My Goddess

Chapter 381 Release

Towards evening, Wang Jiantao and Zhao Yutong came from Linhai City.

The two of them drove here, dusty and their faces were full of excitement. Wang Jiantao is not as good as Zhao Yutong in driving. He can only sit on the co-pilot and play mobile games, rub the beautiful girl in his program in the palm of his hand and talk to him.

Zhao Yutong did not sneer at Wang Jiantao at this time. She knew that it gathered a lot of Wang Jiantao and her own efforts. At such a critical moment, even if she usually talks about work as a task, she is inevitably excited.

In fact, Su Yifan set the game to be put on the shelves tonight, not in Europe, New Zealand, Australia and other countries, but to hope that he can witness this moment with his friends. Although the app store is just an open download of games, Su Xiaoqing still made great efforts to make large American companies comply with their own time.

At first, according to Su Xiaoqing's original intention, he wanted to call all the relevant people, and even Lin Lu and Tang Ying, who participated in the motion capture. But Su Yifan still thinks that it is best for a few people to witness this kind of thing. Wang Jiantao came to Binhai this time to witness the first complete mobile game he participated in independently, and on the other hand, he also came to complete another answer given to him by Su Yifan.

In order to make this celebration more atmospheric, Su Yifan chose the moonlight bar as the gathering place for everyone. Sun Zhong almost subconsciously shook his head when he heard Su Yifan say that he wanted to charter the second floor. When he realized that the seemingly harmless teenager opposite him was not easy to mess with, he pinched his nose and recognized it.

"Thank you for your support." Su Yifan sincerely thanked Sun Zhong, "I haven't been to any bars, so I think you're good here."

Sun Zhongxin said that this boy's words were bad enough. He had never been to any bar and felt that he was good here. Is this a compliment or a curse?

However, since he undertook this activity, Sun Zhong also asked people to arrange the second floor into a medium-sized dinner pattern, and moved the projector on the first floor to watch the ball to the second floor according to Su Yifan's requirements, which was convenient for Su Yifan to use.

said it was a small-scale notice, and there were actually many people present today. In addition to Wang Jiantao and Zhao Yutong, Yu Zheng also brazenly followed.

With Yu Zheng, Li Zheng and Mi An can't run away, and they have to add a Xiaoqing.

Su Yifan is of course the standard configuration of Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao. Su Xiaoqing did not appear. She told Su Yifan that she would come to him later. I guess there was something wrong.

There are bursts of songs from the first floor of the moon bar, and the singer's debut starts at 7:30 in the evening. Now two songs have been sung, and one of the female singers has also won the favor of a guest and given away several flower baskets.

The song did not affect the warm atmosphere upstairs. The resolution of the projection is very low, but it is enough to project the mobile phone screen on the white wall.

Almost everyone has a laptop in front of them, and the scene is like a gathering of netizens. Wang Jiantao and Zhao Yutong's expressions are relatively serious, and Yu Zheng's eyes are also very focused. In fact, in a sense, he is more concerned about Su Yifan's achievements after the game was put on the shelves. After all, for Yu Zheng's current plan, being able to win that project will undoubtedly mean that what he does will rise to another level.

What can give Yu Zheng confidence is naturally how popular the game created by Su Yifan himself can be.

At Cheng Shuixin's suggestion, the relevant forum of the game has long been built, and the brilliant $200,000 fund-raising results of KS have been used to boast greatly. This incident alone has made many people pay attention to the game, and many people in China want to dig some news, and they have failed shamefully without exception. Who would have thought that such a game that raised funds from the American people would be completed by a small team? And according to the black technology attributes described in the game, this kind of authorization is definitely not possible for small companies.

Because the official release date of the game is set for today, the forum is very active. Generally, hundreds of people in this forum dedicated to a small game are already laughing online at the same time. Cheng Shuixin doesn't know what kind of influence she has launched on the Internet, but can actually make the forum reach thousands of people online at the same time. Moreover, Su Yifan found that Cheng Shuixin actually found people to advertise in various game theme forums. Those promotional posts did not seem to have obvious advertising attributes. Obviously, they were sent by old game birds, which made the game a hot topic almost in a short time.

After being surprised to go to several of the largest game forums in China, Su Yifan looked up at Cheng Shuixin and found that the female employee was smiling at himself.

"How much did these publicity... cost?"

Cheng Shuixin looked relaxed: "I don't spend money. It's all some relationships I usually know on the Internet - you know, I still have some advantages in this regard."

Su Yifan nodded, and Cheng Shuixin's dedication was simply unbelievable. As far as these bits and pieces are concerned, it is also a u-type that requires countless communication, countless contacts and endless kinds of people to find people. Among these people, Cheng Shuixin is probably the only one who has the patience and perseverance to do this.

For the current mobile game market, generally, games on the shelves are relatively lonely, similar to young people in Internet cafes who eat noodles in the middle of the night. Cheng Shuixin was a little shocked that she could use her influence to make such a big wave.

In fact, in the previous Yu Zheng's view, Cheng Shuixin's beauty is still more important than her ability. This is also the usual vase thinking. Yu Zheng always feels that Cheng Shuixin, a girl who can show little wisdom everywhere, will certainly have a lot of face. He never felt that this girl's ability to do things and vision will surpass himself.

It was not until he began to slowly understand Cheng Shuixin's role around Su Yifan that Yu Zheng found that he was wrong. If Su Yifan is a mediocre teenager who occasionally shows his sharpness, Cheng Shuixin has been showing her excellence, which has become a habit.

Looking at the results of web pages appearing in those search engines, hot discussions, and one-sided expectations and praise, Yu Zheng began to deeply regret why he did not have a good relationship with Cheng Shuixin at the beginning. If you want to find someone to build momentum on the Internet now, do you want to ask Cheng Shuixin to make a complete three-dimensional plan?

The waiters of the Moonlight Bar kept giving things to everyone. Although Li Zheng was not very interested in the game, he still maintained enough enthusiasm to watch several versions of PV cut by Zhao Yutong with everyone. Those PVs have a high click rate on video websites, some of which have even reached nearly one million.

Seeing such a horrible click rate, Yu Zheng finally couldn't hold back and asked, "How did you do this?"

Su Yifan spread his hands: "Don't ask me, I don't know."

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "You will know if you search for earlier posts."

Yu Zhengyi went to search for game forum posts in earlier days, and the results he saw were all kinds of posts pretending to be surprised.

"What? What kind of black technology can play games like this?

"Do I rely on another form of holographic projection?"

"If there is this play, I will break up with Sister Ning (one of the characters of the famous love game LovePlus)!"

"The game is very interesting. Let's try it then. Anyway, there is not much money."



The publicity method of arousing people's interest with novel topics is definitely not new, but the game "Cute Girl" is really suitable. The selling point of the game itself is the palm girl, who can use her fingers to interact deeper with the beautiful girls projected in the game. This form of interaction attracts many people. Although many people still have doubts about the accuracy and specific effects of the game, it still cannot affect the attention of most people.

You should know that the previous social topic "LovePlus" is just a good use of touch to shape the image of three girls with different personalities, which has made many crazy otaku consider sharing birthday cakes with the characters in the game. If your fingers can interact more with the characters in the game through the camera, the game will be obviously more attractive.

The game does not have a client version, only a smartphone, and there is no handheld version. This limitation will cause Su Yifan to lose many users, but this is exactly what he decided from the beginning. After all, if the computer is equipped with a suitable camera, it may not achieve the effect of a mobile phone with a gyroscope, and the dull operation method will greatly reduce the attractiveness of the game. Smartphones only correspond to fill people's fragmented entertainment time, and also pursue the icing on the cake-like ease of use.

Mian is not very interested in these. He promised to help Su Yifan hang posters and so on, but he himself has no sense of online games or mobile games. Compared with several people looking at the web carefully and looking at the projection screen from time to time, Mian focused more on the young and beautiful bartenders.

Several management accounts of the theme forum are concentrated in the hands of these people around Su Yifan, Wang Jiantao, Cheng Shuixin, himself, and Zhao Yutong does not participate in forum management because he is only an outsourcing team. Compared with these trivial things, Zhao Yutong prefers to exert his heat in his professional field. Su Yifan's follow-up paid character design and many art content are waiting to be expanded. Of course, she did not forget to ask where the little girl who made the original painting was.

"Oh, isn't Yang Bingbing here today?"

Cheng Shuixin already knew the news of Yang Bingbing's departure. She raised her head and said, "Yang Bingbing should still be jet lag, right?"

Speaking of Yang Bingbing, although we haven't seen each other for a short time, everyone thinks about it. This girl will not always try to brush her sense of existence, but everyone feels a little empty when she disappears. Cheng Shuixin now probably understands why Su Yifan lost so long after Neil left. Yang Bingbing is not only an opponent and a good friend who needs to be surpassed. Suddenly, she went to the United States, and Cheng Shuixin also felt surprised and sad.

Su Yifan said, "Yang Bingbing has her own things to do. We just need to tell her the good news."

Zhao Yutong looked at Su Yifan. She was curious about the relationship between Su Yifan and these beautiful girls, which was determined by women's gossip nature. But Su Yifan looked calm and didn't look like anything. Zhao Yutong could only sigh that today's children were completely different from when he went to school.

Cheng Shuixin sighed slightly and said, "I hope everything goes well in the United States."

"It will go well." Su Yifan said firmly, "You have to trust her."

This scene of inserting dog dog dogfish is not as excited as before, but it is still staring at the screen nervously, looking forward to the first download number after the game is on the shelves.


Recently, more words have been deleted than those written, annoying...

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