades-in-arms in the same examination room to form a temporary alliance. Exchange each other's uneasy mood and say that they must not have done well in the exam. Several top students who have no social activities in the class will smile with a reserved smile, which is probably the only moment when they can show themselves. After all, after high school, some students don't care much about grades, and the era of good students has long passed.

Wang Qin also came to school early and told a lot of precautions. Of course, the point is not to cheat in the examination room. If you are really caught, the teacher will be deducted from the bonus. Wang Qin has been really short of money recently...

In the crowd, Wang Qin also noticed that Su Yifan seemed to be calmer than usual, and the students in this state made her feel a little afraid. Thinking that day that she still wanted to ask Su Yifan to help him as a teacher, Wang Qin felt that her idea was really naive.

The world has never revolved around whom, and many years of school career have indeed confused me.

After the teacher's lecture, they would go to the examination room. Everyone said goodbye to each other in a tragic atmosphere and followed the person with the highest combat effectiveness among their temporary comrades-in-arms. In fact, it may not work if you really want to ask your classmates for a small note or something in the examination room, but people who are not top students need such psychological comfort.

Su Yifan is on the third floor of the No. 2 teaching building, which is actually the class classroom where Zhai Yufei used to be. Including Su Yifan's total of five people in this team, Cheng Shuixin naturally became the spiritual sustenance of the public. The group came to the classroom. Now that the third year of high school has been empty, the classroom has been cleaned up before being arranged into an examination room.

Everyone met in the examination room, and there was quite a smell of meeting in martial arts dramas. They looked at each other and reported themselves to the class if they were a little cheerful, and they were almost fist-hugging. Su Yifan found a seat to sit down, took a look at Cheng Shuixin sitting on his left inclined side, and took out his stationery.

Wang Qin did not completely scare the students, and the invigilator of this final exam still followed the usual practice to draw from the fraternal school. After the two mismospheric invigilators entered the examination room, the atmosphere of the students who were still discussing and helping each other stopped abruptly, and the air seemed to suddenly cool down.

In the eyes of the two invigilators, many students began to automatically get up to hand in their phones and papy paper, leaving only clean desks and stationery.

The plastic bucket next to the podium is full of mobile phones of different shapes, each of which is required to be turned off before being put in.

Although it is not the degree of putting a signal shielding car at the school gate, this attitude is also very harsh.

The students looked at each other with sparse eyes and lamented in their hearts, knowing that this attitude usually means that even a small psychological comfort is gone.

The invigilator announced the examination room system, which was serious and rigid, and everyone could only listen quietly. After a while of silence, the bell rang and the final exam began!


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