My Goddess

Chapter 460 is hopeless

The middle-aged teacher failed to hit and quickly pulled back the automatic pencil in his hand. Su Yifan thought that even if it was over, he raised his hand to Nell, concentrated his five fingers into a bunch, and continued to stab Neil's throat.

The interval between the two movements was too short, but Su Yifan did not relax his vigilance this time. He almost raised the French fries in front of him at the same time as the man did it.

Su Yifan's action has not been made yet. Nell has buckled his backhand on that hand, and the palms of the two people made a crisp but never-catching "crack" sound in the air.

The fries were sprinkled on the slightly bald uncle, and Su Yifan stretched out his hand without hesitation, trying to continue to distract the teacher-like figure. Unexpectedly, the other party hardly hesitated to let the fries fall on him and clasped Su Yifan's wrist.

This action looks like Su Yifan stretching out his hand to a person and holding it gently.

At this time, I'm afraid that only Su Yifan himself knows in his heart that the uncle holds his hand. As long as he exerts a little force, his wrist will break like a celery rod that has just been dipped in water.

But Su Yifan is not afraid or anxious.

In the long experience of fighting with people, Su Yifan's most feared thing was injury. Although it made Su Xiao blame him many times, Su Yifan still felt that it was almost impossible not to get hurt if he had a head-on conflict with others.

At first, this mentality was blocked by the people brought by Brother Chuan at the school gate. At that time, Su Yifan had already realized one thing in his heart.

- If there is a conflict that can't be avoided, at least I can't shrink back.

This idea is completely contrary to Su Yifan's lifestyle more than ten years ago, but he feels that this is in line with his current mentality.

The last time, this time, or next time, Su Yifan's thoughts never changed.

That hand was caught by the middle-aged teacher. Su Yifan was not afraid at all. His other hand had pointed the muzzle of the gun at the bald uncle. The gun was under the table, and the muzzle was aimed at the uncle's most precious position as a man.

In order to save space, no matter how agile the uncle is, it still takes a second or two to jump up and avoid this shot. Su Yifan has enough opportunities to make the uncle have to stop thinking about the word "girl" in his life.

When Nell next to her saw that Su Yifan's wrist was clasped and just wanted to save the scene, she suddenly found that Su Yifan unconsciously took out a gun and aimed at the other party. She asked in surprise, "When did you bring it out?"

Su Yifan smiled at the uncle whose face had become slightly worse and replied, "Before getting on the car."

The bald middle-aged uncle put his fingers slightly hard and found that there was no pain on the teenager's face in front of him. Finally, he knew that he still underestimated the boy with a little bad skills.

Su Yifan's wrist was pinched by his uncle, but the more he felt, the more it showed that the person in front of him had indeed been threatened by himself.

"Rookies are always easy to be ignored, are you right?"

The middle-aged uncle was slightly angry by Su Yifan's provocation and stared at Su Yifan and said, "This is a public place. You dare not."

"Then try it?" Su Yifan has a considerable understanding of firearms with Neil in the past few days. "I have done special silence treatment and casually find something to attract other people's attention. No one will hear it when shooting. You should know better than me, right?"

Nil is not in a hurry to save Su Yifan now. She said with a smile, "Alan, you have to believe me. He is more honest than any of us."

Alan glanced at Neil and asked in English, "Is it more bold?"

"It's hard to say." Neil has always behaved more easily than Alan. "But even if he kills you, I'm afraid he won't have much trouble. He has an advantage over me."

Allen did not look at Nell, but kept staring at Su Yifan's eyes. As an old business spy, Alan was also surprised to see such a firm-eyed teenager as Su Yifan when he was about to retire. He did regret underestimated the teenager.

"If you really don't care, I'm afraid you would have shot long ago."

"That's different." Su Yifan took over the conversation and replied, "We hate trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble."

Alan looked at Su Yifan in surprise and asked Nell, "Is this your new partner? Very weak."

"Don't pretend. Of course you know who he is." Nell said disdainly, "So, do you dare to attack him?"

Alan glanced at the little girl queuing at the counter and whispered, "Since I know, how can I let you leave?"

"You will." Nell said, "Unless you feel that your overflowing fatherly love is worthless now and want to give up your current life."

Alan said, "There will be many people who know that you have come to me. I can't handle the company's investigation. It's better to do it directly now."

"Okay, Sue, shoot. This old guy is not going to talk to us anymore." Nell said indifferently, "Look at him, with a perverted uncle's face, maybe he will do something obscene to that little girl."

Su Yifan was no longer surprised that Nell could skillfully say the phrase "perverted uncle" in Chinese. On the contrary, Alan's face finally changed from slightly angry to anger. If he hadn't been pointed at him with a gun by Su Yifan, he would have hurt people now.

"I'm not a perverted uncle!" Allen almost gritted his teeth and said, "I'm a teacher!"

"Yes, the teacher brought female students to McDonald's late at night to make up lessons." Neil's expression "I don't believe it" said, "How beautiful it is. Is this child's family really reassuring you?"

Alan put his hands on the table, and his bones clenched. Looking at Nell's expression, he was very angry.

"Don't insult me and my students."

Nil's smiling face suddenly turned cold. She looked at Alan and asked, "What do you think your students think when they know what you do? Do you think you are a noble person, give up your job for her, or do you feel that you have been used to leave psychological trauma from now on?


Allen's anger was almost at a critical point, but as Nell asked, his tightly clenched fists slowly loosened, and there was a trace of confusion on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm not from the company to investigate your work progress." Nell's face also softened a little and continued, "Actually, I was hesitating to kill you just now. If I kill you, the little girl will be very sad, right?"

The little female high school student standing at the counter is already shopping, staring at the plate to choose food looks like a little girl who has just entered junior high school. Su Yifan, who had been nervous, found that Allen's expression became very kind when he looked at the little girl. He kindly understood that for the old spy who had nothing, the little girl might be his few spiritual sustenance.

Allen only glanced at the girl who ordered the meal and withdrew his eyes. This time, he finally regained his composure, but in Su Yifan's opinion, he was actually even more terrible.

"Let's talk about it." Allen's calmness restored him to his usual state of mind. "You came to me so hard and refused to do it. Don't you just want to talk about it?"

Nil shook her head: "Before I saw you, I was still thinking about how to kill you. I just changed my mind."

Allen didn't ask why. He could also understand what Nell was thinking, who already had a sustenance in his heart.

Sometimes, lonely travelers on a road can understand each other, but they can't understand each other.

Nelle stared at Alan and said, "I suspect Albert is coming."

Allen immediately shook his head and said, "It's impossible... He can hardly leave Britain, and many countries hate him."

"He is not a talkative person and can't bring benefits. Of course, there is no amnesty." Nell nodded and said, "But there are still many ways for him to come here."

"Fake* disguise?" Alan sneered, "It's too outdated."

"Maybe it's smuggled, or maybe it's a personal business plane that flew directly with someone." Nell said, "Albert is actually worried about reacting this time, so he doesn't have a chance to turn the market, right?"

Allen knew a lot about the situation and nodded in agreement, "Yes, Su Xiaoqing is very important to all governments around the world. In contrast, the company's energy is really nothing... But I'm also surprised why the government here hasn't taken a stand yet?"

"If Sue shoots you, you will know that they have already stated their position." Nell easily threatened Alan again, "He won't go to prison and he won't be fine. At most, it's just a little trouble."

Allen was silent for a moment and admitted that Nell was right: "Okay... you're right."

Nier smiled and just smiled at Su Yifan: "Do you know how important you are?"

Su Yifan was still tense, and his hand holding the gun did not tremble at all.

"In that case, shall I try to shoot?"

This time, Alan didn't know whether the boy was serious or just talking.

Nil gently covered Su Yifan's hand holding the gun, and the gentleness on her face was unprecedented: "Alan, I don't want to ask for your help, but you can do at least one thing."

Allan frowned: "My students are back. Can you take back the gun?"

The girl who bought good things over there has gone back with the plate. Su Yifan hesitated slightly and touched Neil's eyes without withdrawing her weapon.

"If you want to kill in front of your students, I don't mind." Nell shrugged her shoulders at Alan, which was very similar to Su Yifan. "I don't think it's a bad thing if someone is willing to hold your body and cry when you die."

Allen raised his eyebrows, stood up, and took the dinner plate handed to him by the girl.

There are actually six taro pai on the plate. Alan looked at his timid little girl and explained very carefully, "I like sweets. Kelly always buys more for me."

Nelle looked at Alan and shook her head helplessly and said to Spain, "You are really hopeless. You used to pay the most attention to healthy eating among people I know."