My Goddess

Chapter 411 Downtime Chain Event 2

Compared with Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing, Su Xiaoqing's thinking was obviously more meticulous. She first tried to call Su Yifan's old phone and found that it was turned off.

That phone is basically deactivated now. In the past few days after the exam, Su Yifan basically only took one phone when he went out because he had nothing else to do. No matter how strong the battery is, the non-smart machine will always be out of power.

Another newly bought 3GS also couldn't get through, prompting to shut down.

After both roads were blocked, Su Xiaoqing began to track down Su Yifan's phone, and then she found that she could not trace Su Yifan's mobile phone.

According to the degree of urine of American technology companies, mobile phones can still be accurately positioned even if they are turned off. Su Xiaoqing called the location system directly almost immediately, but found that Su Yifan's iPhone seemed to have disappeared and there was no way to search.

Su Xiaoqing was surprised by such a result. She sat alone in the empty office and glanced at the city outside with lights, and began to call up Su Yifan's call record.

This level of encryption is not a problem for Su Xiaoqing at all. She found that Su Yifan's last call was to leave the coffee bar with Cheng Shuixin. So many hours have passed. What happened?

A feeling of panic surged up, and Su Xiaoqing began to track the camera after Su Yifan left the coffee bar, including the monitoring of the parking lot near Su Yifan's home.

A series of lenses are continuously captured very quickly, and countless overlapping pictures quickly flashed on the display screen above the head. Some of the clothing and appearance described by Su Xiaoqing can still be found in low-quality cameras with generally low quality. The last picture of Su Yifan appeared is to say goodbye to Cheng Shuixin.

Then most of the cameras in Binhai City seemed to have been completely looted with some kind of force, and no records from a few hours ago could be found.

The situation is not good.

Su Xiao gently bit her lip and was sure that something had happened to Su Yifan. She hesitated for a moment and opened the armrest button on her right.

The process of password input is very complicated. It took Su Xiaoqing at least 30 seconds to complete the password input. She believes that no one in the world can crack this set of passwords.

After the complete input, the screen above Su Xiaoqing's head has undergone some subtle changes. The pictures laid on the huge display screen are staggered and shaken, automatically grouped into columns.

Su Xiaoqing made a gesture to the air, and then many shots were deleted, followed by various graphical interfaces.

has different annotations on those interfaces, which are basically some English abbreviations, among which AUU is prominent.

After opening this interface, Su Xiaoqing clicked on the city map he had just searched, and the monitoring of the whole coastal city immediately spread out like a red dot showing the plague.

Su Xiaoqing entered another action, and the red dot that disappeared from the picture began to automatically change color, and half of the city's surveillance camera marking turned gray.

Taking a breath of cold air, Su Xiaoqing knew that the matter seemed to be a little serious.

His eyes first stayed on the AUU folder. Su Xiaoqing's fingers moved, and the folder was opened.

AUU's network defense has been strengthened at least several times since it was last attacked by Su Xiaoqing. This time, it will take at least more than an hour to capture AUU's firewall. But Su Xiaoqing knew that this time it was definitely not everyone's silent for an hour after the fall. Once he acted fiercely, I'm afraid AUU will not continue to maintain a balance with him even if he breaks his face.

In the face of AUU's full efforts, Su Xiaoqing thought about it carefully and felt that she might have a better chance of winning.

In this case, don't be afraid to really tear your face. Su Xiao gently nodded in the air and was about to carry out the invasion. Suddenly, she thought of something. She paused her movements and called Su Yifan's home.

Su Shen answered the phone. Usually, he was reading in the study and occasionally wrote a few words.

Receiving Su Xiaoqing's phone call, Su Shen felt a little strange: "Well, didn't Su Yifan tell you?"

Hearing Su Shen's rhetorical question, Su Xiaoqing's heart that had always been hanging in his heart was finally not so heavy: "No, where did he go?"

"Su Yifan and one of his classmates went on a trip to Changsheng Island and said they would come back in a few days." Su Shen said, "His phone seems to be broken. His classmate's father called to tell me."

Su Xiaoqiang suppressed the excitement and asked, "Can you give my classmate's father's phone number? I'll call and ask."

Su Shen was compelled to turn out the phone number and told Su Xiaoqing. In fact, Su Xiaoqing thought that the other party would call Su Shen in a more hidden way, but he didn't expect it to be so old-fashioned.

It's easy to trace. Now Su Xiaoqing can only pray that Su Yifan is fine for the time being. The pursuit just now has proved that this is not a misunderstanding. Some people must have taken Su Yifan away.

Su Shen reported a number, and Su Xiaoqing entered the information database almost as soon as possible and got the result in an instant.

is the phone number of a senior executive of a seafood company somewhere. The name of the person named Wang Chuang is "Assistant to the General Manager of Changsheng Island Seafood Development Co., Ltd.", which sounds very oceany.

Su Xiaoqing entered the company name again, and the result is obvious. This is a seemingly independent company that actually belongs to the Cai family.

"How can people engaged in heavy industry also buy seafood?" Su Xiao complained gently, and quickly dialed Cai Yadong's phone directly to calm his fast heartbeat.

Unlike those small millionaires who are famous in their own place, Cai Yadong is definitely one of the backs who can really influence one of the economic bigwigs - more influential than him, usually not as young as him, younger and richer than him, usually caused by the transfer of assets by the elderly.

Cai Yadong's assets are not many among the rich, but its importance in the whole industry can definitely support the name of the Cai family.

Rich people who have enough to struggle for a lifetime with any small change in personal assets often have many quirks, and Cai Yadong is no exception. He has a habit of drinking tea outdoors.

Whether it is winter or summer, drink tea outdoors.

Even in the cold winter, Cai Yadong will put a pot of tea on the balcony of his villa, and the heater is available, but it is useless for such an open-air venue.

This habit is actually a little vulgar, but since it is Cai Yadong's problem, everyone has put up with it.

In fact, Cai Yadong likes to think about problems in this environment where no one plays with him, but whenever he encounters some difficult problems, he will set up a tea tray on the balcony to drink tea by himself, and no one will shout.

When you are rich to the extreme, loneliness is often inevitable.

When Su Xiaoqing called in, Cai Yadong was drinking tea alone. Behind him was the glass door of the balcony, and several people were watching him through the glass door.

Cai Yan is still resting in his room, and Cai Yadong has given a death order not to allow Cai Yan to go out again.

Thinking of today's incident, Cai Yadong had a lingering heart. At the beginning, Cai Yan moved the old man and went to Binhai alone to find Su Yifan. Cai Yadong absolutely opposed it.

No matter how big the Cai family's chess game is, Cai Yadong does not want to cost his daughter's future. In case Su Yifan is a bad boy with a personal face and beast heart, Cai Yan suffers a loss. His old Cai is not only ashamed, but also crazy enough to eat the boy alive.

On the contrary, Cai Yan was so stubborn that he insisted on meeting Su Yifan by himself for a while. Cai Yadong arranged someone to protect Cai Yan, and was repeatedly threatened and driven away by Cai Yan, otherwise this would not have happened today.

Thinking of this, even Cai Yadong, who has been in the mall for a long time, will inevitably feel depressed. After all, your enemies in the market always have a reason to say. There is always a way to attack and defend, but your daughter can't say anything.

Of course, the more important thing is that Cai Yan moved the old man, which made Cai Yadong completely unable to express his opinion.

After drinking a cup of tea, Cai Yadong is still thinking carefully about what happened today. When he learned that Cai Yan had been attacked and rushed to the scene, the whole area was immediately blocked.

Cai Yan, who was in a coma, was with six bodies together. Cai Yadong could still remember that he had the impulse to have a heart attack when he reported the situation to himself.

Fortunately, Cai Yan was just in a coma and had no skin trauma. At a glance, he knew that he was just hit by an airbag.

Two Mercedes-Benz business and one Hummer stay in place, and Cai Yan's Ferrari are also worth a lot. Some of the six bodies present were shot in the head, some were shot in the chest, and the death was unbearable. Even Cai Yadong, who experienced the storm, was shocked when he knew the details. He didn't expect it to be so big.

Cai Yan still had vertigo sequelae after waking up. Cai Yadong asked his wife a few questions, but he couldn't ask any details. I can only make a phone call first to figure out the situation of the six people who died.

The equality of all sentient beings is only used to deceive children, and there will always be more privileges that rich people can enjoy. Cai Yadong tried his best to stop the spread of the whole thing, and he had to suppress it, because he knew that there was something more terrible than his daughter's attack.

-That Su Yifan is missing!

From Cai Yan's intermittent story, Cai Yadong knew that if it hadn't been for Su Yifan, his daughter might have been captured in the downtown. Now Su Yifan's whereabouts have become a mystery, and Cai Yadong doesn't know how to solve this matter.

The investigation of the three vehicles and several bodies has just begun, and there will be no immediate results. Cai Yadong could only make up a nonsense reason for an assistant of his subordinate company to comfort Su Yifan's parents first, and then find a way to find Su Yifan's whereabouts.

I didn't expect that the call had just been made. Cai Yadong hadn't finished drinking tea and figured out what to do next. A phone number he had never seen before had been killed.

Looking at the beating mobile phone next to the tea tray, Cai Yadong hesitated for a moment and picked up the phone.

There are really not many things that can make Cai Yadong hesitate. Now this is one.

Su Xiaoqing's voice on the other side of the phone is no longer as lazy and indifferent as usual. She is not happy and cheerful, but with a chill.

"Your baby daughter is in so much trouble! Cai, are you homesick and dead?!"

Hearing such a vicious greeting, Cai Yadong felt numb no matter how well he was, and almost wanted to curse.