My Goddess

Chapter 430 Have fun

Although Li Enqi was present, Yang Zongyuan still began the dialogue with difficulty. He knew that it was better to say it on this occasion than not to say it. The girl in front of her does not seem so simple. Her wisdom is hidden behind those shining little tiger teeth, and she must not be underestimated.

Respecting everyone he has come into contact with is the first meaning of Yang Zongyuan's success in life. Of course, he refused to admit that his greatest success was because his mother remarried the right person.

Thinking of his father who had many things and contacted his mother and son less, Yang Zongyuan always felt a little disgusted.

Most successful people are lingering with the shadow of childhood, mainly because childhood is not under their control, and no matter how awesome they are when they grow up, they can't make up for the past. Since Yang Zongyuan was successfully called "Dad" by the man named Yang Jialiang with a bunch of toys and delicious food, this shadow has been buried deep in his heart. Later, although Yang Zongyuan's own career improved, the third brother of the Yang family fell into a decadent and doesn't show up much now. When Yang Bingbing came back this time, Yang Laosan pretended not to appear, claiming to be in Brazil. Yang Zongyuan felt that it might be true that the old man was holding a Brazilian girl around him.

In fact, Mrs. Yang has always been generous to the Yang family, so that Yang Laosan still doesn't have to worry about her extravagance. But this feeling of being favored by women is really not good, so Yang Laosan simply came here and was not upset, and simply hid away from participating in the bustle at home. However, Dai Qing got a lot of benefits from Yang Zongyuan because he was close to Mrs. Yang. Yang Zongyuan hated the cheap father who had become weak and incompetent, and was also dissatisfied with his mother. But in general, Yang Zongyuan still has to admit that if he wants to make another career at the current level, Mrs. Yang's support is indispensable.

This is the most important reason why Yang Zongyuan took the initiative to come to Yang Bingbing for afternoon tea. Although the girl is beautiful, Yang Zongyuan has 100 ways to find 10,000 girls who are more comfortable than Yang Bingbing. Even if they are not as beautiful as Yang Bingbing, it is better than considering the face of the little princess here.

But this is the reality. Yang Zongyuan knows that he must cheer up and try to face Yang Bingbing actively. This is not his own sadness, but the common sadness of all the Yang and Jiang families who expect to hug their thighs.

Although it seems that there is no oil and salt, Yang Bingbing's attitude is generally good. Yang Zongyuan talked to Yang Bingbing about some recent situation at home, and it was interesting to Yang Bingbing, which finally made the atmosphere less embarrassing.

Even if there is a faint disgust in his heart, Yang Zongyuan has to admit that in addition to something emotionally wrong, Yang Bingbing's lady quality and detached and quiet attitude can definitely get a full score. Such a little girl, not to mention herself, even those old foxes who have been hunting in Hollywood all year round have to shine their eyes.

Yang Bingbing's interest in coffee may be stronger than with Yang Zongyuan. She blew a few breaths of coffee and took a sip before taking a sip of Yang Zongyuan's words: "... In fact, Brother Zongyuan, if you go back to China for development, it should not be bad. Now the world economy is sluggish, but it is because of domestic demand. Type, there are many opportunities.

Yang Zongyuan knew what posture he should pose and laughed at Yang Bingbing and said to himself, "I just eat, and it's almost the same everywhere. There are many domestic opportunities, but I don't have any particularly good access. I can't open a hotel to compete with my family, can I? Now Uncle Hu is still considering taking a stake in domestic e-commerce. These two fields that I am familiar with are not good. I'd better wait and see first.

Of course, Yang Bingbing was just polite to Yang Zongyuan. She turned her head to look at the well-made Li Enqi and shook her head with a smile and said, "Forget, let's not talk about this... Brother Zongyuan, do you often come here?"

Yang Zongyuan could see that Yang Bingbing still seemed to be a little absent-minded. At present, he cooperated with her and said, "Occasionally, there are not many coffee shops in New York that are really worth visiting. This is a family. If you are interested, I can take you to some more distinctive ones.

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "Many of my classmates are addicted to the six-person trip. They may be more interested in sitting in the Central Park Cafe, right? Forget it. It's good here."

American drama culture has affected the existence of the whole world. Although Yang Zongyuan does not know about this aspect, he can still quickly reflect who the protagonists of the long American drama are.

Speaking of this topic, Yang Zongyuan was very enthusiastic: "Does Bingbing bring some autographed photos of the leading actors back to her classmates? I can still do this."

Even though Yang Bingbing is not interested in chasing stars, she is inevitably surprised to hear Yang Zongyuan's big words: "Is it that easy?"

"It's just a few stars. If you want to know more investors, how can you not give this face?" Yang Zongyuan didn't say deeply about the depth of the entertainment industry. After all, some topics are still too heavy for a female high school student. "Well, let me arrange for you to meet the two most famous ones and take some group photos back to your classmates?"

Compared with Wang Fang, who tried his best to retain Yang Bingbing to stay in the United States, Yang Zongyuan clearly believed that Yang Bingbing did not intend to stay here from the beginning. Speaking of this topic seemed easier and more suitable for Yang Bingbing's appetite.

Yang Bingbing is still wondering whether to bring something to her deskmate when she goes back. Yang Zongyuan's advice sounds good, but she is unwilling to bother and unfamiliar with people's character, so she can't help but hesitate now.

Yang Zongyuan, who was a first-class person in his ability to observe words and color, could see that Yang Bingbing's hesitation was equivalent to heartbeat, and added a handful of oil to persuade him, "It's not a big deal. You don't have to have a psychological burden, just take it as a small episode."

This kind of comfort may be enough for others. Yang Bingbing thought about it and refused to say, "I still don't want it. I'll cause you trouble."

Yang Bingbing has the kind of vigilance and faint rejection that many little girls have. This is in Yang Zongyuan's expectation. He didn't persuade him much, but smiled and said, "Well... If you really need it, I'll arrange it for you."

Yang Bingbing has an instinctively bad impression of this cousin. Her impression of Yang Zongyuan is the same as that of the other party, basically staying on the teenager who pouted and was a little stubborn many years ago. At that time, Yang Zongyuan had not fully adapted to his role, and the shell on his body had not been formed. He still had a strong middle two and all kinds of disapproval of the world. But Yang Bingbing thought that at least Yang Zongyuan at that time was finally a real teenager, unlike now, he was purposeful and perfectly concealed.

Life is really an asshole, which can quickly make people completely different from yesterday, and even make people the person they hated the most before.

Yang Zongyuan didn't know the girl's small theater in her brain, but still gave full play to his charm in being easy-going and asked, "Is there anything else Bingbing wants to go? There is a small party recently. I don't know if you are interested.

Joking, Yang Zongyuan certainly knew that Yang Bingbing must not be interested in that kind of party. He asked this just to pave the way for other invitations. From the beginning, Yang Zongyuan saw that Yang Bingbing actually didn't like everything in the United States, whether it was people or things. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Yang, this little cousin would probably not have set foot on the land of the United States.

As Yang Zongyuan expected, Yang Bingbing still shook her head: "I'm quite boring, and I'm going to destroy the atmosphere."

"Beauty itself is the best atmosphere." Yang Zongyuan smiled and patted Yang Bingbing, "Well, I know what you are interested in. Let's leave in a moment."

Yang Bingbing looked at the young talent in front of her and knew that the other party had indeed worked hard to entertain herself: "Oh? What is it?"

Yang Zongyuan smiled casually, as if he only knew Yang Bingbing's hobbies by guessing: "There is a keynote speech this afternoon, Davis's."

Yang Bingbing was finally surprised this time. She didn't believe that Yang Zongyuan would ask her mother to know her interests. It was difficult for this person to say how much homework she had done - thinking so, Yang Bingbing still despised herself. Did she think that the identity of Mrs. Yang's daughter is very important?

Davis was one of the candidates for the last Nobel Prize in Economics. Although he lost the election, his new economic theory is still widely praised. Especially before the tide of global economic recession in recent years, such scholars who have already made a forward-looking or even a little solution will always be sought after. Unlike the professor Fang I saw in Binhai, Davis's models and theories have more operable space and give some specific solutions. Even a pragmatic New Yorker can't ignore his existence.

Seeing that Yang Bingbing finally seemed to be interested, Yang Zongyuan was relieved. He took great pains to prepare to spend a pleasant afternoon with Yang Bingbing. This little girl was too difficult to deal with. Who would have thought that her interest would be economics?

Davis's ** force is much bigger than Jennifer Anniston. Yang Bingbing thought for a little and asked, "Is it convenient?"

Yang Zongyuan smiled, which was a really happy smile: "Of course it's convenient. Do you want me to call my aunt first?"

Yang Bingbing smiled politely at Yang Zongyuan: "Okay, I want Mrs. Yang to go with me. What do you think?"

Yang Zongyuan, who was picking up the phone, stagnated. He didn't expect that the little girl would still leave a dead corner for herself. If Mrs. Yang was here, his performance would probably have no effect. Just like Li Enqi sitting in this coffee bar, who has always been indifferent to him, although Yang Zongyuan doesn't know what the other party is doing, he can always feel the dangerous breath on her.

Just kidding, how can Yang Bingbing know such a person in the United States? Yang Zongyuan would rather believe that this is the new security solution prepared by Mrs. Yang for the little girl.

In fact, Yang Zongyuan can never refuse Yang Bingbing's request, and he even has to show strong joy: "It would be better if my aunt will also come. The VIP seat I booked will come in handy."

Yang Bingbing curled her lips in her heart and said that she didn't expect Yang Zongyuan to have even set a VIP seat. Is this sure that she won't refuse this kind of **?

Of course not. The sugar coating is eaten and the shell is thrown away. Yang Bingbing felt that she had learned badly from Cheng Shuixin now. She could see that Yang Zongyuan was very tolerant, and her expression was still slightly complicated when she heard that she wanted to call Mrs. Yang together.

That complex expression made Yang Bingbing a little happy. She felt that she really didn't have much fun in the United States. She could also be happy to see this kind of scheming person depressed.