My Goddess

Chapter 452 No plan

Niel and Su Yifan's spirit of having fun in bitterness did not affect the training progress. As a real good friend of Su Yifan's soul and body, Nell began to teach Su Yifan how to correctly understand individual combat and give him more skills to hurt others.

This is ridiculous. A teenager who has been enduring others to hurt himself will finally want to learn how to hurt others one day. So many bad things made Su Yifan make this decision. He did not regret or feel that he had been changed more.

What should be changed will eventually change, and what cannot be changed will never change.

Falling to the ground by Neil again and again, Su Yifan always struggled to jump up and continued to rush to the beautiful girl who seemed to never be defeated by himself. The smile on Nell's face was not mocked, but more encouraging and approving.

Toughness is perhaps the most important trait in life. It shines on this teenager from the beginning and never leaves.

"Pay attention to controlling your emotions. Don't change your eyes at every action. Don't let your opponent detect your intentions!"

"You have to realize that attacks are always the most unpredictable. If you want to give up the disadvantage, you have to keep attacking!"

"The power of the wrist should be strengthened. Don't hesitate to smash. You must destroy the opponent's attack ability within a second!"

"Don't think about the problem that I'm a woman, how to do it fatally!"

Lock the throat! Remember what I told you!"

In those Nell's shouts, Su Yifan finally realized that he had never been beyond the category of student fights. Only with Neil's reminder can you understand that the attack for the purpose of killing and injury is never the same as the battle you understand.

Euler told Su Yifan that strength should be based on the body, allowing the feeling to wander freely. Being able to control your body freely from fingers to toes is basically the door to control power.

Nyle told Su Yifan that all forces should be born to solve the battle, and its goal should be to end the battle in the next action.

There are essentially different differences between the two, and it took Su Yifan a long time to really blend these two feelings into one place.

Because he was in the suburbs and had no place to take a shower after being beaten full of dust, Su Yifan could only get up from the ground and planned to make dinner for Neil.

Nelle glanced at the scenery outside the rotten tail building. Twilight was approaching, and the whole world was about to melt into the darkness, as if something was going to devour the world.

"How do you feel?"

Su Yifan's breathing was not balanced. He replied with a wry smile, "I think it's better than before... At least I won't be exhausted."

When practicing with Su Yifan, Nell also had a faint sweat on her face, making the white girl's skin seem to shine.

"Let's go back to Rongshan in the evening."

Su Yifan didn't react for a moment: "Why?"

"I think since AUU can restart the special operations team, our traces should be exposed soon." Nell looked at Su Yifan with bright eyes, and the melancholy and melancholy just now were swept away. "If they really send someone over, isn't it a better choice for us to fight back?"

Su Yifan didn't expect that Nell would make such a bold decision in an instant. Although he also thought it was great, he still felt a little uncomfortable because he had been used to it: "Well... Do you know where the AUU people are?"

"I probably know that I used to stay in the whole province." Nell said, "Whether they will continue to send people here or not, let's do it first."

It is not an exaggeration to say that Nell's current relationship with AUU is immortal, and it is reasonable for Neil to fight back.

The only difference is that Nell plans to bring Su Yifan this time.

The two waited in the abandoned unfinished building until it was completely dark. Nell thought that if AUU activated satellite surveillance permission, the night action would be much safer than during the day. Su Yifan had no objection to this and was pulled into the tent by Nell to lie down together.

"Keep your physical strength and pay attention to a full rest at any time."

Is that what Nell should say? Anyway, Su Yifan felt that he would definitely not be a very qualified spy. Even if he lay next to Nell, even if he was used to this intimacy recently, his heart was still pounding. Both of them are wearing thin coats, and the heat brought by rubbing against each other far exceeds the residual heat of the sunset. Neil's breath sounded finely beside Su Yifan, making Su Yifan always couldn't concentrate on rest.

Nelle, who closed her eyes, seemed to be much more attentive than Su Yifan, but obviously couldn't sleep. There was a trace of tension in her limbs. She hugged Su Yifan's arm with a slight force, as if she was going to snuggle in Su Yifan's arms.

At this time, Nell is no different from small animals. Su Yifan can't even tell where Nell is similar to Zhang Yao.

Maybe all girls have a small animal side? Su Yifan was in a trance and could only rely on his nonsense to relieve his restlessness.

Although Nell joked several times and asked Su Yifan if she wanted to "try again", she was as bold as she had never really made another powerful move. Su Yifan became more and more convinced that Nell must have been particularly kind to himself from the perspective of sympathizing with the weak that day. This sympathy made Su Yifan feel a little unhappy, and he hoped that he would become stronger.

Although it is already on the road, it is still far from enough.

In order to prevent himself from being so restless, Su Yifan also closed his eyes and asked the girl around him, "Where do we start?"

"The plan will always change." Nell closed her eyes and said, "For example, when I come back this time, I want to go to that bar with you, but unfortunately I don't have a chance. Planned actions are easy to be caught regularly, and everything will wait until dark.

Su Yifan asked, "Will AUU find someone to deal with you?"

"I don't know, I think so..." Nell whispered, "Albert knows me better than I know him. If we still follow the previous mode of action, we will definitely fall behind.

Su Yifan asked tentatively, "Can't... solve it in another way?"

Nyle smiled bitterly and said, "It might have been good before, but it's probably difficult now."

Su Yifan wanted to ask why. He sensed that Nell's desire to stop talking and decided not to ask any more. Since I have been saved by Neil once, there is no need to worry about what Neil's decision is. Even if I didn't arrive in time under the sunset that day, I would respect Neil's opinion.

At present, it's right to follow Nell.



Anthony feels very uneasy. At least for now, his actions have exceeded the original company guidance standards.

The damn high-ranking bosses of those companies will only hide behind the scenes. They who have been dealing with the government all year round know how to stay out of the matter and how to keep themselves away from trouble. If it weren't for the sweetness of great interests, these people wouldn't even support Albert's actions.

The unlucky one is always the boring little brother. Those well-dressed gentlemen just need to wait and calculate the gains and losses. It's really hateful to think about it.

Especially this man with a smile on his face always makes Anthony feel that he is easily calculated.

Little is known about Neo Anthony. He knows that this man was born in Nepal and has practiced for a period of time. Like many European literary youths, he has lived a chaotic young life of marijuana and women. Later, Neo went to the United States and Vietnam, where he gradually learned how to use his talent in a country intertwined with freedom and evil. When the U.S. authorities turned around and began to pursue Neo, he got AUU's work contract.

AUU needs capable agents all over the world, and Neo is one of them. More often, Neo's job is mainly responsible for solving problems other than the positive image of the company. Unlike those seeds planted by AUU in various regions, his process can only receive tasks and then go to the destination.

From this perspective, Neo's position is a little detached, and he can even act alone regardless of Albert's instructions. As executives of large companies often say, as long as he provides results, he does not need to consider methods and processes.

Of course, the main reason why Anthony is uneasy now is that he feels that Neo seems to be very unreliable.

The old man, who smiles but exudes a dangerous smell, is now eating, as if the bad steak on the plane has not been reflected in his appetite. Neo is eating a food made by Chinese bean paste mixed with vegetables, which makes Anthony, who is used to the work of a Michelin chef, feel nauseous.

The color of the sauce fermented by soybeans looks ferocious and even reminds people of bad things. Neo ate very well and asked Anthony if he wanted some too.

"No..." Anthony turned his head with a pale face. He really didn't think it would be delicious.

Neo took another bite of the onion with a satisfied look on his face: "It's not easy to eat such pure soybean sauce in the United States. Albert said that your skills are the best in the whole group?"

"One." Anthony said that his essential work has subtle changes in his look and temperament, and seriously corrected, "Everyone in our group is great."

"Yes, it's so great that I was scared by a girl to stop working for three weeks." The smile on Neo's face was sincere and kind, and his words were not pleasing at all. "Albert hopes that I can break Su Xiaoqing's spell. He has considered whether Su Xiaoqing's intelligence network may be larger than he expected."

Anthony didn't expect that even Neo respected Su Xiaoqing so much. He opened his mouth and said, "The power outside our network is also very strong."

"But we don't know how powerful Su Xiaoqing is outside the network." Neo pointed out rudely, "So whether you or me, or even Albert, is just a stress test."

Anthony's serious expression froze in an instant, and he looked at Neo speechless.

The smile on Nio's face is still the same, but now it seems to be a little more sarcastic.

"What? Can't you even accept this kind of thing? Why did Albert send you here? Is it just because you like that little girl?


The sarcasm on Neo's face flashed, and it was still a warm smile: "So do you want to be a chess piece or do something unexpected?"