My Goddess

Chapter 486 I really want to kill him

There is a small door leading to the top floor on the roof. After the two climbed to the roof, Albert had put away the PSG1 and pointed the small mini pistol at them with one hand.

It seems that in order not to give Nell more opportunities to resist, Albert still maintained a distance from the two, pointing directly at Su Yifan.

Nelle looked into Albert's eyes and said, "You dare not kill him."

A long time ago, when Nell was training, what she feared most was to look straight into Albert's eyes. This cruel old man once made many young children in training suffer, and some people died. Nell doesn't want to remember those terrible childhood memories, but Albert's existence has always reminded her that those terrible years have always been there.

Albert's smile was also very cold. When he laughed, it seemed that the temperature in summer had dropped by several degrees.

Why don't you dare? His sister, the beautiful Miss Su Xiaoqing, has been caught by us.

Nelle was shocked when he said this.


This is Neil's first reaction, and it is also Su Yifan's.

"What are you talking about? Did you catch Sister Qing? Su Yifan almost jumped up and rushed to Albert, "Impossible!"

After facing the two people at close range, Albert still did not mean to fight with them, but shot Su Yifan at his feet.

"Calm down, kid, calm down."

Albert's shooting is accurate, shooting a bullet mark, only a few centimeters away from Su Yifan's foot.

This shot did not scare Su Yifan, but he still calmed down quickly.

Anger can't solve the problem. This is Su Yifan's own life experience.

Staring at Albert, Su Yifan's eyes turned cold: "Although I don't know if what you said is true... But if you dare to hurt Sister Qing, I will never let you go in my life."

"Son, there are so many people who have said such things that I can't remember." Albert pointed his gun at Su Yifan indifferently and said, "Come in. I don't want to cause too much trouble."

Albert's so-called trouble is naturally a hidden danger after shooting on the street. Despite the indifference of society and the world's wind, if someone really finds that the sound just now is not a tire explosion or the sound of firecrackers, he, an illegal foreigner, will still be in trouble. Albert is fully sure that he can escape under the siege of the police, but after all, it is not his style to be so embarrassed.

Entering the interior of the tube building from the maintenance door on the roof, Su Yifan found that there was no sound on the top floor. Albert must have been fully prepared and reserved a venue for himself a long time ago.

Nelle didn't take much time to adapt to this situation. She shook her long hair casually, carrying her backpack and entered the room designated by Albert behind Su Yifan.

Very old-fashioned decoration, with the old-fashioned atmosphere that Albert misses. Almost 20 years ago, Albert was familiar with everything in this country. If times change, Albert will find that he can no longer adapt to some of the current social details.

But many things are still unchanged in nature. Albert still solved most of the problems with money. He felt that people here pursue money more than in those years. This change made him feel a little disappointed. It turns out that the law of change in the world is always like this, and there has been no breakthrough.

Human nature is always difficult to figure out and the easiest to grasp.

Albert's muzzle pointed to the two people and kept watching Nell slowly close the door and isolate it from the outside world. Then he lowered the muzzle.

At the moment when Albert lowered the muzzle of the gun, Nell, who had just hooked the door with her foot, suddenly stiffed, and her toes pointed to the wall. Her body rebounded briefly in the air and rushed to Albert!

Nile's action had no warning. Her hand carrying the backpack was released in an instant and stabbed out with a punch. Her whole body was like a perfect arc in the air, and she had been in front of Albert from the beginning of writing.

Just as he had expected that Nell would do such a move, Su Yifan also loosened his backpack and rushed to Albert, aiming straight at his gun-armed arm.

The two people's movements and cooperation are neat, which is the result of the special training of each other in the past few days.

You don't even need to look or hint, and you can work together just by feeling.

Facing the joint attack of the two, Albert did not move, swept his leg and directly kicked Su Yifan's chest.

Su Yifan snorted, and his whole body was kicked out a few meters and fell heavily in the corner.

At the same time, Nell's punch has fallen on Albert's face.

With a crack, his fist hit Albert's cheek.

Albert's head tilted, his whole body shook, slapped Nell in the face with his backhand, and pulled Nell to the ground.

The moment Nell landed, her hands were on the ground, her body ejected from the ground, and she kicked on Albert's legs again.

This time, Albert was indifferent. He avoided Neil's side pedal, raised his feet and stamped on Neil.

Nelle didn't dare to confront Albert head-on. She got up and moved to the right to avoid this blow.

Su Yifan felt that his chest was hit by a meteorite. Although the pain was not so strong, his whole body seemed to lose strength and stood up slowly.

As soon as he stood up, Su Yifan rushed to Albert again.

Su Yifan knew that his strength and skills were not enough to pose a threat to this terrible man. He felt that as long as he could create opportunities for Neil.

Sometimes, it is more important to trust your peers than to believe in yourself.

Albert's eyes did not change, neither surprised nor impatient. He solemnly stepped back, punched out, and then hit Su Yifan in the chest.


Su Yifan felt that he had been killed by the meteorite again. He felt that there was almost hallucinations in front of him. Countless stars flew with this punch, and his eyes blurred with the severe pain in his chest.

Albert took a step forward, and the hand without a gun went down and grabbed Su Yifan.

Su Yifan, who was knocked to the ground, shook his body and wanted to avoid Albert's hand, but he didn't have the strength to turn over.

Nyle, who adjusted her posture, has bent down and hit again. Her figure only left a white shadow in the air. Her speed has exceeded the limit of ordinary fight with people and hit Albert.

Nil's speed finally made Albert whisper, but he still hit Neil with one hand.

Nelle's body twisted at an incredible angle the moment she approached Albert, avoiding Albert's palm, and her body hit Albert directly.

Compared with the tall and strong Albert, Nell's body looks so thin that it seems that the collision is insignificant.

The collision made a muffled sound, and Nell's speed and strength seemed to have been absorbed by Albert's body. The whole person stopped in place. On the contrary, Albert, who was hit, retreated several steps with a huge shock. Naturally, Su Yifan was not caught, but grabbed a vase in the room.

Albert, who stepped back a few steps, looked at Nell, tilted his head and smiled ferociously. The hand holding the gun still did not raise.

Nil, who slowly raised her head, took a breath and stared at Albert's hand holding the gun.

"My little angel, do you think this is a physical test?"

While his voice sounded a little cruel, Albert suddenly rushed to Nell with an arrow, still slapping Neil directly with one hand and one hand backhand, directly hitting Neil's cheek!

The speed was so fast that Nell thought that the gap between herself and Albert should not be as big as she thought. At this moment, she still couldn't see Albert's movements clearly.

With one hit, Nell didn't even have time to resist. She was hit in the cheek by Albert. At the moment his head was tilted, Albert still clenched his left hand into a fist and punched Neil's lower abdomen.

Albert was fully sure that this punch would make Nell be blown away by himself, but he felt a little inappropriate at the moment of the punch.

What is flying towards you from behind?!

The body could have made Albert subconsciously hide sideways, and the punch to Nicole immediately lost his head.

A glass vase flew over against Albert's cheek and broke into countless glass fragments on the ground.

The person who throws the vase may only be Su Yifan.

Albert did not look back. He had seen Nell with swollen cheeks rolling to pick up glass fragments.

Fragments mean weapons.

Of course, Albert of Nell's tenacity knows that he realizes that this Nell is really different from that when she was first sent to Su Yifan.

After hesitating for less than a second, Nell had picked up the glass fragments and rushed towards Albert.

Albert no longer hesitated this time, and he shot Su Yifan behind him with his backhand.


The gun was fired and Su Yifan was hit.

The bullet passed through Su Yifan's shoulder and aroused a blood flower that could not be caught by the naked eye.

When this shot was fired, Albert himself was surprised by his softness.

Since he is about to catch Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan's life and death should be less important.

Why did you leave Su Yifan's life? Is it because there is still a faint uneasiness in your heart?

Albert hesitated for a moment and still did not shoot a second shot, but stared at Nell, who was holding broken glass and bleeding in his palms.

The gunshot and Su Yifan were shot in a moment. Seeing this scene, Nell let out a roar like a wounded beast.

"No, you bastard!"

Watching Nell rush towards him, Albert stood still, and his muzzle was still pointed at Su Yifan.

"Son, you already have a weakness in your heart. Do you want to continue?"

Albert just said a few words, which suddenly made Nell's footsteps stop suddenly.

The best way to threaten others in this world is not death, but the safety of close relatives.

Albert was well ardent about this and disintegrated Nell's fighting spirit with one shot.

The flaw left to Neil just now, Albert naturally wanted to see Nell's counterattack. This kind of thing was expected, and he also felt that he could deal with this scene.

Nil and Su Yifan's combat effectiveness is weak in Albert's eyes. The only thing he worries about is that the scene is uncontrollable in the end. If he runs one of the two perfect gains, he will definitely regret it.

In the face of Nell's tenacious resistance, Albert chose the simplest and roughest way, and he shot Su Yifan.

After this shot, Albert found that Nell was angry and even crazy.

Then Su Yifan is Neil's biggest weakness, just like Su Yifan is also Su Xiaoqing's biggest weakness.

There is such a person in the world. Albert really wants to shoot him again.