My Goddess

Chapter 500 Too many cards

The twelve constellations of AUU are distributed on all continents around the world, with their own tasks and intentions.

Just as the agents of the Military Intelligence Service have their own numbers and can be inherited, these constellation titles can generally be inherited.

Gemini has been killed in a secret operation last year. The new Gemini is a young man who has only appeared at the headquarters once, and Albert is not familiar with it.

The twelve constellations have their own independent powers, and Albert would have been considered not to violate the river. If everyone's relationship sounds good, it's called benign competition, and if it doesn't sound good, it's just that they don't deal with each other.

Albert didn't remember who he was until he saw the young man's original face, and at the same time, he instantly understood why Su Xiaoqing's attitude was so motionless.

When he worked hard to find Su Xiaoqing's weakness, Su Xiaoqing had already walked into the building in another way to deal with the high-level gentlemen of AUU.

Gemini appears here, which means that these actions have been formulated before they set out. In contrast, all his actions look like a ridiculous clown, which can only be exchanged for sparse applause.

This feeling is very bad, just like a confident teenager in the urban-rural junction finally went out and found that the top students in colleges and universities were walking all over the ground, and there were as many doctors as dogs. That kind of psychological gap is still unacceptable for people like Albert.

The reason why Albert believes that he has always been supported by what he has done is that some gentlemen in AUU are supporting him. Although this kind of support has begun to return to hidden, it still exists. For example, this helicopter was actually done by the gentleman, and even owed a favor to a large family here.

The whole thing looks simple, but in fact, Albert has a lot of plans. He really can't accept the cruel reality that he is still in Su Xiaoqing.

Most importantly, Albert couldn't figure out how Su Xiaoqing dealt with the gentlemen of AUU. The patent sharing of graphene materials is almost impossible. Su Xiaoqing is very taboo about this. How many benefits does she use to make those people who are forgetful of profit change their original intentions?

Albert stared at Gemini. It is said that this new young man has similar hobbies as himself and likes to torture enemies. Those rubber bullets just now are the best evidence. Albert can almost imagine that the boy must have brought a large number of rubber bullets and intends to stop until he lose any resistance.

It's a kind of "you and I are not good people, we know each other" and Albert believes that Gemini can do such a thing.

Gemini has a bright smile on his face, as if he didn't make those shooting orders just now.

"Let's make it simple, Mr. Albert." Gemini raised his left arm again, "You didn't kill Cancer, but Cancer may die because of you. As his junior, I want to avenge him."

Gemini's hands fell, and the camouflage team members around him began to shoot intensively at Albert again.

After this round, Albert began to feel that his breathing was burning in his chest. He tried to straighten his chest, but he felt weak.

Su Yifan stood aside and looked at all this coldly. The wound behind him was still burning, but he didn't feel anything.

I am undoubtedly lucky. If it weren't for this luck, I should have been tied into a ball of rice dumplings by Albert and ready to leave the motherland, right?

In the whole process, Su Yifan realized the seriousness and cruelty of things from the beginning, and then began to gradually understand how to face these things. The mood also ranges from feeling stimulated to fear, and then to feeling no longer afraid.

When holding the bomb, Su Yifan even had the idea of die with Albert. Although he knew that this idea was stupid, Su Yifan really felt that he would be very happy if he could help Su Xiaoqing do something.

Su Yifan believes that Su Xiaoqing will not abandon him and will not be indifferent to his safety.

The moment he got the Bluetooth headset, Su Yifan felt that his mood calmed down.

Su Xiaoqing's voice came through the headphones with a trace of fatigue, but more gentleness that could not be melted.

"My hero, welcome to triumph."

Su Yifan replied with a wry smile, "I'm not a hero and I'm not triumphant. Next time I try not to listen to you say so."

Su Xiaoqing was completely relieved to hear that Su Yifan was still in the mood to joke.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it. Now let's return all the depression to the gentleman in front of you.

Of course, Albert is depressed. He is now suffering from almost the extreme pain that an ordinary adult can bear.

This pain is nothing to Albert. Even if his body has begun to get out of control, it can't affect his spirit.

Albert is staring at Gemini, but he still doesn't quite understand.


Gemini spreads his hands unrestrainedly. He is nearly two meters tall and has a face that is almost perfect enough to be a magazine model, with some neutral beauty. Su Yifan always felt that he had seen this Gemini somewhere and looked familiar.

"The famous Albert. It's really a magical scene that Mr. Albert would ask why. Gemini opened his hands exaggeratedly, and his dramatic English was very infectious. "What else do you think it can be for?"

"Benefits..." Albert gritted his teeth and shouted, "Just one step away! If you turn the muzzle now, you can finish what I didn't finish! You can get a promotion and a raise, you can get a lot of privileges, you can be above many board members, and you can also own shares of the company! For all this, catch that child quickly!"

Gemini shook his head unmoved and sighed regretfully: "I'm sorry I can't promise you. You should talk to my leader."

AUU is infighting, and each board member and senior leader has its own faction. The twelve constellations are the main force in AUU, and their bosses are generally directly responsible by the senior management of the company.

The person in charge of the twelve constellations is an old man, at least 70 years old, and knows most of the palms of AUU. This job can also be successfully completed for others, but AUU adheres to the concept that the old world will definitely give better guidance and insists on letting the elderly be responsible.

The old man's ambition is usually not so high, and he prefers a comfortable life. Unexpectedly, this attitude towards life also affected Cancer, making him almost a dead chess move in China.

Of course, the old man means that it is extremely difficult to be convinced. Generally, this kind of old man rarely changes his mind for others. If you say something nice, it's stubborn, but if it doesn't sound good, it's stubborn.

Even so, Albert still insists on his opinion: "Young man, you still have to endure many years in AUU. Now is your opportunity. Why don't you seize it?"

Su Yifan calmly looked at Albert trying to persuade Gemini to tie himself up again and asked, "Do you think he really didn't figure it out?"

Albert raised his head. After such a long distance, even if he had the ability, he could not do anything to Su Yifan. He could only look at the teenager fiercely.

Su Yifan still has red marks strangled by plastic buckles on his hands, but he doesn't care.

"Sister Qing once told me that in this world, which is more important? If there is no general relationship with relatives, it is compared with the coldest law."

Albert's body is still a little bent. He is really not in the mood to listen to what Su Yifan said now. He prefers that he can rush through those people and pick up this boy away again.

But it is obviously impossible, and it is even impossible to escape.

Use AUU people to deal with their own people... Su Xiaoqing is really cruel!

Su Yifan knew that Su Xiaoqing was now allowing herself to enjoy the taste of the winner, so he naturally continued to follow her description in the headphones: "You may not know that AUU wants to expand its business recently, so she is so anxious to want graphene technology. But it doesn't matter, what matters is where the new growth point is. Now Sister Qing has reached an intention with AUU to jointly establish a near-atmosphere deep space flight ecosystem. The European Union also intends to join this plan. Do you know how much this plan is worth?

Albert didn't say anything. He had already thought of how Su Xiaoqing must have moved AUU. The decision made by his high-level alliance in AUU probably weighed the gains and losses.

"The modern aviation industry is about to decay, and the EU hopes to be able to set new standards for the aviation industry." Su Yifan said, "Your so-called interests are really nothing compared with this."

Deep space flight is a bold idea put forward by the modern aviation industry in recent years. Using standards similar to the construction of space shuttles as international routes can shorten the transnational flight time to the subway level. Once flights that can cross continents and oceans in a few hours become the norm, the charm of ordinary Airbus will be greatly reduced. Although this plan will certainly touch the interests of today's airlines, as long as they are also allowed to enter the market and slowly promote them at high prices, it is still very possible to completely replace ordinary long-range flights.

There is no doubt that this plan needs Su Xiaoqing's technical support. Of course, if AUU wants to enter, he has to serve this young grandmother. Previously, Su Xiaoqing and AUU were indeed at peace on the surface. AUU was mainly aimed at Neil, and Albert's actions were counted as "temporary workers".

Politics is just that everyone has done shameless things, then look at each other and continue to play together if they can bear it. Su Xiaoqing was too aware of the nature of these problems and directly proposed to provide materials for the production of deep space aircraft, which was equivalent to making the plan many years ahead of expectations.

Both AUU and EU officials are happy to see the creation of a better era. Although there may be some quarrels, the overall tone is still good. Compared with Su Xiaoqing's suggestion, Albert's promise after catching Nell and Su Yifan seemed insignificant.

Shareholders only look at the statements and benefits, and the closer they are, the better.

Only then did Albert understand that his plan was doomed to failure from the beginning.

Su Xiaoqing is not that he doesn't like to play cards, but that there are too many cards at all. If he plays any one, he will crush his hands full of cards!