My Goddess

Chapter 448 Achilles' Achilles

In the old-fashioned library, the unique pungent smell of electronic equipment dissipation spreads in the air, and the rewiring library pattern makes people think that this is a high-tech temporary command center. All kinds of LCD screens, all kinds of electronic data, all kinds of busy staff.

In fact, it is indeed here.

From the company's debriefing to receiving questions, to finally persuading the company's senior management to support his actions again, Albert spent a lot of time. It took so long that they even lost Nell's trace more than three times and found that their server was invaded from time to time.

The intruder left no trace, and a smiling face sign was added to the footnote of the text every time.

This non-biting and disgusting behavior angered the members of the entire AUU's technical department. After purchasing almost the best firewall system in Europe, there were two huge differences within AUU.

One thinks that this is a negative effect of chasing Nell. We should end all this as soon as possible, either kill Nell or give up action and quickly stop the loss.

Another believes that such a threat mainly comes from Su Xiaoqing, who should talk to her as soon as possible and then seek a common interest.

Albert, a hardliner, certainly supports the first one, but he still insists that capturing Neil alive is the best choice.

During the interview with the company's senior management, Albert's opinion could not be discussed by the senior management as a real opinion, so Albert has made a lot of efforts.

To open up the relationship, on the one hand, rationalize your behavior, and on the other hand, use more interests and possibilities to attract the company to continue investment. Albert still has some talent in administration and finally regained control of the special operations team after a long review.

Since the last time he lost Neil, Albert found something, which made the company pay more attention to him.

Not only AUU, but even other forces are staring at Nell.

Nil's attack on the subway has been reported to AUU headquarters, and the company confirmed that no such interception had been organized, and more importantly, Albert was still speculating about Neil's whereabouts at that time.

If you are not on your side, you should be an American or a Middle Easterner.

This proof made Albert more excited. He re-locked Neel's range of activities and sent more people to the surrounding area.

At this moment, Albert is sitting in his office, opposite Anthony, who once admired and wanted to pursue Nell.

The blonde Anthony has been haggard a lot recently. The untrimmed stubble rises one after another on his face, his eyes are covered with red blood, his eye sockets are deep, and there is even black dirt in his nails.

Albert appreciates the appearance of his subordinates. At least in his opinion, this is for some anxious state, which is better than the white and fat gentlemen in the head office who are well maintained every day.

"Mr. Anthony." Albert has always said and does things directly, "We have now repositioned the general location of Nell. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Anthony scolded the devil in his heart. Albert knew his relationship with Nell, and even knew that he had secretly helped Nell before. The more like this, the more the bearded old man likes to ask for his opinions, in order to gloat every time he looks at his painful and struggling expression.

"...I don't know, it still depends on the company's opinion."

Albert shook his head slowly and said, "Anthony, you know that the company's current mainstream opinion is to eliminate this unstable factor. Do you agree with this opinion?"

Anthony thought of the scene of Neil being killed and trembled: "No, I don't agree!"

"Look, don't get excited." The cold smile on Albert's face doesn't make people feel that a smile can narrow the distance between people. "Why don't we talk about it carefully? I hope you can express your opinion on Neil's current situation."

Anthony cursed again in his heart. He knew that Albert was actually testing himself, and he was worried that he was still colluding with Nell to leak the information of the special operations team.

"I..." Anthony absolutely dared not offend Albert on the surface. This strong man can even tear himself with his bare hands. "I think Nell will get in touch with Su Xiaoqing."

"On the contrary, Nell should be afraid of Su Xiaoqing now." Albert corrected, "Just like some of our incompetent people are afraid of that oriental woman."


Anthony knew that Albert was scolding himself, but he still chose to be silent.

Albert played with the huge cigar in his hand and shook his head and said, "Su Xiaoqing, like us, hopes to completely control Nell. The strongest part of her character is longing for freedom, right?"

"Yes..." Anthony had to admit that Albert also knew Nell well. "She doesn't like to be bound."

"Children who can't execute orders are not good enough." Albert's tone turned cold. "The latest information is actually a little interesting. Nell is with her mission goal."

Anthony raised his head with a trace of shock.

In fact, deep down, Anthony is a little jealous of the oriental teenager Su Yifan. He has imagined countless times what will happen after Nell approaches Su Yifan. Those imaginations once bit his heart like a poisonous tongue, making him almost lose his mind. In the end, Anthony betrayed Neil's trust, which was also related to this emotion.

Now Albert suddenly mentioned that Nell was with Su Yifan, and the most unstable part of Anthony's mood began to be restless.

Albert was satisfied with Anthony's reaction at this time and asked with a trace of **, "Do you still think Nell hasn't hidden anything from the company?"

This time, even Anthony has nothing to say. If Nell and Su Yifan are really close enough to be alone, then Nell will naturally be regarded as a lie when she said that she didn't get any information.

This is also one of the important reasons for Albert to persuade the company's executives to make a decision.

Staring at Anthony's changing face, Albert continued: "This time, it's up to you to decide whether to continue to capture Nell alive or leave her in that country forever."

Hearing Albert's words, Anthony trembled all over and stared at the man in front of him with incredible eyes.

Albert's expression is still cold and even cold: "What, are you hesitating?"

At this time, Anthony was frank and admitted happily, "Yes... I'm hesitant."

"Actually, you don't have to hesitate." Albert said, "You know, we are facing not only Nell, but also the devil-like woman."

Anthony remembered Su Xiaoqing's smiling face and suddenly had greater fear in his heart: "No... she is so terrible!"

"Don't doubt her horror." Albert said coldly, "But like you and me, she is just an ordinary person with weaknesses."

Albert's words were very directing, and Anthony understood the meaning at once.

", do you want to take action against Su Yifan?"

Albert grinned, which was even if Anthony had a nightmare.

"Yes, that's what I thought."


Anthony looked at the man incredulously, and his voice became sharp with excitement: "Are you crazy? If we do that, the whole AUU will suffer revenge from Su Xiaoqing!"

"Yes, I know." Albert said, "Actually, I'm also curious about how serious her revenge will be? Did you really send an army to kill us? Or does she have an army of her own?

Anthony was silent. He really didn't know how to refute Albert. Su Xiaoqing's strength at the technical level is desperate, which even Albert can't deny. But even though he knew that Su Xiaoqing had many means to attack AUU, Albert still believed that force was the best way to solve the problem.

This comparison is a bit like a comparison between children - although my academic performance is not as good as yours, I can beat you up after school.

Although it looks a little naive, Anthony has to admit that this is Albert's way of thinking.

"You won't have a chance..." Anthony objected with a little trembling, "For Su Xiaoqing, our intelligence system is almost transparent..."

"So there are more old-fashioned ways of communication in the world, such as interviews or radio systems." Albert said unmovedly, "Su Xiaoqing has a strong ability to control the electronic network, and she is not so omnipotent in other aspects."

"But she must also protect herself very well..." Anthony argued weakly, "What should we do if the action is not successful?"

"So our goal was not her from the beginning." Albert corrected Anthony's idea, "Our goal... is that woman's most fatal weakness."

Anthony didn't have to think about who Albert was talking about. His face changed and he whispered, "Is this your new plan?"

"Yes, in fact, the plan should not be carried out in such a roundabout way from the beginning." Albert said, "We still underestimated the importance of Su Yifan before, right?"

Anthony also agrees with this. At the beginning, when AUU sent Nell to contact Su Yifan, the way to consider the problem was still interest-oriented. For AUU executives who are used to using interests to measure the solution to problems, Su Yifan is important to Su Xiaoqing, but it is certainly not important enough to control Su Xiaoqing by holding him.

Looking back, underestimating the importance of Su Yifan is obviously the biggest mistake of AUU at the strategic level. If you want Su Xiaoqing to be obedient, it's better to take action against Su Yifan.

Since Su Yifan is with Nell, he has more excuses to play in this regard. Even if Su Xiaoqing comes to settle accounts later, there is a good excuse.

The Victorian British deceived themselves so that they even had to wrap the feet of the table with cloth to avoid being associated with sex, but wrote the most obscure underground novels in the world. Now that so many years have passed, this essence of self-deception is still flowing in the blood of the British without any change.

In the face of Albert's opinion, Anthony remained silent and did not continue to refute. In fact, deep down, he still hopes to see Nell again as a winner. At least that's better than seeing her again as a traitor, and it can also give her care and pity.