My Goddess

Chapter 479 No chance

Shocked and unbelievable.

These are the two strongest emotions in Ivan's mood at this moment.

The flash just now made everyone temporarily lose their sight, and Ivan was the only one who successfully avoided this blind flash.

So Ivan was also the first to see the scene in front of him.

The white light dissipated, and the soft light in the room was restored. Everything was as old. Hamza's high-temperature cutting was forced to be interrupted for a moment, and the milky white color began to gradually return to translucent. The glass house stands in front of everyone like a fortress that can never be destroyed, shining and proud.

But these can no longer make Ivan feel anything. He stared at the glass house, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

The shining Su Xiaoqing just now actually disappeared!

Yes, it's gone! Like the magic played by a top magician, as soon as the flash passed, the whole person disappeared in front of his eyes.

This is not a TV magic or a reality show scene. Ivan looked at the empty glass house and couldn't accept everything he saw with his eyes for a moment.

There is no one, and there are no documents and files on the table. Su Xiaoqing disappeared into the closed space like a burst of smoke, leaving no trace.

Everyone saw this scene, and everyone's eyes focused on the chair that Su Xiaoqing once sat on, and the room was as silent as death.

Ivan tried to warn himself to calm down, but the shock in his heart was still difficult to dispel.

Su Xiaoqing is missing? Disappeared in front of yourself?

The disappearance of the target means that all efforts have been in vain. Hamza also looked at the center of the glass room after regaining his eyesight, and the high temperature cutting on his hand did not continue.

The thunder, who was still buried in cracking just now, blinked his little eyes, and the tingling feeling still burned his eyes.

"What happened?"

Ivan shook his head: "I don't know, maybe our beautiful little princess has some magic."

Lei squeezed his mouth and observed the empty glass house, hesitated between choosing to look down at his mobile computer and looking for Su Xiaoqing's trace, and finally approached some observation glass house.

The rest of the team began to look slightly ** because they lost their goals. Ivan raised his hand to stop the mood swings of the team members and make everyone try to keep quiet.

Lei was close to the glass and observed in a circle. Of course, Su Xiaoqing's figure could no longer be seen or any traces. However, Ray, who knows the technology best, still sees many details that others can't pay attention to.

After observing for almost half a minute, the expression on Lei's face began to change, and finally turned into a touch of bitterness.

The optimistic fat man's face wrinkled, looked back at his boss, and said in an almost crying voice, "Head... I seem to know how she escaped."

Iwan took two steps forward, grabbed Lei's collar, and almost picked up the fat man: "Say!"

Ray pointed to the glass house and said in a tone similar to worship, "Head, this room itself is a three-dimensional imaging device, not just bulletproof material... The lights you see are to make the projection more realistic... She, she is actually just a three-dimensional projection!"

Ray's words made Ivan dizzy, and he almost fell into the room.

I worked so hard and cracked layers of defense through anti-location locking. In the end, the target I saw was actually a phantom?

If that's a phantom, it's too real.

Everyone in this team, including the worst, is very confident in distinguishing goals. Just now, almost everyone thought that Su Xiaoqing had no way to escape. In an instant, they found that it was actually a projection. The gap in their hearts made many people unable to face their lives.

This is probably the most real 3D movie these people have seen in their lives, starring themselves.

Ray seemed to remember something. He suddenly woke up, pushed away Ivan's hand and rushed to his mobile device.

Iwan looked at Ray, and now he realized how ridiculous he was in front of Su Xiaoqing. At this time, only Lei, who is a technical house, is probably the most trustworthy.

staring down at the mobile device, Lei almost cried and shouted, "Head, let's withdraw!"

Ivan's heart moved. He knew that there was no point in hesitation and confusion at this time, but he was inevitably distracted by the glass house for a while.

It was not until the thunder shouted that Ivan realized that he should make a decision immediately.

The eight-person team is responsible for the lives of other players.

"Get out of here." Ivan made a decision almost without thinking, "Pack up your things, don't hesitate, hurry up!"

Ivan's order was finally late. When everyone put away their weapons and turned away, Hamza, who had just pried open the door of the room, put his hand on the doorknob again.

Just like when you just entered the room.

In a tenth of a second, the short handsome Hamza seemed to see something frightening, his eyes suddenly bulged, and then his whole body began to twitch.

The firelight instantly lit Hamza's coat as if it came out of his body.

The high-voltage current penetrated Hamza's body in an instant, and it was too late for him to scream. The Middle Easterner, who had been ridiculed by everyone in the team for stealing and unlocking, died, leaving a coke-like body.

The relationship between the whole team is a bit like a less intimate colleague. Hamza's death did not get anyone's heartbreaking call, which still made everyone feel chills.

Even if you have seen too many dead people, such a powerful scene is still shocking enough.

Ray jumped almost at the first time and shouted, "Oh, my God! My guess is correct!"

Iwan almost wanted to beat the fat man, but he still had to ask, "What guess?"

Ray stared at Hamza's burnt corpse and looked a little trance.

"The little girl set these lines of defenses and passwords to make us believe that she is really here. In fact, she has a more advanced algorithm and a more convenient system, and now it is really starting to be enabled!"

Ivan's heart sank, and he knew that the door could not be opened by himself.

What about the balance device? Hasn't your crack been completed?

Ray knew that Ivan planned to blow up the wall and leave, but at this time he was completely unconfidence, especially after seeing a line of green words on the screen.

"Head... She uses quantum encryption, and no one can solve it except herself."


Although Ivan is not a technical expert, he still knows that quantum encryption is one of the strongest encryption methods under research. Because of the uncertainties of quantum physics, encryption can only be completed by specific targets, and the effect is even more personal and complex than fingerprint pupil lock and face recognition.

This damn woman actually uses quantum encryption?

"The initial passwords are all disguised. She must have cooperated with our cracking progress and opened the permissions." Lei cried sadly, and now he understands how far his goals are at the technical level. "So we were in the calculation of the goal from the beginning."

Ivan scolded the extreme swear words he thought of: "This damn bitch!"

The current situation is that Ivan's whole team is trapped here. He looked back at the whole room, looked at the floor-to-ceiling window on the side of the wall, and commanded Ray and Carl, "Try that side."

Although it is 30 floors high, it is still not difficult to go down. Ivan now finally understands why the little girl has always smiled sarcasticly at herself. In fact, she wrote the ending at the beginning, waiting for the wonderful expression when she read it.

Carl had no superfluous words and shot at the glass window.

The glass window is safe and sound.

This time the team got up again, and everyone realized what was going on now.

Ivan waved again to calm the team members down, but unfortunately, when one person had died and was trapped, the mood of these friends was not so easy to be comforted. Discussions and complaints began to appear, and everyone's faces began to have strong uneasiness.

Just as Ivan felt that the scene was almost uncontrollable, a wonderful voice sounded in the room.

"Do you believe me now?"

Ivan can't even tell where the sound came from, which is an unprecedented experience for him who has always been self-appointed with keen response and accurate positioning. Su Xiaoqing's voice was like a magic spell, which was more useful than Ivan's gesture, almost at the same time that it made those comments quiet.

"Don't try to leave here." Su Xiaoqing's voice was slightly cold and still had a trace of sarcasm. "If you are willing to be buried in the sea of fire, you can try to destroy the balance device. The scale of the explosion is small, just enough to make you die without pain."

Someone in the team couldn't help cursing, "Bitch, my brother will definitely retaliate against you!"

Su Xiaoqing didn't seem to hear this clamour at all and continued, "Of course, you can also consider other options, such as killing each other and leaving two people. I can let you leave alive."

This proposal is like a magic spell, which makes many people's eyes change.

Even if Ivan is lazy, he is so angry that he can't wait to kill Su Xiaoqing immediately: "Don't listen to her nonsense. We can definitely leave!"

"Oh, don't you know? This room is prepared for you. Su Xiao smiled and said, "Of course, you can also choose to stay here, wait for the passage of time, and finally starve to death, die of thirst, and become a dry corpse. Just like someone threatened me just now, try to live in a closed space for ten days, 20 days, or more?

"No, you can't do it!" Ivan retorted, "We will make a louder voice to make others pay attention to us. At most, we will be caught by local officials on charges of carrying guns and burglary, resulting in deportation."

Su Xiao smiled lightly: "Do you think that since I let you come, will anyone else listen to you for help?"

Iwan's heart sank when he heard it.


I haven't been feeling well recently, so I don't talk so much

But I still want to ask for tickets...