My Goddess

Chapter 481 Braveheart

When Neo and Cancer arrived in the suburbs of Rongshan City, it was past the early morning.

Cancer still holds a huge cigar, but he doesn't smoke it and only plays with it in his hand.

"Is there no news back from Ivan?"

"Not yet." Neo called Ivan, and the signal is still blocked, which means that Ivan should still be in action, at least not dead.

"You are really a person who is not easy to underestimate your opponent." Cancer doesn't know whether to praise or satirize Neo. "Anthony's technology may be nothing to Su Xiaoqing, but Ivan's direct blow will definitely be effective."

Neo began to slow down the car: "I hope to see Su Xiaoqing's counterattack. Her strength has always been in business and technology. If she doesn't have the ability to directly fight against the blow, I can only say that the senior management of the company overestimated her."

"So if Ivan succeeds, it's a good thing for you, and it's nothing if he fails." Cancer knows very well about Neo's self-centered thinking, "Albert should hope you succeed, right? His crazy behavior has succeeded again, and I'm afraid that the direct action in AUU will change its style in the future.

Nio said, "That's why I want to kill Albert. He did this, and our lives will be a mess in the future."

"I support you from this point." Cancer put the cigar under his nose and sniffed deeply, "Kill Albert, I'm afraid someone is happy and someone is upset. But can you tell me your real reason?

Neo parked his car on the side of the road, which is still quite far from the target Donglin City. Although it is not empty, it is quite quiet. On both sides of the roadside are small restaurants for long-distance freight. There are several dilapidated hotels around, leaving only a small number of neon lights, which look ghostly at night.

"What are you doubting?" Neo looked at his old friend, "Of course, there are many reasons why I killed Albert, such as someone wants him to die."

"No, these are not the main reasons." Cancer didn't look at Neo, and his tone was full of sighs, "We're all old, so don't play the tricks of young people anymore."

Neo looked at Cancer. Although the other party seemed very loose, this person must be one of the people who knows himself best.

In the face of Cancer, Neo has to be honest.

"Okay..." Neo sighed and replied seriously, "I think Albert's death is not only the senior management of the company, but also the Americans."

"American?" Cancer didn't expect this, "Why?"

"create chaos for AUU and make AUU completely hostile, at least temporarily hostile." Neo said, "In fact, I'm now a member of the FBI. Do you understand?"

Although Cancer was surprised, it did not show much shock. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "You have been wanted by the United States for so many years. You either die or cooperate, don't you?"

"Almost." Neo didn't feel ashamed of this kind of double-sided spying and laughed at himself, "There are always many ways for Americans, and there are many departments not directly under the government. Whether it's a way to deal with me or leave me a position, it's easy for them."

Hearing Neo's words, Cancer was relieved. Just like he is used to living in this country, the best way for Neo to live a truly comfortable life in the United States is actually to go to the official.

This is a good method that has been used throughout the ages.

It's done for everyone. Sometimes not only women think so, but also men think so.

"U.S. officials will not admit your existence?" Cancer is actually a little pitiful Neo. What he did now has basically become cannon fodder and cold bench man. "If you want to live well, you still have to find a country that doesn't care about."

"The U.S. government has frozen most of my funds, and the money stored in the Bank of Zurich is not enough." Neo took a look at the small hotel next to him and said, "Let's take a break and go on the road in three hours."

Cancer laughed and scolded, "Get out of here, I don't have a room with men!"

Nio also smiled and said, "I will definitely open two rooms for you. This kind of small hotel usually has good women. Do you want to try it?"

"Retain your strength and let's talk about it after killing Albert." Cancer was unmoved for no more than three seconds. "Well, if it's really good enough, I'll try."

Two old men looked at each other and smiled, parked their cars and walked into the hotel.

Cancer did not ask Neo why he suddenly stopped on the way. He knew that it was because Neo wanted to wait for Ivan's result.

The cashier on duty in the small hotel is a not-so-beautiful girl, curled up behind the cashier with a thin blanket and squinting at the computer. Seeing two foreigners walking in, he was not very excited. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened the room for the two.

Because two old men came to open the room, it was somewhat strange. The cashier girl could not tell whether the fake * of the two was effective. She casually opened the hourly room for the two in a pile of ID cards and then lay back to continue watching online TV series. Neo and Cancer knew that the less they talked on such an occasion, the better. They went upstairs with the key.

Ivan is still unable to connect, which is very worrying. But Neo only took Ivan dead and took a few cans of beer from the car to drink with Cancer.

It's just that a small amount of beer is nothing for both of them. The facilities in the dilapidated hotel are not well-equipped, reminiscent of the 1990s full of nostalgic taste. Countless ** stories take place in countless motels, which is a common memory of old men.

Neo took only six cans of beer in a measured manner. When the two were about to drink up, his phone finally rang.

The call number is the disposable mobile phone that Ivan is using. Neo took a look at Cancer and answered the phone.

"The process of things is a little troublesome." Ivan said bluntly, "Hamza is dead. We have completed the task."

Neo was stunned for a moment. He did think about the possibility of Yi Wannwan neng successfully completing the task, but in his estimation, this possibility was almost below zero. According to Neo's plan, Ivan's 60 million dollars, which was applied from Albert, should not continue to be paid except for half of the advance, and will flow into his own pockets. I didn't expect Ivan to succeed. Is he going to turn back to Binhai now?

All the ideas flashed through his mind in an instant, and Neo quickly made a judgment.

"Take the target and go to Donglin City to meet me." Neo said, "Since there is a mission loss, I will consider giving you more compensation."

At this point, Neo feels that since Ivan has got the biggest card, he might as well take the opportunity to kill Albert now. On the one hand, he can ask for credit from the Americans, and on the other hand, he can use Su Xiaoqing to blackmail the British.

The so-called left and right source is to do this.

Cancer saw Neo's mind. He drank up the last can of beer and didn't say anything, just looked at Neo.

Ivan restored his usual lazy style on the phone and said lazily, "The delivery business has to be paid separately. Anyway, if a person dies, it is not a bad thing for our denominator to become smaller."

"Money is not a problem." Neo said, "You have to ensure that the goods are intact, and you can't lose a hair."

"I know the rules." Ivan said casually on the phone, "I also know the importance of goods to you. Now I want to double, 120 million dollars.

Nio was relieved when he heard the lion's big offer. This was the shameless quality that a mercenary captain should have. Otherwise, Neo would have thought Ivan had failed to complete the task and just wanted to quickly cheat the rest of the money.

Nio also heard that Ivan wanted to go back to his hometown to get married, which is one of the reasons why he chose Ivan's team. This kind of person who hopes to say goodbye to his career as a mercenary will not have more strange thoughts. If it were another powerful mercenary regiment, he may now be in contact with major consortia to see if he can sell Su Xiaoqing at a good price.

"I can't make the decision about the money." Neo's statement is not perfunctory, but with a little sincerity, "I can help you apply for 100 million US dollars, and more can only see whether the investor is willing or not."

Ivan whistled happily: "No problem, I think you will agree when you see the goods. She is really a beautiful little princess."

After the two sides agreed on the meeting code and the approximate time, Neo put down the phone and turned his head to look at the complex Cancer beside him.

"It's going so well." Cancer said.

"I think so too." Neo agreed, "But Ivan raised the price to 120 million dollars. I think he should have done it."

Cancer looked at his old friend and smiled: "Do you think you are losing?"

"Of course, damn it!" Neo scolded hatefully, "We should do it ourselves!"

"It's just a sum of money. You have more money to take." Cancer comforted Neo and asked, "Are you going to kill Albert?"

Neo's face reappeared with his usual smile: "Of course, have you ever seen me stop halfway?"

"So you'd better go back to the American territory in the end?" Cancer put down the empty beer can a little sadly, "Hawaii? Or Miami? We probably won't have a chance to drink together in the future.

Nio drank all his remaining beer: "No one can say in the future. Let's live well now."

"Are you going to kill Albert to prove yourself?" Cancer stared at Neo and asked, "We are getting less and less courageous to live. Do you want to prove it?"

Neo did not deny or admit it. He put away those beer cans with plastic bags and turned around and pressed the TV switch: "Maybe, our hearts are no longer brave."

Cancer laughed: "Have you never been brave?"

"I have." Neo said, "When we still believe that we can change the world."

The two old men drank all the beer, threw away the garbage, and walked out of the dilapidated hotel. There are endless** and challenges ahead of them, and they are still firmly moving forward, trying to find those brave hearts that belonged to their youth. But I don't know that when people's hearts have fallen into the whirlpool of interests, that heart has also become sinking and no longer glowing.