My Goddess

Chapter 489 The Desire

Because of the numerical advantage, six people got off the bus on Ivan's side, leaving one person to guard the girl in the car.

Through the almost impervious car membrane, Neo can still see the figure sitting in the back seat of the car at a glance.

At this moment, even though he experienced strong winds and waves, he couldn't help but be excited.

This is an action that Albert has never completed, turning decay into magic in his own hands.

Ivan prepared the people around him to be alert. He took a few steps forward alone and walked about 50 meters from Neo.

Cancer stood still, as if it was none of his business. His eyes wandered from the opposite crowd, and finally he was still fixed in the human car.

People on both sides didn't say anything, and the atmosphere was a little serious.

"The video can be faked. I'll let you watch it alive." Ivan said to Neo more than 50 meters away, "Let's talk about money first?"

Nio likes this kind of face, and Ivan's business is what he expected.

"How can I believe that you are not bought by Su Xiaoqing when you are so dishonest?"

Iwan laughed and said, "She offered me a higher price, but I dare not accept it. I think it's easy for that witch to delete my account."

Ivan's answer also made Neo very satisfied.

Almost everyone's fear of Su Xiaoqing is concentrated in one field, that is, technology.

Insecure people like Ivan prefer to cooperate with established customers, and Neo's old-fashioned style is definitely easier for him to accept than Su Xiaoqing.

"We can give you more." Neo smiled and said, "It's actually easy to satisfy everyone."

Compared with Neo's calmness and smile, Ivan looked a little restless, and he still cared about the old man leaning against the car door. Cancer with a cigar makes people feel like a local uncle. The more such a person is, the more he should not appear on such an occasion, which means that he is more dangerous he is.

"Money is a good thing." Neo still had an artist-like smile on his face and said lightly, "But you know, people like me, who have many gentlemen behind him, always need layers of approval, and it's not so easy to make decisions."

Ivan said rudely, "I have died here. Hamza has a wife, which is a big expense. There are many mistakes in the information you gave me, which is your responsibility.

Nio shrugged his shoulders: "I can only express my regret. I believe that your team members are ready before departure."

Even others have to admit that Neo is right.

Mercenary work is well paid, comparable to drug trafficking and real estate, and the corresponding cost is also very high. Many hard-line missions are more dangerous than killer assassinations, and taking over the task means signing a death contract.

"Hamza is dead, but you still completed the task." Neo spread out his hands and said, "You are still great."

Ivan smiled carelessly: "I'm not here to hear the praise. Can you be more efficient?"

Nio waved his hand: "Can I inspect the goods?"

"Of course." Ivan took a look at Cancer, who had been silent, "Come by yourself, or will he go?"

Of course, Neo only believed in himself, and he walked towards the car with someone in the back seat.

Ivan raised his right hand and made a gesture. The team members who were waiting quickly dispersed, forming a larger encirclement, with Neo as the center, and everyone showed vigilance.

Left in the car was Carl, who thought he was infinitely powerful. His eyes were like a cow, and he was fearless of the approaching Neo, and his hands were pinched into two exaggerated fists.

Neodang Carl does not exist, and his attention is focused on the girl sitting in the car with a side face.

Car stared at Neo and pressed half of the window.

The girl wears sunglasses, but regardless of her face shape or figure, including the length of her long hair, she is the Su Xiaoqing she knows.

"Take off your sunglasses."

With no use for Carl to do it, the girl sitting against the window took off her sunglasses by herself.

The almost perfect face, which was particularly impressive in his eyes, and Neo whistled.

"Beautiful Miss Su, it's an honor to meet you for the first time."

Su Xiaoqing's expression was extremely indifferent. She looked at Neo and looked away, with hatred and hatred in her eyes.

Neo enjoys this kind of gaze, at least it's much better to get this kind of gaze than to be despised and ignored. Su Xiaoqing has now fallen into his own hands - oh, no, it's Ivan's hands, so the next problem is much easier to solve.

took another look at Su Xiaoqing, and Neo took two steps back and turned to Ivan.

"Your team ranking can move forward at least ten ranks from today." Neo sincerely praised, "The completion is beautiful."

Ivan finally behaved a little more relaxed at this moment, and a lazy smile appeared on his face.

"Although it is not very compliant, the price increase is not unprecedented. You know it."

Nio nodded. In fact, he has been estimating the combat effectiveness of Ivan's team: "Of course, you can even make inquiries from others. I believe that those rich people in the Middle East will give you a better price."

"I just like your honesty." Ivan smiled brightly. If Su Xiaoqing hadn't told him what he really thought, he would have believed that Neo really wanted to pay for the goods and establish a little friendship with his team by the way. "Since you said so, I'll ask."

Nio behaved very indifferently, and actually scolded a disgusting kid in his heart.


Ivan laughed nervously.

"Actually, I'm a person who is afraid of trouble, so forget it."

Nio really wants to scold the disgusting kid again, but he feels that it's always good to have less trouble.

With a snap of his finger, Cancer standing against the door finally made a move. He took out a huge metal box from the trunk of the car, which was neat Benjamin Franklin, brand-new and full of green**.

Compared with Ivan's request for an increase in price, the money in this box is only a small part of it, but it is still shocking.

This is also the reason why many people like cash.

Simple, direct, direct to people's hearts.

neat* means more material enjoyment, which is precisely the reason why many people are willing to continue to hang out in the mercenary industry.

Neo showed the money with his eyes, and he could feel that the breathing of several people opposite him had become less symmetrical.

This is the purpose of Neo.

Ivan licked his lips - his action showed his greed vividly.

"Well, friend, let's talk about this witch's plan." Ivan took a few steps closer to Neo and said, "She proposed a more powerful plan to me. Do you want to hear it?"

Nio shook his head: "My distrust of her is just like your attitude towards her."

Iwan waved his hand exaggeratedly: "No, no, no, my friend, this is a little different. The witch told me that if I was willing to cooperate, I could get at least one billion worth of orders.

Neo laughed: "One billion dollars? Are you an innocent child?

"I can't believe other people's words, but this witch does have this strength, right?" Ivan stared at Neo and asked, "I have a little suggestion. Do you want to hear it?"

"I don't want to hear it." Neo's attitude began to turn cold.

"No, you must want to hear it." Ivan said, "You have enough connections and experience, and I can find more people. We might as well use her and do something by ourselves.

Neo looked at Ivan like an idiot: "Do you think this is a house? You should already know who my boss is. Do you think you can compare with the career of those gentlemen?

Iwan was silent for a moment and said, "All careers are from nothing."

"I appreciate your courage, but it's not wise." Neo said, "The pyramid of this world has been formed. It doesn't matter if others take you up. If you climb up, you will be attacked by countless attacks."

Ivan knew that Neo was right. Old arms dealers like AUU would even participate in the summit elections of some countries, which is quite the feeling of secretly manipulating the world in folk urban legends. The various forces accumulated over decades can never be fought against by weak individuals. If a small mercenary regiment wants to become a giant like AUU, it is not only a matter of its own development speed, but also has to face the suppression from inherent forces.

"Don't try to convince me." Neo stared at Ivan and said, "For me, the simplest rule in the world is to exchange my strength for corresponding rewards and find trustworthy partners. I can forget what you said today after this transaction.

Evan shook his shoulder helplessly and took a step back: "Well, I've been convinced by you... In this case, I'll wait here for the final payment."

Neo pedaled on the metal box full of * and said lightly, "Well, since I have listened to your opinion, I have a new suggestion now. Would you like to listen to it?"

Iwan nodded with no interest: "Speak."

"You should already know where the work I entrusted you came from." Neo captured Ivan's changes in his eyes and whispered, "Now the trouble is that I have to give the goods you got to another person, and that person will take away most of my credit."

Ivan raised his eyebrows and his eyes were still low.

"We will not do it again until the end of the first final payment."

Nio nodded: "What else is there besides this problem?"

"No more." Ivan said, "You give us money and we work, that's all."

"All right." Neo raised the phone in his hand and dialed a number. "The remaining 80 million dollars of the 120 million dollars you requested will be in your account in ten minutes."

Ivan looked at Neo in surprise. Of course, he already knew the value of Su Xiaoqing, but he didn't expect it to be so important that someone was willing to advance the commission after the price increase. It seems that Neo is going to pay this money out of his own pocket.

Nio used the exclusive VIP channel of the telephone bank and spent a few minutes to complete the transfer business.

These minutes are a big shock to the people around Ivan. These people have had to bring Su Xiaoqing's promise. All the money received in this operation is their own - as long as they have the life to spend it.

For this huge sum of money, everyone also hopes to work hard to survive.

This is Su Xiaoqing's method. The desire for life is far more powerful than the threat of death.