My Goddess

Chapter 498 is not a predetermined ending

The helicopter is the old-fashioned obsolete model. It looks like a few years old, the paint on it is still light green, the propeller makes a huge buzzing noise, and the strong wind brought by the rotation blows the hair of everyone present.

Su Yifan has never seen such an old helicopter at such a close distance, and he was blown so much that he could hardly open his eyes. In contrast, the pain of being strangled by Albert's neck is not so obvious. At least he has not been blown away.

Albert's hair trembled in the wind, and the old man who was still bleeding on the back of his hand watched the helicopter land on the roof, and the pilot gestured to him.

Seeing the driver's gesture, Albert knew that the driver had completely killed the sniper that Neo had prepared and nodded to the driver.

"You go first."

Albert is actually the most worried about Neil, but he has to take Nell away, and this is the only choice.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Nell is not as weak as Albert, but Su Yifan is obviously weaker. Albert still hopes that he can fully control the situation.

Nil looked at Albert stubbornly and could only do it.

Su Yifan's life is more important than anything else - at least at this moment, Nell thinks so.

Even freedom can't be compared.

Su Yifan felt very uncomfortable when he saw Nell, who was wronged for himself. He struggled hard. Albert's arm was as strong as a robotic arm and was not shaken at all.

Watching Nell get on the plane, Albert dragged Su Yifan onto the helicopter.

Su Yifan has heard various legends of local tycoons around the coast before, and many people are willing to make this kind of thing after making money. There are often helicopters flying around the coast, so that coastal people are not curious about this kind of transportation.

Now that he experienced the legend himself, Su Yifan knew that the helicopter looked much bigger than the appearance. After going up, there was actually a little space. Nell sat on the edge, was pushed by Albert and sat in the middle, and the old bastard sat next to him.

The intention of this sequence arrangement is obvious. Albert would rather Neil escape than Su Yifan run away.

This is the only and last way to control Su Xiaoqing.

is also a single-plank bridge that Albert can regain AUU support.

The helicopter did not stay on the roof for too long, and almost began to prepare for take off after Su Yifan got on the plane.

Albert stared at the door on the top floor, still nervous and solemn, as if he was worried about something.

Albert was relieved until the helicopter took off and the door was not opened.

Nil's eyes still rested on Su Yifan. The little girl's arm was hurt, but she didn't care at all. She just looked at Su Yifan, as if she wanted to imprint his face in her mind.

"You succeeded, congratulations." Although Nell looked at Su Yifan, she still said to Albert in the loud helicopter noise, "You have completed a task that no one has failed to complete."

Albert finally dared to show a proud look and said slightly reservedly, "I'm just lucky."

"Your strength is more important than luck." Nell sighed, "You know too well about us."

"No, kid, I don't know Su Xiaoqing." Although Albert was proud, he was still calm, "I thought Su Xiaoqing would solve all her troubles today."

"Her troubles will never stop." Nell shook her head and said, "People like you will keep bothering her."

Albert shook his head: "Without Su Yifan's weakness, I don't want to trouble her."

"Because you are afraid of being retaliated by her?"

"Yes, I'm very afraid." Albert said, "But it's definitely not now, not today."

Nil pouted and stopped talking to Albert, but continued to look at Su Yifan worriedly.

Albert said, "Don't worry, your value is not lower than your little boyfriend. I'll tell you everything when you need it."

When Nell and Albert were talking, the helicopter had begun to drive south. As the height slowly rose, Nell knew that her chances of escaping with Su Yifan were getting smaller and smaller.

Albert finally felt relieved. The pressure detonator he had been holding was no longer raised high, but looked down at the electronic map research route.

The distance of this voyage will not be too long. Albert designed many routes to escape, but the core problem is that Su Yifan still needs to be with him, otherwise he doesn't know whether he can cope with Su Xiaoqing's pursuit.

AUU must be pretending to be stupid about Albert's behavior at present. This is how real big shots play. Albert's solitary struggle will not be responsible for it unless there is a satisfactory result.

AUU's losses in the matter of Nell and Su Yifan have been quite tragic. Now it seems that the gains are quite rich, and the benefits brought by Su Xiaoqing's cooperation with AUU in the future must be very high.

Albert tried very hard to practice various routes in his mind that took Su Yifan out of the country, and finally decided to leave by smuggling ship on the sea. Although this method seems risky, it can be completed before the rapid response of Su Xiaoqing and the local government begins. It is the most direct and fastest of all routes.

After making up his mind, Albert put away the electronic map and was about to ask the driver if he should speed up. Su Yifan, who was sitting next to him, suddenly moved.

Since he was strangled and held on the helicopter, Su Yifan has been acting very honestly in addition to interrupting in a few words. Albert knew that the child was not a real honest master, but he still firmly believed that Su Yifan should not resist him.

The previous resistance has made Su Yifan suffer, not to mention that he still has a gunshot wound.

So Albert didn't care at all.

Su Yifan twisted his body, as if he was uncomfortable in a sedentary posture, and his expression was slightly painful.

Albert took a look at Su Yifan and ignored him, continued to press and press the power button of the electronic map to turn it off, while trying to treat the wound on his other hand.

In this second, Su Yifan suddenly bent down and bowed his body in the direction of Albert. His hands, which had been holding the bomb, suddenly opened and picked up the detonator on the seat.

Su Yifan's movements are fast and accurate, just like calculating countless times and preparing for many years. Albert reacted quickly and still reached out to grab the detonator and fell empty.

The action of picking up the detonator is not over yet, and Nell, who is Su Yifan, has punched him and took Albert's eyes straight.

Albert got up and subconsciously blocked Nell with his injured hand, trying to put the boy down again for Su Yifan. Unexpectedly, Su Yifan rolled on the ground and bent down to hide beside Nell.

The bomb that had been hanging Su Yifan's life was thrown on the ground, and Su Yifan had hugged Neil's waist with his backhand.

Nelle didn't hit a punch, but smiled charmingly at Albert.

Albert was shocked and wanted to reach out to catch the two, but it was too late.

Nelle was held by Su Yifan and jumped off the plane.

In hundreds of meters high, there is no hesitation.

The wind blew on his face, and Albert was more sober than at any time in his life. He looked at the bomb under his feet and was about to kick it down when the plane suddenly trembled.

Albert's feet were crooked, and his body almost stood unsteadily on the plane.

"Head, all the electronic instruments are out of work!"

The driver's panic cry sounded. Albert looked up at the driver and did not answer his shouts. Instead, he jumped without hesitation and jumped out of the cabin.

There is nothing to hesitate about this kind of thing, and it takes less than a second to make a decision. Albert fell faster than Nell and Su Yifan. He saw that Nell had come back to hug Su Yifan and floated dozens of meters away from him.

A small parachute floated in the air, which was something that had been secretly hidden since Nell got on the helicopter. Nell talked to Albert before to keep him from paying attention to this.

Behind Albert, the completely failed helicopter began to fall crookedly.

Seeing Su Yifan and Nell, Albert wanted to reach out and grab the two people, but the distance of dozens of meters in the air made anyone helpless.

Nil and Su Yifan hugged each other and continued to fall slowly, but Albert could only fall from the air by himself.

Just now, the electronic map showed that below is the artificial lake of the botanical garden in Donglin City. Albert was not panicked at all. He knew that he would not fall to death.

But Su Yifan actually escaped, which made it difficult for Albert to accept.

This feeling is actually more terrible than death. Albert has thought of what happened after Su Xiaoqing lost his threat.

The helicopter in the air continued to fall at high speed and made a loud noise during the fall.

At the moment of the explosion, Albert fell on the lake and covered his head with his hands. The airflow of the explosion was so strong that even Albert himself could not look directly at it.

The bomb that was once held in the palm of Su Yifan was indeed detonated.

The old-fashioned * is still full of power, and the firelight of the explosion is like a small nuclear explosion, turning into a strange-shaped cloud in the air.

The air wave affected the wind in the air. Albert could only cover his face and watch Nell and Su Yifan get farther and farther away from him.

The helicopter turned into a mass of fire and countless splash debris, but it did not hurt Albert.

This is probably the most valuable explosion in Donglin City in recent years.

The tall Albert floated from the artificial lake, and countless fragments fell with flames in the air.

Albert was nothing and swam quickly towards the lake.

Even Albert himself doesn't know how Su Yifan broke free from the bondage.

Su Yifan and Nell are still floating in the air. Albert knows that he still has a chance, but if he doesn't fight for it quickly, there must be not much opportunity.

This ending is not booked by Albert, and he still wants to try his best to modify it.