My Goddess

Chapter 477 Another picture

Albert's full name is actually Albert. Albert. This is a very ironic name, which is rare among the British. Many years ago, there was a classic novel character similar to his name, but after all, it was a literary work, not in real life like Albert.

The name

is rarely mentioned, because when it comes to Albert, the whole AUU knows that he is a madman. He once directly beat his superiors with his old fist, and once wrote the action report in a mess. Such people are not afraid to do things, because it is more frightening. Everyone doesn't want to have a mad enemy, so the madman can successfully do most of what he wants to do.

This is a normal law of the jungle. Whoever is more crazy will get more benefits.

Albert has made outstanding achievements and has received high praise in the internal evaluation of AUU. If it hadn't been for the extreme racist attitude and various cross-border behaviors, he would have been at the headquarters. However, such a person also likes to be adventurous and has an infinite interest in commanding all-round spies. Part of AUU's work in the Asia-Pacific region is under the command of Albert, and he has also become one of the vicious dogs that this veteran arms group occasionally releases to bite people.

Just as a superpower has to raise a few younger brothers, AUU also needs people like Albert, whose action can always be feared by more people.

Albert also knows his own value.

AUU, like many established companies, has a company name consisting of three words, namely Armour, Ultimate and UK. Such a simple and rough combination has appeared a lot in history, such as the famous consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers. AUU, which has developed since the end of World War II, has a huge network of relationships and rich sales channels, and enjoys the special treatment of almost half a national institution. This detached position has involved the company in many businesses, and heavy industry and manufacturing are among them. Albert's ability to be outstanding in such an old-fashioned company depends on his courage to think and do it, which can really complete what the gentlemen are embarrassed to do.

In the new economic era, the whole AUU of such people is also few.

This is also one of the reasons why AUU executives tolerate Albert's crazy pursuit of Neil. After all, compared with Albert's transcript, this undercover failure and Nell's subsequent defection are only trivial.

When he was about to give up his plan to continue chasing Nell, Albert persuaded the entire AUU senior management with a feasibility report, which was equivalent to giving him another chance for his previous merits. Headquarters coordination is needed for the use of spy satellites and the use of local resources. Albert can try to convince those gentlemen to rely on the assessment report on the importance of Su Xiaoqing.

When the second operation was approved, the previous plan was almost completely overturned. Albert decisively gave up the connection with the headquarters and announced that he would lead the team to act alone.

There are not many people who are still interested in Albert's behavior at this time, but there are still many people in the whole AUU. These people always stared at Albert's actions and tried to understand what he was thinking.

Of course, Albert didn't want others to know what he was thinking. He left people to take care of the special action team and boarded the flight to Hong Kong alone.

There are many routes to enter the territory of the Celestial Empire, and Albert chose the one that is the least difficult to be traced. In AUU, only those at the highest level are qualified to use private jets. Even if he is in first class, Albert still has to follow the standard flight process, so that his whereabouts must be exposed to the gentlemen in suits.

In order to escape this kind of gaze, Albert used an undisclosed fake*.

Certificates and seals are real, only photos and names are fake, and the relevant social security numbers and various information are also fake. After getting off the plane from Hong Kong, Albert immediately changed the lane, took the train north, and went straight to the information transfer station hundreds of kilometers away from the coast.

It was only on the road that Albert arranged for Neo and Anthony to meet.

Anthony is an interesting and uneasy factor, while Neo is not interesting. Albert knows which of the two is more useful and who is more threatening to him. Neo's role is to break the deadlock, and Anthony is a good helper. Although such a combination is full of bad taste, it can at least change the stalemate.

I hope these two can hold Su Xiaoqing's attention. After all, the witch is not omnipotent. They can buy more time for themselves.

Albert doesn't like the train in China. In his impression, this kind of train is still full of annoying chaos, just like the train in India. If it hadn't been for his own concealment, he wouldn't have boarded such a train.

It was not until he got on the train that Albert found that he was wrong.

In addition to the constant chatter of people selling various products, the soft sleeper car I took is clean and quiet, which is completely different from my impression of this country in earlier years.

Today's people in China are different from those in those years. They will not show much surprise when they see foreigners and smile kindly at most. Albert sat alone in the sleeper car, looked at the time on his watch, and found a program from his laptop almost eight hours after he got on the bus.

With an anonymous mobile phone card and a newly purchased laptop, Albert is confident that this communication method will not attract anyone's attention.

Put on the headphones and lock the door of the car, and Albert quickly connected to the communication number he wanted.

Many people think that network communication is the most unsafe way of communication in the world, but this is not the case. In the vast and vast network world, because there are too many similar communication software and users, the only way to accurately locate a person can only rely on some accurate logo features. Such as the computer's IP address, email, unique communication tools, etc. If a person really uses software that the public uses, phone numbers and unruly emails that others don't know are very likely to be captured and located.

Albert has a deeper understanding of this than Anthony. He used Skype, the world's most common voice chat software, to call an irregular number directly.

The other party's response was also very fast. Not long after Albert called, he reached a connection with him.

There is no image, and only a digital ID can be seen. Albert knew that the connection was successful after hearing a slight noise from the other party's microphone and said directly, "I expect to return to the UK within 72 hours. Remember everything you promised me."

A young voice over there said, "The boss must remember his promise. Please rest assured, Mr. Albert."

Albert was not really relieved, but continued in a low voice: "Our children will not sit back and wait for death. She will cause serious harm to the company's resources. I hope you can help me solve it when the board investigates again."

The young voice laughed and said, "Mr. Albert, if your cautious side is known by the people of the company, you may not continue to work hard."

"No, no, no, young man, your boss knows me better than you." Albert seemed to be very patient at this time and didn't care about this ridicule at all. "For me, this kind of life is more interesting than sitting in the office and flirting with a female secretary."

The young voice hummed and said, "My boss also said that if something goes wrong, he will not admit everything."

Albert sneered: "If he will admit everything, the world will be wrong."

The young voice did not continue to follow the topic, and probably no one would be comfortable talking about their boss in the office.

European time with a seven-hour time difference should be midnight, while Albert's train is close to early morning. At this moment, I am still waiting for Albert's contact. It can be seen that both the boss and this young voice attach great importance to this matter.

Albert continued: "I can get very little support here. In addition to the company's resources being fully activated, I also need the cooperation of local capable people."

The young voice probably went to ask his boss for instructions. After a moment, he replied, "Mr. Albert, please rest assured that we will provide you with more support."

"Before that, I will be allowed to activate all the company's nails." Albert continued, "Before I leave, these things can't be arranged in advance."

"This is a reasonable request." The young voice said, "Your actions will be supported to the greatest extent."

Albert was very satisfied with the reply: "Very good, tell your boss that as long as I succeed, AUU will soon have a new page."

The young voice said, "Good luck."

Albert knew that this was the rhythm of the end of the conversation, so he took off his headphones, cut off the network connection, and put away his laptop.

Ten hours later, Albert stood alone at the exit of the railway station, looking in the direction of the parking lot. It only took a few seconds to find a black Buick prepared for himself.

There is no reception, and no one knows that they are coming. Albert took out the car keys from his pocket and drove away from the railway station, leaving the bustling place.

This is Donglin City, which is about 600 kilometers away from Binhai City. The scale of the city is neither large nor small, just along the main railway line north of the Special Administrative Region. The city's tourism resources are sparse, and the urban culture is not very eye-catching. For most people, this is more like a transfer station or a resting place for travel.

Albert is not in the mood to see the street scenes of the city. He is not interested in these urban scenery that are behind his motherland. Following the guidance of the electronic map, Albert found the information transfer station here.

The city has begun to return to a quiet night, and the air is actually very good. Albert successfully found a street-facing alley with few people and stopped at the door of a small shop with the words "print, copy" and so on.

The door is locked, using an old-fashioned iron lock that has not changed in the Celestial Empire for many years. Albert reached out and unscrewed the lock directly, opened the door and walked in.

The copy agency was messy, and there were even many unprinted dirty A4 papers on the ground. The lights were not turned on in the room. Albert stepped on the printing papers through the outer hall. As soon as he walked to the connection of the front and rear rooms, he suddenly felt a sharp wind hitting him.