My Goddess

Chapter 390 We

Because he has been thinking about someone, Su Yifan is actually very ** about the overseas number. When he saw the caller ID, he immediately knew who called and waved his mobile phone to Cheng Shuixin with a smile, so that she could also see the call number.

Cheng Shuixin was biting the straw and drinking soft drinks. After seeing the number, she nodded to Su Yifan with a smile and motioned him to answer the phone.

Although Chu Ruo was curious, he did not ask questions. He sat next to Cheng Shuixin with his hands on his knees, with a particularly young ladylike expression.

It seems that sharing joy has been agreed. No one has said anything, but it is tacit.

Cheng Shuixin raised her glass and looked at Su Yifan, thinking that only Su Yifan could care about that person thousands of miles away, right?

Su Yifan stared at the picture on the projection, pressed the answer button, and carefully "feed" it.

The phone was silent for a moment, and then Yang Bingbing's faint voice sounded.

"Good evening."

Yang Bingbing's voice was as usual, but Su Yifan, who was familiar with her, still heard a little different from the past. The voice seemed to show a sense of fatigue, just like the helplessness of Yang Bingbing occasionally talking about her family.

This feeling made Su Yifan feel that his throat was tight. He knew Yang Bingbing so well that he began to feel that the voice thousands of miles away was so lonely, and a heartache trembled on the tip of his heart.

Su Yifan stood up and walked to the window in the eyes of everyone. He knew what the city looked like at the other end of the earth, and even knew where Yang Bingbing lived and the surrounding scenery was. With this imagination, he smiled at his reflection on the glass and shook his head, "You don't sound very good."

Yang Bingbing was sitting at the head of the bed at this time, looking at the door of the room. She hummed with a nasal voice: "Don't know me so well."

Su Yifan wants to make the atmosphere more cheerful: "I don't know much about it. You don't bother to hide it."

Yang Bingbing sighed: "Do you need to hide anything?"

"Is it troublesome?" Su Yifan asked, "Come back if you are in trouble. Don't force yourself."

Although he knew that this kind of persuasion was useless, Su Yifan still tried his best to emphasize it.

Yang Bingbing, who had been very annoyed, suddenly calmed down. Su Yifan always spoke gently, and suddenly sounded comfortable.

"It's not troublesome and not tired." Yang Bingbing made her voice sound more energetic. "The main problem is jet lag. I haven't adjusted it yet."

"You have also spent American time in China recently." Su Yifan remembered the days when Yang Bingbing fought for the game all night, and he always felt distressed, "Take more rest and spend more time with Mrs. Yang. Call me if you need anything, and be sure to be safe.

Yang Bingbing laughed and said, "Why do you look like an old man? I saw Wang Fang again and breathed out for you.

Su Yifan remembered the arrogant young man and suddenly found that he didn't care much about that face. He thought it was probably a kind of growth, right?

"Don't be angry about that kind of person. Wang Fang is nothing. Don't quarrel with Mrs. Yang again for him.

"No." Yang Bingbing said, "Cheng Shuixin has taught me a lot, and I know what to do."

In fact, Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing don't talk too much even when they are alone. Both of them belong to the quieter type, and occasionally they have more eye contact than language. Su Yifan really didn't know what to say in front of the public. Yang Bingbing felt that many thoughts in her heart could not be told, so she could only hold the phone and be silent.

The two were silent for a moment. Su Yifan looked at the projection in front of him and found that the picture above began to change.

The game has been put on the shelves and has begun to display.

Su Yifan brewed for a moment and said to Yang Bingbing, "Just now, our game was the first download."

Yang Bingbing's breathing became slightly short, and she knew that this was part of Su Yifan's proof of herself. Before that, day and night, those repeated tossing and even torture, those hard work and hard work hard to survive. This moment seems to be expressed in Su Yifan's simple sentence.

A person alone overseas felt those unkind eyes that did not make Yang Bingbing feel anything. On the contrary, at this moment, she felt that she was almost about to cry.

Sometimes people's tears are so strange that not only others can't understand, but they can't even understand themselves.

But this is your own story. Even if you don't understand it, it is also a part of your body.

Looking out of the window, Yang Bingbing took a deep breath for a while to calm her mood.

The simple word "our game" contains too much content for her to calm down quickly.

recalling the previous few months, time seems to have been piled up by many rich things, and there are many more feelings that others can't see.

"I'm also browsing AppStore. I'll contribute a download for you later." Yang Bingbing looked at her computer screen and said that the desktop above was a photo taken by her and Su Yifan in the night.

What a familiar city, what a familiar scenery, what a familiar person.

Maybe everything is good, but if you want to have it well, you have to do a lot of things, right?

Su Yifan smiled and said, "I'll do the next one myself and contribute a download to myself."

Many people at the scene are no longer in the mood to listen to what Su Yifan is talking about on the phone. Everyone's eyes are focused on the screen, watching the changes in the download numbers.

From the first one, to more than a dozen, to hundreds...

In just one minute, the number of downloads began to rise.

Su Yifan held the phone and reported the number to Yang Bingbing. Every time he spit out a number, he was excited.

Su Yifan, who has already studied the download volume of mobile games, is very clear that the number he sees now definitely exceeds expectations.

Although I don't know what's going on, at least this sensational effect is not bad, right?

Yang Bingbing on the other side of the phone also felt trembling, because she had talked about this topic with Su Xiaoqing countless times before. She knew better than Su Yifan how big the market capacity was at this stage, so that she made an estimated digital model and estimated the effect that Su Yifan could achieve at the beginning.

The result is that at this moment, there is no need for Su Yifan to read out the data herself. The display she saw on the page alone has far exceeded her expectations.

Is this a success?

Yang Bingbing asked herself and also wanted to ask Su Yifan, but in the end, she just took the phone and quietly looked at the laptop in front of her, looking away from the page of the software store and looking at the half-covered desktop photo.

Success or not is very important, and the process is equally important.

Thinking of Su Yifan's speech standing in the central square of the park, the amount of $200,000 raised on KS, the various actions he made to the motion capture site, and every stay at Su Yifan's house in the name of work. Yang Bingbing summoned up the courage to say to Su Yifan, "Our game... will definitely sell well."

Su Yifan didn't hear the strangeness in Yang Bingbing's tone, but looked at the data constantly changing and muttered, "Yes, it will sell well."

Then, the two were expensively silent for a while on the cross-ocean phone and tacitly enjoyed the feeling of hearing each other's breathing.

That is, after paying attention to it for a short time, most of the people present can't leave the projection. With software*, they can clearly see the real-time data changes above, and the surge in downloads has caused this unknown mini-game ranking to continue to rise, which is simply a trend to top 10 after an hour.

This kind of scene can only be described as a miracle.

Seeing such a result, both overseas Yang Bingbing and domestic Su Yifan finally relieved their hearts. The hard work for a long time is for the sweet feeling of this moment. Looking at the changes in the download numbers, all those who have participated in this job are enjoying the joy of success.

Among everyone, Yu Zheng was the most shocked. He looked at the numbers on the projection and silently calculated how much these figures were converted into US dollars and converted into dollars.

The number of money always has a magic that can shock people.

is just a small game, or a game on a mobile phone. Just one game, the downloads in a moment have made Su Yifan recover all his previous investment in an instant, and even have a surplus.

Yu Zheng began to be glad that he took the initiative to cooperate with Su Yifan. If it hadn't been for Su Yifan, he wouldn't even realize how much profit he could make in this field.

Compared with the excitement of others, Su Yifan calmed down when he saw the number on the projection increase.

It feels like a movie that I have been looking forward to watching for a long time has finally been released. The moment I saw the title LOGO, I will not be excited when I know that it is already there.

Su Yifan silently took the phone and walked to Cheng Shuixin and handed the phone to her.

Cheng Shuixin could no longer continue to sit on the sofa. Her hands trembled slightly, and her eyes staring at the projection were very crystal clear.

After receiving the phone, Cheng Shuixin gently "fed" the phone, and then said in a heavy nasal voice, "Let's wait for you to come back and celebrate together."

Yang Bingbing shuddered on the other side of the phone, and she could feel Cheng Shuixin's excitement.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing and hung up the phone after saying a few more words, and glanced back and forth in the second floor of the moonlight bar.

Miracles usually only happen in everyone's imagination. After they really appeared, Su Yifan began to feel that there must be some inevitable reason behind the miracle.

There may be a reason why you don't know about such exciting downloads.

Su Yifan's eyes first fell on Cai Yan. Cai Yan, wearing gray stockings, was sitting on a small sofa biting a cherry, and a pair of beautiful eyes were also looking at the projection. Feeling that Su Yifan's eyes fell on him, Cai Yan turned his head and stared at Su Yifan, his eyes still sharp and full of pride.

Ignoring Cai Yan's sharp eyes, Su Yifan returned to the position he had just sat, still next to Cai Yan.

"Sister Qing will come over later. Are you sure you won't leave?"

Cai Yan trembled again, as if he had seen his master's Chihuahua.

"I, I don't believe she will come back so soon."

"That's just right. Answer me a question." Su Yifan stared at Cai Yan and said, "Although we have made a lot of preparations, I still don't think it's very scientific to open download and immediately rush to the top 10 list. I want to ask you, does this have anything to do with you?

Cai Yan snorted: "You have raised 200,000 dollars in KS. The digital activation code for those fundraisers alone is enough for you to rush to the list, right?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "The activation code is free for free. I can see the proportion of paid downloads and free downloads on management*, and I pay more cash."

Only then did Cai Yan feel that Su Yifan was really a careful ** person, and it was reasonable for him to quickly find his identity.

"Do you think I did it?"

Su Yifan looked at Cai Yan and said, "Actually, I also suspect that it was done by Qingjie, but your suspicion is greater."


"If you do such a thing, you will definitely say hello to me." Su Yifan stared at Cai Yan and said, "You are the most suspicious."

Most people didn't pay attention to the dialogue between Su Yifan and Cai Yan. Only Cheng Shuixin looked at this side and poked Chu Ruo, who had just sat next to him.

Miss Chu is a relatively easy person to be persuaded. She stood up and walked straight to Su Yifan and Cai Yan.